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#1 Nov 27 2009 at 10:03 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
I got the stam, I'm missing the hit and the expert and know it. Not sure if I have the avoid yet either as I'm not sure how my relic boosts. So I guess I'm looking for a gear check. I have no problems tanking heroics, most raids and even H ToC. I do have a problem keeping threat, be it that I'm loosing to an overgeared mage Krowdkontorl or a destro pug lock. It's bothering me that my tps is under par. Ideas there?

And before you ask, yep on the FAQ, yep on the how to's, and I just got done reading related topics on the forums. Been Tanking since BC came out. Just dropped this toon for a priest (not the greatest choice as paladins RULE!!!). Anyway, thanks for the advice and tips!!
#2 Nov 27 2009 at 11:58 PM Rating: Decent
Ok first thing, Lose your glyph for ShotR, its useless to us due to BoSanctuary and DP. Put in the glyph for SoV/C. 10 expertise just to have that seal up is AWESOME. Build a tps set that Caps hit and soft caps expertise, but has the def rating avoidance and sta you need. A tps set includes high strength and a lot of BV. HToC weapon will also help increase your threat. Libram of Valiance is also nice if you need to juggle in some extra tps.
#3 Nov 28 2009 at 1:09 AM Rating: Good
67 posts
No recommendations on gear, on spec though, Seals of the Pure will get you more threat gen than Conviction, and I agree w/the switch out of SoR glyph, Vengeance is a nice one if you're short on expertise, although it doesn't appear you are.

Oh yeah, and fill up Divine Guardian too, Sacred Shield should always be up and it absorbs a surprising amount of damage, since the whole spell-power adding to shields thing stacks quite nicely with Touched by the Light.

So yeah, swap that one glyph, Seals of the Pure and get Divine Guardian are my only recommendations.
#4 Nov 28 2009 at 7:25 AM Rating: Good
713 posts

If you want to reduce melee incoming damage drop two points out of conviction for vindication. I wouldn't advise dropping the points out of Conviction for Seals of the Pure simply because you will also lose the points in Crusade which imo would be an overall threat loss.

Judgement Glyph for threat generation or the RD (taunt) glyph if you are worried about taunt misses instead of SoR Glyph.

Keep SoV glyph in mind for when you pick up some upgrades and drop below the expertise soft cap (6.5%). Expertise after this point will still increase threat (but not as efficiently) and also help to reduce parry haste on bosses with the ability.

The increase to absorbed damage on DG is nice on gimmick fights like phase 3 of the Black Knight when combined with your Divine Protection (Pally shield wall). Dont use Sacred Shield if there is a Holy Pally buffing you with it. Their one is better.

Your current libram is mitigation/threat. Block Value is a nice stat for increasing threat and reducing incoming damage in 5mans (doesn't work if your stunned or unable to block) but you will probably benefit from the Triumph tanking badge Libram (adds around 2% dodge depending diminishing returns). For pure threat go with with the SoValiance Libram. Strength triple dips in threat through increasing Block Value, Attack Power and Spell Power.

Throw a weapon chain on your Red Sword and your just about set for hit if you roll with a Draenei in your parties.

On your threat issue is dps pulling off you at the beginning of the fight or is it a matter of dps being threat capped and having to hold back mid to late boss fight? Are you using a 969 rotation on bosses? Do you pop Avenging Wrath at the beginning of the fight?

#5 Dec 01 2009 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
We were talking about this in /g (actually, /r) the other night and how the concept of a cookie cutter prot build has gone out the window.

And I have to admit I've only done some preliminary searching for concrete evidence to support a variety of different builds as superior.

The information I've found as been underwhelming.

Personally, I would never take an "increased chance" for much of anything over a sure thing. 15% extra damage from seals and judgements, to me, will always seem like a better option than a lower single digit increase in chance to crit. Conviction, to me, is wasted talents. Vindication has its uses, but the question is one of which talents you're going to forego in order to get it. I would actually prefer the 5% additional healing from Divinity over a reduction in mob AP, because again...the reduction is chance on hit (regardless of uptime), whereas the healing bonus is passive and available all the time.

I see a lot of pallies running around with 2/2 Imp. Judgements claiming to be authorities on all things prot pally. It makes me a sad panda. It tells me they haven't done their homework. They're just looking at the talent trees and thinking, "ooooh! shiny!"

I actually have 2/5 reckoning on my prot pally right now. Why? Because those two points there seemed like a better option than anything else available to me and those were the two points I had left over after everything else was spent. I see prot pallies crowing over Heart of the Crusader. Sure...if you do 5-mans and 10-mans or are in one of those unfortunate situations where you raid 25-mans without a ret pally. If you've got a ret pally in the group, it's wasted talent points. And all those points thrown into the ret tree to dive deep enough for a boost to crit %?

I'm not convinced. If someone were able to point me to a link that shows definitively that all these talents being thrown into the ret tree are really offering all that significant boost, I would be appreciative.
#6 Dec 02 2009 at 3:57 AM Rating: Good
591 posts
I'm not convinced. If someone were able to point me to a link that shows definitively that all these talents being thrown into the ret tree are really offering all that significant boost, I would be appreciative.

Here ya go:

For Demon/Undead/Humaniod/elemental mobs 18-20 pts in ret spec is going to be better threat. Not to mention you get a little more utility with vindication, PoJ and Heart of the Crusader(doesn't hurt to have some buff redundancy as tanking you will most likely always be alive to keep it up).

As to there being no 'cookie cutter' prot build, there are definitely a number of choices that are viable. Mostly because our threat, utility and survivability are better than any other tank class atm regardless of how we spec(mandatory talents excluded of course).

Basically every prot build should start as 0/53/6 with 12 pts to spend wherever. There are also 3 pts in the 53 spent in prot that have to be used for some utility: Divine sac 1-3 pts, Imp HoJ 1-2pts, Reckoning 1-3 pts. All have their uses, although Imp HoJ is probably the weakest for raiding purposes.

Of the 12 left there are basically 3 choices imo(Spec examples are all using Reckoning as the 3 prot utitlity pts):
- 0/53/18 - full crusade, vindication, Heart of the Crusader, PoJ and possibly Seal of Command(if you do a fair amount of heroics its totally worth it, also very nice on heroic Anub adds for quicker threat and quite a bit more dps when combined with reckoning).
- 11/54/6 for Aura Mastery, although with the change to AM next patch this may not be as useful.
- 4/53/14 for 4/5 Seals of the Pure with Vindication, Heart of the Crusader and PoJ from ret.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2009 4:02am by mahlerite
#7 Dec 02 2009 at 11:15 AM Rating: Good
mahlerite wrote:
I'm not convinced. If someone were able to point me to a link that shows definitively that all these talents being thrown into the ret tree are really offering all that significant boost, I would be appreciative.

Here ya go:

For Demon/Undead/Humaniod/elemental mobs 18-20 pts in ret spec is going to be better threat. Not to mention you get a little more utility with vindication, PoJ and Heart of the Crusader(doesn't hurt to have some buff redundancy as tanking you will most likely always be alive to keep it up).

As to there being no 'cookie cutter' prot build, there are definitely a number of choices that are viable. Mostly because our threat, utility and survivability are better than any other tank class atm regardless of how we spec(mandatory talents excluded of course).

Basically every prot build should start as 0/53/6 with 12 pts to spend wherever. There are also 3 pts in the 53 spent in prot that have to be used for some utility: Divine sac 1-3 pts, Imp HoJ 1-2pts, Reckoning 1-3 pts. All have their uses, although Imp HoJ is probably the weakest for raiding purposes.

Of the 12 left there are basically 3 choices imo(Spec examples are all using Reckoning as the 3 prot utitlity pts):
- 0/53/18 - full crusade, vindication, Heart of the Crusader, PoJ and possibly Seal of Command(if you do a fair amount of heroics its totally worth it, also very nice on heroic Anub adds for quicker threat and quite a bit more dps when combined with reckoning).
- 11/54/6 for Aura Mastery, although with the change to AM next patch this may not be as useful.
- 4/53/14 for 4/5 Seals of the Pure with Vindication, Heart of the Crusader and PoJ from ret.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2009 4:02am by mahlerite

Thanks for the link. There's one thing missing from that post, however, and that's any talk of survivability. Prot pallies are highly survivable with Holy Shield (phys only) and especially Ardent Defender.

What tipped me off to the focus on threat in that post was the commentary on Redoubt. There's no mention of the BV bonus on Redoubt as a talent in terms of mitigation. It talks about the DR on SotR threat.

It's as though pallies saw their niche as the "high threat tank" taken away and decided that the new focus would be on driving into the ret tree for threat. In a way, I'm tempted to give kudos to Blizzard for giving pally tanks that freedom to decide between a defensive build and a more offensive/threat build, but the trend I see is disturbing. Fights like NB in ToGC25 still give our tanks fits from time to time (primarily Gormok) where a bad Impale + melee can insta-gib a tank (we had our main warrior tank take 57k damage in 0.4 seconds the other night).

I used to be very confident about my tanking skill and general knowledge of prot pallies up until this past March when I took a break from WoW. I only took up tanking with my pally again about 6 weeks ago (I'm 2-3 upgrades away from feeling ready to tank ToGC10). It's taking a bit of time to get caught up with the tweaks since then, but the way people are expounding the virtues of driving ret isn't sitting well with me right now.

I read through this article last night and was again concerned about the logic employed by the author. An example would be his take on Divinity. I don't want to keep referencing Gormok because that's a fairly extreme case, but the reality is that tanks still die in raids. At the point of their death, their threat gen becomes zero. If it's a case where a greater focus on a defensive build could have averted the wipe, the extra 500tps at any other point throughout the raid would become moot.

I've actually got two prot builds on my pally right now with dual spec, even though my second prot build is pretty much identical to my first (I haven't seriously tweaked it yet). I could see turning the second prot build into one that focuses on heroics/raid trash and one that focuses on boss tanking in which case I would seriously consider going as deep into ret as I could because survivability is less of an issue. For boss tanking, I still don't see pallies having threat issues (or at least, not issues as created by class mechanics).

As long as I can out-threat the dps, I don't need more. That's not to say that more threat beyond what is required is useless since it's also dps and damage kills mobs, but I'm seeing a view on pally tanks that seems to assume that they're already geared beyond the content they're running at which point threat will obviously take a back seat to survivability because the gear itself is making up for some of the lost defense from talents. If a pally tank is still progressing through the content, my personal feeling is that survivability > threat and will remain so until they see the most current content they're running as easy farming.
#8 Dec 02 2009 at 11:25 AM Rating: Good
713 posts
Placing a second point into Imp Judgements is only to get to the next tier of talent points. I prefer it to 1 point in Benediction since I very very rarely have mana issues while tanking and it comes in handy every now and then for trash and offtanking. For boss fights I understand it is worthless when your spamming your 969 rotation. Placing one point into Imp Blessing of Might is just as wasteful. Choosing to go with a Crusade threat build requires some points to be wasted in order to maximise threat potential.

I don't think I know enough about healing (from a healer's perspective) to rule out Divinity but it is still a debatable talent that becomes more effective as your incoming heals increase. As far as I can tell I think it works best with HoTs and your smaller quicker heals, whereas your bigger Holy Light type heals tend to cause it to just become overheals. This 15 page thread debates it's worth for Prot Paladins if your interested in a read.


I have watched a Warrior tank in our guild take the same kind of deaths on Gormok as you mentioned in 25man ToGC. I suppose random is random at the end of the day. I'm not sure whether or not parry haste is disabled on Gormok in ToGC 25 (it is disabled in normal ToC). Makes me glad I am an expertise junky I suppose.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2009 5:40pm by arthoriuss
#9 Dec 02 2009 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
591 posts
I have watched a Warrior tank in our guild take the same kind of deaths on Gormok as you mentioned in 25man ToGC. I suppose random is random at the end of the day. I'm not sure whether or not parry haste is disabled on Gormok in ToGC 25 (it is disabled in normal ToC).

That 55-60k spike really shouldn't happen unless you're taking 3 impales which you shouldn't be doing on heroic 25. Not saying it hasn't happened to me, but only when someone forgot to taunt or dc'ed, etc. Pretty sure parry haste is off for both normal and heroic.

Thanks for the link. There's one thing missing from that post, however, and that's any talk of survivability. Prot pallies are highly survivable with Holy Shield (phys only) and especially Ardent Defender.

I think you're overvaluing HS atm. It simply isn't that great as most bosses are of the slow, hard hitting type or have lots of unavoidable damage(Beasts in ToC). Or in the case of Jaraxus+Twins don't really hit hard enough to even worry about. HS was great against Patchwerk, and is amazing on Algalon, but those are about the only 2 fights where it really shines.

An example would be his take on Divinity. I don't want to keep referencing Gormok because that's a fairly extreme case, but the reality is that tanks still die in raids. At the point of their death, their threat gen becomes zero.If it's a case where a greater focus on a defensive build could have averted the wipe, the extra 500tps at any other point throughout the raid would become moot.

What talents would you consider 'more defensive'? The 0/53/6 base has everything except Vindication in ret spec. Otherwise you're looking at going into holy for Imp LoH or AM, neither of which leaves you pts for Divinity. Divinity was an ok choice before 3.2 as there really wasn't anything better to take, but now that reckoning is decent again and vindication was changed and overhealing is the norm it's a pretty lackluster talent to spend pts on.
How would divinity have saved you from the same damage spike your warr died from? Either you have the EH to survive the spike in which case your healers will heal you back to full immediately or you don't. There is a very tiny window in which 5% more healing would help you survive the next hit. Really more of a 10man talent where you may only have 1 healer dedicated to you and the hits are smaller.
#10 Dec 03 2009 at 1:05 AM Rating: Decent
arthoriuss wrote:
Placing a second point into Imp Judgements is only to get to the next tier of talent points. I prefer it to 1 point in Benediction since I very very rarely have mana issues while tanking and it comes in handy every now and then for trash and offtanking. For boss fights I understand it is worthless when your spamming your 969 rotation. Placing one point into Imp Blessing of Might is just as wasteful. Choosing to go with a Crusade threat build requires some points to be wasted in order to maximise threat potential.

I don't think I know enough about healing (from a healer's perspective) to rule out Divinity but it is still a debatable talent that becomes more effective as your incoming heals increase. As far as I can tell I think it works best with HoTs and your smaller quicker heals, whereas your bigger Holy Light type heals tend to cause it to just become overheals. This 15 page thread debates it's worth for Prot Paladins if your interested in a read.


I have watched a Warrior tank in our guild take the same kind of deaths on Gormok as you mentioned in 25man ToGC. I suppose random is random at the end of the day. I'm not sure whether or not parry haste is disabled on Gormok in ToGC 25 (it is disabled in normal ToC). Makes me glad I am an expertise junky I suppose.

I know that when things are going smoothly, there's a lot of overhealing going on in raids right now. If everything always went smoothly and predictably, raiding would be kinda boring. Right now if I'm in a low health situation taking numerous smaller hits (like tanking both worms in NB last night after our other tank DC'd), Ardent Defender can keep me going long after a warrior or a druid would be dead but there's still often the matter of a 30-40k health deficit to address. I'm not sure about the healers in other raid groups, but my healers don't toss 30-40k heals (excluding a LoH crit from a holy pally, of course). That's a situation where a telent like Divinity can help out moreso than increased threat talents.

I did an OS25 3D the other night on my pally and we ended up with a total of three pally tanks in the raid. At least one of them was using a threat build. Out of three tanks on the groups of four trash mobs, I typically held two of them. The best threat "talent" a pally has is the appropriate use of their class. Played properly, we have no current need for enhanced threat.

Now, to clarify (again), I'm not condemning prot pally threat builds. I'm just saying that wasting talents to drive into the ret tree seems to be the growing standard for pallies. I'm just trying to illustrate that it's not the only option. I don't like seeing "wasted" talents in builds for the sake of unnecessary ones. We have extra talent points, but not so many that we can afford to be wasting them in order to drive down a tree that we don't need to be so far into.
#11 Dec 07 2009 at 11:36 AM Rating: Good
67 posts
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:

Now, to clarify (again), I'm not condemning prot pally threat builds. I'm just saying that wasting talents to drive into the ret tree seems to be the growing standard for pallies. I'm just trying to illustrate that it's not the only option. I don't like seeing "wasted" talents in builds for the sake of unnecessary ones. We have extra talent points, but not so many that we can afford to be wasting them in order to drive down a tree that we don't need to be so far into.

Agreed; my prot build only goes 5/59/7; many talents like Conviction, for example, or Heart of the Crusader, aren't needed for threat generation, even with a basic tank weapon (for "basic", I'm talking something like Axe of the Sen'Jin Protector) we should be able to hold threat against most DPS that at least give us the first shot at them, without having to spec so deep into ret we might as well bust out the 2h.

I'm of the school of thought that would recommend Divinity over Crusade, because of the boost it gives healers; it stacks quite nicely w/Imp Devo Aura.
#12 Dec 08 2009 at 12:20 PM Rating: Good
shutframe wrote:
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:

Now, to clarify (again), I'm not condemning prot pally threat builds. I'm just saying that wasting talents to drive into the ret tree seems to be the growing standard for pallies. I'm just trying to illustrate that it's not the only option. I don't like seeing "wasted" talents in builds for the sake of unnecessary ones. We have extra talent points, but not so many that we can afford to be wasting them in order to drive down a tree that we don't need to be so far into.

Agreed; my prot build only goes 5/59/7; many talents like Conviction, for example, or Heart of the Crusader, aren't needed for threat generation, even with a basic tank weapon (for "basic", I'm talking something like Axe of the Sen'Jin Protector) we should be able to hold threat against most DPS that at least give us the first shot at them, without having to spec so deep into ret we might as well bust out the 2h.

I'm of the school of thought that would recommend Divinity over Crusade, because of the boost it gives healers; it stacks quite nicely w/Imp Devo Aura.

I think what it really comes down to is that pallies can go for a defensive build if survivability is a concern or they can go for a more offensive/threat build if their healers are getting bored. I think the difficulty right now is that we're so used to setting one clearly defined standard for everything in terms of spec and now we've got options.

I could see myself potentially going for a threat build towards the end of 3.3 when my pally is geared about as well as I can expect to get her and everything is just farming. For progression content, I'm happy with a strong defensive build and if threat is an issue but enrage timers are not, the dps can deal with it on their own.
#13 Dec 31 2009 at 4:09 AM Rating: Decent

311 posts
Score: Decent
I got the stam, I'm missing the hit and the expert and know it. Not sure if I have the avoid yet either as I'm not sure how my relic boosts. So I guess I'm looking for a gear check. I have no problems tanking heroics, most raids and even H ToC. I do have a problem keeping threat, be it that I'm loosing to an overgeared mage Krowdkontorl or a destro pug lock. It's bothering me that my tps is under par. Ideas there?

And before you ask, yep on the FAQ, yep on the how to's, and I just got done reading related topics on the forums. Been Tanking since BC came out. Just dropped this toon for a priest (not the greatest choice as paladins RULE!!!). Anyway, thanks for the advice and tip

Dont raid with overgeared ppl, no matter what you do you cant keep up with them.
By the way, his trinket is worth around 15.000g. Yes its not BoE , its 99% ninja item.
You cant beat these people.
#14 Dec 31 2009 at 6:56 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
Just one thing, I have to suggest you drop Divinity for Divine Sacrifice and Guardian. It's not only because I hate Divinity (sometimes I feel like taking Divine Strength in my Holy spec, it's so annoying), but because Divine Guardian is a 20% damage reduction cooldown. If you don't like the damage transfer, you can macro it to cancel that part immediately and you still keep the DR portion.

I wish I could do the same thing with my Glyph of Hand of Salvation.

/cast Divine Sacrifice
/cancelaura Divine Sacrifice

Or switch the order and click once to keep it, twice to cancel.
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