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The Priest Accomplishment ThreadFollow

#127 Jan 22 2010 at 11:44 PM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
What I meant was that whenever tank healing actually gets difficult (which for 80s is on hard hitting bosses in raids) you'll get your Penance on cooldown (and PW:S and Renew are already up) and have to spam Flash Heal to keep the tank up. Without Penance, your rotation in these situations would go from "PW:S>Renew>Penance>FH>FH>FH>Penance" to "PW:S>Renew>FH>FH>FH>FH>FH>FH>FH>FH ad nauseam" which, to me, having been 80 for so long, would feel pretty weird.

Yeah, I haven't healed with a priest in a raid setting since, I think, summer 2007? I haven't raided at all in nearly two years.
I remember shield being much less important back then and of course Penance didn't even exist. I don't think Flash Heal was all that good back then, either.

As a tank or as a healer? In the case of the latter, he has to lower his standards for when to use them. I was in that situation once when we got a priest in my guild who used Guardian Spirit on anybody who went below 20% rather than saving it for 'that time the tank got low' which never occurred. Seeing him do that made me figure that the smart move if you're never using your cooldowns (as a priest) is to simply use them earlier to make your life a lot easier.

As a tank. The problem is that there isn't much use for tank CD's if you're constantly sitting above 90% health, like, ever. As a healer, I use the few CD's I have so far enough, I'd say (although I lost Desperate Prayer with respeccing and abuse Inner Focus to get Holy Fire crits, mostly), which should leave him with even less reason to ever use any of his. I am looking forward to our first few heroics in comparably crappy gear.


They changed that, though, didn't they? Iirc it's 20% healing and damage now, which is really meh. Worth it for AOE grinding or something though, I suppose.

Yeah, there just isn't much else I can glyph, really, before I can get Penance. It's just that glyphing PW:S seems kind of pointless, at least until instances start getting hard enough to bother getting any healing glyphs.

Also, I am leveling nearly purely in instances now. I did one quest today, and that was the robot chicken one.
#128 Jan 23 2010 at 5:06 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
To be honest, there's no alternative for Penance glyph so the whole discussion is moot.
I mean, there's PW:Shield, Penance, PoH, Flash Heal and Renew as far as glyphs go.

Flash heal glyph is weak once you get some decent gear, renew glyph is pretty weak and the PoHealing glyph isn't very strong either.
I'd say there's simply no other option than going Penance, Shield, Flash heal until you get some decent gear and the switch to Penance, Shield, PoH.
#129 Jan 23 2010 at 11:42 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
I will not drop my Penance glyph until after I get 4pc t10 bonus. I will have to rethink my tactics then, anyway.

Not sure what I will use instead. One thing at a time.
#130 Jan 23 2010 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
Joined a random dungeon group on my priest at level 50, ended up in Blackrock Depths. We only had to kill one boss for the random dungeon loot, but we decided to finish the whole place. We had to boot one hunter because he was ninjalooting, ninjapulling ******. So there was 4 of us, the highest level was 52, I was the only one with BoA gear, and we managed to complete the whole of BRD without any wipes. It felt pretty epic when we finally managed it. I also dinged twice inside the dungeon which was useful.
#131 Jan 23 2010 at 7:19 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Joined a random on my priest, was H ToC the healer had quit after a fail attempt at Paltress. She died fast.

Then the Black Knight.

P1 was fine, then the tank started taking waaay to much damage during P2 and died.

I healed through it.

A rogue tanked most of P3, the lock died towards the end but me and the mage made it through to the end.

The group acknowledged my pure awesomeness.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#132 Jan 23 2010 at 8:40 PM Rating: Good
Horsemouth wrote:
Joined a random on my priest, was H ToC the healer had quit after a fail attempt at Paltress. She died fast.

Then the Black Knight.

P1 was fine, then the tank started taking waaay to much damage during P2 and died.

I healed through it.

A rogue tanked most of P3, the lock died towards the end but me and the mage made it through to the end.

The group acknowledged my pure awesomeness.

So, what spec are you?
#133 Jan 23 2010 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Disco of course.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#134 Jan 23 2010 at 9:34 PM Rating: Good
Smiley: inlove

I need Premium again.
#135 Jan 24 2010 at 2:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,150 posts
You do need premium... I miss your avatar.

Level 53 on my priest, wonder if I can reach Outlands this weekend and escape the hell that is Vanilla.
#136 Jan 25 2010 at 8:20 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Grats to all of you on your many accomplishments!

I don't really have any, other than I grinded out a lot of feathers. I would consider it an accomplishment right now if I could cast Penance without going "F&*k where the F&*kity F&*k is the F&*king Penance key?" Yay for my new G13! Boo for anything that makes me learn!
#137 Jan 26 2010 at 9:29 AM Rating: Good
1,150 posts

Finally dinged 63 to get Penance (damn Spirit Tap stealing my Disc Points) and I cant believe I ever got by without it. Heals for more than Greater Heal, is instant cast and costs half the mana... It is insane.

Also Northrend Gems in Outland gear... Awesome. Five levels to Northrend, I expect to get most of them in dungeons. The deathtards calling themselves tanks makes it so easy for a healer to get a group.
#138 Jan 26 2010 at 9:57 AM Rating: Good
Oh, I tried out my Disc spec as both healer and DPS now.

Healing is about the same, my mana lasts a tad longer but not by too much. This is still good because I changed my gear around a lot and lost more than 15% of my i5sr mana regeneration, so with my old gear, my mana regeneration would be pretty insane now.

DPSing didn't go over so well. I actually didn't run OOM faster than usual even without Spirit Tap because my casts take so bloody long now! The drop in damage done was much more severe than I had expected. Not even having two haste cooldowns that were up for every bossfight helped that much. I would estimate my potential DPS to have dropped by some 25%, which would be a lot.

I'm actually considering dropping Power Infusion because if I need haste, I can just use my racial. I need to remember to put it on mages or something.

Also, finally got Prayer of Fortitude. <3

Edit: After having played priests since I started the game, I learned the word for Smite in my own language today, and it's a deal breaker. If I wouldn't use the English version of WoW, I'd probably play shadow or a different class. Or not at all. Looking at the translation for Mind Flay, that's not much better. Mage spells seem to sound the least stupid, but God, I wouldn't be able to play the game like that.

Edited, Jan 26th 2010 4:13pm by Kalivha
#139 Jan 27 2010 at 8:07 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
So, my guild took a few weeks hiatus from raiding during and after the christmas holiday, we finally get back into the swing of raiding. In order to get as many people geared for 25 ICC as possible, our guild leader decided to get 3 10-man groups going, which stretched our resources a little thin, and most raids we could only get past the 1st 4 bosses in our allotted time(8-11), with enough time to pull one or two mobs for rep after Saurfang.

Well the rest of the officers got together and decided that we should only be running 2 10-mans that way we would have a more solid group get past the first wing, and start progressing through the rest of the wings which a lot of people haven't even seen yet. Plus with 2 groups we have a better chance of getting in there again later in the week than when having 3 groups plus a 25 man.

So anyway, my accomplishment isn't much, but after only making one attempt in the past (when the bosses were first released), we finally got festergut down last night. Plus I was tank healing during the fight, as holy. I was nervous at first, but it went pretty smoothly.

#140 Jan 27 2010 at 8:21 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
Indications point to a release of patch 3.3 next week.

I was all excited for new honor gear until I saw that the new robe looks exactly the same as the old one. Smiley: bah I am so sick of red dresses. Would it kill them to make one in, like, blue or something?

The Honorable dadanox wrote:
That's a tremendous upgrade opportunity for anyone having a few hours available.

Yabbut. Stranger danger! I'll keep my iLevel 213 gear in exchange for not having to PUG.
#141 Jan 27 2010 at 10:27 AM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
That's a tremendous upgrade opportunity for anyone having a few hours available.

Yabbut. Stranger danger! I'll keep my iLevel 213 gear in exchange for not having to PUG.

That's the beauty of the new system. You don't have to pug to get the benefits. Even a social guild can gather its members for a nightly random heroic. Just get your guild group together and join as a group. You still get your emblems of Triumph and Frost. This benefits not only you, but your guild as a whole.

If your guild isn't doing a random nightly heroic or two for mains and alts, then start the tradition.

me: "OK, random guild heroic starting in a couple minutes. Who wants in?"
me: "Act now, this opportunity won't last long. Bring your main or bring an alt, but come for the fun!!"

I'm usually heals, so we have a couple possibilities for tanks on their mains or an alt. DPS is pretty easy to fill up, and we can always pug one dps if we have to, or wait a bit for another guildie to come online. As long as we have guild heals and tanking, It doesn't "feel" like a pug, even if we pull in one random dps.

I looked at my Emblems of Triumph and spent about 50 on any remaining reputations I could bring to exhalted with them. I still have around 150 stockpiled.

#142 Jan 27 2010 at 11:50 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
Just get your guild group together and join as a group.

There are three people in my guild, one of whom is my next of kin. I take this stranger danger thing very seriously. I wouldn't even play with you.*

But your point stands. Smiley: grin This dungeon tool is really a great thing for making sure new players/alts just hitting 80 can still get into endgame PVE if they want to. I remember how hard it used to be (when I had a real guild) if you wanted to change mains, to get up to speed so you could raid with your friends. I know there's a downside with the whole gear score obsession, but the easy access to gear at least means people who want to play together can.

*Only because you're filthy Alliance
#143 Jan 27 2010 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Teacake, stop being a wuss and queue up in the LFD tool.
There's very little that can go wrong and if something goes wrong it's not like you'll see those people again so it's not important.
#144 Jan 27 2010 at 12:56 PM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Teacake, stop being a wuss and queue up in the LFD tool.
There's very little that can go wrong and if something goes wrong it's not like you'll see those people again so it's not important.

That was my theory with my hunter that just hit 80. If I suck at DPS, it's unlikely I will see these people again, so if they think I suck because my DPS is low due to my gear, it doesn't matter because I probably won't see them again.

Sadly though in my first heroic, and many others that followed, my hunter, sans the triumph shoulders(originally had the BoA shoulders) and heroic drops, was doing 2k+ dps on the bosses and was competitive with the other DPS that had twice the level of gear.
#145 Jan 27 2010 at 1:02 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Teacake, stop being a wuss

Smiley: laughAs if that's ever going to happen. I won't even call for a pizza.

His Excellency Aethien wrote:
queue up in the LFD tool.

Meh. If I were more interested in the dungeons themselves, I would (and will, as the whim strikes - I HAVE pugged, I just don't do it often). I do have fun if I'm hanging out with friends, but a big shiny pile of badges isn't appealing enough for me to feel like doing the same fight the same way over and over again with people I don't even know and am not laughing with. There's just never a night where I think, "Yeah, of all the things I could be doing, that is the one I choose."
#146 Jan 27 2010 at 1:30 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
teacake wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Teacake, stop being a wuss

Smiley: laughAs if that's ever going to happen. I won't even call for a pizza.

Edit: I don't think I have ever ordered pizza.
It's ridiculously expensive and I prefer just cooking my own food.
And I'm just as much of a wuss IRL, it takes me half a day to gather up the courage for an important phone call. Smiley: blush

Edit: Find a tank to heal, or roll a tank and find a healer and talk over skype while leveling in dungeons.
It's guaranteed fun.

Edited, Jan 27th 2010 8:33pm by Aethien
#147 Jan 27 2010 at 3:36 PM Rating: Good
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Find a tank to heal, or roll a tank and find a healer and talk over skype while leveling in dungeons.
It's guaranteed fun.

Are you saying you'd have this much fun with any healer? </3

Also, a not so priestly achievement but I went to Soton today and met this guy who's working on his PhD thesis about squaric acid derivatives. Squaric acid! Stuff like this is why my one true love in this world will always be organic chemistry.
#148 Jan 27 2010 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Kalivha wrote:
Are you saying you'd have this much fun with any healer? </3
I said it's fun with any healer/tank combo.
You're not any healer Smiley: sly

Also, a not so priestly achievement but I went to Soton today and met this guy who's working on his PhD thesis about squaric acid derivatives. Squaric acid! Stuff like this is why my one true love in this world will always be organic chemistry.
And I thought I was geeky. Smiley: tongue
#149 Feb 02 2010 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
Good neeeeews everyone!

8/12 in ICC25 with Blood-Queen left, and 9/12 in ICC10.

Also, our 10man group pulled their tumbs out of their asses and finished Algalon and Yogg+1, so now I finally have my 310 % mount. Feel great being done with that place, only got "not dieing on yogg" to complete our Conqueror of Ulduar.
#150 Feb 02 2010 at 9:15 PM Rating: Good
I typed up a Shadow guide for my guild forums. There are some priests who shall remain unnamed that really need it.
#151 Feb 05 2010 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Well, it took us long enough, but...
Funnily enough, we had people in our group that got literally 6 achievements from that one kill.

Also, this gave me sads... =(
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