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Kitty meets the Devourer of SoulsFollow

#1 Dec 16 2009 at 11:07 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
So we were pet-tanking H FoS last night (which went really well until we got to the Devourer of Souls and realized Phantom Blast never targets pets, and we had no spell interrupts in the group) which means I was in cat form, which is a rarity for me. Anyway I was less then ecstatic when I got mirrored soul, stopped attacking, and realized I still had all my DoTs bleeding away. Tick, tick, tick, goes my health...

So, my question to the full-time cats out there is, what do you do on him? It seems all the attacks I'm used to using have a DoT component. I'll use FB as a finisher, but other then that I'm not too sure how adjust to the situation. At that point I was torn between doing a lot less damage and stressing the healer. Any thoughts?
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#2 Dec 16 2009 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
As long as people know the tactics, it's actually a very easy fight so I'd recommend you stick to direct damage and only use Rake immediately after a Mirrored Soul expires. It's not fool-proof, but any healer worth his salt should be able to handle a Rake tick on someone adequately geared.

The hardest part in there for me is when all those ghosts spawn, but it's still nothing compared to Halls of Reflection.

Most deaths I've seen on that boss thus far have been because of people not knowing how Mirrored Soul works, that large colored spots on the floor might hurt them or that large laser beams could do ouch. Boils down to general understanding of an encounter and some common sense. If you were pet-tanking the place, I'm assuming you weren't running with a PUG. Take some time to explain tactics and bring down the pain if they fail badly.

Otherwise they'll never learn to listen. Too many ADD players as it is. I've had my fair share of

"You all know the tactics?"
"Yayayaya, goooooo!"

to know that people need more patience.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#3 Dec 16 2009 at 11:50 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Naw, it was a guild run. There were some nice buffs in the last patch to the whole pet-tanking thing, and our hunter was eager to try it out in the new heriocs. I wasn't sure if others had had a similar problem with their DoTs leading them close to death, and how they adjusted to it. But I guess it may have been due to the fact phantom blast was targeting a random person for 15k with some frequency, and that had the heals pretty stressed.

I shall try to be more careful with rake though. Ty for the tip Maz :D
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#4 Dec 16 2009 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Phantom Blasts is an issue even when it's only hitting the tank. I can imagine how a 15k hit on random group members might have the healer stressed out.

I'd probably recommend you don't pet-tank that boss, but where's the fun in that? Smiley: tongue
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#5 Dec 16 2009 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
It's not *that* much damage to let the dots tick as long as the group isn't retarded and all dpsing through the mirror debuff. I just turn around and wait for it to end.
#6 Dec 16 2009 at 3:34 PM Rating: Excellent
255 posts
Actually in my first run in Forge some guildies and I just walked through everything. We never stopped DPS and never kited a boss. My second jaunt was with a PuG and I think I personally killed 2 of our group members on Devourer. (Kill Shot while Mirrored was FUN!)
#7 Dec 16 2009 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
I love healing that instance - it is fantastic to see dumb casters kill themselves on the spell reflect skeletons. A guildy did a run where the mage kept dieing and the healer kept apologising because he didn't realise the mage was killing himself :)

#8 Dec 16 2009 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Yeah, unfortunately, not using diseases on my DK severely gimps my TpS, DpS and magical DpS, so it isn't really an option considering this fight is all about burst between MS casts.

I just remind a healer that there's not much I can do about it, and ask that they try and throw a HoT or something on them. (My diseases tic for 500-600, btw, plus 10% of them cause additional 300-400 hits).

IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#9 Dec 29 2009 at 8:00 PM Rating: Default
1,970 posts
What do I do as a kitty DPS on this fight?

I do as much damage and then die with dignity.
#10 Dec 29 2009 at 8:33 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I guess my gear sucks enough to this boss not being an issue (Tyrannus, however, is another story).

Even with Rake and Rip ticking away the mirrored guy never dropped below 50%. I know because it was me.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#11 Dec 30 2009 at 1:19 AM Rating: Good
The healer can easily heal through any leftover bleeds/dots on the target - the hard bit is when people don't know the fight and just continue nuking the boss instead of stopping. If you are still shredding and mangling, that is a lot more damage than just your rake and rip ticking.

#12 Dec 30 2009 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
988 posts
The healer can easily heal through any leftover bleeds/dots on the target

Exactly. Rip and Rake aren't any worse than priests or locks putting on their stuff, and DBM's "Stop DPS" should be more like "Reduce DPS"

The healer simply needs to be aware of who is being mirrored and apply some extra healing to that person for the time being. DPS needs to REDUCE their damage as much as they can. ALL Need to avoid standing in beams or goo. Anybody who can should be using every way possible to interrupt the Phantom Blast. If you're being mirrored, it's a perfect time to use Barkskin, Shamanistic Rage, Cloak of Shadows, Dispersion, or whatever damage-reducing spells and talents you got.

Even as a tank it's a perfect opportunity to be using Omen again. If you're far ahead on threat, you can easily stop your tanking rotation for the time someone is being mirrored and help reducing damage even more.
#13 Jan 04 2010 at 8:48 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
The other day I ran this for the first time. I had no idea what I was doing as I entered the /LFG as DPS... I never thought the random /LFG "finder" would put me in one of the new IC 5 mans.

So I ran the instance with the leader just telling me the basics. Afterward I pointed out that despite not knowing what I was doing on this boss fight I had come in 2nd on DPS. The Mage was first, then me, then the tank (DK), then our warlock.

Afterward the healer pointed out that it wasn't a good thing. I did exactly what I was not supposed to do. I kept Savage Roar up, I put 5pt Rakes up... etc... I had bleeds nearly constantly ticking - Though I did stop direct damage - I never altered my normal Cat DPS - (Bleeds up, SR up, etc...)

The healer was able to heal through it.

Though we all like to pad the stats a bit - I think next time I'll be doing more FB and less 5 point Bleeds. My goal is to beat the instance - not come in at the top of the charts.
#14 Jan 04 2010 at 8:50 AM Rating: Good
Tell the healer to QQ more. If he was having a hard time healing then someone else wasn't laying off the continual dps, I promise those bleeds are not enough to cause anyone to have a coronary unless that person is also standing in a voidzone like an idiot.

You'd cause more heartburn with an accidental crit 5pt FB when a mirrored soul starts than the trouble the bleeds cause.
#15 Jan 04 2010 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
How well do you know the healer and the tank?

I haven't kitty-ed that boss, but have tanked it. When I'm doing that on guild runs, I don't stop hitting during mirrored soul, just for the healer. He likes it. Bonus points if the rogue dies!
#16 Jan 04 2010 at 9:07 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
That's not really fair, as it isn't like a group composition including lots of DoTs is unlikely.

DK tank, DK dps, Cat, Afflic Warlock and any Healer.

From my tank, diseases do about 400 DpS, and boost the Lock's many DoTs (which are high DpS). The Cat is putting up his DoTs. The other DK's Dots are gonna be high.

That's pretty huge DpS when you aren't sure as a healer where it is going to go until they are getting hit. And you have to account for the strikes that will get through regardless. Especially with ranged, since there is a delay between them using the ability and it hitting.

Now, if the only DoTs on the target on the target are from a single cat, I'm sure a healer will be fine assuming not too much initial damage before everyone disengages.

But, the more DoT classes you add, healing will get much harder (because your tank is still taking damage in this period as well).
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#17 Jan 04 2010 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
Affliction lock abilities last 25 seconds at the longest, DK diseases are even shorter, and most of them tick in ~3 sec intervals (I'm not clear on all lock abilities tick orders but I know for sure Corruption and CoA are periodic like Rip/Rake are), making it really easy to drop heals in between them. The odds of having a spell up that will tick more than once, maybe twice, are pretty low and prolonging the fight overall by avoiding these things entirely is more annoyance than its worth.

Further, he doesn't melee hard. If your healer is having problems keeping both the tank and the mirrored person up with alternating heals (assuming you're not a paladin with beacon or a druid with multiple hots), perhaps you should ask why nobody is interrupting Phantom Blasts.

Edited, Jan 4th 2010 12:19pm by Norellicus
#18 Jan 04 2010 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
perhaps you should ask why nobody is interrupting Phantom Blasts.

After I wiped on the Devourer with a scrub group from my guild, I checked Recount and posted the info I found.

4 interrupts - by me.
0 by anyone else.

We had a Death Knight, Rogue and Shaman in the group.

Oh, and that was for the entire run.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 Jan 05 2010 at 2:43 AM Rating: Decent
Mazra wrote:

Otherwise they'll never learn to listen. Too many ADD players as it is. I've had my fair share of

"You all know the tactics?"
"Yayayaya, goooooo!"

to know that people need more patience.

Oh man, I had the most WONDERFUL group in H HoR today. They were amazing. Knew to focus fire, one of them was marking so I could worry about tanking, aware of threat and everything. We blew through both sets of adds until the second boss. At that point we lost all three dps to void zones, who then proceeded to whine about how hard the boss is and how much damage goes out. The healer and I nearly got the boss down anyway, but since the healer needed to stand still to heal, he spams void zones, and only had two targets to pick from, we didn't make it.

I finished the instance with a completely different group, the original dps seemed to get a case of the stupids after that and the healer left after another wipe because hasty dps left me rage-starved.
#20 Jan 05 2010 at 2:54 PM Rating: Excellent
970 posts
Friar RareBeast wrote:
The healer can easily heal through any leftover bleeds/dots on the target - the hard bit is when people don't know the fight and just continue nuking the boss instead of stopping. If you are still shredding and mangling, that is a lot more damage than just your rake and rip ticking.

They might not even be able to control themselves. In a pug PoS two nights ago we'd shot straight through to Tyrannus and had him down below 50% when the rogue got herself locked into Killing Spree simultaneously with getting Branded. She then spent the next 2.5 seconds watching herself kill the tank - or would have if he'd lasted more than one of them.
#21 Jan 18 2010 at 10:47 AM Rating: Default
I love healing that instance - it is fantastic to see dumb casters kill themselves on the spell reflect skeletons. A guildy did a run where the mage kept dieing and the healer kept apologising because he didn't realise the mage was killing himself :)

I just ran FoS hc and warlock opened with chaos bolt got a crit and died from the reflect and then blaimed me for not healing him through a 1 shot reflect and inevitably left.
Personally i wanna know how mirror souls managed to kill my paladin while healing i got targetted stopped my healing after giving the tank sacred shield and fell down dead.

Edited, Jan 18th 2010 11:57am by killsinheels
#22 Jan 18 2010 at 11:34 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Selebrin wrote:

Oh man, I had the most WONDERFUL group in H HoR today. They were amazing. Knew to focus fire, one of them was marking so I could worry about tanking, aware of threat and everything. We blew through both sets of adds until the second boss. At that point we lost all three dps to void zones, who then proceeded to whine about how hard the boss is and how much damage goes out. The healer and I nearly got the boss down anyway, but since the healer needed to stand still to heal, he spams void zones, and only had two targets to pick from, we didn't make it.

I finished the instance with a completely different group, the original dps seemed to get a case of the stupids after that and the healer left after another wipe because hasty dps left me rage-starved.

The second boss? Really? If you can get past MalricMarwyn's AoE fear/16k damage, the second boss should be a breeze. The void zones don't actually do any damage, they apply a stacking curse that increases shadow damage taken the longer you stand in it. In fact, the only party damage should be from a Shared Suffering. It's a magic effect that deals 6k damage every 3 seconds. As long as you're not rockin' 2-3 stacks of the shadow damage debuff and/or 2 stacks + the health debuff, you should be fine. For classes that can dispel magic effects, you may want to leave the DoT up. Dispelling it splits the remaining damage evenly to everyone still alive.

Edit: Yeah, I meant to quote Selebrin, not Maz. Fix't.

Edited, Jan 19th 2010 5:29am by AstarintheDruid
#23 Jan 19 2010 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent
The second boss? Really? If you can get past Malric's AoE fear/16k damage, the second boss should be a breeze.

2 points to this
1.) It's Falric/Marwyn
2.) He's talking about forge of souls not halls of reflection

Edited, Jan 19th 2010 10:59am by killsinheels
#24 Jan 28 2010 at 10:14 PM Rating: Good
killsinheels look closer to the quoted text there buddy.

#25 Jan 29 2010 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
browningguns wrote:
Actually in my first run in Forge some guildies and I just walked through everything. We never stopped DPS and never kited a boss. My second jaunt was with a PuG and I think I personally killed 2 of our group members on Devourer. (Kill Shot while Mirrored was FUN!)

This is exactly the difference between normal and heroic versions. lol
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