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wow enhancment shredsFollow

#1 Oct 27 2009 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
So I finally dusted of my shaman alt and have steamrolled to 59 in 5 days of /played and....
This guy absolutely melts faces
I'm enhancement spec'd, with whatever gear the game gods have decided to hand me along the way, and the boa emblem leather shoulders.
I have an 80 rogue, 80 priest, 70 pally, 74 war, handful of other 20-40 alts, and a 68noobknight. I don't recall destroying mobs like this on any of those toons.
Maybe I just understand all the mechanics of the game far more now, than when I lvl'd my other chars. Maybe shamans just own, but i'm having the time of my wow life playing this char, and I kind of wish it would slow down, before I hit the brick wall being level capped. Hopefully I can stick to this guy instead of turning to another alt.

No real point other than to say, WOW shamans own, and I wish I rolled shaman 3 years ago instead of rogue

Now if only the server maintenance would end so I could take advantage of a day off work and get back to melting faces.
#2 Oct 27 2009 at 9:45 PM Rating: Good
1,094 posts
Yes, we are awesome. :)

Sly's post is worth rating up, just because we're awesome.

Tips, though! Carry ankhs, reagents for Water Walking/Breathing, offsets for emergency-healing instance runs and make good use of totems!
#3 Oct 27 2009 at 10:06 PM Rating: Decent
2,590 posts
Carry Glyph so you don't have to use ankhs, reagents for Water Walking/Breathing

FTFY Smiley: wink

And yes, Enhancement is a blast. Smiley: grin Getting enough hit and expertise once you hit 80 is a pain, but I don't think there's anything quite as satisfying for leveling with. Smashing faces, no downtime...

I should level another shammy. <.<
#4 Oct 28 2009 at 1:31 AM Rating: Good
Lady isyris wrote:
Carry Glyph so you don't have to use ankhs, reagents for Water Walking/Breathing

FTFY Smiley: wink

And yes, Enhancement is a blast. Smiley: grin Getting enough hit and expertise once you hit 80 is a pain, but I don't think there's anything quite as satisfying for leveling with. Smashing faces, no downtime...

I should level another shammy. <.<

Weapon itemization for end-game enhancement shaman also sucks right now, too, but that's a minor concern. Enhancement solo is a blast. Right now, Stormstrike is usually the only ability I need while doing dailies to kill my current target. The only time I seem to use anything else is if I'm on to the next mob before SS is off CD.

Enhancement shaman in raids are a niche class/spec. I'm not happy with what my shaman brings to raids these days, largely due to the fact that I raid with another enhancement shaman and even if I didn't, there's nothing I bring to the table aside from a trivial boost to Agi/Str over Horn of Winter that can't be duplicated by another class/spec.

I did, however, finally get a slow OH weapon for my shaman tonight (in addition to my iLvl245 T9 shoulders rounding out my 4pc T9 set). This will be the first time since I hit 80 (not joke) that I've had a slow OH. I'm looking forward to tomorrow night's raid to see how it influences my dps. EnhSim tells me it should produce a 200-300dps boost (minimum). Hell, I might finally catch up to the other enh. shaman in the guild, in which case I can mock his socially inept *** for letting someone in worse gear than him match (or even exceed) his numbers for the night. Oh, the glee.
#5 Oct 28 2009 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
2,590 posts
Yeah, I know what you mean about being a bit dissatisfied, I've been getting a little bit frustrated too though for different reasons. In my case, we tend to be very melee heavy (and shaman light), and I do end up providing a lot of buffs myself (no marks hunter or DKs around), my problem is more that not only am I seen as a walking buff/purge machine, but my damage hurts when I have to help out on heals, and then I really feel... useful. >.< When they bring me along for hard content, it's because I'm the Bloodlust ***** and about 1/3 of a healer, not because I can do great damage. *grumble, grumble*

What weapons are you using now, Aurelius? I haven't had any trouble getting slow weapons, but then my stuff is mostly from 10-man regular.

Edited, Oct 28th 2009 9:40am by isyris
#6 Oct 28 2009 at 6:36 PM Rating: Default
988 posts
When they bring me along for hard content, it's because I'm the Bloodlust ***** and about 1/3 of a healer, not because I can do great damage.

And with that, your shaman works exactly as advertised. What's wrong with that?

The old phrase "jack of all trades, master of none" is an excellent way to describe the Shaman; they are the only real "hybrid" class in World of Warcraft. While they do not excel at any one aspect of their repertoire, they function passing well when performing most tasks called upon by a party. Need a support healer? Looking for a secondary tank? After another damage-dealer? Have an empty slot that needs someone to support the group in general? The Shaman can provide. They have a number of utility spells as well that help make life easier for any party.

Ok, let's ignore the tanking part. Other than that -I- got exactly what I was promised.
#7 Oct 28 2009 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
2,590 posts
they are the only real "hybrid" class in World of Warcraft.

Thanks for making me spray popcorn all over my screen. Now, here's a little friend of mine I like to call a "Druid"...

Anyway, it's not a "hybrid" problem, it's a raid management problem. We run with a buttload of ret pallies--none of them are expected to drop everything and heal because the healers die to fire. Sure, if I was Resto it wouldn't be a problem, but I'm specced for DPS, and I kinda like being able to perform the role I sign up for. Believe me, I can do plenty of damage when I'm allowed to. Smiley: tongue

When I have to heal because NubTree set down roots in the fire, though, I feel like some kind of sh*tty halfassed bard.

Edited, Oct 28th 2009 10:41pm by isyris
#8 Oct 29 2009 at 4:38 AM Rating: Default
988 posts
Well yeah, those class descriptions haven't been updated in a long time, if ever. By now we all know that druids are the only true hybrid since pallies can't do ranged dps, and there just isn't much tanking coming from a shaman.

But I think that shamans and other hybrids finally stand in the right place. Damage output is finally respectable and not totally gimped because of being able to do a little healing too. Even more so, reaching decent results with an enhancement shaman is ridiculously easy compared to some other classes, especially cat druids.

For the most part you actually get to do damage now if that's what you want to do. That's a long way from the early days, where druids were expected to heal if they wanted to raid, enhancement shammies were taken for Windfury, and shadow priest for mana.

I don't see myself reduced to being the Bloodlust/Heroism b*tch. In fact, I think it's most beneficial that other classes provide same or similar buffs now. I don't need to worry about dragging my WF totem with me if there is a DK with Improved Icy Talons, and Horn of Winter ensures that people are buffed without me having to re-set Strenght of Earth all the time. I'm actually getting to make a choice about which totem to set where and when, and that's something rather nice.

If you're raiding under PuG conditions, e.g. "Shaman heal!" you're just probably not in the right place.
#9 Oct 29 2009 at 5:33 AM Rating: Decent
The best Enh shammy I have ever know was never higher than 4th or 5th on the meters. He always had the most purges, and interrupts, he was always right below our main healers on heals, he truely helped us win a lot of fights!

From what I have seen while leveling my ele shammy is that, if i am just doing dps, the group is likely to fail. What seems to make a good shammy great is the abilty and willingness to do it all! I really feel that a few good shammies in a raid or whatever really can make the difference.

If all you want to do is blow **** up then do so, but maybe with a different class, one with out heals, and interrupts and totems, and purges, and cures. etc etc.
#10 Oct 29 2009 at 7:08 AM Rating: Good
387 posts
Can't count the times that good use of utility abilities and/or (maelstrom or normal) heals saved the day in heroics. Must be true in harder content too.

There is more to it than just raw dps. Don't neglect that "there is more" part!

(now normally, heroics arent that interesting, but in PUGs, anything can happen...)
#11 Oct 29 2009 at 2:29 PM Rating: Decent
2,590 posts
I know, I know. And it's occasionally fun to be able to do everything at once...and I've even tanked bosses a few times due to massive fail. <.<

It's just...I went Enhancement because I got burned out on Resto, I was really enjoying it, and now I get to sit back and watch everyone including Mister Rogue with 100 Hit Rating beat me on the meters, without a shred of recognition for picking up heals when NewbDrood died or purging the crap out of the boss when a certain mage thought he could get away with dispelling just one stack of nether power.

Last time I did Ony 10 I was the only melee DPS and I had to heal the add tank because her healer ran into the Deep Breath. That tank and I were among the last to die. All I got was a rant from the raid leader (that same tank, in fact) on how melee DPS was sucking and really needed to pick up the pace.

Crappy group should not = Good Shaman.
#12 Oct 30 2009 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
208 posts
I'm not worried about topping charts because I know the people I play with can tell who contributes. The idea that I can bring bloodlust, wind shear, purge, and all sorts of awesome totems like cleansing and tremor... well, it makes me down right giddy.

Then on top of that you get all sorts of quality of life abilities! Water breathing, water walking, reincarnation, ghost wolf, etc.

I'm currently at 70 and when I get to the level cap and hit a wall, knowing its heroic grinding time, I'll remember my friends are as excited about my shaman as I am. And because of their generosity I have two of the brewfest mugaces in the bank ready to go.
#13 Oct 30 2009 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
3,157 posts
Isyris, it sounds to me like it's not the class that's the problem, but the guild.
You really don't sound very appreciated in your role. The guild needs to stop dying to fires and putting you in a situation where you feel like you have to heal.
If they are FORCING you to heal and stuff when the morons die. . . well, I'd be finding a different guild. I see the Ret Pally as an equally viable off healer, the Enh shouldn't be doing it all the time, every time.
#14 Nov 03 2009 at 10:45 AM Rating: Good
Lady isyris wrote:
Yeah, I know what you mean about being a bit dissatisfied, I've been getting a little bit frustrated too though for different reasons. In my case, we tend to be very melee heavy (and shaman light), and I do end up providing a lot of buffs myself (no marks hunter or DKs around), my problem is more that not only am I seen as a walking buff/purge machine, but my damage hurts when I have to help out on heals, and then I really feel... useful. >.< When they bring me along for hard content, it's because I'm the Bloodlust ***** and about 1/3 of a healer, not because I can do great damage. *grumble, grumble*

What weapons are you using now, Aurelius? I haven't had any trouble getting slow weapons, but then my stuff is mostly from 10-man regular.

Right now I'm using the MH fist weapon from Mimiron and the axe from Anub in ToC10. Prior to getting the axe last week, I was using the 1.8 speed dagger from some earlier boss in ToC10 (which boss specifically eludes me). That one switch (1.8-2.8 weapon speed, exact same weapon dps) made an enormous impact on my dps. I went from trailing the guild's other enhancement shaman by at least 500dps on most fights to keeping very close pace with him. He has a habit of padding meters (ie. using chain lightning on Ignis even though our strategy does not in any way involve killing the adds) and I've caught on to his sneakiness. He beat me by 70k overall damage on our last Ignis fight with 65k of that coming from chain lightning. My weapons are on par with his now but the rest of his gear is superior to mine. He stopped being a mouthy dork for some reason. I'm still trying to figure out why...

More to the point, I hit 80 and had a Titansteel Bonecrusher and a Titansteel Shanker in the bank. What sucked is that the Bonecrusher is designated MH only, and so was the Calamity's Grasp I upgraded to from the Bonecrusher, and the fist weapon I currently have is also MH only. Instead of being able to rotate my MH weapon to OH as I upgraded, my OH weapon was stuck with whatever I could get. For the longest time, that was the Titansteel Shanker. I think I upgraded from that to the dagger out of ToC10. I'm set for Icecrown Citadel now (I could still upgrade from ToGC10/ToC25/ToGC25, but if I don't see any upgrades from those at least I'm reasonably optimized now).

Rather than giving rogues the ability to use axes so they could justify putting more 1h weapons in loot tables, I think Blizzard would have been much better off simply removing the MH stipulation on so many of the 1h weapons in the game pre-T9. That would have been a much more substantial benefit to enhancement shaman, and it was largely enhancement shaman itemization they were trying to address with the rogue change.
#15 Nov 03 2009 at 3:36 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Ooh, yeah, if you were using a dagger I can definitely see that would be a problem. I somehow managed to stick with slow weapons all through gearing up, so I guess I had it easy. Smiley: tongue

Which reminds me... this was linked on earlier, maybe you'll find it interesting?
#16 Nov 04 2009 at 7:33 PM Rating: Good
Lady isyris wrote:
Ooh, yeah, if you were using a dagger I can definitely see that would be a problem. I somehow managed to stick with slow weapons all through gearing up, so I guess I had it easy. Smiley: tongue

Which reminds me... this was linked on earlier, maybe you'll find it interesting?

I had wondered about that, but frankly I was too lazy to test for the threshold to see if I would have been better of continuing to farm heroic ToC5 for the mace or sticking with my dagger. I did do a test, however, that involved using EnhSim with all of my current values at the time and then changing the weapon speed on my OH weapon from 1.8 to 2.6 and it showed a gain of 200-300 dps.

I wish I could get an accurate count of how many times I ran heroic ToC5 specifically trying to get the mace, but my shaman's statistic page shows only one kill of The Black Knight in heroic ToC5...ever lol That is definitely a bug. I used to consider heroic ToC5 as a daily...I just did it every day hoping.

It's interesting to see that I actually would have been better off using the iLvl200 mace bought with champion seals than the iLvl232 dagger from ToC10. Interesting, and a bit disgusting. What an awful shame that Blizzard could botch things so badly.
#17 Nov 05 2009 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
861 posts
You know, if you're losing on the damage meters because you're busy purging and keeping the raid up then you're....more valuable than any other dps who's just rocking the meters. Relax.

I do feel that these are the golden days of shammy (since I wasn't around for launch and the OP-ness of the original enhancers). The damage is absolutely comparable to other classes, my resto shaman is a healing beast and we are finally viable in PvP again. Itemization is fairly good and I'm seeing a decent number of slow maces and axes dropping (though since I'm resto/elemental I can't say that enhance's sets are perfect nowadays). I can't wait to finish my elemental set and do enhance again.
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