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respec to tanking @ 71 adviseFollow

#1 Dec 13 2009 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Hello, as there's a lack of tanks in the level bracket I'm intending to respec my DK from dps to tank.
Level is 71, I came up with, I would very much appreciate some feedback on this, and advise on the best glyphs?
Cheers beforehand!
#2 Dec 13 2009 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
A. You can tank any regular in your DpS spec and Frost Presence. So I'd advise you wait until 80 to respec to tank, as leveling will go faster.

B. That spec is all over the place. Instead of just giving you one, I'm gonna try and teach you:

1. You want to tank, right? Then you need to look at the spec from that dimension. First things first, identify the support talents in the tree you want (in this case blood). What are they (hint, there's a lot of them). Now, you *won't* take all these talents in any tree. That's a waste of points. Your job is to figure out A. which are best and B. which will go best together.

2. Think about the talents you are currently taking. What do they boost? Is there an easy-to-get talent that would have a greater return? Specifically, I want you to look at and think about Unholy Command, Black Ice, Improved Blood Presence, Bloodworms, Rune Tap (and the imp. points), Hysteria and Mark of Blood. I'm NOT saying these are bad talents (some of them are QUITE good). But you have to remember that a good talent doesn't always fit into your build.

For example, Black Ice buffs (in your case) Ice and Shadow damage by 6%. That means Blood Boil, Icy Touch, diseases and Death Coil will get 6% additional damage.

Now, let's think about this. The abilities you will use most are Heart Strike and Death Strike (and maybe Blood Boil), followed by Death Coil/Death and Decay and then Plague Strike/Icytouch/Pestilence, in that order.

Now, seeing that you will use Heart Strike a lot, look at the talent you didn't take--Bloody Strikes, which would boost HS's damage by 45%, and Blood Boil's by 30%. For 3 points. Even considering the loss of DC/IT's 6%, doesn't it seem like Bloody Strikes is a much better choice for 3 points than Black Ice?

Do this for every talent. Look at it, think about it. You haven't taken any of the tree's most important support talents for tanking--that's a hint.

3. After you've considered everything, make sure you are balancing threat-generation with support. A tree that takes no support talents will fail. A tree that takes all of them will also fail.

Remember, also, regarding your ability talents. They take a Blood Rune to use. And you will always have a healer. Think about how much effect you're likely to get from them (and remember that you CAN over-heal and get little to nothing from them).

I have a tree I can give you, but I want you to try and make a better one on your own. Because that's an important thing to learn about the class.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#3 Dec 13 2009 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Thanks a lot for taking the time to make a post to educate me. I am the first to admit I've been pretty lousy in the class so far, it's a pity you can faceroll anything you want as a dps dk.

Anyways, I've thinking about the points you raised and I've come up with a new version, please let me know whether I'm heading in the right direction :-)
#4 Dec 13 2009 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
It's better, but you are still missing the major talents you'd want at least one point in.

For one thing, Rune Strike is a major threat tool, and it costs 20 RP a hit. So you'll want to be generating as much as possible. That makes Scent of Blood Desirable.

Spell Deflection is pretty good for most instances, as Wrath has a good amount of spell casting. Though, it doesn't get worth it until you have a higher Parry skill (I don't know what yours is right now).

You definitely want points in Will of the Necropolis. Its a life saver when your healer gets stunned or something and just needs a second more to get off their heal.

Blood is also a highly physical spec, so Blood Gorged is pretty great, even as a tank.

I would get rid of Unholy Command, though. DG is a useful tool, but we already have two taunts. Its better just to learn how to position yourself better than waste two points in it.

I also wouldn't bother improving Rune Tap. More often than not, that 10% will just turn into overhealing. You are already going to be getting a lot of self-heals from DS (15% of your max health every 10 seconds, in the long run). You don't really need more.

PERSONALLY, I'd also move the point from Rune Tap to Hysteria, to use on a DpS. But that's really a matter of personal choice.

This is what I would go with (note the glyphs as well).

You could switch out the VB and/or DS glyph for the Rune Strike/Dark Death glyph if you want.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#5 Dec 13 2009 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Good stuff, I will go to work with this, put it through its paces and tweak further where needed. I will hang on to the runetap (just not improved), I hear what you are saying but I have no real faith in PUG healers, and I'd like to take all the "oh-crap!" buttons I can get :-P
I'll update in a few days after some runs to give my experiences.

Thanks again, you have been very helpful!
#6 Dec 13 2009 at 2:08 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
What are you planning to drop to get Rune Tap?

I'd suggest Hysteria. Because, if your healer fails hard enough to make you need it, then they won't be able to heal the DpS you put it on anyway.

NOTE: If you keep Hysteria, put it on a melee class. It boosts physical, not magic, damage. Ideally, if poisons are physical, this will be a Rogue. Avoid putting it on Arms Warriors--their threat is already going to be a pain in the *** for you to handle. Hunters are an okay choice.

If you only have one melee DpS, put it on them unless its the War. They WILL pull aggro on most things until you are geared and they are skilled.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#7 Dec 14 2009 at 12:12 AM Rating: Good
This is a lower level variation of what I use when I tank. As you level up, you should put your next talents points in Blood Gorged, Will of the Necropolis, and Subversion, in that order.

As far as rotation, this is what I've found to work the best.

1) Death and Decay.
2) Icy Touch+Plague Strike on Primary Target. Follow this up with a Pestilence if there's more than one mob, or it's a boss, Heart Strike.
3) One your runes have refreshed, it's simply Death Striking and Heartstriking, with a Pestilence thrown in for a refreshment as needed.

Use Blood Boil for non-elite adds just to get them good and angry at you, so they can be stacked for AoE.

I also suggest for Heart Strike and Death Strike, you make the following macros:

/cast Heart Strike
/cast Rune Strike


/cast Death Strike
/cast Rune Strike

This will let you use your two attacks without having to worry about hitting Rune Strike.

I love this whole setup. I've beaten Naxx with it, beaten what parts of Ulduar I've tanked with it. Threat's never been much of an issue with it. It is also possible to solo group quests with it as well, and by level 80 with decent gear to take on the dragon outside of the Caverns of Time as well as knocking at Danath in Honor Hold (assuming nobody else gets involved; I did this purely on a whim and not to grief, I just wanted to see if I could do it).

You do not need Rune Tap, and I'll tell you why.

A Blood DK gets a lot of self healing, even without Blood Presence. First, you're going to be Death Striking a lot, which by itself can generate over time a lot of health to sustain you. You're not going to be able to go soloing on it, but if you have to resort to a Rune Tap, you're up the creek anyway. Second, Mark of Blood. When put on a mob, if it hits you (and assuming you are doing your job, it will) it heals you for 4% of your maximum health. Lasts for 20 Seconds or 20 Hits. In other words, it has the potential to heal you for 80% of your health. Rune Tap, even improved, will yield 20%. Third, Death Pact. 40% Maximum Health restored for killing of a ghoul. And last, Vampiric Blood which can pull you through some nasty parts of boss fights.

With all this open to you, it's not really that critical. When I group with other tanks, short of a miracle heal coming through, if their health reaches the point that it's THAT low, well, you're gonna buy the farm.

It's your call on the Rune Strike vs Death Strike glyph. The chance for more threat is good, the chance for more DS damage (and thus, more healing) is good, take your pick.

This will get you going. Remember, as a Blood Tank you will not be outputting fantastic AoE threat, but amazing ST threat. Aggro shouldn't be a problem at all for you though, anyway, thanks to Heart Strikes. Groups should be able to down one mob fairly fast, and it's rare that you get pulls of five or more.
"Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible c*** : me."
#8 Dec 14 2009 at 12:52 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
/cast Heart Strike
/cast Rune Strike


/cast Death Strike
/cast Rune Strike

You want to make that /cast !Rune Strike. Or else, every time you hit an ability, you will toggle it on and off. That will DRASTICALLY decrease your number of RSs.

And, about MoB, it's actually not a great talent at all.

A. No boss will ever hit you 20 times in 20 seconds, even if you take EVERY hit. Generally, bosses have about a 2 second attack speed (may actually be 3). That means, if you take EVERY hit, it'll be a 36% heal over 20 seconds--you won't be able to get 10 hits in due to system delays.

B. As a DK, you have high avoidance. Unbuffed, I'm sitting at [edit]about[/edit] 50%. So, I'd expect (again, unbuffed) to take half those hits, which is an expected return of 16%.

C. As a blood tank, you are going to receive a lot of over-healing from VB and DS. Honestly, all this talent does is increase the overheal. It won't really do much to lessen a healer's load. Why? Because 4% is a joke. For a 40K health DK, that's a 1.6K heal. The last boss of Heroic Pit of Saron hits me (with Mitigation abilities active) for 7-9K on a normal hit, and up to 16K on a harder hit (don't remember the attack). That 1.4K can't save my life, as damage is applied first. And those attacks hit HARD, so it is heal or die for the healer anyway.

D. The higher your avoidance gets, be it from gear, procs, or trinkets, the less effective this talent is.

E. Due to the over-healing and expected return of only 16-20% or so, I'd expect a well-timed Rune Tap to perform much better.

MoB is an... okay... talent for the instances where bosses don't hit hard. And it's good for PvP against DWers. But it's pretty mediocre as far as tanking talents go. It isn't worth a point. Neither is RT for that matter, but some like to have it for a safety-blanket.


Actually, I'd say RT is far better. Why? Because MoB will never save your life. When you see your health dip down to 5K, you can use RS for a 4K heal (5.4 with VB up). That might be enough (with WotN of CD, especially) to save your life. MoB will almost never do that. You'd have to use it before you get low, and hope that the heal is high enough to stop the next attack if your healer is still midcast. I still wouldn't take either though.

the chance for more DS damage (and thus, more healing) is good, take your pick.

Death Strike's damage is irrelevant as far as healing is concerned. It's a flat 15% of max heath, with two diseases, for Blood per hit. The glyph is taken for threat, and that's all.

As you level up, you should put your next talents points in Blood Gorged, Will of the Necropolis, and Subversion, in that order.

I wouldn't take Subversion. 9% crit on DS/HS is nice, but there are many superior options. For one, you want to improve your Icy Touch. That 6% reduction to boss swing/casting speed is actually pretty huge on longer fights (and it makes MoB less attractive). And it's massive in AoE situations. If a fight lasts 1 minute, you will have been swung at 2 times less. If you have 2 mobs, that's 4 times. 3 mobs is 6 times. The average estimate for a boss fight is 5 minutes, which seems to be fairly true in the new instances (actually longer for a group that isn't raid geared). So, that's 10 less swings. Which is an overall reduction of 70K+ damage. Not huge, no, but it's passive, which is great, and it is more reliable than avoidance, because they WILL swing less.

And losing Scent of Blood is a huge DpS drop, which will still be an issue with Blood when playing with geared players. It isn't really all that far ahead in the single-target department at all now. Not taking this will probably cause you to fall behind Unholy/Frost specs that do in terms of TpS.

Edited, Dec 14th 2009 1:58am by idiggory

Edited, Dec 14th 2009 2:03am by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#9 Dec 14 2009 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
For one thing, Rune Strike is a major threat tool, and it costs 20 RP a hit. So you'll want to be generating as much as possible. That makes Scent of Blood Desirable.

Spell Deflection is pretty good for most instances, as Wrath has a good amount of spell casting. Though, it doesn't get worth it until you have a higher Parry skill (I don't know what yours is right now).

For one, while the thing about Scent of Blood sounds logically, you might want to consider whether it actually is. Granted, I haven´t tanked any high-end content on my Death Knight (Ulduar's the best I've done), but the thing is that I've never had a problem with having enough runic power left to use Rune Strike on every ocassion - and I have it macro'd to my Heart Strike. My info here is a little bit outdated, but I know for certain that at least two patches ago a decent number of DK tanks agreed with me and didn't pick up Scent of Blood precisely for that reason: we will not have a lack of RP without it. Even without Scent of Blood you'll be able to keep Rune Strikes going and have enough RP left for the ocassional Death Coil.

As for the second one, it's even more hazy. My information on Spell Deflection basically comes from patch 3.2, but I remember very well how multiple sites (EJ, though unpopular on DK's, among them) stated Spell Deflection is a waste of points. Why? Because it only works on direct damage spells. Try and think about it for a second; how many raid bosses can you name that actually use non physical direct damage spells on the main tank? Most of them use some form of AOE (I recall Hodir's Frozen Blows being mentioned as being un'deflectable') or have their 'abilities' deal physical damage (Gormok's impale). I'm not going to give you a straight yes or no on this talent because A) my knowledge on it is outdated (I haven't really thought out To(G)C or even ICC bosses yet), B) I don't know your raid set-up - you might be your guild's primary anti-magic tank and C) I don't know your content (if you're just doing heroics the talent might be useful for you after all), but I do urge you to think twice and hard about whether you want to put three points in this talent.

In addition, all this applies in even greater measure to Will of the Necropolis, though I'm not even going to bother with that seeing as the opinions on that talent seem to vary even more. All I'll say here is that you want to look at a talent twice and really think well about the kind of content you're using it in before deciding whether to go with it or not. And if all else fails, see if you feel you need it and go from there. Also...

And, about MoB, it's actually not a great talent at all.


MoB is an... okay... talent for the instances where bosses don't hit hard. And it's good for PvP against DWers. But it's pretty mediocre as far as tanking talents go. It isn't worth a point. Neither is RT for that matter, but some like to have it for a safety-blanket.

That's what I used to think, until somebody on this very forum made me realize that Mark of Blood heals whoever the target damages, regardless of the form in which that damage comes. Mark of Blood isn't just a small heal on melee hits. Mark of Blood on a raid-wide AOE means you heal everybody in the raid for 4% of their hit points once they get hit - which effectively means you reduce the effect of the boss' AOE up to the point where you negate an entire tick of it on some bosses - all for the measley cost of óne blood rune. I'm not saying that makes it the best talent ever, but don't make the same mistake I did and severely underrate it.

Whatever you do, I've found that DK tanking specs tend to be quite similar to their DPS (and especially PvP) specs. There are a lot of talents in all three trees (like for example Dark Conviction, Annihilation & Impurity) that you simply take if you go deep into that tree, regardless of what your field of play is. This means the difference between all 'viable' tanking specs are literally only a handful of points - with so many points set, a 'tanking spec' mainly involves grabbing the 45 must-have talents and spreading the 10 points left out between talents you'd like to have as a tank. And with so many points set in stone, luckily, it's hard to go wrong.
#10 Dec 14 2009 at 2:26 AM Rating: Good
MoB makes me feel nice and fuzzy too. I like thinking that it saved my guild from becoming bunch of broken toys to be donated to Ulduar's Goodwill thanks to XT's handiwork.

I wouldn't take Subversion. 9% crit on DS/HS is nice, but there are many superior options. For one, you want to improve your Icy Touch. That 6% reduction to boss swing/casting speed is actually pretty huge on longer fights (and it makes MoB less attractive). And it's massive in AoE situations. If a fight lasts 1 minute, you will have been swung at 2 times less. If you have 2 mobs, that's 4 times. 3 mobs is 6 times. The average estimate for a boss fight is 5 minutes, which seems to be fairly true in the new instances (actually longer for a group that isn't raid geared). So, that's 10 less swings. Which is an overall reduction of 70K+ damage. Not huge, no, but it's passive, which is great, and it is more reliable than avoidance, because they WILL swing less.

He's not going to be tanking the big instances. He's doing normals. We're not talking about a full on raid build here. Due to the lack of tanks he mentioned, he's probably going to be using LFG a lot.

D. The higher your avoidance gets, be it from gear, procs, or trinkets, the less effective this talent is.

Which he will not get until he's doing heroics.
"Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible c*** : me."
#11 Dec 16 2009 at 3:36 AM Rating: Good
82 posts
I am thrilled to see people chiming in with their viewpoints on this, it's extremely helpful and educational to me.

I have tried two groups random LFG so far, both Nexus, both were pretty abysmal groups and I didn't get that far. One additional limiting factor right now is gear, I'm not convinced it's really up to the task and I'll go see if there's specific quests I can get some upgrades from.
Due to a pretty heft raiding schedule on my main I've been swamped for time in WOW but I'll continue trying this out soonest.

My character for those interested:
#12 Dec 16 2009 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Well, first of all, you need Defense. And A LOT of it.

Even in regs, crits hurt.

And try hitting the AH to get some real tanking items. They shouldn't be that expensive.


LOL, don't mind me. I've been studying too much. Didn't even look at the level. XD

Edited, Dec 16th 2009 2:52pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#13 Dec 16 2009 at 9:33 AM Rating: Excellent
One thing you could try is to hold off tanking until level 72. I know you're 71, but it's not much of a stretch. The reason why I suggest this is because at 72 you get Rune of the Stoneskin Gargoyle, which is THE tanking rune to get. 25 Defense, and that's the Defense that shows up in the Defense category, not that crappy defense rating that takes it takes so many points in to make 1 Defense, and 2% Stamina. The boost is great, when I first started tanking 80s, the rune saved me a lot of grief.
"Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible c*** : me."
#14 Dec 20 2009 at 7:26 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
Got myself the cobalt plate set which gives me 5% crit immunity, best I can do at the level. Tried another Nexus and had basically no real issues apart from asshat dps impatiently pulling mobs with me out of position and healer on mb:-P
I'll do another run or two and then quest the rest to 72 to take advantage of the new rune.
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