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LoH NerfFollow

#1 Nov 03 2009 at 6:58 PM Rating: Good
Blizzard wrote:
Lay on Hands is now affected by Forbearance and can now be cast on self again - Heals a friendly target for an amount equal to the Paladin's maximum health and restores 1950 of their mana. Once healed, the target cannot be targeted by Divine Shield, Divine Protection, Hand of Protection, or Lay on Hands again for 2 min.

I've got to be honest, I facepalmed.
#2 Nov 03 2009 at 7:37 PM Rating: Good
713 posts

Went from being a PvP nerf to a PvE heal nerf. The original nerf was going to be "can only be cast on friendly targets" but the uproar on the forums meant it never made it to the ptr. As a tank I'd rather a healer not use LoH on me now as it would mean no bubble wall.

I think this in its current form will be a bigger deal for raiding than it will be for PvP, not that I would use it myself tanking (usually I get that big heal just before clicking on it so its wasted for me lol) very often but its usefulness as a clutch oh $hit heal is now probably dead.
#3 Nov 03 2009 at 11:12 PM Rating: Good
HolyOwnage wrote:
Blizzard wrote:
Lay on Hands is now affected by Forbearance and can now be cast on self again - Heals a friendly target for an amount equal to the Paladin's maximum health and restores 1950 of their mana. Once healed, the target cannot be targeted by Divine Shield, Divine Protection, Hand of Protection, or Lay on Hands again for 2 min.

I've got to be honest, I facepalmed.
Seriously. I could live without LoH, even though it's saved a wipe countless times in the past, but I'll be a an unhappy girl if I ever go to bubble wall and see "That ability is not ready let" because someone decided to LoH me.

God, imagine if some other class could lock out barkskin or last stand. XD
#4 Nov 04 2009 at 2:03 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I have to agree, this is ****-poor design. Did you see this blue post about it as well? From MMO-Champ:

We don't think "Sure I can heal myself for 25,000+ health as a dps spec or 50,000+ health as a tank, but not very often," is balanced. Abilities can be unbalanced even if overall a character is not. This isn't a non-issue just because it doesn't affect Arenas. Also, it doesn't mean paladins are being singled out for one-vs-one duel balance (though I'm sure I'm going to be reading that for months to come).

If we gave warriors (especially Prot warriors) an ability to cause 50,000 damage in one hit with no preparation on a 90-minute cooldown, most reasonable players would call that a balance problem. The long cooldown doesn't save it. Beyond some point you can't balance a very powerful ability just by increasing the cooldown.

In general, we've been moving away from long cooldowns anyway.

If LoH was really such a huge issue, why did they never do anything but BUFF it before now?? Seriously, I think all the changes they made to it were just to give them excuses so that they COULD nerf it in the future (ie, now) ...
#5 Nov 04 2009 at 5:22 AM Rating: Decent
As rightfully stated by a few on the various threads about this and the FoL-HoT on MMO-Champion, somebody mentioned that it looked more like a duct-tape fix than anything else.

Personally, I think make LoH a Holy ability, and give Ret something new as a replacement. Tankadins in PvE are in a good place atm, supposedly, but I wouldn't call out on a nerf for the spec being uncalled for.

Or get rid of the ability, and give us something offensive/beneficial that is supposedly balanced. Don't nerf the whole class, because it's simply not as if the Paladin hasn't lacked other things to suffice the ability to be able to use LoH.
#6 Nov 04 2009 at 7:37 AM Rating: Default
Maul, what COMPLETE ****** was that Blue? Who was he so I can remember to spit on his name every time I pass it by. What the hell does an instant full heal have to do with 50k damage as a Prot"especially" it would be like a Prot being able to use Rage INSTANTLY to restore HP 1 rage to 1% every 15min.

No one would care. That Blizz poster is a complete moron and has no business speaking.

Edited, Nov 4th 2009 8:37am by SarionBelmont
#7 Nov 04 2009 at 8:35 AM Rating: Good
713 posts
Give you one guess as to who it was Sarion. Nerf LoH to the ground baby!

For someone that said this spell was too iconic to be taken away from Paladins they sure did a good job of taking it away without taking it away.

5min cooldown on this new LoH to balance out its death nerf or us Pallies go to the O-Boards in force.

Edited, Nov 4th 2009 2:45pm by arthoriuss
#8 Nov 04 2009 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
970 posts
Yet another case where they "fix" a PvP "problem". Then when it's pointed out that it will have potentially a bigger effect on PvE they say that not only did they anticipate it all along, but it fixes a longstanding imbalance between the PvE specs...

This won't have much effect on me as Holy (I don't LoH myself for mana, and even if I did, the need to bubble in conjunction with DS/DG is going away). As others have mentioned, it takes LoH almost completely away from raiding tankadins - and puts me in the position of having to consider the class of my target along with the situation when deciding if LoH is appropriate.

They need to decide if LoH is an iconic ability or if it isn't. If it is, no spec should have a disincentive to use it /in ordinary circumstances/. For an iconic ability, you might have to consider the situation, but it should be a 90%-99% thing, not a 10% thing. If it isn't, as others have said, make it talented for Holy and give us all something else that's baseline.

Hopefully something that won't "unbalance" PvP again, since that always seems to lead to a PvE nerf...
#9 Nov 04 2009 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
208 posts
Prot T10-4pc goes from good to required?
#10 Nov 04 2009 at 6:44 PM Rating: Default
LoH is not that important of a spell. I would go as far to say that most people only use it while soloing. The raiding aspect of the "nerf" wont matter unless you are healing a prot pally (or are tanking as a prot pally yourself). So healing on 3 of the 4 tank classes, nothing changes. 90% of the time i just LoH a caster that gets battlerezzed to give them a little boost in mana. Its a great spell, but its usefullness is way overrated.

If you are a prot pally, then its a significant nerf for you. But you generally are not blowing your shield wall back to back. You have designated times when the ability is going to be called for on most fights. I really dont see this changing anything pve wise. MAYBE you might have to think about all the aspects of a fight beforehand, before you go LoHing anything you want. But its not that big of a deal.
#11 Nov 05 2009 at 12:36 AM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
It's just going to cause nothing but confusion in hard modes. I can easily see holy paladins forgetting themselves and hitting LoH during Gormok, and leaving the protection paladin withough a shield wall for the next 120 (or 90) seconds. It's worth noting this works the other way around also. If you have the T9 4 pc bonus it's likely you chain divine protection, or time it with key boss special abilities. If a holy paladin attempts to use their big "oh-shi" cooldown on you, you will almost certainly be immune causing nothing but confusion.

Putting LoH on forbearance without a) changing the problem ability or b) considering the full consequences to other abilities and situations is an incredibly clunky fix (fix for what exactly?).

edit: I really don't understand why this was such a priority to change. Presumably it's because there were situations in BGs where some paladin used bubble and LoH back to back and beat a better player 1v1. But BGs are a *********** of massive cooldowns being blown to crush people anyway. It's the nature of BG pvp; you're going to have shammies with wolves out BL up and elementals swarming around, DKs blowing army below your GY, retaliating wariors etc etc. LoH was never usable in arena, and BG combat isn't ever fair. I don't get it.

Edited, Nov 5th 2009 1:46am by ArtemisEnteri
#12 Nov 05 2009 at 2:10 AM Rating: Good
713 posts

Ghostcrawler stated this was not a response to Ret Paladins being OP in 1v1 PvP but I disagree. This is the only situation where you wouldn't want to be opposing a Paladin. Being forced to effectively kill a Paladin three times in 1v1 during a BG or even in a duel is the only time this ability becomes overpowered.

A beter solution to this would have been to put a 5 second cast on the spell and have a deep Holy tree talent to reduce the cast time to zero. Effectively kills the spell off for Ret outside of when a he/she bubbles (where it would be easier to just holy light spam back to full hp) and makes it unusable for Prot during a raid fight.
#13 Nov 05 2009 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Sorry it took so long, but yes Sarion, it was GC who made the post. Not that he gets much respect right now anyway, but I'm sure even less now with that statement.

crazeecracker wrote:
LoH is not that important of a spell.

Excuse me? Saved my own *** twice with it just yesterday PUGging some raids, once in Ony25 and once at Koralon25. Say what you want about the situation, but the fact remains if I couldn't LoH there would have been a wipe both times, I'm sure of it. Also both times I needed to use my bubble-wall close enough to popping LoH that with Forbearance it would not have been possible.

Just another case of their precious PvP affecting PvE players in an unneeded way imo.

Why can't they just get off their high horse about not wanting spells to act differently in PvP then they do in PvE? CC durations are already different, why not expand to other spells for the same reason, balance? But STOP using the "we don't want spells to work differently" excuse ...

Make LoH cause Forbearance in PvP but not PvE: anyone agree?

EDIT: missed this point the first time around:

God, imagine if some other class could lock out barkskin or last stand. XD

Yes, what a pity that would be /sarcasm (actually really likes that idea)

Edited, Nov 5th 2009 2:57am by Maulgak
#14 Nov 05 2009 at 8:28 AM Rating: Default
arthoriuss wrote:

Ghostcrawler stated this was not a response to Ret Paladins being OP in 1v1 PvP but I disagree. This is the only situation where you wouldn't want to be opposing a Paladin. Being forced to effectively kill a Paladin three times in 1v1 during a BG or even in a duel is the only time this ability becomes overpowered.

A beter solution to this would have been to put a 5 second cast on the spell and have a deep Holy tree talent to reduce the cast time to zero. Effectively kills the spell off for Ret outside of when a he/she bubbles (where it would be easier to just holy light spam back to full hp) and makes it unusable for Prot during a raid fight.

Another stupid idea. LoH is a MAJOR tool for Prot. Even as Ret, I use it nearly every Raid at LEAST once because there are times **** goes bad. You can get get Poison (pop Bubble so you can continue to DPS burn) then next get Bile THEN Sweep'd into a poison circle. Without LoH, you're dead. Period.

As Prot, it is the single most important spell we have. I'd take LoH over Bubble(you cannot DShield in a Raid anyhow, only DProtection) but in fights like Beasts in GC, the best strat is to let Pally get like 7 stacks at end (so other tank has 0) then just bubble out for Worms. Then you have to worry about no LoH though?

Blizzard, again, proves they have no clue how the game works or how classes are used. Maybe they should start hiring people from top 100 raid guilds, not people who play once a week and kill bunnies. Seriously.
#15 Nov 05 2009 at 10:17 PM Rating: Good
Newest PTR change. Looks like they are adjusting it so that Holy pallies don't ***** over their brethren protadins. Good news at least.

From MMO-Champion:

* Sanctified Light: This talent now also has a 33/66/100% chance to prevent Lay on Hands from causing Forbearance when Lay on Hands is used on others.
#16 Nov 05 2009 at 10:21 PM Rating: Excellent
713 posts
SarionBelmont wrote:

As Prot, it is the single most important spell we have. I'd take LoH over Bubble(you cannot DShield in a Raid anyhow, only DProtection) but in fights like Beasts in GC, the best strat is to let Pally get like 7 stacks at end (so other tank has 0) then just bubble out for Worms.

Actually in any fight where you are tanking a single boss (no adds) it is possible to use Divine Shield without dropping aggro. Make yourself a macro with HoR (taunt) and Divine Shield, /cancelaura Divine Shield and see for yourself. As long as HoR hits the boss they will stay on you even though you are bubbled.
#17 Nov 06 2009 at 1:59 AM Rating: Good
When I first saw the LoH change, my initial thought was that prot pallies are having a defensive **************** button taken away. In reality, there are just too many numbers at play for that to be a reasonable first assumption. Overall survivability has to be accounted for, and it's tough to do an accurate comparison of tank classes right now. So much is situational (ie. Ardent Defender overall vs. Last Stand) that it's difficult to say, "If you take this away from prot pallies, they're going to be sub-par relative to other tanks."

The holy talent that eliminates Forbearance as an issue was a good start. If the devs have their heart set on changing LoH, I'd much rather see it changed at the base level such that it only restores 30% of the caster's maximum HP with no Forbearance. Then put the talents in the holy tree so instead of managing Forbearance, it increases healing done up to 100% of caster's max health if fully talented. It puts the pally self heal closer to the self heal options of prot warriors and bears, nerfs ret in 1v1 like apparently they think needs doing, and doesn't penalize holy pallies at all. That, to me, is a better solution.
#18 Nov 06 2009 at 6:46 AM Rating: Good
212 posts
Looks like they heard you:

Sanctified Light: This talent now also has a 33/66/100% chance to prevent Lay on Hands from causing Forbearance when Lay on Hands is used on others.

#19 Nov 06 2009 at 3:32 PM Rating: Excellent
1,594 posts
*Sigh* All that work on this spell when all they needed to do was:

Lay on Hands can no longer be used while in a Duel with another player or while in a battleground.
#20 Nov 06 2009 at 6:52 PM Rating: Excellent
277 posts
Why not just put it back where it was, Heals for the full amount of health but drains ALL your mana. Stick it on a 30min cooldown again. There was nothing wrong with it before they started messing with it in WotLK and to take it away from tankadins is horrible. It's been a clutch spell tanks have used forever, warriors get shield wall and last stand, paladins get shield wall and a full heal. If they are taking away Lay on Hands effectivness then please nerf last stand.

TBH I'm finally starting to get a bit sick of Blizz CONSTANTLY changing the game mechanics. It's like every single patch you have to learn a new style of play or adapt how you used key abilities. Stop nerfing raid abilities cause you want to blance PvP. They really need to just split PvP off completely, maybe make a 'PvP' tree or something that they can balance for PvP and stop changing raid abilities every single patch!!!! arrggghhhhh!
#21 Nov 07 2009 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Chamual wrote:
TBH I'm finally starting to get a bit sick of Blizz CONSTANTLY changing the game mechanics. It's like every single patch you have to learn a new style of play or adapt how you used key abilities. Stop nerfing raid abilities cause you want to blance PvP.

Bold added, and I couldn't agree more. A little while ago someone got on my case cause I said that PvP balancing was ******** with PvE (they believed it was only the other way around ...). They wanted examples, then blew me off when I gave some. Well, here you go Mr. Condescending PvP fanatic. Another example for you, and like Chamual, I'm really tired of it.

At least with this latest change Holys won't be ******** over us Paly tanks, but I'll still have to be careful using it myself.
#22 Nov 08 2009 at 2:29 AM Rating: Excellent
Maulgak wrote:
Chamual wrote:
TBH I'm finally starting to get a bit sick of Blizz CONSTANTLY changing the game mechanics. It's like every single patch you have to learn a new style of play or adapt how you used key abilities. Stop nerfing raid abilities cause you want to blance PvP.

Bold added, and I couldn't agree more. A little while ago someone got on my case cause I said that PvP balancing was ******** with PvE (they believed it was only the other way around ...). They wanted examples, then blew me off when I gave some. Well, here you go Mr. Condescending PvP fanatic. Another example for you, and like Chamual, I'm really tired of it.

At least with this latest change Holys won't be ******** over us Paly tanks, but I'll still have to be careful using it myself.

I'm having a hard time believing that this is a PvP nerf. LoH isn't even available for use in arena, and I've never seen any of the devs so rabid about balancing for BGs much less 1v1 duels.

Right now, pally tanks are still regarded as the strongest tank class in the game in a number of categories. We're the "ez-mode" tank class when it comes to AoE threat, we're still the only tank class that can be block capped 100% of the time without having to bend over backwards to gear for it, and our threat generation is still very strong. Ardent Defender is borderline OP (even though there are times when I'd take a passive health boost for a set duration over a one-shot "self rez").

I still, however, dislike the Forbearance aspect of it. It functionally eliminates LoH as a tanking cooldown. Encounters will be tuned around the idea that tanks are going to have an on-demand DR available at some point. I'm sure there will be times when a LoH could avert a wipe, but then what happens if you need the DR? Oh...your guild says ***** it...let the warrior/DK/bear tank it.

Learning that Blizzard's approach to WotLK was to include the goal of making all 4 tank classes viable in all encounters was what had me pick up my paladin and level to the cap. If Blizzard isn't very careful about what they do with the class as a whole to address ret performance in PvP, we're going to be back to trash tanks and add duty on boss encounters. This nerf is trivial to ret in PvP because it's a change to an ability on such a long cooldown. It's a major nerf to tanks, and I'm not convinced that we needed a nerf of this magnitude.
#23 Nov 08 2009 at 8:46 AM Rating: Excellent
This could be made so much simpler by just removing DP from Forbearance, even if via a deep prot talent. Prot pallies are the only ones with an honest complaint about this change, and only because it has the potential to lock us out of one of our precious few cooldowns. Everything else is just arguing in to the wind.
#24REDACTED, Posted: Nov 10 2009 at 11:57 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I think nerfing this was a bad idea...i can understand it in PvP and all...but what about us raiders? For another thing what if the paladin used bubble to remove debuff off of Gormok the impaler then dredscale goes to enrage after acidmaw dies(my 10/25m toc strat)and the dude needs LoH...that would totally suck.
#25 Nov 11 2009 at 5:21 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
AureliusSir wrote:
I've never seen any of the devs so rabid about balancing for BGs much less 1v1 duels

I just thought, there are going to be rated BGs in the not so distant future. I guess that might account for some of these changes to long cooldowns (DKs AotD, shammy elementals and so on). I'm guessing there will be some major pvp balanmce changes when those rated BGs actually go live.

edit: I bet they'll make those tree stumps in WSG provide line of sight obstacles in the rated version. Or hunters and casters are generally going to dominate.

Edited, Nov 11th 2009 6:31am by ArtemisEnteri
#26 Nov 11 2009 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
AureliusSir wrote:
I've never seen any of the devs so rabid about balancing for BGs much less 1v1 duels

I just thought, there are going to be rated BGs in the not so distant future. I guess that might account for some of these changes to long cooldowns (DKs AotD, shammy elementals and so on). I'm guessing there will be some major pvp balanmce changes when those rated BGs actually go live.

edit: I bet they'll make those tree stumps in WSG provide line of sight obstacles in the rated version. Or hunters and casters are generally going to dominate.

My sense from the way the conversation is going is the GC and the rest of the devs don't feel that prot pallies losing LoH as a tanking cooldown is that big of an issue. The DR component of Ardent Defender is something that other tank classes don't have that I'm aware of. Perhaps in the minds of the devs, that's comparable to the self heals of other tank classes (it's not like hititng Enraged/Frenzied regen a split second before you get gibbed is going to do enough to prevent a death). I'm not necessarily saying I agree with that, but I could also understand if that's their position.
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