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Tauren 5% health thing...Follow

#1 Nov 10 2009 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Figured this was the forum to ask about Taurens.

Does the 5% apply to base or to after gear.

Say base HP = 1000
Post talents/gear = 2000

Does the player get 50 extra HP or 100?

Maybe someone could explain it to me. I'm thinking about a Tauren Pally....
#2 Nov 10 2009 at 10:22 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts

Endurance is as passive ability possessed by all Tauren giving them 5% greater base health.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#3 Nov 10 2009 at 2:02 PM Rating: Default
1,239 posts
I thought only Blood Elves could be horde pallies. Am I wrong or did they change this?
#4 Nov 10 2009 at 2:08 PM Rating: Good
Paladins are coming to Tauren with the next expansion. Which is currently a good loooooooooooooong way off, unless they plan on a) not having any kind of beta period and b) only running Icecrown for a month.
#5 Nov 10 2009 at 2:20 PM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Which is currently a good loooooooooooooong way off,


But my Paly is currently retired and they've introduced the new change faction/retool your characters. I don't know if that means you will be able to turn a BE or Hum (or whatever) into a Tauren Paly at the expansion, but it's an interesting idea.

Paladins have the lowest health of any tank, but are agruably one of the best tanks for a whole lot of situations. There are few better with AoE fights or to OT a ton of mobs. However - the 5% boost to HP (Base) I don't know what that really means - form the perspective of Warrior/DK vs Paly (Druid vs paly will always show the druid with MUCH more HP). But it's an interesting idea.
#6 Nov 10 2009 at 2:37 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Borsuk wrote:
Paladins have the lowest health of any tank

Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#7 Nov 10 2009 at 3:02 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
#8 Nov 10 2009 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Psh, dil isn't even the main pally tank.

Apollyon Main Tank Soulentity and he's probably in his pvp gear right now. But i can gaurentee you he's way the hell over 40k.
#9 Nov 10 2009 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
I left Paly tanking mid-Ulduar. At that point Paly tanks were by far the lowest - if i'm wrong on that - Sorry,

However - the weakness of Paly tank has always been their lower HP. (Threat - Yep - Good, Blockcap - Yep only ones, etc...)

But if you could improve your paly any way - the most basic was that Pally tanks did not naturally have the HP that Wars/DK had. (Again - Druid tanks are so easily HP overkill, it doesn't enter the talks....)

What is an 80 (Naked)

Druid (bear form)

My understanding is that paly has always been the lowest. (Mind you - i'm not talking **** about palys - I have an 80 tankadin)

My point was just that having 5% HP buff might make the Tauren a really nice option - I wouldn't go so far as saying they'd be the only option, but on the horde side - POST EXPAC - would there be any reason to go BE?
#10 Nov 11 2009 at 6:31 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
As a Night Elf, my health when nekkid is 8677. A 5% increase would put it at 9111 or so. That's barely 500 extra health. 550 with Blessing of Kings, right?

I don't know if 550 extra health is worth it, to be honest. I, for one, would never roll a Tauren because of it.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#11 Nov 11 2009 at 7:42 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
500 Health is/was the benifit of Max (450) Mining.

My numbers might be wrong, but up until the Epic Gems came out - the biggest boost to possible tanking stats was BS/Mining. With the introduction of Epic JC, you have some gems that will push JC well ahead of mining. But I'm pretty sure for a long time this was true...

Granted that is saying that 500 Health at the launch of Wrath -vs- 500 health at the launch of the next Expac. And it's sort of the reason I asked the question - how is the 5% applied.
#12 Nov 11 2009 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Soad, main warrior tank for Apollyon.

Almost a 1000 less hp unbuffed.
#13 Nov 11 2009 at 8:31 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
Borsuk wrote:
What is an 80 (Naked)

Druid (bear form)

My understanding is that paly has always been the lowest

Base value they are lower yes (Source):

So here are the base health values:
Class Base health value
Death Knight 8121
Druid 7417
Hunter 7324
Mage 6963
Paladin 6934
Priest 6960
Rogue 7604
Shaman 6485
Warlock 7164
Warrior 8121

Or do you mean scaling with gear and talents at end game? I am pretty sure warriors are behind on this as they have two talents that increase their stamina by 6% and 4% where as a pally has two talents that increase their stamina by 6% each. Part of the difference in health could have been down to the "extra" stat slot that warrior's have.

Edit: Please correct me if I am wrong

Edited, Nov 11th 2009 9:49am by KevMc
#14 Nov 11 2009 at 9:32 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Death Knight 8121
Druid 7417 - Not a good data point unless it's Bear form
Paladin 6934
Warrior 8121

Are these Naked, 80, talented/spec'd for tanking?

I suspect the 6/4 and 6/6% difference was probably due to that. There was a debate a while ago about the Libram vs Gun positions (I don't recall the conclusion of the debate) but I think the general idea was that Bliz was trying to keep it equal.

Another thought - 500HP isn't much, but at 40,000HP - 500 Represents 1.25%
#15 Nov 11 2009 at 9:56 AM Rating: Default
On the whole tank HP thing...

Druid > DK > War > Pally

Pally, in equal gear, will have less HP than War who has less HP than DK who has less hp than Druid.

Why? Mitigations.
Pally has the highest amount of mitigating abilities and generally will have the top block/parry/dodge.
War has some amazing mitigation as well, just slightly behind Pally, and not QUITE as good at AoE threat.
DK has no block, but makes up for it with higher Parry and Frost Presence.
Druid is all around awesome, with lots of abilities to aid in mitigation but overall, they soak damage more than mitigate.
#16 Nov 11 2009 at 10:05 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
Borsuk wrote:
Are these Naked, 80, talented/spec'd for tanking?

For these values wowwiki gives the basic calc "Base Health = Max Health - Health From Stamina"

More info is here

Edit: forgot to answer what you asked! Yes this is purely base health and does not consider talents.

Edited, Nov 11th 2009 11:16am by KevMc
#17 Nov 11 2009 at 4:04 PM Rating: Good
This is probably all irrelevant anyway as from what have heard, they are looking at redoing all the racials with the expansion anyway so there will be all new reasons to pick one class over another.

I love taurens as you get to see all their armor properly cause they are big! Except their boots! :)

My soon(tm) to be 10 80's include 2 Blood Elfs, 1 Orc, 1 Undead, 1 troll and 5 Tauren :)

#18 Nov 11 2009 at 4:16 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
Friar RareBeast wrote:
This is probably all irrelevant anyway as from what have heard, they are looking at redoing all the racials with the expansion anyway so there will be all new reasons to pick one class over another.

I love taurens as you get to see all their armor properly cause they are big! Except their boots! :)

My soon(tm) to be 10 80's include 2 Blood Elfs, 1 Orc, 1 Undead, 1 troll and 5 Tauren :)

We call this addiction and nod at the nice man and walk away.....quickly...

#19 Nov 11 2009 at 10:51 PM Rating: Excellent
And I still manage to work 50-60 hours in my business, spend time building wife faction and occaisionally even sleep for more than 4 hours a night!

#20 Nov 12 2009 at 1:26 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Womenizer is a social from my old guild.. 42.8k hp unbuffed.
But I do have to say that he organizes the best raid PuGs on our server.
Wednesday afternoon ToCx2 (once with his alt) 2 clears in 45-50 minutes each with no loot drama and very few bad players.

My old GM's prot pala has 39.9k HP unbuffed, his prot war has 39.9k hp too and is slightly better geared and his tanking DK has 37.9k hp unbuffed.
And his paladin is his newest lvl 80 (and nr 7)

Oh and yeah, he loves tanking. (but his main is his rogue xD)
#21 Nov 13 2009 at 5:15 AM Rating: Default
SarionBelmont wrote:
On the whole tank HP thing...

Druid > DK > War > Pally

Pally, in equal gear, will have less HP than War who has less HP than DK who has less hp than Druid.

Why? Mitigations.
Pally has the highest amount of mitigating abilities and generally will have the top block/parry/dodge.
War has some amazing mitigation as well, just slightly behind Pally, and not QUITE as good at AoE threat.
DK has no block, but makes up for it with higher Parry and Frost Presence.
Druid is all around awesome, with lots of abilities to aid in mitigation but overall, they soak damage more than mitigate.

No. Look at the multipliers from talents/forms/stances. Of the plate classes, paladins > DKs > warriors for stamina multipliers, and therefore past a certain gear level, paladins have the highest HP. Warriors, in equal gear, will have (slightly) less HP than DKs, who have less HP than paladins, who have less HP than druids.

This has little to do with levels of avoidance and mitigation each class has (don't confuse the two: mitigation =/= avoidance; avoidance =/= mitigation), nor is it anything at all to do with their threat capabilities, so really, your post is almost wholly inaccurate.
#22 Nov 13 2009 at 9:40 AM Rating: Default
1,634 posts
No. Look at the multipliers from talents/forms/stances. Of the plate classes, paladins > DKs > warriors for stamina multipliers, and therefore past a certain gear level, paladins have the highest HP. Warriors, in equal gear, will have (slightly) less HP than DKs, who have less HP than paladins, who have less HP than druids.

This has little to do with levels of avoidance and mitigation each class has (don't confuse the two: mitigation =/= avoidance; avoidance =/= mitigation), nor is it anything at all to do with their threat capabilities, so really, your post is almost wholly inaccurate.

1. You can debate without sounding like a ****.
2. You didn’t realize what he was saying. His argument is that certain classes have specific HP because of their mitigation. (For example – He’s saying a Paladin has the highest mitigation and thus, to be fair, they have the lowest HP.)
3. You missed a previous debate (In the Pally forum) regarding the problems balancing the Pally “ranged” slot and the Warrior “range” slot and how the multipliers were likely made to bring the two classes closer together in terms of “tank-ability” (Though, to be fair it was in the Pally board and they nearly all agreed that Pallys had it better – haha…)
4. On your mighty 4th post – try to be less hostile and more friendly.
#23 Nov 13 2009 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Honestly, I think the difference in BASE health has more to do with lower end content than higher end.

For one thing, a Paladin will ALWAYS have access to BoK ([EDIT] or BoS) in a group, which is a free 2K health at the level for 5-man heroics. That would probably make them slightly higher than DK tanks (who don't get stam from a shield, and who get fewer +% Stam, 6% for all and 9% for Blood DKs).

That would keep them from being far more powerful as tanks for the lower end content. Beyond that, I don't know much about Paladin or Warrior CDs. But, it is also worthy to note that Pallies get Lay on Hands, which I believe can be self-targetted. With a 20 min CD, it can be used every 1 to 2 bosses for most instances. Pretty amazing ability. Though, they may have made it party-member only (still kicks ***, because it adds armor and returns mana)...

The change in the Tauren racial, from max health to base health (5% overall boost to .5-1.5% boost) was because high end guilds were requiring Warrior and Druid tanks to be Tauren because 5% is such a huge boost.

Edited, Nov 13th 2009 1:54pm by idiggory
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#24 Nov 13 2009 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
For one thing, a Paladin will ALWAYS have access to BoK ([EDIT] or BoS) in a group, which is a free 2K health at the level for 5-man heroics. That would probably make them slightly higher than DK tanks (who don't get stam from a shield, and who get fewer +% Stam, 6% for all and 9% for Blood DKs).

And yet my experience of healing at low levels (reg ToC) is that so many of the DK's have high health but take sooo much damage compared to other tanks. This is only anecdotal of course and I didn't bother inspecting their gear and talents etc. DK's are the only class I like to see a 3k GS and low health in a tank, as that means they have focused at least a bit on avoidance (hopefully).

#25 Nov 13 2009 at 5:33 PM Rating: Default
Borsuk wrote:
1. You can debate without sounding like a ****.
2. You didn’t realize what he was saying. His argument is that certain classes have specific HP because of their mitigation. (For example – He’s saying a Paladin has the highest mitigation and thus, to be fair, they have the lowest HP.)
3. You missed a previous debate (In the Pally forum) regarding the problems balancing the Pally “ranged” slot and the Warrior “range” slot and how the multipliers were likely made to bring the two classes closer together in terms of “tank-ability” (Though, to be fair it was in the Pally board and they nearly all agreed that Pallys had it better – haha…)
4. On your mighty 4th post – try to be less hostile and more friendly.

1. Probably.
2. He mentions 'in equal gear'. Not naked. I pointed out that since paladins have the highest stamina multipliers from talents of the plate classes, their HP is higher than the other plate tanks beyond a certain gear level. Definitely not lowest, and again, not particularly due to their levels of mitigation. 'Fairness' doesn't change fact. Perhaps paladins should have the lowest HP of the four tanking classes when geared as well as when naked, but the fact remains that they don't.
3. Beyond a certain gear level, the extra stamina from the +8% multiplier that paladins have over warriors is greater than the extra stamina from a warrior's gun. Yes, paladins do have it 'better', if you will.
#26 Nov 13 2009 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Borsuk wrote:
1. You can debate without sounding like a ****.
2. You didn’t realize what he was saying. His argument is that certain classes have specific HP because of their mitigation. (For example – He’s saying a Paladin has the highest mitigation and thus, to be fair, they have the lowest HP.)
3. You missed a previous debate (In the Pally forum) regarding the problems balancing the Pally “ranged” slot and the Warrior “range” slot and how the multipliers were likely made to bring the two classes closer together in terms of “tank-ability” (Though, to be fair it was in the Pally board and they nearly all agreed that Pallys had it better – haha…)
4. On your mighty 4th post – try to be less hostile and more friendly.
1: Grow some thicker skin, if his post was sounding like a **** I don't want to know how you classify half my posts.
2: Life isn't fair, protadins have the highest HP after druids.
They also currently have the best mitigation out of all tank classes and in general are the best tanks for just about anything anywhere right now.
At least, from what I know about it. (which, admittedly, isn't a whole lot)
3: Can you blame him, or anyone else in here, for missing a discussion on the paladin forums?
4: Sure looks like a hostile comment to me, I dare say it makes you sound like a ****. Or a hypocrite, pick your favourite.
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