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Spellpower or IntellectFollow

#1 Nov 05 2009 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
Hi all,

First off, I'd like to thank all the posters here that have really made these pally forums a great resource for me to use while playing my holy paladin. I've been checking this site for over a year now and I don't think I could have gotten by without it.

Now for my question. It seems to be widely regarded to be a waste to gem for spellpower since we end up wasting a lot of it as overheal and instead to gem for Int/Haste/Crit/Mp5. What I would like to know is if this rings true for enchants as well. Most pallies I see have the +30sp to bracers and +63 to weapon, and I was curious if it would be better to enchant for intellect instead. Would the +16 int to bracers and the +30 int to weapon be viable options as we get mana/sp/crit from the intellect, as well as increased Mp5 using Divine Plea? Or are the spell power enchants just better for these slots?

Any input would be appreciated, and sorry I didn't link the chants (very new to posting).
#2 Nov 06 2009 at 3:16 AM Rating: Decent
Any extra spellpower that you are gaining is negligible. The more int you have, the longer you can heal for, the more mana you are getting in return from several different sources. Pallies with SP on their bracers are silly. SP on the weapon has always been argued, but imo theres no need for 63 sp, its never going to make a difference. If you do decide to gem int, go full int all int gems, Nightmare Tear all Int Chants. Splitting it up is silly.
#3 Nov 06 2009 at 6:13 AM Rating: Excellent
212 posts
It's more to do with itemisation points.

Just using rough calculations 23 SP = 20 INT. I'm basing this on epic gems.

Thus, 63 SP on a weapon is worth far more than 30 INT in terms of itemisation. Same applies for the bracers.

Increasing SP, whilst not optimal, is far from sucking and if you get twice the amount of SP as you would Int then there's good arguments to be made to take it.
#4 Nov 06 2009 at 8:31 AM Rating: Good
208 posts
It's more to do with itemisation points.

Just using rough calculations 23 SP = 20 INT. I'm basing this on epic gems.

Thus, 63 SP on a weapon is worth far more than 30 INT in terms of itemisation. Same applies for the bracers.

Increasing SP, whilst not optimal, is far from sucking and if you get twice the amount of SP as you would Int then there's good arguments to be made to take it.

Thats my understanding too. Also, I think it has to do with your prefered method of healing? Right now INT stacking + HL seems to be superior for PvE purposes.
#5 Nov 06 2009 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
For your weapon you gain so much more by going spellpower over int

I've seen int on a few legendary hammers--seems weak to me though

Bracer is kind of up in the air, I prefer SP though just because I do cast flash and shock a lot on fights I can

I would never gem haste though, just choose the gear with haste on it

#6 Nov 06 2009 at 9:02 AM Rating: Decent
Thats my understanding too. Also, I think it has to do with your prefered method of healing? Right now INT stacking + HL seems to be superior for PvE purposes.

I don't know if any guilds run 3 holy paladins for 25s but if you do have 3 solid pallys that always show up having one go FL spec would be a greater advantage. I'm not sure about hardmode 25s but even for regular 1 holy paladin seems to be all you need, the one with faster reaction,longer JoL uptime, and higher haste will look good on the meters and the other will fall behind a bit.

From what I was reading on EJ you need 4p and over 3k sp before it starts to balance out the raid.

Just the constant incoming heals on a tank helps round out damage.

Edited, Nov 6th 2009 10:10am by Smoopie
#7 Nov 11 2009 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
crazeecracker: "Any extra spellpower that you are gaining is negligible. The more int you have, the longer you can heal for, the more mana you are getting in return from several different sources. Pallies with SP on their bracers are silly. SP on the weapon has always been argued, but imo theres no need for 63 sp, its never going to make a difference. If you do decide to gem int, go full int all int gems, Nightmare Tear all Int Chants. Splitting it up is silly."

Why ? there are FoL spammers out there who really enjoy it. Is this the only way someone can play ? On what content does this applies ? Do you use intellect Elixir or spell power flask ? Spell power enchanting-gemming does make a huge difference if someone is an exclusive FoL spammer. For someone who is HL spammer then yes enchanting-gemming-glyphing-elixiring for int is a must. Silly is if you are a HL spammer with Spell power gems and little intellect and wrong glyphs /talents or if you are a FoL spammer with tons of intellect and little haste rating. Thats silly ...

#8 Nov 11 2009 at 10:28 AM Rating: Excellent
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
You can go either way if you are I lvl 226-245 geared.

Spell Power
Premonition and a lot of top 100 paladins are gemming SP. They get 3200 SP unbuffed, have the pvp libram that gives +sp to FoL and then get 682 Haste, or whatever the soft cap is for FoL with raid buffs is. Basically FoL spam, with FoL's hitting for 6k or more with crits peaking at 11-12k. But you need to be able to reach the SP and haste to support it. If you have 2500 sp gemmed it ain't gonna work.

Gem straight intellect, gear for haste, 800+ if you can get it. Should be 35k+ mana raid buffed, HL cast should be below 1.45 second cast, have the libram that reduces HL cost etc. The mana regen from DP and Replen with that much mana allows for a LOT of HL spam. This is still being used by a lot of top 100 healers as well.

Basically between the two there is no Right or Wrong, one is better. It is more which build/focus fits into your raids healing niche better.

Edited, Nov 11th 2009 11:30am by bodhisattva

Edited, Nov 11th 2009 11:37am by bodhisattva
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#9 Nov 11 2009 at 4:51 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks so much for all the input everyone! I like to spam FoLs and drop a HL only when needed, so it sounds like spellpower is definelty not wasted then.

Now, next question. I'm specced into the prot tree for Divine Guardian. Would it be better to pick up the additional crit in the ret tree for spamming FoLs?
#10 Nov 11 2009 at 5:56 PM Rating: Good
496 posts
Bodhi I remember back in that What you should be doing with your Holy Paladin thread that you suggested never to get more than 2.1k spellpower because it was just a waste, it would all end up in overheal.

Granted I think you posted that before ToC came out, so is it not relevant anymore?

I'll see if I can go and find the thread now.

edit: found it.

Edited, Nov 12th 2009 12:04am by slightlysober
#11 Nov 11 2009 at 8:04 PM Rating: Good
Drama Nerdvana
20,674 posts
If you decide to go SP make sure you can reach 3k unbuffed gemmed, less than that and you are wasting your time.

And yes, I made that post pre 3.2. With current itemization I am at 2781 SP and I am not gemmed for it.
Bode - 100 Holy Paladin - Lightbringer
#12 Nov 12 2009 at 9:09 AM Rating: Good
Mumblz wroteThanks so much for all the input everyone! I like to spam FoLs and drop a HL only when needed, so it sounds like spellpower is definelty not wasted then.

Now, next question. I'm specced into the prot tree for Divine Guardian. Would it be better to pick up the additional crit in the ret tree for spamming FoLs?

You cant have both prot and Retri. If you like the FoL aspec of palla power play then prot will help most as there are some talents there that boost your FoL healing in total +11%. You need Strong and steady FoL and not small heals and random crits.
#13 Nov 14 2009 at 1:04 PM Rating: Default
For a paladin just starting out without access to higher end gear. Its alot easier to stack intellect and HL spam than it is to stack SP and FoL spam. He asked for help, he didnt say which he preferred. I gave my opinion.

SP on your bracers IS silly UNLESS you are one of the very few paladins that go full on SP. I also mentioned that splitting the stats up is SILLY. Which you reiterated in your im guessing we agree?

Right now IMO the only fights where you have a SIGNIFICANT advantage gearing towards spellpower is Heroic Anub 25 and Heroic FC25 (but imo pallies are better spent dispelling on this fight).

On heroic anub your offtanks are taking very predictable damage. So having quick small heals constantly you can actually leave them around 30-40% rather then slamming them with huge heals and allowing 15k ticks of Leeching Swarm. Icecrown has yet to be seen in depth but im sure when its released there will be another 56 page thread on EJ debating the two sides.
#14 Nov 16 2009 at 3:59 AM Rating: Decent
crazeecracker wroteFor a paladin just starting out without access to higher end gear. Its alot easier to stack intellect and HL spam than it is to stack SP and FoL spam

I dont agree. Just starting out pallies can do countless totc and farm totc hc each day which gives way better items that normal reputation vendors give. We also had Headless horseman which gave nice rings and also Blackrock Depths that gave nice epic trinkets. I remeber I got Leggings 219 and a mace 219 and cloth head 219 and back 219 and a lot of other epic items which did not match 100% for what I was doing but they do the job fine till you replace them with badge gear or totc/ulduar gear.Not to mention that pvp gear is allways welcomed in FoL spamming. So saying that, it is not dificult to become fol spammer or HoL spammer in just one week of dinging 80. Did I mention that you can buy some very very nice stuff lvl 200-226 from AH with a small price? Level 226 boots with 2000 g ? belt 219 with 900 g? and so on ...

crazeecracker wroteRight now IMO the only fights where you have a SIGNIFICANT advantage gearing towards spellpower is Heroic Anub 25 and Heroic FC25

Just one fight or 2 is not the leading example about what Holy palas should do or avoid. Other people may say countless stories about how does one spec or spesific ability/spell has advantages over some other specs or abilities/spells in other fights.
For example in onyxia 25/VoA 25 I m allways outhealing any HL paladin spammer with better or worst gear than me... does this mean anything ? No, I dont think so. After the end of the raid their mana is still there, unused ,and their Overheal is like 'omg were they actually healin anything?'
What about totc 10?(or some bosses in ulduar 10) Although 3 healers is the normal set up for this run , most of times an aoe healer is incapacitated/binded due to either a snobolt or a toxin or an incinerate flesh or a healer may be hot pocketed or being gripped. 3 healers are almost never focused 100% in just healing spesic people , so they need to swap jobs or just run to avoid fire ,legion flames ,scarabs...etc.Does HL spamming ever help in those fights? Especially when the paladin have to step up and take a shammans or druids or priest job ,if they keep HL spamming it almost means that somebody is going to die. Note also that guild groups now due to high level gear 2 man heal totc 10. What sort of spamming do you think the Holy pala is going for in 99% of those runs , HL or FoL ?

crazeecracker wrotethe only fights

As I have shown you above its more than a couple of fights.

crazeecracker wrote Icecrown has yet to be seen in depth but im sure when its released there will be another 56 page thread on EJ debating the two sides.
Ther is no debate really. Its just fights favoring one or the other and people being able to perform with one or the other or people like the gamestyle of one over the other. EJ may say a lot of things but whatever they say FoL is going to be faster and heal for less ,favoring raid heal while HL is strong and slow favoring fights were the paladin is doing un interupted heals/ predictable high damage on tanks.
In the end players see this rule and try to break it(like any other anoying blizz mechanism ) by making FoL stronger (making it seem like a week HL )or try to make HL as fast as possible (making it look like a slow and crit magnitude FoL)

As some one else has said :' paladins have only 3 healing spells. Ignoring any of them is not good. We are not priests or druids or shammans'. Totally agree with this but have to add ' we ususally manipulate the one we do like most to perform the job of the ones we dont like'

Edited, Nov 16th 2009 10:37am by eldik
#15 Nov 16 2009 at 6:16 AM Rating: Good
212 posts
Having 2 healed all of ToTC 10 Heroic, I would say that FoL spam will not cut it for most fights. The ONLY time I would recommend people using this is if there are already 1 or 2 HL/Int palas in the raid doing what they normally do.

Most of ToTC bosses are 2 tank fights and effectively built for pala tank healing with beacon. To not have a HL pala healing this is a serious misallocation of resources and is gimping your raid if you decide to go FoL spam instead. Although some have said Anub is a good fight for FoL Spam, have you tried 2 healing this on heroic? The MT takes A LOT of damage and it normally takes me almost pure HL spam to keep him up in P3 and I can just about spare the GCDs to get a judgement, SS, Bubble/Div Sac up.

Fact is, FoL spam specs are a luxury that few can afford and certainly shouldn't be encouraged if you are the only holy pala in the raid.
#16 Nov 16 2009 at 6:18 AM Rating: Good
bodhisattva wroteIf you decide to go SP make sure you can reach 3k unbuffed gemmed, less than that and you are wasting your time.

bodhisattva wrote If you have 2500 sp gemmed it ain't gonna work.

hm.. how much spell power is needed ?2500 or 3k I m a bit confused

bodhisattva wrote682 Haste, or whatever the soft cap is for FoL

1. Judgements of the Pure

Haste Total: 15%

2. Swift Retribution - you get an extra 3%

Haste Total: 18.45%

3. Wrath of Air Totem - shamans give an extra 5%

Haste Total: 24.37%

So, right off the bat we’re at 24.37% haste, reducing our Flash of Light to a 1.26 second cast and our Holy Light to a 1.6 second cast with absolutely no haste on our gear.

4a. Heroism - this ability gives you 30% haste for 40 seconds of every fight, giving you a total of 61.68% haste from buffs alone. Your Flash of Lights will be under 1 second (0.92 seconds) and your Holy Lights will have a 1.23 second cast time.

4b. Trinket Procs - alternatively, if you have a haste trinket that procs the extra 505 Haste Rating (15.4% haste), they will bump you to 43.52% haste for about 10 seconds of every minute, which is pretty close to the cap for Flash of Light without any haste from gear at all (except the trinkets). If you have both trinkets, it will be 20 seconds of every minute. If this procs at the same time as Heroism is up, you’ll have 86.57% haste for 10 seconds without any haste on your character sheet at all.

To sum up :
You need 1,147 Haste Rating to get to 50% haste, if you don’t have a Ret Pally, Shaman or any trinket procs. This is not possible to get on gear.
You need 675 Haste Rating if you want 50% haste with 100% uptime and you have a Ret Pally and a Shaman in your group.
You need 170 Haste Rating to get 50% haste if you rely on your trinket procs for most of your Haste and also have pally/shaman buffs.
You need 0 Haste Rating to get 50% haste if you rely on Heroism for most of your Haste and have all of the above buffs.

*50%haste means FoL = 1 second cast

Edited, Nov 16th 2009 10:45am by eldik
#17 Nov 16 2009 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
bawbaag wroteHaving 2 healed all of ToTC 10 Heroic, I would say that FoL spam will not cut it for most fights. The ONLY time I would recommend people using this is if there are already 1 or 2 HL/Int palas in the raid doing what they normally do.
Most of ToTC bosses are 2 tank fights and effectively built for pala tank healing with beacon. To not have a HL pala healing this is a serious misallocation of resources and is gimping your raid if you decide to go FoL spam instead. Although some have said Anub is a good fight for FoL Spam, have you tried 2 healing this on heroic? The MT takes A LOT of damage and it normally takes me almost pure HL spam to keep him up in P3 and I can just about spare the GCDs to get a judgement, SS, Bubble/Div Sac up.
Fact is, FoL spam specs are a luxury that few can afford and certainly shouldn't be encouraged if you are the only holy pala in the raid.

Your gear is 'icecrown' level but ...
You have 30 K mana , Gems all mana , trinkets all mana, meta Gem is mana based, Libram is Holy light based.Haste rating is build to do HL spamming , MP in combat 158, spell power 2500(?) GLyphs are HL based ,Bonus +4 from gear is not obtained(which use is FoL strictly).Why would anyone with your HL gear try to do 10 man totc hc ( with just 2 healers) while casting FoL ?

The MT takes A LOT of damage and it normally takes me almost pure HL spam to keep him up in P3 and I can just about spare the GCDs to get a judgement, SS, Bubble/Div Sac up.

Try hlyphing/enchanting/gemming for strong FoL do anub 2 healer mode and repost with your results. It will be fun and interesting.

Most of ToTC bosses are 2 tank fights and effectively built for pala tank healing with beacon.

Yes for people that have a strict 2 tank heal job I totally agree. There are others who do that and also spam raid heal ...

Fact is, FoL spam specs are a luxury that few can afford and certainly shouldn't be encouraged if you are the only holy pala in the raid.

This is a Fact : 1+1 results in 2
The above statement you posted is not a fact but a personal opinion (as mine is also just a personal opinion). The key is to determine if it is indeed a luxury , a Necessity or just a preference.

Edited, Nov 16th 2009 10:43am by eldik
#18 Nov 17 2009 at 6:45 AM Rating: Good
212 posts
Ok I'm not sure I get what point you are trying to make.

What I am saying is that if you are 2 healing TotC HC, so pala + another, HL/Int build is most definitely better than a FoL build. I am geared for HL spam because it is optimal for my current level of raiding and the typical raid setup that I have.

For Anub, healing is pretty light until P3 and one would assume that any decent healer would have taken advantage of P2 to regen to almost full mana by the time P3 starts. So, having stated already that MT (+OT with adds) require spam HLs throughout this phase, I fail to see how an FoL build will be better.

The one thing that FoL build has over HL is mana conservation. HL has higher HPS, at my haste level is only 0.3 secs slower, Splash healing onto melee from HL glyph AND because I am fully INT gemmed I have enough mana to last that entire phase. So whilst I am doing this, the druid or priest I normally run with is HoTing up the rest of the raid to keep them at low HP.

Ok, it's not a "fact", semantics... However, I don't see how you can argue that FoL would be an advantage over HL in any TotC fight apart from Faction Champs. If you can, enlighten me and I will go try it.
#19 Nov 18 2009 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
Are you doing ToGC Anub? I find holy light puts people's hp too high.
#20 Nov 18 2009 at 4:30 PM Rating: Good
212 posts
Pala + Druid healers. Pala heals tanks (with beacon) Druid HoTs raid. The only time the pala heals the raid is via a quick FoL/Shock or through HL splash.
#21 Nov 19 2009 at 4:17 AM Rating: Good
bawbaag wroteOk, it's not a "fact", semantics... However, I don't see how you can argue that FoL would be an advantage over HL in any TotC fight apart from Faction Champs. If you can, enlighten me and I will go try it.

If you like HL spamming(meaning gemming/glyphing/enchanting towards HL) and you have worked hard with your normal raid set up towards your preference healing method and you see it works ok for you then whatever anyone tells you , you shouldnt change it. Note that whatever method you have decided to pick FOL+HS or HL the other healer has adapded to it and your healing teamwork brings results.If I was to replace you In your standard group I would totally fail you would on my standard raid group . Note also that you have a druid healer to back you up , not all runs have a druid healer... others have a shamman healer who is fast enough to heal all the melee you heal with HL glyph. Also other raid set ups dont have melee...what is your HL glyph doing in those cases in most bosses ? I m just repeating my self here. One fight(anub or any other) does not define the way holy palas should gear/enchant/glyph . Its the actual game style/preference that should define it. After some tries we all find what we like most doing.

I don't see how you can argue that FoL would be an advantage over HL in any TotC fight apart from Faction Champs.

Ok this is how I ll decide to argue about the comment:
A.For me HL just doesnt work , not because its not strong enough or fast enough (610-700 haste depending on gear), its because I find FoL faster and more interractive (meaning gemming/glyphing/enchanting towards FoL).Even those 0,3 seconds you support that FoL is faster from your HL is a big difference for my playstyle and is the key difference in winning a dps or loosing it. I like the idea of throwing FoL's and Crit shocks or plain shocks around while primary concern is the tanks. It pumps the adrenaline when someone dies (s;kdfj;sdjf;jsdfm;= on vent)cause I was late or by saving someone (and hearing a 'big thank you' over Vent)at 100 HP left and keeps me wanting to pally-heal more, than playing with my warrior tank. If you practice long enough your healing techniques with your normal raid set up and have the correct UI and macros and buttons set up you certainly can do any fight with FoL+HS.

(The perticular fight of Faction Champions you are (keep)refering is not a fight I perticular enjoy even being a FoL spammer beacause Damage is predictable (for my raid set up) and with enough rogues and warrior tanks its kinda childsh play(for my raid set up). I even know before the fight who is going to be damaged most cause I m selecting the targets to be cc'ed while standing in one spot like a statue(center of room). The fight that keeps the blood boiling for me is 25/10 man twins beacuse it involves movement and unpredictable raid camage.)

B. Having PvE gear and depending on FoL+ HS means that I can also do PvP extremely good(Wintergrasp-like pvp) without sucrificing much. Thats even more gameplay to add with zero cost. I have practiced way to much in PvE to let anyone die on my watch in PvP. That alone is a huge benefit.(My favorite story is in WG where the horde had taken almost everything and could not pass over 2 FoL healers (me and my friend) and some dps blocking a narrow passage like spartans their way towards our stronghold boss. We kept blocking them like 10 minutes ... that was a blast!!)

Mumblz wroteFirst off, I'd like to thank all the posters here that have really made these pally forums a great resource for me to use while playing my holy paladin. I've been checking this site for over a year now and I don't think I could have gotten by without it.
Now for my question. It seems to be widely regarded to be a waste to gem for spellpower since we end up wasting a lot of it as overheal and instead to gem for Int/Haste/Crit/Mp5. What I would like to know is if this rings true for enchants as well. Most pallies I see have the +30sp to bracers and +63 to weapon, and I was curious if it would be better to enchant for intellect instead. Would the +16 int to bracers and the +30 int to weapon be viable options as we get mana/sp/crit from the intellect, as well as increased Mp5 using Divine Plea? Or are the spell power enchants just better for these slots?
Any input would be appreciated, and sorry I didn't link the chants (very new to posting).

Being consistent with the original topic posted by Mumblzmeans advising a new palading on how should he gem for ,depending on what he likes to do on the content he is doing.The argument on how does one do Anub(me or you) in hard mode with spesific raid team set up is not the key issue of the topic ... you can post a new thread on tactics for anub-ing 2 man hc and we can have a blast arguing about that all day :)
#22 Nov 19 2009 at 6:52 AM Rating: Good
212 posts
See.. whilst I understand that FoL suits your playstyle, this is my problem with your argument.

You take a paladin + any other heal class. With what you describe as your playstyle, you would be beaconing tank(?) and raid healing with FoL and Shocks. This means that the other healer would also be healing the tanks and raid healing.

Whereas it would be much more efficient if the paladin healed both tanks and the other healer handled the raid. I don't think anyone would argue that Paladins are by far the strongest 2 target healers whilst all the other healing classes are better at AoE/Raid healing.

So, I agree that my healing partner is adapting to my style of play but that is fine because he can do his job better and I can do my job better. If I were to suddenly spec and gear for FoL, he would have to cover part of my job and I would have to cover part of his. That just sounds silly to me.
#23 Nov 19 2009 at 7:16 AM Rating: Decent
If I were to suddenly spec and gear for FoL, he would have to cover part of my job and I would have to cover part of his. That just sounds silly to me.

Not only silly, but if you were to have to distract yourself from the tanks and raid heal for a few casts... that would lead to the off chance neither of you are watching the tanks at a particular time, and that could prove fatal in any fight where this setup is necessary.

I'm a FoL spammer, but i can understand the potential in the TotC and TotGC fights for HL, but i have yet to heal those... being as i mainly DPS for my guild these days
#24 Nov 19 2009 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
212 posts
You would expect healers to be dynamic and adapt to changes in the fight but what I'm referring to is not covering when needed. It is that an FoL spammer would struggle to keep 2 tanks up on his own, in some cases flat out can't keep them up on his own whereas HL pala can.
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