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A question for all the paladins out there.Follow

#1 Nov 07 2009 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
I thought I'd ask people(who have played / are playing the paladin class) of which talent tree you like the most, CURRENTLY and the one you've played the MOST. I'm interested in seeing the result.

Answer by writing:

Current: *answer*
Most played: *answer*

Lets hope that the results will end up having the specc protection as the most popular! :)

If you find any REAL official statistics of majority playing paladins and most popular talent tree, I'll be happy if you could share it :)

Oh, and to finish this off with a laugh, I found a hilarious video of a drunk paladin raiding in Icecrown Citadel. This must be the most funniest wowvideo I've ever seen, my personal favourite:

#2 Nov 07 2009 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I'm in a good mood, I'll bite :)

Current: dual specced Protection/Retribution atm, though I spend most of the time as Prot.

Most Played: in vanilla I was all Ret, probably 50/50 throughout BC, and now I'm mostly Prot. Overall I've probably spent the most time as Ret, but it'd be close.
#3 Nov 07 2009 at 8:16 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
Like Maul I am duel spec Prot/Ret

Currently: Prot always for raiding, Ret for PvP (rogue is there for when I need a pve dps fix)

Most Played: Probably Ret overall (started wotlk raiding as dps but also levelled up to 80 as Ret). In WotLK I'd say it'd be a close 50/50 Prot/Ret.

If you were to count all the time I stand around in Dalaran talking to guildies then Prot wins hands down for both
#4 Nov 08 2009 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
Prot now and always.

I have a holy offspec that I have probably seriously used 5 times ever.
#5 Nov 08 2009 at 7:14 PM Rating: Good
212 posts
Currently: Holy
Played: Holy

I play about 70/30 Holy/Prot. Holy for progress stuff, Prot for heroics and alt raids.

#6 Nov 09 2009 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent

It takes me about 20 seconds to get a group for whatever I want to do

Once ICC comes out I'll switch over to two holy specs one with prot and one with ret just to see what is needed

healz 4 lyfe
#7 Nov 09 2009 at 10:11 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
Current: Prot/DPS Dual Spec
Most Played: Prot

I leveled as Prot, I OT'd as Prot, Eventaully I was MT. At that point we started looking for more tanks and more flex. in our raid group. I spec'd for DPS just for fun and got dragged through Naxx 10/25. Eventually hitting Ulduar where I mostly tanked, but was DPS on fights like Hodir (Where essentially if the MT died we all died...)
#8 Nov 09 2009 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
I have no idea why I posted what was originally here since it had nothing to do with the topic.

Edited, Feb 17th 2010 4:13pm by AureliusSir
#9 Nov 09 2009 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
I am Holy/Ret. I was prot offspec for a long time, but all the ret and holy paladins in my raid had prot as an offspec so I changed to ret.

I have raided as Holy for most of the time, it is tons of fun to heal IMO.
#10 Nov 09 2009 at 2:32 PM Rating: Excellent
Current: Ret/Holy
Most played: Ret since Wrath released; Holy the entire time from Nov/Dec 2004 through to Wrath release.

I had more fun healing w/Holy in Vanilla than BC or Wrath; now I prefer Ret (PvE and PvP).
I plan on leveling an alt to try Prot soon.
#11 Nov 09 2009 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
Current: Holy / Holy PvP
Most Played: Prot, levelled as it 'till 67, then trying Holy for PvP and fell in love with it. Since then, have levelled since as such.
#12 Nov 09 2009 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts

PvE T4,5,6,7,8,9.

If I want to DPS I raid with my hunter which does an alt ToC 25 and ToGC HM 10 man 25 and is now breaking 6500 dps.

Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#13 Nov 09 2009 at 9:47 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts

Was ret all through tbc and basically just pvped because i couldn't get heroic dungeon spots, let alone raid spots. When wrath hit i got into pve a little more now i could compete (and usually blow people out of the water) on dps. This led me to experimenting with prot and holy in pve and pvp. I don't really enjoy the static feel of paladin healing, and i prefer hitting stuff anyway so i made a prot set and now i MT our guilds ToC runs since we're a little short on tanks.

I very occasionally do freelance dps as ret for the 3 guilds on the server who can actually clear ToC hard modes, since people know me as someone who can throw out consistant dps that competes with mages and DKs (i tend to get called in a lot for OS zerg runs; no drake yet though). I mostly play alts now though since i'm running out of upgrades for ret outside those rare hard mode runs.
#14 Nov 10 2009 at 11:24 AM Rating: Good
970 posts
Liked: Like the more interactive style of Ret since LK. Like the way they took Holy away from the one-button-mashing of BC, but fear Blizzard's "vision" of the class (see: recent thrashing about LoH on the PTR).

Played: Leveled Holy 1-70 and 76-80, PvE T4/ZA (we were strict 10-man even then, which put a hard cap on our progress), Naxx-10, Ulduar-10 (stuck on YS phase 3), ToC-10/Ony-10. Leveled Ret 71-75, quest Ret since dual-spec was introduced, PvE Naxx-10 (minus Noth), Ulduar-10 (up to Mimiron), NB/Faction Champions.

We really only have 15 people geared for content past the Ulduar-10 watchers, so I actually do use dual-spec to accommodate different raid compositions (and tactically when we were on Thorim). I'm anticipating that I'll use it when we want to drop to 2 healers after dipping toes into hardmodes. Like Bodhi, I also have a hunter who now outgears my Ret spec, but I use him to fill gaps in our second raid group.

I like the challenge of healing, and Holy is likely to remain my main spec into Cataclysm. The only thing that might change this is if Blizzard manages to shove us back into a box.
#15 Nov 19 2009 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
Current: Ret/Holy... i've always had my eye on Ret from a holy standpoint and in PvP so when the new guild asked me to be mainly DPS, i had no problem switching.

Most Played: Holy all the way. I absolutely love healing as a holy paladin and will always do so in Arena as well as Heroics and PuGs though i'm not currently building up my set past what it was when i switched to Ret.
#16 Nov 21 2009 at 6:07 PM Rating: Good
I'm also Ret/Holy. I was holy mostly until the end of BC when ret got revamped. Then I was exclusively ret through WotLK until maybe 5 months ago when I took up gearing holy again. Since then I think I probably do more holy than ret because I LFG as both and almost always get invited as a healer. I don't mind healing anymore, I'm getting pretty ok at it so it's fun.
#17 Nov 22 2009 at 8:09 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
I'm a dual Prot/Ret.

Anytime I am soloing (read: Not very much lately), I do Ret.

But, given that I am the 2nd best geared tank in the guild, anytime I do anything, I'm asked to come as Prot, and my gear upgrades go to Prot.

I'm barely able to do Naxx/OS10 in my Ret gear, maybe Naxx25, but that's a longshot. About 1700 DPS, as my best.

Prot, however, is nearly good enough to do Uld10...
#18 Nov 23 2009 at 4:33 AM Rating: Good
zariamnk, you should be burning those heroic dungeons. Even if you have to go as prot, you can apply your badges to both and get enough upgrades through that to be doing ToC.
#19 Dec 08 2009 at 4:45 PM Rating: Good
1,131 posts
Currently dual-specced Prot/Ret but I spend 98% of my time as Prot.

Didn't play in Vanilla
Leveled to 60 as Ret in TBC, then went Prot
Have been Prot all the way through Lich King, although now (as I said) I spend maybe 2% of my time as Ret.
#20 Dec 08 2009 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
1,882 posts
bawbaag wrote:
Currently: Holy
Played: Holy

I play about 70/30 Holy/Prot. Holy for progress stuff, Prot for heroics and alt raids.

same here, pretty much
#21 Dec 09 2009 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
Current: Holy
Most played: Holy

I have always been holy. I leveled holy. I coudn't tell you the 4th tier talents in either of the other trees. I tank on my DK, and so many people assume I know something about paladin tanking, and all I can tell them is that they should have a shield in their offhand.

My 2 specs are holy raiding (51/0/20) and holy pvp (HoJ:52/19/0). Never done anything else and I have no desire to. Real tanks don't use shields and real healers wear plate. =D
#22 Dec 20 2009 at 4:15 AM Rating: Good
1,069 posts
I'm Prot, period. I tried Ret lasted about 20 minutes before I was back at a paladin trainer respecing.

What can I say? I like being able to fight 6+ monsters at once. And since I'm a master at getting random aggro, being prot means fewer trips to the graveyard.

I have a warlock friend who aggros trees (real trees not the elemental ones that walk) and I aggro everything else. We're a blast to lvl with.
#23 Dec 20 2009 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I have a warlock friend who aggros trees (real trees not the elemental ones that walk) and I aggro everything else. We're a blast to lvl with.

I swear mobs just pop into existence for the sole purpose of attacking me. They would not have existed if I wasn't logged on.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#24 Jan 12 2010 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
Current: duel Holy / Prot

I lvl as prot then at 80 went holy / ret (ret for dailies) I only just went back to prot honestly so I can run heroics with rl friends but as of yet only did prot in 3 heroics so far sooo...

Most played: Holy by far

I really wish they would give us like 3 or 4 specs that would be so cool. That way I could use all of them depending on my mood.
#25 Feb 15 2010 at 10:34 PM Rating: Decent
83 posts
Current dual spec Holy/nothing yes I've never specced my second side since I got it.

I leveled as ret pre-BC and went holy around lvl 65 about 2 weeks after BC came out and been holy since (except for a few tries as prot including 2 Kara runs as off tank).

I plan on getting tanking gear and going holy/prot.
#26 Feb 22 2010 at 4:09 AM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
I have two 80 paladins. Both dual specced

Alliance Paladin
Holy / Ret (PvE)

Horde PAladin
Prot / Ret (PvP)

As far as PvE play I think I enjoy my holy paladin more. Then again I've been drifting into a more mellow phase of my gaming lately. Generally, I find the stress of healing a lot lower than tanking, but I've been a healer for a lot longer. That and the content my guild is doing I just have to heal...ToC10 and Uld10. So I most fights I just have to not worry about standing in stuff and let the tanks bother figuring out the rest of the fight.

I use to be a big Ret fan but I just got bored with it. Its fun to run heroics when I just want to go through mindlessly, but I'm going to DPS I'll usually grab my Lock or my Enh Shaman.

As for PvP ret hands down. I use to do a lot of PvP healing and this expansion I just haven't enjoyed it. Burst damage was way too high when lich king came out. I remember being able to keep up 10 or so people around me in AV. At the beginning of lich king it was just wildly out of control. Same people. Same gear. Same level. But people (including myself) suddenly died so quickly it just wasn't fun for me. I'm sure its long been fixed...or at least sort of fixed, but I haven't talked myself back into it.

If I have to tank Prot tanking is by far my most favorite (I have a feral and frost tank as well). Especially running heroics the AoE is awesome. I haven't tanked many raids as prot, but overally I think its the easiest. Again, I'm into the more calmer gaming styles and I think that Protection, although frantic as any tank, is a bit more relaxed to play.
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