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Frost PvE FAQFollow

#27 Dec 11 2009 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good
99% of the time a trinket won't trigger the GCD, it is really too bad that MI does blow the GCD.
#28 Dec 15 2009 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Finally got a chance to test her out in a raid, and I'm VERY pleased with the results.
I don't know what kind of damage is usually done on Twins, though I do realise it's higher, but I was very proud of just under 7400, as my highest on them before was around 5K.

You'll also note that my gear is still pretty mediocre, with an average ilvl of only 221. I was also unbuffed from the balls as I forgot to collect any, though Puddles did grab a few for me.

On Anub, I didn't get a screenshot, but did 6K up to the point where a lazy tank let an add eat me. I received a battle rez, but had 3-4 things broken from a night of stupid mistakes.

On that note, does anyone have any kind of idea how bad the AoE nerf really was? I used to be able to do 14K DPS or more on larger aoe pulls, now I can't pass 4K (which is what I do single target if I'm half asleep). Frost used to be the top of the AoE game, now I believe it's pallies.
#29 Dec 20 2009 at 1:05 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
On that note, does anyone have any kind of idea how bad the AoE nerf really was? I used to be able to do 14K DPS or more on larger aoe pulls, now I can't pass 4K (which is what I do single target if I'm half asleep). Frost used to be the top of the AoE game, now I believe it's pallies.

It has to be rogues. Our top rogue DPS did 22K DPS on a trash pull in ICC 25.

Anyway, the reason I'm posting here is because I've got a small question. What I was curious to is if anyone can give me a concrete comparison/example of PvE frost DPS. If you were doing, say, 4K DPS in a heroic as fire, where would you be as frost? 3500 or 1500? Jaysgsl's last post gave me a little bit of insight in this matter, though the thing is that Twins and Anub aren't very good fights for measuring DPS (Anub requires too much switching and moving and Twins gives people insane buffs). Perhaps somebody has a WWS lying around?
#30 Dec 20 2009 at 5:49 AM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
I can load up WWS Tuesday when we go through the weekly raid and ICC.
On Koralon, I did 6500, fully raid buffed. I would expect 6kish to be normal for my gear there.
I'll post up the WWS Tuesday if it'll help you out.

Edit: It's streaky. I replaced my T82pc with T94pc, and I'm seeing some odd numbers. I'm starting to think that T8 2 piece is irreplacable for frost mages. More number crunching is required.

Edited, Dec 20th 2009 4:55am by jaysgsl
#31 Feb 25 2010 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Revision pending soon, for now check the "3.3 information" section.
#32 Feb 25 2010 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent

Good post Bossman, will be sure to try to follow it, for now I am just playing around on the PTR with a Mage to see if I really wanna level the lowbie I have, Mage isn't really one of my strong classes but eventually I suppose like a Priest and Rogue I will have to level one, or I won't reach my goal of a level 80 of every class... *takes this moment to prey for a Class Reroll option from Blizz* anyway keep up the good work dude and see you in game on raid nights.
#33 Feb 25 2010 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
I told you to thank the author :D
#34 Mar 16 2010 at 6:18 PM Rating: Good
1,150 posts
I have just started levelling my mage, always loved the frost idea so been planning to go frost the whole time. Just got a few questions which I probably already know the answers to, but feel like checking anyway.

The Glyph of Frostbolt removes the slowing effect, im guessing this has no effect on Fingers or Brain Freeze proccing?

And from what I can figure out I should never be using Ice Lance in a raid? Or should I use it when Fingers of Frost is procced but Deep Freeze is on cooldown? Or in that situation would I keep casting Frostbolt?
Edit: Idiot that I am I reread your post on 3.3 and found the bit telling me not to use Ice Lance. Move along here, nothing to see.

Do I use my Brain Freeze procs at the earliest possible global cooldown? I cant think why I wouldnt, but always best to ask this sort of thing.

Also a question about Torment the Weak, I know that I am being completely dense here, but for the life of me I cant think of any slows or snares that work on raid bosses, or are routinely applied as part of a dps rotation. Please correct me so I know what I am looking for.
Also we dont appear to have any ability to regen mana while casting, do we just get by without it due to the lower mana cost of frost spells, and the replenishment?

Sorry for all the questions, just a few things that were concerning me as I levelled. 10 Levels til I get my Puddles, happy days.

Edited, Mar 17th 2010 2:23am by EbanySalamonderiel
#35 Mar 16 2010 at 6:34 PM Rating: Excellent
TTW applies when any slowing effect, movement or attack speed is applied. Every good tank in the game uses an ability that puts a slowing effect on a boss and it should be up 100% of the time.
#36 Mar 16 2010 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Also a question about Torment the Weak, I know that I am being completely dense here, but for the life of me I cant think of any slows or snares that work on raid bosses, or are routinely applied as part of a dps rotation. Please correct me so I know what I am looking for.
Also we dont appear to have any ability to regen mana while casting, do we just get by without it due to the lower mana cost of frost spells, and the replenishment?

Every tank has a slow. DKs have FF. Warriors have Thunderstomp. Druids have Infected Wounds. Paladins have Judgement of the Just.

On top of that, any DK's FF works, so you only need one. Earth Shock slows as well. Other classes have some slows or snares incorporated.

But, again, due to the fact that every tank will easily slow the boss, you should always get that 13%.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#37 Mar 16 2010 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
1,150 posts
Ahhh I didnt realise attack speed counted, I was thinking of Hamstring, Chains of Ice. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
#38 Mar 17 2010 at 7:53 AM Rating: Decent
Excellent posts :)

I'll stick with Arcane though, for PvE it's still the best in damage.
#39 Mar 17 2010 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Obviously I'm a frost mage scrub, but I still saw two points in this FAQ I felt like adressing. Whether you want to do something with them or not is entirely up to you, Jay - I'm just sharing my 2 cents.

Ice Floes: In a 5 minute boss fight, with Icy Floes, you can use Icy Veins twice. Without Ice Floes, you can use Icy Veins twice. No need to spec into it.

I can see what you're trying to say here, but I don't completely agree with this. One of the most key fights in the game currently is the Lich King fight, where grabbing 3 points in Ice Floes gives you one additional use of IV during the fight. It might be true that the talent is still generally not worth picking up, but I feel that just saying "It doesn't do anything in a 5 minute boss fight" is cutting it a bit short.

And also, what's up with the Water Elemental? Do you change glyph/spec on the fly if you want to do it optimal? Is the glyph pointless? Should you always go with a permanent one? EJ seems to say the later, but your FAQ makes me completely unsure about this. I guess this is because it still needs that revision you mentioned earlier, but it is definitely something that should be cleared up.

All in all a great read nevertheless.
#40 Mar 17 2010 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
3,157 posts
Mozared, until I get some time from my busy schedule to re-write the guide, your best bet is to check out the 3.3 addendum at the end.
Any information regarding the water elemental is obsolete from before that.
In short, you want the Glyph of Eternal Water at all times as a frost mage, but not the other W/E glyph.

About Icy Floes, thanks for the info. I STILL wouldn't suggest maxing the talent out, except when you're fighting the Lich King, because you pretty much have to sacrifice spirit (crit) for it, or Brain Freeze points, which once you get 2T10 are invaluable.

About Brain Freeze, which I've gotten a few questions on lately, you don't want to even use it at all until you get 2T10 or you're moving and have a charge up, though often times an ice lance keeps your damage rolling.
Any use of BF before the set bonus is a significant DPS loss.

About Arcane being stronger, I'm not 100% sold on this. IF and IF there is a discipline priest and you can manage to keep taking good damage, arcane can do some amazing ****. However, without said Disc, Arcane is only marginally higher than frost (in equal gear) on equal fights. I pugged Saurfang this week, and had MANY opportunities to try out different DPS specs. Every DPS was ranged, so I got the rare honor of being the 'target dummy' DPS (Pug, my DPS was obviously highest) after a few tries.
When I was killing beasts, I was averaging around 6K in both frost and arcane, but I was dying with less mana in arcane.
The 'target dummy' attempts were what really got me thinking. It's not difficult. Stand in melee range to reduce how much (blood boil? Blood nova? I'm terrible with spell names) the 'ranged' abilities hit me, blast things.
I did around 5 runs with him standstill.
Log of a few of them. You'll have to forgive the sparse logs, my computer for reasons unkown bogs down if the log gets too big, so I try to remember to stop / start it between fights. My memory obviously sucks.
My arcane burst was MUCH higher, around 12K DPS at peak, but my frost DPS was overall higher (the attempt we cleared him, I was frost).
I believe my final attempt on him I was averaging.... 7600? 7800? That attempt is in the log. My BEST attempt in arcane was the try we got SF down to 10%, I was doing 7200. Granted, I got very lucky with that last frost run in regards to Deep Freeze and the such, but it was an eye opener.

My arcane build seems to line up with all the top builds, and I tried a variety of rotations, but I could not find one that balanced DPS with mana consumption, and the lower DPS comes from more regen down time. By the time SF was down to around 15%, I had already used all 3 mana gems (thank the gods they are off the GCD like trinkets), evocated at least twice, and used my 'healer' trinket for another mana boost. So much downtime means less overall damage and DPS.

Edited, Mar 17th 2010 11:29am by jaysgsl
#41 Mar 17 2010 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
When comparing against arcane you have to note that your group was horrible if it took that long to kill him (a minute longer than our 25man, which is a slower kill than our 10man). I rarely have to evocate during the fight, and generally may use 2 mana gems if necessary.
our log from yesterday. Fight took 4:30 seconds, used 1 evocation and 2 mana gems. I was lower on that fight than usual (generally pushing 8.5k-9k) because I ended up needing to kill or assist in killing 3 of the beasts because people failed at switching for some reason.

As for your rotation 'not finding a good arcane one that balances dps and mana consumption' what were you using? Since I got my 2xT10 I generally stick with ABSpam0234MBAM and it works really well for me, and with the 4pc I'm sure arcane will pull even farther ahead than frost because of cooldown stacking with arcane power, etc.
#42 Mar 17 2010 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
4AB 1 ArM. I didn't have my 2 piece yet, the reason I even pugged it was to get the one frost badge I needed.
I wasn't using my mana bubble, and had replenishment available.
Edit: Forgot to mention that I was also trying things as desperate as 2AB 1 ArM.
Edit2: Honestly, from the log you posted, my 10 man gear frost dps is only around 700 off of your arcane DPS. On World of Logs, it's VERY important to note that my Water elemental isn't counted in my DPS, you have to enable "show creatures" and add up the numbers manually.
And, yes, the group was absolutely terrible. As I said, it was a pug, and I took a risk by going.

Edited, Mar 17th 2010 1:27pm by jaysgsl
#43 Mar 18 2010 at 7:05 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
Which spec were you killing the adds fastest/most efficiently? I know you love (and feel most comfortable with) your frost but that is more what the Saurfang fight is about. Add control and consequently blood power control.

With regards to mana issues, arcane isn't that bad but I know the longer the fight goes on the worse it does become compared to frost. How much mana do you have when buffed in arcane? Maybe that is part of the problem or just a generally poor raid set up for you.

God damn it I need to raid on my mage again :(
#44 Mar 18 2010 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Adds tend to die around the same speed either way. I can kill 'em REAL fast in arcane by just keeping a 4 stack of AB up, but that makes me useless after one or two beasts.

I must have missed stating the point that, in this particular case, the entire group was ranged DPS, so I was just pulling 'melee duty' on the boss.

Without a Disc priest, when I do have to kill the beasts, it's frost, without a question. They die in around the same amount of time, and I have my Ice Barrier, which if hit doesn't translate to blood power. I can also Deep Freeze the little bastards to stick them in place for a few seconds, usually long enough for me to throw down a nova and gtfo.
#45 Mar 19 2010 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
I don't doubt that jay can get better DPS as frost than arcane.

My main spec is arcane and second is frost, which, except for the WE, I find fun. I have yet to be able to get close to the same DPS in frost as I can get in arcane. I expect to be able to get to within a few hundred DPS on average, higher and lower on some fights. I just have more practice in arcane right now.

Oh, and I would add that an addon like PowerAuras is great for catching Brain Freeze and FoF procs.
#46 Mar 23 2010 at 12:38 AM Rating: Good
1,150 posts
Math isnt my thing so I come with another question. Now that BrainFreeze works for Frostfire Bolt will we be using it seeing as its a free instant attack that still has a chance to proc all our shiny procs and gets the double crit damage? Does it get the double crit damage, dont have Frostfire yet so havent checked.
#47 Mar 23 2010 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good
EbanySalamonderiel wrote:
Math isnt my thing so I come with another question. Now that BrainFreeze works for Frostfire Bolt will we be using it seeing as its a free instant attack that still has a chance to proc all our shiny procs and gets the double crit damage? Does it get the double crit damage, dont have Frostfire yet so havent checked.

I am 99% sure that you will be using FFB instead of FB from now on with BrainFreeze procs, for the reasons that you stated, and it gets increased crit damage but not as much as in a FFB spec I believe (because you don't have ignite, and so forth).
#48 Mar 23 2010 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Spell per spell, Frostfire does more damage as Frost than Fireball. Frostfire has the fun of 'double dipping' into talents, including any talents that increase frost damage. Couple that with its already ridiculously high multipliers, and that means it'll be around (napkin math guesstimates), 2% or so more DPS than Fireball.
#49 Mar 24 2010 at 6:57 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
Jaysgsl wrote:
Spell per spell, Frostfire does more damage as Frost than Fireball. Frostfire has the fun of 'double dipping' into talents, including any talents that increase frost damage. Couple that with its already ridiculously high multipliers, and that means it'll be around (napkin math guesstimates), 2% or so more DPS than Fireball

With this change is brain freeze still only used when you have 2pcT10? I assume yes but just wanted to be sure.
#50 Mar 24 2010 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Now that is actually a good question. Frostfirebolt is around 90% as powerful as a frostbolt, compared to around 60% as powerful from Fireball. It's completely possible that it's a DPS increase at this point. DEFINITELY use it instead of Ice Lance for your ghosted charge if you have a brainfreeze up.
#51 Mar 24 2010 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Fully updated for 3.3.3. If there's anything I missed, please let me know.
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