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You Should Proabably Expect Some Kind of Nerf SoonFollow

#27 Nov 29 2009 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Just another note to Aurelius. Blizz titled the quoted post "Paladins too defensive in PvP." That suggests that they don't agree with you that they need longevity by definition.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#28 Nov 29 2009 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
Just another note to Aurelius. Blizz titled the quoted post "Paladins too defensive in PvP." That suggests that they don't agree with you that they need longevity by definition.

careful who you ask.

still up on since day 1: wrote:
Paladins are pretty hard to kill, thanks to their assortment of defensive abilities...Paladins are a defensive class designed to outlast their opponents.

sure this is terribly outdated and way before the tank/heal/dps renaissance, but it's still up so i'm using it. this takes us now to:

blue wrote:
You should not, generally, be nearly as concerend about the Prot's ability to self-heal

why not? the other tanks get active heals. however, their's are not on a 20min CD with a penalty attached. besides: wrote:
Wearing heavy armor, they can withstand terrible blows in the thickest battles while healing their wounded allies and resurrecting the slain.

next we go to:

blue wrote:
the Ret's ability to tank you.

i'm nitpicking, but a blue should be more selective with throwing around terms.

Tanking: holding aggro while avoiding damage.
-well, in pvp aggro is subjective.
-other than bubble and SS, a Ret cannot avoid incoming damage.

i'm pretty sure a Ret is NOT tanking in pvp, more like combat-healing.

blue wrote:
Compare this to an Arms warrior

lastly, are we really comparing Arms to Ret? with MS, Shattering Throw, and stun resists Arms should really be a Ret-counter. if it is not, blame the warrior, not the pally.

also @ Blues: please stop comparing melee classes to pallies when trying to illustrate overpoweredness. we've known for 5yrs that pallies eat rogues. show me QQ from an Arc/Frost mage, then we can discuss.
#29 Nov 29 2009 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
why not? the other tanks get active heals. however, their's are not on a 20min CD with a penalty attached. besides:

Technically, you CAN still heal. It may not be efficient or desirable, but it is perfectly possible. There's nothing stopping you from using Concentration Aura while tanking. You'd lose about 1% physical mitigation, yes. But anything but a Blood DK also has to sacrifice something to self heal. Death Strike is MUCH lower threat than the non-blood spec's respective FU ability. And, in the case of Unholy, you won't get Death Runes from using it. And any talents the tree offers as procs off it won't be available.

So don't try and use lost-threat or wasted GCDs as the reason you won't self heal, because DKs at least have the same faults (and I don't know what kind of self-heals Warrior and Druid tanks have). Though, as far as using the hybrid's non-main spec heals, Pallies have it MUCH easier than Druids. A Druid tank shifting out to heal is gonna die EXTREMELY fast.

also @ Blues: please stop comparing melee classes to pallies when trying to illustrate overpoweredness. we've known for 5yrs that pallies eat rogues. show me QQ from an Arc/Frost mage, then we can discuss.

lol. Right, one class having the ability to take you down means you aren't OP.

Edited, Nov 29th 2009 8:47pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#30 Nov 29 2009 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
So don't try and use lost-threat or wasted GCDs as the reason you won't self heal

aren't we discussing pvp here? no threat in pvp. i'm confused.

a Prot pally in pvp has 3 options for self-heals:
-mana is such a strong commodity to a Prot pally in BGs that JoL often pales in comparison to JoW, even though JoL is rather powerful for Prot.
-i cannot remember when i last used SoL instead of SoV, sorry.

3)Heal(big and lil)
-spec'd Prot/Holy this is where its long as you are not running a flag or something
-spec'd Prot/Ret this is pretty pathetic...if you are getting punched by said Arms warrior with MS on you, you are risking Holy lockout and losing massive hp since you can't defend while casting. not viable for self healing in BG.

-topic at hand

other tank's healing:
DK - a bunch of healing stuff(esp in Blood) and/or a pet!: all available while attacking/moving AFAIK
Druid - as a bear: imp Pack and a HoT, plus Survival Instincts: all avail while attack/moving
Warrior - Last Stand, Comm Shout, and Enraged Regeneration: all avail while attack/moving

#31 Nov 29 2009 at 8:48 PM Rating: Good
1,503 posts
lol. Right, one class having the ability to take you down means you aren't OP.

a mage is a sure thing. u will also get better than 50% wins with a hunter, elem sham, lock. depending on buffs and CDs wars and DKs are about 50%. rogues and priests are usually free kills for pally, unless the player is exceptional.

list the class and i will tell you how to counter each pally spec effectively.
#32 Nov 29 2009 at 9:07 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
aren't we discussing pvp here? no threat in pvp. i'm confused.

You're right, sorry. I momentarily forgot because it was the only reason I could imagine you'd argue for why a Pally couldn't use heals with cast times.

a Prot pally in pvp has 3 options for self-heals:
-mana is such a strong commodity to a Prot pally in BGs that JoL often pales in comparison to JoW, even though JoL is rather powerful for Prot.
-i cannot remember when i last used SoL instead of SoV, sorry.

3)Heal(big and lil)
-spec'd Prot/Holy this is where its long as you are not running a flag or something
-spec'd Prot/Ret this is pretty pathetic...if you are getting punched by said Arms warrior with MS on you, you are risking Holy lockout and losing massive hp since you can't defend while casting. not viable for self healing in BG.

-topic at hand

First of all, every heal for every class has downsides. It is important to establish this from the start.

1. Fair, yes. But, you ARE making a choice to use the different seal. It is viable to use the other, you just choose not to. If you feel you are getting better mileage out of mana, fine. But it is important to note that the mana you are regaining can still be used to heal. So, just because the seal isn't directly giving you life, doesn't mean it doesn't contribute to healing, survivability and damage.

3.-The only class I know of that can adequately heal itself while running a flag is a Druid, and maybe a Disc Priest. Plus, honestly, it isn't a position where one SHOULD be able to heal themselves too much. If a single player can make it down a field without support, there's a problem.
-A, the lockout point is irrelevant unless we are going to compare it to instant heals. Every single player with a cast time suffers the same risk. A Priest and Shaman are just as culpable. Furthermore, using MS as an example isn't useful, as it is an ability aimed specifically at cutting healing, and applies to ALL classes. It doesn't matter who you are or how you are getting the heals. Paladins are not unique at all here. And you can bubble and still heal. Many classes can't do anything about that.

other tank's healing:
DK - a bunch of healing stuff(esp in Blood) and/or a pet!: all available while attacking/moving AFAIK
Druid - as a bear: imp Pack and a HoT, plus Survival Instincts: all avail while attack/moving
Warrior - Last Stand, Comm Shout, and Enraged Regeneration: all avail while attack/moving

A non Blood DK has TWO possible ways to heal. Not a bunch, two. That's it. They can Death Strike (which requires diseases on a target, which can be hard if you don't get the jump or they are managing to keep you out of melee range most of the time) and will only heal 5% of total health per disease, at the cost of damage (again, for non Blood DKs). The other option is to sacrifice your pet for 40% of your max health, which I'll agree may be OP. However, it comes as a cost. As you pointed out, the pet is important (and extremely so for Unholy DKs). You are much more vulnerable without it. So the Health comes at a big cost.

Blood DKs potentially get more. They can boost incoming heals (the ability will NOT heal them at all itself), or heal for 10-20% of their max health every minute to thirty seconds, depending on their glyphs and talents (it takes 3 additional talents and a glyph to get the lower duration and the extra 10%, so it is quite an investment). They can also use Mark of Blood, which is somewhat mediocre against anything that attacks slowly. It's only really effective against DWers (specifically, ones with fast weapons). Not attacking a DK at this time will severly diminish the effect of the ability. Blood Worms, if spawned (by chance) are a small HoT, and cost three talent points.

I'm sorry, but most DKs don'thave a "bunch" of self healing. Most won't even have the normal 2-4% damage dealt self healing, since it is usually superior to use Unholy Presence in PvP.

As for Warriors, Last Stand and Commanding Shout aren't heals. One buffs health, and the other buffs healing. Neither "Heals" the Warrior. The minute either ends, the health is gone. I don't think CS even gives health, it just increases the max. Enraged Regeneration isn't bad, but it has the requirement of a Warrior needing an enrage effect active (consuming it) and can only be used once ever 3 minutes.

Neither DKs or Warriors can heal themselves between battles.

Druids, I'll agree, are up there with the survivability problem. The difference is that they are extremely squishy when trying to cast a large heal (a Paladin retains most of his passive defenses). So, if you dispell the HoT, they aren't bad at all.

Plus, they need to choose between damage and survivability. Cats can be pretty squishy, and bears don't strike fear into the hearts of clothies.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#33 Nov 29 2009 at 10:11 PM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
rogues and priests are usually free kills for pally, unless the player is exceptional

I would say rets only started being a hard counter to rogues since Wrath hit, before that i duelled them extensively and it was always slanted in the favour of the rogue. They could reset really easily off blinds and stunlock effectively and pally damage was too low compared to rogues very high burst. I think the reason we counter them so much now was the addition of anti-disarm talents and self-break stun abilities more than rets burst getting better (rogues can still burst rets down just as easily if not better with gear scaling).

Priests, nah. Not so much. Maybe if everyone is in pve gear. I play a priest now too, and with only 500 resilience (less than half of what i'm aiming for at the end of this season) i can tank rets all day long. The damage comes fast with CS, Judgement, Divine Storm but then there's a lull for a few seconds where you can top up and go a bit offensive with Mana Burn and DoTs, force them to waste GCDs and mana cleansing. Aside from stuns and repentance, maybe arcane torrent, i'm just not afraid to hardcast around pallies cause they haven't got any lockouts.
#34 Nov 30 2009 at 7:25 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
my bad. i was thinking Shadow priest when i wrote that. Disc has always been a PITA for Ret!
#35 Nov 30 2009 at 7:36 AM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
As for Warriors, Last Stand and Commanding Shout aren't heals. One buffs health, and the other buffs healing. Neither "Heals" the Warrior. The minute either ends, the health is gone. I don't think CS even gives health, it just increases the max. Enraged Regeneration isn't bad, but it has the requirement of a Warrior needing an enrage effect active (consuming it) and can only be used once ever 3 minutes.

grab the flag in WSG. head out the tunnel by yourself. use the 3 warrior abilities. u can make it to the other tunnel with full health as 2 enemies are wailing on you.

try the same thing on a Prot pally without using LoH. tell me how far you make it on your own with those same 2 enemies on you.

Neither DKs or Warriors can heal themselves between battles.

bandaids and biscuits? i don't cast heals on a Prot pally between battles...too much mana for little gain. i eat/drink just like i do on my warrior and DK.
#36 Nov 30 2009 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
grab the flag in WSG. head out the tunnel by yourself. use the 3 warrior abilities. u can make it to the other tunnel with full health as 2 enemies are wailing on you.

try the same thing on a Prot pally without using LoH. tell me how far you make it on your own with those same 2 enemies on you.

I have watched it. I saw one with 27K health run down the whole field yesterday, with me and two other DpS wailing on him. Using every stun and CC we had (two melees. Don't remember what they were). I can't say anything about them, but my normal DpS in that set is about 2.3-2.4K. I don't know how resilience would affect that, but that's still a lot of damage (I had whipped out Gargoyle, too). He didn't even have to struggle to get down the field.

Furthermore, this isn't really relevant to the discussion. We are discussing Paladin survivability vs healing vs damage. Your example is one where most players won't be putting much of the second two out (Druid is the only flag carrier that tends to heal itself, that I can think of). I get WHY you picked it. You wanted to say survivability isn't OP, because there are times you can't bubble. But, if you aren't going to try and insure the integrity of the argument, then there is no use having it. Logic only works if you post logically.

bandaids and biscuits? i don't cast heals on a Prot pally between battles...too much mana for little gain. i eat/drink just like i do on my warrior and DK.

Again, what you DO do and what you CAN do are two different things.

A Pally, who sees an incoming wave, can whip out a heal. It may be less efficient, but that won't matter if they die.

A DK or Warrior is out of luck--they can only get one to three tics of food. And that's if they are willing to sacrifice a terrain advantage.

Edited, Nov 30th 2009 12:20pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#37 Nov 30 2009 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
tommyguns wrote:
grab the flag in WSG. head out the tunnel by yourself. use the 3 warrior abilities. u can make it to the other tunnel with full health as 2 enemies are wailing on you.

try the same thing on a Prot pally without using LoH. tell me how far you make it on your own with those same 2 enemies on you.

I PvP as Prot on my Paladin. I do this all the time. What's your excuse?

tommyguns wrote:
bandaids and biscuits? i don't cast heals on a Prot pally between battles...too much mana for little gain. i eat/drink just like i do on my warrior and DK.

Just going to second idiggory's response here. When you're alone, those options are fine. If you get attacked again quickly though, out of luck.
#38 Dec 01 2009 at 8:45 AM Rating: Good
713 posts
Last Stand is a way to buff enraged regeneration so I tend to look at it as a heals of sorts from that perspective. Whacking Last Stand then hitting Enraged Regen gives Warriors a HoT that is very strong, especially as a tank. In S3 of Wrath it was one of the only ways Warriors could beat Rets 1v1.

As a tank I'll drink till my mana bar is full then heal back to full and drink again. Eating to full health just takes way too long.

Edited, Dec 1st 2009 2:49pm by arthoriuss
#39 Dec 01 2009 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
idiggory wrote:
As it stands now, your defensive and healing and damage is just too good in any spec. And that makes you incredibly strong.

Single target damage as prot and holy is pretty trivial.

Unless they go the infamous Protribution way.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#40 Dec 01 2009 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
Mazra wrote:
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
idiggory wrote:
As it stands now, your defensive and healing and damage is just too good in any spec. And that makes you incredibly strong.

Single target damage as prot and holy is pretty trivial.

Unless they go the infamous Protribution way.

It's not holy getting that damage, just to be clear since that was the comment...that all specs put out high damage.

Also, the damage bonus seen by prot pallies in ret (dps) gear is not that different from what you'd see on a prot warrior. You're taking a spec built around defense that has to have some way to allow their stats to scale with gear for threat and itemizing it around damage at the expense of PvE defenses. It's not all that different from the bears that used to cruise around AV in kitty gear.

I'm not trying to argue that everything is all well and good in PvP land. My point is simply that you can't do a whole lot to pallies right now because everything that people are complaining about is a baseline ability for all paladins, and if you once again start nerfing the hell out of ret survivability, it's going to affect the pally tank in your raids. It would take a substantial revamp of the trees and base abilities in order to separate ret from prot in order to cut the survivability of ret, leave prot alone, and then address the damage if necessary.
#41 Dec 01 2009 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I'm not trying to argue that everything is all well and good in PvP land. My point is simply that you can't do a whole lot to pallies right now because everything that people are complaining about is a baseline ability for all paladins, and if you once again start nerfing the hell out of ret survivability, it's going to affect the pally tank in your raids. It would take a substantial revamp of the trees and base abilities in order to separate ret from prot in order to cut the survivability of ret, leave prot alone, and then address the damage if necessary.

This is exactly what I'm expecting to happen in 4.0, based on the quoted interview. They don't like that base abilities for the hybrid work only slightly worse in other specs. That means defensive, offensive and healing abilities.

When you look at DK specs, all abilities have pretty heavy buffs in the trees. All the abilities that are shared by specs either tend to get no buffs (utility spells) or a ton of them (Obliterate). So, while each spec will use a few of them, their effects are either constant or way superior for a different spec (A Blood Death Knight's Icy Touch will do WAY less damage than a Frost DK's Icy Touch). I think Blizzard feels that the gap between the effect of these base abilities when specced into a different tree isn't large enough. But, the only way to fix that is to make them talents, nerf them (and add in buffs to all trees that use it) or just make it so that it isn't an appealing option to other specs (generally done from glyphs or talents that strip effects in favor of greater gains). But all of these have downsides, so all need to be used together in order to actually balance.

And, as you can imagine, that's difficult.

[END NOTE] I'm not saying that DK balance is perfect. Far from it. I just didn't have a superior frame or reference. And DKs are almost Hybrids.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#42 Dec 03 2009 at 6:36 PM Rating: Excellent
4,993 posts
I just wish that they'd come up with a viable solution that stops nerfing my stuff in PvE, where it is fine.

I've always been so sick of these nerfs aimed at PvP, that end up nerfing my class in PvE.

I don't even Do PvP; I'm sick of my class being nerfed because of it to be honest. Is there, like, no way they can figure out how to balance this class in PvP without switching things all around in PvE when it is perfectly fine? Paladin tanks are working quite fine, Paladin DPS seem fine to me, maybe just slightly 'up there' on the scale but not too godly so (look up Warlocks sometime...) and Paladin Healers are pretty decent too, though even they have some weaknesses.

Taking away the ability for tanks to use LoH is kinda dumb; it was one of the better things (if used right) that made Prot Paladin a cool class to play, it allowed us to do some nice things.

Now they're even nerfing *that*. Ugh.

All because of something I don't even do in the first place...
#43REDACTED, Posted: Dec 05 2009 at 3:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Can't argue with this, can we?
#44 Dec 07 2009 at 10:49 AM Rating: Default
Ret is just too strong in battlegrounds against everything. In any melee battle they will win through self healing, burst and least amount of damage taken. When fighting ranged they have tools to stay in melee range and destroy them within seconds. If I were to nerf ret for battleground balance purposes, I'd look at art of war, judgement of light, sacred shield and lay on hands at the least. Also being able to chase down a mage while spam cleaning between hand of freedoms is just stupid. It is near impossible to get an actual cast off against melee in this game, and judgements hit as hard as frostbolts.

From this i'm guessing you're a mage and to that i say look up your lore and you'll see that paladins hate mages and if not for a truce between mages and paladins vs burning legion lich king etc paladins would be hunting mages for merely being "Evil".
#45 Dec 07 2009 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
67 posts
killsinheels wrote:
From this i'm guessing you're a mage and to that i say look up your lore and you'll see that paladins hate mages and if not for a truce between mages and paladins vs burning legion lich king etc paladins would be hunting mages for merely being "Evil".

Remember, though, that really only applies to alliance paladins.

Blood Elf paladins ("Blood Knights") don't really care about mages.
#46 Dec 08 2009 at 7:07 AM Rating: Default
Yes i know that it only counts to alliance paladins but there must be 3x more alliance paladins than horde since horde hasn't had paladin class as long.
#47 Dec 08 2009 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts

Remember, though, that really only applies to alliance paladins.

Blood Elf paladins ("Blood Knights") don't really care about mages.

Not even. Draenei are fine with magic. Dwarves may or may not be, depending on the individual. Certain ones will be more suspicious of a Mage than others, but they won't criminalize him. They just aren't going to give him TOO much trust.

Human Paladins, though, have awful opinions of Mages--it's a prejudice deep within the order. Dwarves may inherit some from this, but they are far less judgmental than Humans. It isn't like they'll kill or arrest a Mage, but they are likely to completely ignore his advice as if he was tricking them or luring them into a trap.

In an odd way, the Human Mage is more open-minded than the Paladin. The mage tends to think Warriors and Paladins as imbeciles. But this tends to be limited to certain races and types. For instance, Khadgar (despite being a powerful Mage) was deeply impressed with many officers, Paladin and Warrior. Rhonin was impressed by Vereesa's martial prowess and intelligence (she was a Ranger, not a Hunter. Kinda like a Cross between a Combat Rogue and MM Hunter).

But the Human Paladin is generally critical of any Mage, regardless of race. And this means anything that uses magic. So naturally Warlocks, but possibly even Shadow Priests. They'd HATE DKs (since they are essentially fallen Paladins and Mages, for the most part). Druids and Shaman would be suspicious to them as well (though, for those that understand the distinction between the other magical types and natural magic, maybe less so).

Hell, they may not even approve of Gnomes with technology. Paladins and Warriors tend to be very simple minded (and the Paladin is devout). That makes them resistant to change and new things. They may view machinery the same way they see the arcane. Hell, a lot of it looks like magic even to the trained eye.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
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