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#1 Nov 01 2009 at 12:45 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Not sure which way to go here, Crusaders Dragonscale Breastplate or Knightbane Carapace.
The Knightbane is good for hit as it allows me to look at other armour that doesnt have hit attached to it but its leather.
On Rawr it rates very high for a Hunter but a few threads I've read about it tend to say its more a Druid chest.
And then theres the loss of armour.
The Crusaders Dragonscale has a lot of haste and from what I've read thats not a biggie for us.
Its also supposed to be a good MM chest, I'am SV.
But it does have Armour Penetration, again not so sure how much of that stat we actually need.
Plus it has intellect whereas Knightbane doesnt.
So buggered if I know.
The hit is good on the Knightbane as is the AP.
Its a lot of money to spend on the wrong chest.
So any comments and feedback/advice would be greatly apprecited here :)

Edited, Nov 1st 2009 7:53am by RodStorm
#2 Nov 01 2009 at 6:19 AM Rating: Default
My Hunter is only 46 but my 80 Pally gives me some insight here.

It ALL comes down to hit cap, and even so Crusader's Dragonscale Breastplate roflstomps the other.

Carapace gives you
29 Sta
32 AP
82 Hit

Breastplate gives you
8 Agi
71 Int
761 Armor
8 Armor Pen
63 Haste

And to my knowledge, ALL Hunters get the Int->AP talent, so that is 71AP(so a 39 gain) AND stacks with kings and talents that give boosts. Even without, that is a LOT of Haste. Hit is easy to cap, so honestly I say 100% go Dragonscale.
#3 Nov 01 2009 at 11:08 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
RodStorm -- use this site. :)

You can try on both chests, appropriately gemmed/enchanted, and see for yourself which would be better. You'll also be able to mess around with all your other gear, gems, talents, etc.
#4 Nov 01 2009 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Thanks Lady and Sarion, the main issue will be the armour stat. I have both recipes now so really agonising over which one to use.
8 Crusader Orbs is the expensive part.
Hit isnt that important now as I have reached the cap easily with my 80 gear, with the mail chest its just the Haste stat. and ArP that worry me a little.
Haste I dont need and I'am not MM so ArP isnt that big of a deal from what I can gather.
The Knightbane does have more AP.
I'll try Femaledwarf again as I've been there with my Mage, I use Rawr a lot and it rates the Knightbane over the Crusader every time.
Gemmed and un-gemmed.
I've goneto the Armoury and looked at Hunters in the top guilds, no one seems to be SV.
Thier all mainly MM so the ArP would be handy for that.
I choose SV because from what I read that was the best raiding spec, now not so sure.
...sigh.....confused :)

As a footnote, ran both through the simulator and the Crusader was slightly ahead.

Edited, Nov 2nd 2009 2:34am by RodStorm
#5 Nov 02 2009 at 12:23 PM Rating: Good
255 posts
RodStorm wrote:
Thanks Lady and Sarion, the main issue will be the armour stat. I have both recipes now so really agonising over which one to use.
8 Crusader Orbs is the expensive part.

Isy and Sari gave you a good clue, try it out in the simulator and it will give you the better one, sometimes it is not always the Mail that wins. I have a hard time convincing other guildies of that. Armor isn't a stat that affects hunters in raids, I don't consider it for any piece.

Sari did have one minor thing wrong, we have to talent for the Int>AP, but I'm not sure what hunter doesn't.

RodStorm wrote:

Hit isnt that important now as I have reached the cap easily with my 80 gear, with the mail chest its just the Haste stat. and ArP that worry me a little.
Haste I dont need and I'm not MM so ArP isnt that big of a deal from what I can gather.

ArP isn't a big deal for SV builds, if you find you are getting a huge amount of it, you should spec MM. Haste is going to affect your white damage the most, so it's always handy.

RodStorm wrote:

The Knightbane does have more AP.
I'll try Femaledwarf again as I've been there with my Mage, I use Rawr a lot and it rates the Knightbane over the Crusader every time.
Gemmed and un-gemmed.

Looking at the pieces, yes you net 32AP, but the 8agi and 71int overcome that difference by quite a bit (it's 79AP). The int will also increase your mana pool so that is another consideration. I have never used Rawr so I am not sure how it's equations are set up, but it would seem like it's giving you faulty information or your hit rating isn't capped (but you say it is, is it soft capped? that would make a difference unless you include the Draeni buff)

RodStorm wrote:

I've goneto the Armoury and looked at Hunters in the top guilds, no one seems to be SV.
Thier all mainly MM so the ArP would be handy for that.
I choose SV because from what I read that was the best raiding spec, now not so sure.

SV is the best new to 80 raiding spec. As you acquire pieces with significant ArP, then an ArP MM build outdrives it. I'll try to link a SV build for raiding when I get home.

RodStorm wrote:

As a footnote, ran both through the simulator and the Crusader was slightly ahead.

See, something must be fishy with Rawr :P
#6 Nov 02 2009 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Ta mate, I made the Crusader piece and now have it on.
For pretty much all my gear gem slots I've gone with the Delicate Ruby Cardinal, +20agil, and ignored the socket bonuses except where its a bonus of +4agil or more.
I read somewhere that was the best bet.
I was going to gem for ArP but with only a couple of gear pieces with it on as a stat its to early yet to do that and change to MM.
I'll stick with SV and I enjoy the shots it brings and maybe change to MM as I get geared more towards it later down the track.
A quick talent point question, I'am stuck with Expose Weakness and Hunting Party as I have one talent point left.
I have 2/3 in both, Browning said to put 2/3 in EW but it seems a better bet than HP but then again as I havent raided I really dont know.
Thank you again guys for the help, almost there :)

Edited, Nov 3rd 2009 1:41am by RodStorm
#7 Nov 02 2009 at 8:41 PM Rating: Good
34 posts
It really boils down to your crit rating. Brownign suggested 2/3 because I am assuming that he has a higher crit rate where EW will have an almost constant proc. I know we are talking percents of percents here and nothing is absolute, but if you do have a good crit rate then it is a waste to raise that 66% to 100% and can go for another talent that will help your DPS (hunting party only gives you a small amount of agility increase, but then again it stacks with MotW and Kings and give you mana regen- all helping your DPS.
#8 Nov 03 2009 at 8:02 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
No worries mate, put it in Hunting Party so took your advice :)
Something else I've been thinking about is trinkets, Mirror of Truth looks likea no brainer for now but what about the Darkmoon card Greatness?
The agility version looks great but what is its longevity, is it something you would replace easily or it something there for the long haul?
Most of the comments relating to it were more for tanking, not one for hunters but I can see a benefit out of it.
From what I've read it procs a lot.
I've only seen one or two hunters with it and for its cost I dont know if its worth the investment.
Thanks everyone for the help.

Edited, Nov 3rd 2009 4:19pm by RodStorm

Edited, Nov 3rd 2009 4:20pm by RodStorm
#9 Nov 04 2009 at 12:02 PM Rating: Excellent
255 posts
The card is pretty beast, and is a good investment. I wish I could afford one!
#10 Nov 05 2009 at 2:58 AM Rating: Decent
352 posts
Looking into it now mate, was thinking of pairing it with Mark of Supremacy..migt be a good combination :)
You would go Greatness over Mirror of Truth?
Also a MM question, would you still gem Agilty or go for ArP gems instead?
I've seen a lot of MM builds with Agil. gems but I see some top end Hunters with all ArP gems so not sure.

Edited, Nov 5th 2009 9:06am by RodStorm
#11 Nov 05 2009 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
34 posts
The time you gem ArP is when you run your gear on femaledwarf and see that ArP nets you more than Agi.

Edited, Nov 5th 2009 2:11pm by MossyOakCamo
#12 Nov 05 2009 at 11:10 AM Rating: Default
979 posts
Would not RatingBuster do the same job as that site ?

Just wondering as it is what i use to decide options on gear ?
#13 Nov 05 2009 at 3:09 PM Rating: Good
Ratingbuster just takes the combat ratings (hit, crit, etc) and translates them into meaningful percentages. Addons like TankPoints that assign "values" to each stat are also not terribly good, because the relative value of stats changes as your gear does.

Femaledwarf runs all of your specific gear through mathematical simulations of actual DPS output, which is a lot more meaningful in and of itself, and allows you better comparisons of "How much raid dps do I actually get out of this?"
#14 Nov 06 2009 at 5:10 AM Rating: Default
352 posts
Thanks guys, my MM question was just a general you favour gemming ArP over Agil.
Its not something I'd look at doing right now but down the track maybe, just wanted to know what the general concensus was.
#15 Nov 07 2009 at 10:33 AM Rating: Default
352 posts
Sorry for the double post but if I edited my previous post no one would see this.
I had a lengthy discussion with a high end Hunter tonight ingame and just wanted to confirm some of the info he passed on before I go and make some changes.
Firstly he said once you get up to 8% over the hit cap hit doesnt come into it anymore but ArP does.
So as a Dranei I'd be looking at 253 for a total cap.
Then use enchants for agil. but purely gem for ArP and nothing else.
Atm I have +20 agil in every gem slot so to change this wont be cheap.
This is for a MM build and not a SV build.
I dual spec'd to MM from BM and have SV as my trusty backup.
There is no ArP cap as such but the more the better he said.
The dps boost doing this is quite good aparently.
He also said for pve not to use Silence Shot as most bosses are immune to Silence.
I havent raided enough to know that but the 50% damage of my damage looks impressive.
So any comments here would be great as I'am out of my depth with MM spec but it something I'd dearly love to try and be good at.
#16 Nov 07 2009 at 12:24 PM Rating: Excellent
1,047 posts
RodStorm wrote:
Sorry for the double post but if I edited my previous post no one would see this.
I had a lengthy discussion with a high end Hunter tonight ingame and just wanted to confirm some of the info he passed on before I go and make some changes.
Firstly he said once you get up to 8% over the hit cap hit doesnt come into it anymore but ArP does.

Hit is worthless above 8%, yes. What does ArP have to do with hit, though?

So as a Dranei I'd be looking at 253 for a total cap.

230, actually.

Then use enchants for agil. but purely gem for ArP and nothing else.
Atm I have +20 agil in every gem slot so to change this wont be cheap.
This is for a MM build and not a SV build.
I dual spec'd to MM from BM and have SV as my trusty backup.

There is no ArP cap as such but the more the better he said.

False, the ArP hardcap is 100%, or 1400 rating.

The dps boost doing this is quite good aparently.
He also said for pve not to use Silence Shot as most bosses are immune to Silence.

False and false, in full best-in-slot, ArP MM is about 300 DPS ahead of Surv, which is nothing. (Good) MM hunters use Silencing Shot every cooldown because it's free damage off the GCD.

I havent raided enough to know that but the 50% damage of my damage looks impressive.
So any comments here would be great as I'am out of my depth with MM spec but it something I'd dearly love to try and be good at.

You can try an agility-based MM spec first, get a flavor for the spec without spending 2k regemming. If your gear is what I feel it probably is, the two would be comparable, or agi MM even slightly better than ArP MM, for you.

Also, whoever you talked to gave some pretty crappy advice.

Edited, Nov 7th 2009 12:33pm by Theophastus
#17 Nov 07 2009 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
352 posts
Thanks mate, thats why I asked what I did to get a second opinion.
Yes the cap is 230 but with 8% added or rounded up to 10% its 253.
I was told your ArP number comes from your hit until 8% over.
Wrong advice there to I guess.
I'll keep what I have gem wise until I'am better geared.
Heres my wip so far:
Its my MM spec but I consider my SV spec atm a better dps one.
Thanks again for the help.

Edited, Nov 8th 2009 1:30am by RodStorm
#18 Nov 08 2009 at 5:00 PM Rating: Good
1,047 posts
RodStorm wrote:
Yes the cap is 230 but with 8% added or rounded up to 10% its 253.

What? No.

#19 Nov 08 2009 at 8:13 PM Rating: Default
352 posts
Ok, so I'am assuming that piece of info I was given is incorrect as well.
Is it worth being 8% over the hit cap or just stick with 230?
#20 Nov 08 2009 at 9:08 PM Rating: Good
747 posts
8% is the hit cap, or 263 rating for everyone not a Dranaei. going above that is absolutely pointless for Hunters or anyone not dual-wielding. In short, get to a rating of 263 (or +8% chance to hit targets your level is what it will say in the tooltip when you hover over the stat) and you're done.
#21 Nov 09 2009 at 6:20 PM Rating: Good
1,047 posts
Katchii wrote:
8% is the hit cap, or 263 rating for everyone not a Dranaei. going above that is absolutely pointless for Hunters or anyone not dual-wielding. In short, get to a rating of 263 (or +8% chance to hit targets your level is what it will say in the tooltip when you hover over the stat) and you're done.

OP is a draenei though, in which case the cap is 7%, or 230.
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