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The Priest Accomplishment ThreadFollow

#377 Sep 04 2010 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Anyone that is disc also have a hatred for 2 healing BQL-reg or am I just a baddie? Fight drives me oom like no other, PW:S seems useless and FH/Renew don't seem strong enough but PoH will oom me as well.

Solo healing Saur-reg, 2 healing Val or any other reg fight I've spent time on is cake but BQL just hates me.

How do you manage? Just chain-cast PW:S (That **** isn't useless O_o), keep ProM jumping, Penance whoever gets the fire/link, and PoH when an entire group is getting low or when you've run out of shields. Let the paladin handle the tank.

Alternatively, spam Flash Heal/Penance/ProM on the tanks, let the druid/shaman heal the raid.
#378 Sep 10 2010 at 8:42 AM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
Finally finished Master of Wintergrasp on my Priest this week. Most of it came naturally from playing WG to win, but Wintergrasp Ranger was a pain to get: you have to kill people in very silly places. In the end I had to resort to lurking in the fire elemental area and ambushing people farming primal fire. I always gave them a /sorry after ganking them.

That means I have most of the PVP meta-acheivements. I’m only missing Arena Master--I’ll need a solid 5s team before I can even hope--and Guburashi Arena Master, which I suppose will be my next goal.
#379 Sep 10 2010 at 10:04 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
emmitsvenson wrote:
I always gave them a /sorry after ganking them.

You're so nice. Smiley: lol

I do ton of bg's but I never seem to get a meta achievement by accident. As a healer there are some of those things that I just don't do, like run flags, for example. Some day I'll have to look at what bits and pieces I'm missing and make an effort.

Conqueror though is but a pipe dream. Those rep grinds are wretched.
#380 Sep 10 2010 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
I actually qualified for Conqueror before the achievement existed. On two characters. I love me some PVP. :)

You're right that the PVP metas tend to have at least one accomplishment that you have to go out of your way to get, like AV’s “capture 50 graveyards” achievement. Here’s what my achievements tab reminds me were my stumbling blocks:

Master of Arathi Basin: Capping back 50 flags took the longest. You really have to plan to be in the right place at the right time. I found that playing as a reserve/response force (staying mounted at a point equidistant from the LM, BS and Farm and responding to calls of “incoming”) gave me the most opportunities to recapture flags before they flipped to Alliance.

Master of Eye of the Storm: Killing five flag carriers in a single battle took the longest. I had to get help for that one. I grabbed the flag, and with a stealthed arena partner in tow, ran up to individual alliance players and dropped it at their feet. The second they grabbed it, they got ganked, and I picked it up and took it to another. As a hilarious side note, after I explained to others in the BG what we were doing, some asked for help getting the same achievement, so we kept it up for maybe 9-10 drop + ganks. At that point, the allies wouldn’t touch the flag after I dropped it.

Master of Warsong Gulch: Returning five flags in a single match took the longest. I’m not melee, I’m usually not near enemy carriers when they die. I again appealed to my arena partner for help. Overall, WSG was probably the easiest meta to get.

Master of Strand of the Ancients: Defending the Beach without losing any walls took the longest, because when I got it, the achievement was bugged: BOTH teams had to not lose any walls. I had to put together a premade able to completely stomp the allies on defense and also willing to hang back and /dance far from the walls on offense. Total bullcrap. Steady Hands was no picnic either. SotA was proably the hardest meta to get.

Master of Alterac Valley: Grinding out the 100 victories at 80 took the longest, which made me a bitter man, as I had won hundreds of victories in lower brackets with folks who knew their PVP before the WotLK achievements came out. Having to PuG nearly 200 games, winning only slightly more than half of them, was a pain.

Master of Isle of Conquest: Getting 100 victories took the longest, but as it was a shiny new battleground and I had a 89% win rate, it wasn’t terribly onorous. If you want a PVP meta to brag about, this is pretty easy to get and gives you a swell tabard.

The one PVP achievement I don’t see myself getting unless I respec shadow is Wrecking Ball, 20 killing blows in a BG without dying. It’s actually not that hard if you’re not a healer and you have a healer. I’ve helped others get it. I should get one called “Wrecking Chain”.
#381 Sep 13 2010 at 12:23 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Got me a heroic Abacus today. Pally won it and yelled at him, he gave it to me.

Silly pallies SP is for me.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#382 Sep 13 2010 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
For a second there, I thought about how sad it is for paladins that all trinkets or weapons with a 'proc chance' favour raid healers.

Then I realized how easy healing as a paladin is, and now I'm vengeful again.
#383 Sep 13 2010 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Mozared wrote:
For a second there, I thought about how sad it is for paladins that all trinkets or weapons with a 'proc chance' favour raid healers.

Then I realized how easy healing as a paladin is, and now I'm vengeful again.

This is very true.

I did loot Trauma to a pally last night as well. Practically begged the druids to roll but they both had one and the priests rolled low. :(

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#384 Sep 14 2010 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
It felt pretty bad when Trauma dropped for us and the only people needing it were the Holy priests. And I was the one with -220 DKP, so no chance there. The other one even offered to just give it to me, but I didn't want to be mean.
#385 Oct 11 2010 at 7:55 AM Rating: Good
So yeah... I just gave in and dualspecced. (Yeah, I know, 900g down the drain come patch time, but ***** it.) I have no idea what the hell I was thinking leveling as Disc. Sure, the group finder dropped from 20 minutes to 20 nanoseconds, but it's just not what I'm good at. I'm a dps player, no matter my class. I used to excel as a Hunter, always topping damage meters while CCing whatever I wanted for however long I wanted to. My Rogue always topped the damage meters on any single-target encounter, and my Druid who I thought I'd finally heal on... well, she turned out to be a lil' kittycat who enjoyed using bosses as scratching posts.

Sure, healing can be fun. Sure, it can be challenging and enjoyable. But it's not me.

Shadow is the name of the game for me, now, and so it'll stay I think. A minute after respeccing, I hit the lfg queue as dps... and as usual I topped the damn meters both between bosses and on them. I guess it's simply what I'm good at. I do dps, and that's it. It doesn't hurt that I now have quadrupled the killspeed and mana efficiency when soloing, nor does it hurt that I'm actually far more busy in an instance now than I ever was as the healer.

Guess my healspecc is now an offspecc, for use in group PvP, while my main specc has become Shadow.

Know thyself, people. I just realized that no matter what else... I'm a dpser, and that's what I do.
#386 Oct 11 2010 at 8:08 AM Rating: Good
Nice post, NorthAI. I enjoy reading where players find what they enjoy and are good at. I feel the same way about healing being the thing I do, but I am looking forward to doing a little shadow questing when cataclysm hits.
#387 Oct 11 2010 at 10:12 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Indeed. In WoW as in life, find out what you are, and be that.

(Plus we need more shadow people posting here.)

Edited, Oct 11th 2010 12:13pm by teacake
#388 Oct 31 2010 at 11:49 AM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
Well. About last night...

- Dinged 68.
- Achievement: 1000 quests (surprise!!)
- Achievement: Tricks and Treats of Kalimdor
- Achievement: Tricks and Treats of Outland
- Achievement: Tricks and Treats of Azeroth

I had done the Eastern Kingdoms Tricks and Treats on Thursday. And there were some other achievements associated with Hallow's End too but minor in nature.

As an aside: Doing the Tricks and Treats quests was a wonderful opportunity to have MoanaLisa go on a World Tour to visit all of the inns and see Azeroth one last time before the shattering. After nearly a year, I'm still enchanted by the tourist aspect of the game and anything that gives me an excuse to go travel to somewhere that I haven't been in a while (or ever) always moves right to the top of my to-do list.

So this was nice and was sort of a farewell to this edition of the game. To those of you who might be inclined to be sympathetic with this point of view, try and visit all of your flight points before everything changes, walk around, see things, take screenshots and give Azeroth-as-we-know-it a proper farewell.

Now, on to Northrend and 80.

#389 Oct 31 2010 at 9:51 PM Rating: Good
35 exalted reps, now which is next? Perhaps a couple to pick up Diplomat achievement.

Edit: Now at 38 and within easy striking distance of 40 for my title. Also, our little casual guild got Sarth 3d tonight.

Edited, Nov 11th 2010 10:16pm by dadanox
#390 Nov 12 2010 at 12:44 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
My priest has been rocking her crazy person sign from the pre-Cata quests. It looks quite fashionable.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#391 Nov 19 2010 at 10:35 AM Rating: Excellent
110 posts
#392 Nov 19 2010 at 4:03 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
#393 Nov 22 2010 at 5:24 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
My priest has been rocking her crazy person sign from the pre-Cata quests. It looks quite fashionable.

Haha, I felt very self-conscientious wearing that sign - and that is coming from a girl who frequently wanders the cities in blue overalls and a weather-beaten fishing hat
#394 Dec 01 2010 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
LK heroic to 41%. Not there yet, but it's a start. It seems to be like the third fight or so that actually challenges me, though on the flipside I don't find it particularly hard - rather 'unforgiving' if anything. You don't immediately heal up an infest, people start dying. You don't immediately dispel the shambling horrors, people start dying. Two-shots on the tank are back too, and depending on how you get into the second phase one healer getting picked up can easily mean that either the first Infest kills DPS or that the tank gets 2-shot when Soul Reaper goes up.

What I do now (typing this out more for my own use than for you, I guess);

Start: At ~26 seconds to go on the RP, ProM on the MT. At 22 seconds, PW:S the entire raid. Back up into my own group, drink up, cast Devouring Plague on the LK.

P1: Smite X5 for Evangelism, then re-shield everything (the first Infest will have hit) and use Archangel once the shields are up. Also throw down a ProM if there's time. Additionally, while that's going on, dispel whoever gets the disease in time and keep an eye out on the tanks - if my partner gets the disease and needs to run, the off-tank is gonna drop to 50% before he can cast more heals, and an off-tank on 50% means he's likely to get 1-shot by an enraged horror. Near the end of the phase, move to the side way early so I can cover the tank healer while he's running. If you get an infest while moving to the edge without having everyone pre-shielded, you're boned.

Aside from all this, be aware where the Shadow Traps are going down so I don't run into one and be ready to use Arcane Torrent to fill in additional mana when Archangel isn't cutting it.

Phase transition: PW:B the melee and tank to lower their incoming damage. Whenever there's time, Smite X5 into Archangel. Otherwise keep an eye on the off-tank, dispel diseases from him as needed, throw up a possible PoH and if I didn't perfect P1 also cast Hymn of Hope to get mana back. Pre-shield everyone near the end of the phase or P2's first Infest is gonna cause havoc.

P2: Pray everything in the phase transition went well. Move in for the Valkyrs while at the same time keeping some instants up on the tanks, heal up the people once Infest hits (2-3 shields will have been taken away by damage in the transition), hope you don't get grabbed by the Valkyr, move out for Defile, somehow cast five Smites for more Archangelism. If the first Valkyr and Defile are down stuff and everybody is still alive, stuff stabilizes a bit and I can go back to the 'rotation' I had in P1 while still moving in/out for the Valkyrs/Defile.

And that's as far as we've gotten, though P3 (whenever we're not in frostmourne) should be just like P2, except a little bit easier because there's no Defile anymore. It definitely is one hell of a fight, though we should be able to get it down if we stop wiping on silly stuff like the tanks getting 2-shot. With only 1 or 2 more raids to go, pressure's mounting =(
#395 Dec 01 2010 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
Finished my college applications. For the most part.

Now all that's left to do is wait.

By the way? F*** the college app process. It's ridiculous and painful.
#396 Dec 02 2010 at 4:08 AM Rating: Decent
60 posts
Mozared - Feeling elated from downing the LK on normal 10-man mode last night, 41% isn't bad - with a lucky run, you can do it!

Though normal, not heroic, healing tactics were very similar. P1: shield, smite, cure disease. P1 transition: kept PoM bouncing and threw out PoH when needed. P2: saved PW:barrier for the 1st infest of this phase, PoH for following infests, otherwise smite and whatever needed to keep tanks up. Had a boomkin throw out extra hots for transitions or if a healer was picked up by Val'kyr etc...
#397 Dec 02 2010 at 11:15 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
IDrownFish wrote:
Finished my college applications. For the most part.

Where, where? Or are you afraid we'll stalk you if you say where? That might be wise if so. Aeth has always been shifty. I'm filling in the blanks for myself then and guessing you're one of those people who considers Brown a safety school in case the real ivy schools don't work out.

IDrownFish wrote:
By the way? F*** the college app process. It's ridiculous and painful.

Now imagine having to do it with a typewriter and white out.

Do they still send snail mail letters or is there some high tech way of getting an answer faster now?

And most of all, good luck. :)
#398 Dec 02 2010 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
IDrownFish wrote:
Finished my college applications. For the most part.

Where, where? Or are you afraid we'll stalk you if you say where? That might be wise if so. Aeth has always been shifty. I'm filling in the blanks for myself then and guessing you're one of those people who considers Brown a safety school in case the real ivy schools don't work out.

Heh, I wish. No, I'm looking at mostly University of Texas at Austin, with one of their satellites as backup. But I'm also applying to SMU, NYU, Baylor University, and Texas A&M. UT is mainly my goal, if only because it has everything I'm looking for.

I mean, my grades are good, sure, but not really good enough for ivy league. That, and I hear so much elitist crap from people in my school that I'm kind of sick of it (my school's pretty damn competitive, as far as public schools go).

teacake wrote:
IDrownFish wrote:
By the way? F*** the college app process. It's ridiculous and painful.

Now imagine having to do it with a typewriter and white out.

Do they still send snail mail letters or is there some high tech way of getting an answer faster now?

And most of all, good luck. :)

Ugh, I think I would rather slam my head in a car door a few dozen times.

Nowadays we mostly apply online. The colleges really encourage you to do it that way, too. Less paperwork, and it's pretty easy to keep track of things. They don't really go through the actual admission process any faster this way, but you can at least find out by email, in addition to the regular acceptance/rejection letter in the mail.

Edited, Dec 2nd 2010 6:43pm by IDrownFish
#399 Dec 02 2010 at 6:06 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
So... five schools in Texas and one in NY. I know what I'd do.

(Just kidding. I actually love Austin.)
#400 Dec 02 2010 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
34%... It's a pretty ridiculous fight sometimes. I think we had about 25 attempts tonight. 5 of them we actually got into P3, there were at least 8 where we wiped to RNG (stuff timing up at a wrong moment and tanks getting 2-shot, DPS disconnecting inside a Defile) and 8 more were wipes due to our own fault, but due to small retarded things (catching the bare edge of a Shadow Trap, frost traps making Defile invisible >.>).

We can definitely down this, we just need to stop wiping on silly things and actually get some good attempts into P3 - it seems to be the easiest phase out of all of them.
#401 Apr 30 2011 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
And... ding 85! :D Loving going through heroics as a shadow priest. Now they need to hurry up and update recount so I can see what kind of dps I'm doing. I did pretty bad on Orzuk in Stonecore. The shaman told me I only did about 4.5k, which was really embarassing but that fight confuses the hell out of me, and I've only done it twice on my druid. =x After we downed the last boss I asked him/her how I did and they said 7.7k, so I was pretty satisfied with that.
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