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#1 Nov 02 2009 at 9:03 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
... are boring me. It's like you don't even realize that your top priority is to make distracting threads for my procrastinatory purposes. Say something priestly, already.

A thread on Arena Junkies, which I read even though it doesn't apply to me in general, because there are often interesting itemization discussions, reminded me that I meant to try that Inner Fire glyph for PVP after they made IF undispellable what, like 6 patches ago? So I traded out my PW:S glyph, which I dearly love, but I'm at a point in my gear (read: my gear is crappy) where survivability needs to take the front seat. I was most pleased with the results.
#2 Nov 02 2009 at 9:34 PM Rating: Good
I was a bit down the other day in an Ony pug, seeing that my healing was at the low end of our group of healers. Then I saw my glyph of pw:shield had done over 200k healing and I felt better. Since it heals for 20% of your shield's absorption amount. That means I had up to a million damage absorption unaccounted for on the meters. Yep, I felt better.

I spent a few weeks healing on my druid. It's fun and I geared up a bit, but it was sure nice to come back to the priest after a little time away.

I can't wait until 3.3 comes out. I'm actually looking forward to trying out the random heroic lfg system. It will be fun to have some new emblems to work for.

Edited, Nov 2nd 2009 10:47pm by dadanox
#3 Nov 02 2009 at 9:48 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
My priest dinged 80 as you know. I have since cleared Naxx10, OS10/25, EoE10, Uld10->Thorim, Ony10/25, and both VoAs.

Its pretty badass. Got a hat with a meta today and hopefully after dailies Cold Weather Flying.

My Disc partner in 2s uses the IF, PS and Penance glyphs for Arenas.

My baby priest has no PvP spec yet but is using PW:S, FH and Renew for PvE. Mainly got Renew since I had some extras sitting around and needed one for a raid the day I dinged.

Working on Triumph badges and unsure of what to spend them on first.

Still need some more rep with Kirin Tor so I can start Championing. As it stands right now I can't Champion with anyone.

Flibidy flobidy flu.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#4 Nov 02 2009 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
How about "I'm going to host a lazer shooting event for our guild next saturday"?

Which immediatly reveals my hidden agenda when I add that I've PM'd ArexLovesPies for additional rules (seeing as he brought up the idea in the first place) and am not getting a response...
#5 Nov 03 2009 at 3:27 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Mozared wrote:
How about "I'm going to host a lazer shooting event for our guild next saturday"?

Which immediatly reveals my hidden agenda when I add that I've PM'd ArexLovesPies for additional rules (seeing as he brought up the idea in the first place) and am not getting a response...

Flibidy flobidy flu.

edit: arex is a druid. i are a druid. i win. i am lead druid. lulz

Edited, Nov 3rd 2009 4:28am by Horsemouth

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#6 Nov 03 2009 at 3:42 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
How dare you refer to me as you people. I feel insulted.

I mean come on teacake, I am one of the only pacific islanders that posts on these boards.

That you singled me out for an insulting reason is amazing. I thought and expected better of you.

For shame teacake. For shame.

edit: Is that good for drama? Just trying to help. :)

I know you used to have a druid claw mark shirt. Do you still rock it?

Yes, I was a forum ghost when you were a druid. Deal.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Nov 03 2009 at 6:40 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Horsemouth wrote:

Is that good for drama? Just trying to help. :)

Meh, it's okay. But you weren't really supposed to insult me, you were supposed to entertain me. Although I'll conceed that sometimes it's the same thing.

Horsemouth wrote:

I know you used to have a druid claw mark shirt. Do you still rock it?

Once in a while, but mainly for cleaning or pajamas. My priest shirt, BTW, is totally sucky. It's like they got a bad batch of shirts. Lost its shape after one wash.

Horsemouth wrote:
Yes, I was a forum ghost when you were a druid. Deal.


Dadanox, I feel the same way sometimes when I break down and look at the healing scores in a battleground. Disc is definitely not the spec for topping the healing meters, is it? I always topped them as Holy. Just saying. Smiley: wink Come to think of it, maybe I'll goof off with my "Holy PVP" spec some time soon.

On the other hand, it's fun when you have more damage than the other healers combined.
#8 Nov 03 2009 at 8:29 AM Rating: Good
129 posts
Well I finally got my grids and key bindings worked out.

If you like simple here it is:

(Disc) q for FL, e for shield, r for penance, 1 cure disease, 4 dispel magic, 5 for pain suppression, ` for hymn, 2 for PoM, 3 for binding.


upper left corner disease, upper right magic, lower left shield, lower right weakened,
name fades if the player is out of range, red outer boarder for aggro.

Once I have that down I will get more complicated.

Oh and test this out in AV not an instance...very bad to muck in an instance.
#9 Nov 03 2009 at 8:59 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
You should check the Not another disc movies on warcraftmovies.
two movies with a disc/holy hybrid PvP priest.
#10 Nov 03 2009 at 9:51 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Ok, a priest, a warlock and a mage walk into a bar. The barkeep says, "Whattya think this is, a ***** house?"

-Who was he asking?
#11 Nov 03 2009 at 11:13 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Trylofer wrote:
Ok, a priest, a warlock and a mage walk into a bar. The barkeep says, "Whattya think this is, a ***** house?"

-Who was he asking?

The blood elf?
#12 Nov 03 2009 at 1:52 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Okay, so I had twenty minutes before my daughter's bus comes, and I think we can all agree that's not long enough to do any real work, so I threw together this and did an AV quick. Yeah, it could use some tweaking, but I did say "threw together" right? But lololfunlol. Searing Light + Surge of Light = Dead Gnomes. It's some seriously fun stuff. Losing Pain Suppression is huge, but Body and Soul quick sprints away somewhat mitigate that, plus Renew+Shield+PoM on self is a lot of ohcrap in a very short time without even having to blow the DP cooldown.

Mana could be an issue, but with Surge of Light, Holy Concentration, and Greatness Card all having a chance to proc with every tick of every Renew, plus all 6 CoH hits, I'd be as likely to stack crit to solve that as spirit.

Doubt it would hold up in Arena but I highly recommend it for battlegrounds, and probably Wintergrasp. Of course Disc is lovely and awesome, but this makes a fun change.
#13 Nov 03 2009 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I actually met a priest with a similar spec in WSG some time ago Tea. It's not gonna hold up in arena and you need a drink after every fight, but I won't deny that she was doing a pretty nice job at keeping me alive (as flagcarrier) and not dying herself.
#14 Nov 03 2009 at 4:07 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
No, definitely not for Arena (unless you're unusually good, like the guys Aethien linked earlier, which case you can probably get away with a lot). You're certainly giving up quite a bit of survivability. Plus, there's no doubt that nothing can replace Penance as the big heal. But the mobility of this spec is outstanding. Improved Renew, SoL Flash Heals, CoH, Improved Shields, and PoM on the one side, and SoL Smites, SW:D, and dots on the other pretty much guarantee you never have to stand still to cast at a bad time. Combine that with the Body and Soul'd shields and it's like a non-stop dance party.

The mana wasn't too bad, but certainly worse. I can see giving up some healing for better mana if adding crit didn't help, throwing Mental Strength in there, for example, like this, although giving up the decreased PoM cooldown would hurt.

This is why dual spec was such a good idea. A niche spec like this with such limited use isn't something I'd personally ever bother goofing around with if I had only one spec. But you can learn a lot from these sorts of experiments, for example, that rogues are squishier than they look. DP, Holy Fire, SW:D, instant Smite, awwww sorry, were you killed? By a healer? Who survived your kidney shot? Shame to be you, pal.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2009 5:15pm by teacake
#15 Nov 03 2009 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
If you use recount go dl RecountGuessedAbsorbs its real nice to see how much PW:S and agis do.
#16 Nov 03 2009 at 8:17 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
teacake wrote:
Trylofer wrote:
Ok, a priest, a warlock and a mage walk into a bar. The barkeep says, "Whattya think this is, a ***** house?"

-Who was he asking?

The blood elf?

Sounds good to me.
Probably only kept you entertained for about 30 seconds, though. =(

I'll try to do better next time, but I was under pressure there.
Sploding gnomes in AV should have kept you entertained for a while. =)
#17 Nov 03 2009 at 9:15 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
You always entertain me, Trylofer!

Trylofer wrote:
Sploding gnomes in AV should have kept you entertained for a while. =)

Indeed it did. I was grinding marks so I just kept that spec, more or less, for the night in all the bg's I did. I did end up swapping out Divine Providence for Mental Strength, so it's a pretty funny looking hybridy spec now, but it brought my mana back up to where it was with Disc, increased my crit a bit, and I still have all the good stuff from the Holy tree that I need for PVP: more spellpower, Surge of Light, Circle of Healing. I hadn't played around much with Body and Soul before and boy is that fun, huh?

It lacks the burst healing of Disc, of course, as well as the survivability of Pain Suppression, Focused Will and such. It's still fun to change things up once in a while though; all our trees are fun. :)
#18 Nov 04 2009 at 8:52 AM Rating: Good
606 posts
I'm also kinda disapointed by the lack of activity on the Priest forum, but I think we're just kinda lacking a certain something...

"Rate my spec!"
"Iz this gud 4 me?
"What spec makes me the best?"
"Check out my awesome spec!!!!!1!111!"
"<insert random angst>"
"I am teh roxxzorses"
"What gear do I use?"
"Nerf Pallies/Rogues/Ninja Kittens/etc"

... Namely we seem to be lacking idiots making annoying threads

In all seriousness, there aren't many topics on the priest forum mostly because the norm is that people usually only post here with priest questions or to relate some interesting priestly event.

There just aren't enough of us on the board. Aethien was a good start, but we must recruit more Priests!
#19 Nov 04 2009 at 9:16 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
BakaShinobi wrote:
... Namely we seem to be lacking idiots making annoying threads

I resent that! I make annoying threads all the time! I could do more bad spelling, though, if it's important to you.

BakaShinobi wrote:
"Nerf Pallies/Rogues/Ninja Kittens/etc"

Definitely part of the lack of noise is that we haven't got a lot to complain about. Our class is neither over nor underpowered, and is in a pretty good place right now.
#20 Nov 04 2009 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
teacake wrote:
Definitely part of the lack of noise is that we haven't got a lot to complain about. Our class is neither over nor underpowered, and is in a pretty good place right now.
#21 Nov 04 2009 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I resent that! I make annoying threads all the time! I could do more bad spelling, though, if it's important to you.

The problem here though is that I usually read your threads, grin, and move on. I wouldn't dare about thinking to stop and flame you and keep conversation up in that way.
#22 Nov 05 2009 at 3:56 AM Rating: Excellent
195 posts
/crawls out of lurkhole to add some words that are in no way related to this thread.

Rick Astley
Another pizza

That is all

Edit: Rich Ashley is not a person

Edited, Nov 5th 2009 4:58am by mcfreckle
#23 Nov 05 2009 at 4:27 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Sooooo, I hate warriors.
Seriously hate them and their lolstorm.

Though I did talk to a priest in my guild who has been gladiator in every damn arena season so far and he told me to fake run when they bladestorm.
I think he meant stepping one way so the warrior chases you then running through him and getting out of range before he can get more than one or two hits in.

Although I think hamstring is the problem there, I thought about trinketing that but trinketing a snare feels wrong somehow.
Then again, vs War/Druid, War/Hpal or War/shaman what else is there to trinket?
If they CC me I wish the warrior good luck killing the feral, and blowing Desperate Prayer and/or Pain Suppresion every time a warrior bladestorms isn't exactly good for winning games either.

Edit: this is going to suck in 3v3 however, where I have a squishy rogue.
Although I guess he could Evasion/disarm and survive a warrior for 10 seconds.. he's skilled enough for it.

Edited, Nov 5th 2009 11:28am by Aethien
#24 Nov 05 2009 at 6:42 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
mcfreckle wrote:
/crawls out of lurkhole to add some words that are in no way related to this thread.

Rick Astley
Another pizza

That is all

I'd really appreciate it if you'd lurk less and post more. This is all excellent advice for any priest. What's on the other pizza?

Edit: See Aethien, if you were PVPing Holy, you'd have Body and Soul to run away when you see the lolstormer coming after you, and if you're lucky it's up, or nearly so, by the time he gets you. I've done this a couple of times in battlegrounds and it really seems to **** them off, which is worth the respec cost just for that. :D (Not that I expect you to spec Holy for arena.)

Edited, Nov 5th 2009 7:51am by teacake
#25 Nov 05 2009 at 8:04 AM Rating: Good
Rate mai spec!! OMGWTFBBQHAXORZL337 ROFLMAO... wut?
#26 Nov 05 2009 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
195 posts
teacake wrote:
What's on the other pizza?


This is as random as it gets
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