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Subtlety levelling and loving it.Follow

#1 Oct 27 2009 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
I know from all the posts that going into the Subtlety tree is not favoured at the lowest levels and is supposed to be slower levelling which perhaps it is but i think it's a perfect way to learn Rogue ways.

Starting from the fact i wanted a rogue for a long time and have tried twice before and tried both the other trees i never ever got past level 30 and believe me i found them really hard work and finally with them sitting unused i deleted them.

Now i am in what i think is a far better tree to level with and already at level 34 as it suits my play style as i love the faster stealth -25% running i can easily live with if it means i am not having to fight every mob to get to my target and i have found as i usually keep to mobs a few levels below me when my attacks crit its an extremely fast kill in usually around two hits max so not exactly a weak build , perhaps i am unusual in loving the sneaking around but the sneaking up behind and pick pocketing mobs before killing them is now a real pleasure and rather profitable as it is almost doubling my looting coinage and i know as i get to higher mobs i should have gold starting to flow into my bags as i fully intend to pick the pockets of every possible mob that i kill .

What i lack is knowing a suitable way to invest my talents to be more efficient as most of what i have read about the Subtlety tree is mainly for PvP usage and that is something i never do but even that will become pretty obvious as i learn and i just wish there were less interesting talents to make the path to Shadow Dance easier to figure out.

What i would like is to hear from others that have recently levelled in the Subtlety tree not from ages ago as so much has changed in the last few updates to Rogue trees as i am sure there must be a few out there that have done it and i am curious as to what they think and how they did it.
#2 Oct 27 2009 at 12:06 PM Rating: Default
I never got past 30 on my rouge but i would go and max out these talents master of deception oppuatunity cammo dirty tricks serrated blades and ghostly strike setup and improved ambush and it works fine for me the rate i kill people varies on my poisns which also give any subtlety rouge an extra edge
#3 Oct 27 2009 at 9:31 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
What i would like is to hear from others that have recently levelled in the Subtlety tree not from ages ago as so much has changed in the last few updates to Rogue trees as i am sure there must be a few out there that have done it and i am curious as to what they think and how they did it.

Well, ever since the launch of WOTLK the damage of every class has been given such a tremendous boost you could level unspecced and do a half-decent job at it. Leveling holy as a priest will actually get you to 80 close to as fast as shadow will. Leveling as disc might even well be faster, these days. It's for this reason that subtlety does have some merits; seeing as a talent like Malice or Imp. Kidney Shot isn't going to do you much good, you might as well spice up your cooldowns so that you can 2-shot a mob every so much seconds. I do still think that combat is overal faster pre-50, though. As combat you simply run up to an enemy, melee him dead, and move on. You win so much time on not having to stealth or positioning yourself right. From 50 and on, Assassination is hands down the most effective tree to level in, though I'm thinking that at around 67 building a spec that grabs Puncturing Wounds and Slaughter from the Shadows might actually be at least close to Mut's killing speed.

Regardless of all that; what's simply the fastest has been known for ages - that isn't too interesting right now (though will become more interesting again with Cata's revamps). If you're trying something different and you're finding niches to put Subtlety to work, it's all good; as long as you're enjoying yourself. The only real change I'd like to see made to the Subtlety change would be to break it up a little bit to allow for more synergy with other trees - a Premeditation/Overkill build is pointless, and if you go any higher to reach Shadowstep you'll also reach HaT which will make speccing into Seal Fate pointless. And with 44 points in Subtlety you might as well Grab Slaughter From the Shadows to stop your Backstab from sucking. And with 50 points in Subtlety the only 'synergy' left with the Assassination tree is grabbing Cold Blood over Shadowdance. But seeing as both provide burst and Shadowdance does a better job at it, going for Cold Blood is somewhat pointless. I guess this is more of an off-topic pet peeve of mine, but having no other option than to either stop in Subtlety past Preparation or go all the way up to Shadowdance does annoy me from time to time.
#4 Oct 28 2009 at 1:57 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
Thank you for the reply Mozared i do agree the Subtlety tree does seem a bit odd in the way it has been done and does not make full sense at least to me compared to the other trees , the fact i survive 99% of the mistakes i am making as i learn is a real bonus to me as in the other trees i always seemed to die perhaps they are different now as it was a while ago i tried them.

What my intentions are as i level is to stealth my way through levels and to pick the pockets of every humanoid possible and so far it has worked beautifully as i have not brought any poisons apart from the first batch . I am not a great lover of close contact fighting apart from my pally and we all know just how overpowered they can be so the stealth way is my way of a relaxing way to play which is why i guess i still prefer my hunters even though they have been resting for a while as i try other classes as i find them so relaxing.

I guess a part of my reasons for trying all the classes again apart from a Warrior is because of Cata as i do want to restart a hunter on both sides to see all the changes they are going to be making . I am not sure why but i have always wanted an undead hunter but that is getting away from this thread i guess.

As most of my alts are trying new things like trades and i keep getting locked boxes i also wanted to be capable of opening them myself and i have read that by picking pockets at mid levels a rogue gets locked boxes as all i get now are level 1 boxes so getting a full understanding of stealth will help me later as i find some mobs just will not stand still long enough for me to easily attack from behind but it sure is fun for me trying to catch them.
#5 Oct 28 2009 at 11:45 AM Rating: Good
279 posts
Though I'm not much on Subtlety now, I also leveled that way. I tend to favor control and choosing my fights when playing such a squishy, nonhealing class. I tried combat and I felt like a warrior in leather. Yeah, things died; Just not without me taking hits as well. I found subtlety to be quicker in that it had no downtime. Even though I'm aware that the it was probably offset by the killing speed and AoE abilities of combat. /shrug.

So far I've always recommended Subt to friends who are leveling rogues and getting tired of the low levels and have got nothing but positive feedback from them. Of course, I tell them to grab two good dagger and give Mutilate a go when they have the option. >:) I <3 my Mutilate.
#6 Oct 28 2009 at 6:11 PM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Sub completely sucks compared to mutilate for leveling (and killing **** in general).
#7 Oct 29 2009 at 5:59 AM Rating: Excellent
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Sub completely sucks compared to mutilate for leveling (and killing sh*t in general).

While that's completely true, if the OP is happy playing that way and taking their time, we can't stop them.
#8 Oct 29 2009 at 6:55 AM Rating: Excellent
279 posts
Pre-Mut, I found Assassination terrible for leveling. Which is why I went Subtlety til then. Though, once it's available, Mutilate really does rock Subtlety in terms of both killing speed and reduced down-time. I found this especially true through Northrend.

In fact, even though my off-spec is either Combat Fists or PvE Assassination, I'll still use my PvP Mutilate (Very close to the build I used for leveling) when doing dailies or the like. Seems more efficient, although it could just be because I'm used to that playstyle.

Edit: Missed a word in there.

Edited, Oct 29th 2009 7:56am by Serevixx
#9 Oct 29 2009 at 8:54 AM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Sub completely sucks compared to mutilate for leveling (and killing sh*t in general).

As the OP is level 34, no, it really doesn't.
#10 Oct 29 2009 at 9:48 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
LockeColeMA wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Sub completely sucks compared to mutilate for leveling (and killing sh*t in general).

As the OP is level 34, no, it really doesn't.

Uh yes, it does.

I realize that you can't be mutilate at level 34, but that doesn't take anything away from my statement that sub sucks compared to mutilate.
#11 Oct 29 2009 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
979 posts
I would say i am impressed by Subtlety still as i am averaging around 100 dps by recount which is a total of a few levels worth of fights and at level 36 and a highest hit of 742 it sure does not suck that badly and that is with a pair of rubbish daggers and some of my gear is about 6 levels or more below my current level.

As i said in my first post that i see has been down rated for some reason i am not suggesting people go into Sub to level but just to say it is a viable choice ( if a little slower ) these days and if you do not like Sub that is your choice but not mine.

What i did ask for is comments from those that had tried it recently not from those that had not tried it to level with as that is completely pointless , as how can you give a comment on something that has had so many changes that you know little about ?

i do understand Theo it is not the fastest way for most but for what i am doing it is pretty much perfect to be almost level 37 in 3 days 13 hours play including a lot of leather farming for my leather working and having cooking at high level and my fishing is high as well so i do not think it is that bad .
#13 Oct 30 2009 at 1:58 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
As i tried to say Theo i am doing it my way and i can take on three mobs my level easily enough even with daggers , i am adding the link that made me decide to go Sub.


I know the writer is talking about PvP but it does work for normal play as well as the burst damage i am getting after i have stealthed up behind the mob and pick pocketed them means usually the mob is at around half health after the first hit and its usually enough points to use a finishing move pretty fast as that initial burst damage especially when it crits is easily over 600 damage .

As i am using stealth to attack every chance i have the moves i am using Require a Dagger in the Main Hand .

For example Ambush at the moment is my main starter attack so what choice do i have because as far as i know the main hand in the other trees requires a slower weapon for the best effect . Which would mean i would have to equip a sword or another slow weapon which would stop me using Ambush and no way am i losing 330% weapon damage + 198 to the target just to get a higher damage slower weapon.

I also use Backstab a lot which also requires a dagger in the main hand so yes i could use an axe mace or sword in the off hand which if i ever do find something decent i will use it but so far the ones i have found actually appeared to be doing less damage than a faster dagger so i stick with what is working for me until i get a sweet fast off hand weapon.

#14 Oct 30 2009 at 11:27 AM Rating: Default
13,048 posts
Basically, to sum up:

Blah blah blah, I'm a unique flower, blah blah blah I like having fun when I level even though leveling as combat is almost exactly the same.

Glad you're having fun, but UR DOIN IT RONG.
#15 Oct 30 2009 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Just posting to let Theo know I downrated his last post there, seeing as I don't want to break my vow of never downrating anybody without letting them know why. At least you had a point in your previous posts, but there were just so many things wrong with that last one I had to push that red arrow - something I haven't done for at least 2 months.
#16 Oct 30 2009 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
979 posts
Well Theo i do respect your advice on end game needs but i am sorry it is so obvious you have not even tried to level as Sub recently if at all ? or you did try it in the distant past and hated it .

That is also obvious by your last post when you had no answers but still needed to comment , i have not said it is a better way to level or that i know better than others that have levelled a rogue but after trying all three trees recently the only one that works for me is Sub as i have hardly died at all and as i do not group i find it a better way to solo most of the game content.
#17 Oct 30 2009 at 5:55 PM Rating: Good
5,159 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Basically, to sum up:

Blah blah blah, I'm a unique flower, blah blah blah I like having fun when I level even though leveling as combat is almost exactly the same.

Glad you're having fun, but UR DOIN IT RONG.

When you're willing to be so hostile to someone who has done nothing to wrong or even remotely offend you except try to have fun their own way, can you really be surprised that everyone in =21 has a terrible opinion of you?
#18 Oct 31 2009 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
sandralover wrote:
Well Theo i do respect your advice on end game needs but i am sorry it is so obvious you have not even tried to level as Sub recently if at all ? or you did try it in the distant past and hated it .

That is also obvious by your last post when you had no answers but still needed to comment , i have not said it is a better way to level or that i know better than others that have levelled a rogue but after trying all three trees recently the only one that works for me is Sub as i have hardly died at all and as i do not group i find it a better way to solo most of the game content.

The hilarious part is that I played Sub almost exclusively for more than two years, and it's still to this day my favorite tree.

Leveling as daggers is not viable until you can get a non-positional ability such as Mutilate; had you said you were leveling as Sub and were using anything but daggers, I wouldn't have thought you were a complete idiot, I would have just thought that you liked playing Sub.

But BS/Ambush is an incredibly bad way to level, unless you outgear the mobs you're leveling on by an extreme amount (i.e. leveling 70-80 with BT/SWP equivalent gear).

Majivo wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Basically, to sum up:

Blah blah blah, I'm a unique flower, blah blah blah I like having fun when I level even though leveling as combat is almost exactly the same.

Glad you're having fun, but UR DOIN IT RONG.

When you're willing to be so hostile to someone who has done nothing to wrong or even remotely offend you except try to have fun their own way, can you really be surprised that everyone in =21 has a terrible opinion of you?

That's being "so hostile"? Good God, you must have the thinnest skin of anyone alive, to be offended by that.

Also, I love it when you stalk me. It makes me giddy. Smiley: inlove
#19 Oct 31 2009 at 2:42 PM Rating: Good
979 posts
Well Theo i know it is not the fastest or the best way to level and now i am using a sword in the off hand as i finally found something better than than what i had but i am still Ambushing every target so still have a dagger . i am not sure if the sword helps that much but it was only 50s and the stats are better than the dagger i had.

I am finding it easier and easier and although i have been doing a hell of a lot of leather farming and up grading my fishing skills i was level 34 on Tuesday and now am about to hit 40 so that is not so bad is it ? for a few hours play each day so as to daggers not being viable if i can take on single mobs between two to four levels higher and survive it cannot be as bad as you think , although my usual choice is mobs about two levels lower and they go down really fast if i can hit them but i see loads of misses ect. , the lack of + hit gear at lower levels is really annoying at times.

I also have been getting a lot of crits of around 750-800 and as i intend to take the talents that add to crits i am pretty sure my damage over the next few levels will be getting even more interesting , i guess the other trees would be doing an equal amount of damage but more consistently as i know Sub is all about that initial burst damage but i am getting some big finishes as well so for me it works well and apart from that elite rare dragon in the area north of southshore when i was farming turtle meat that ganked me three times i have not died from any normal mobs.

#20 Oct 31 2009 at 10:04 PM Rating: Good
Sandra, I'm glad you're not taking to offense what Theo has been saying like a lot of people would (i.e. those that "lash" out back at him and going down to his level). Just wanted to get that in there while I'm in a nice Halloween mood =P

He does know what he's talking about when he actually gives advice, but let's hope that now that he's started playing again, he'll finally update the sticky ;-)

Edited, Oct 31st 2009 11:07pm by xNocturnalSunx
#21 Oct 31 2009 at 10:11 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
The flaw in your argument shows in the words you use, Theo.

Leveling as daggers is not viable until you can get a non-positional ability such as Mutilate

So what is "viable"? Online dictionaries define the word as "workable" or "practical". Seeing as you can level unspecced, doing so would be "viable" by that definition. The only damn time when "viable" and "leveling" should be used in the same sentence is if you take "viable" to mean "within a reasonable time limit" and the only time it should have that meaning is if somebody needs to get to the maximum level asap for the good of his guild.

But BS/Ambush is an incredibly bad way to level, unless you outgear the mobs you're leveling on by an extreme amount (i.e. leveling 70-80 with BT/SWP equivalent gear).

And once again, what is "bad"? Leveling is so easy that the only difference between leveling unspecced and leveling a cookie cutter is the speed at which you do it. And when speed isn't relevant, why care about it?

The trolling aside, calling a leveling spec "bad" or "not viable" makes about as much sense as calling a cactus stupid. Also,

Blah blah blah, I'm a unique flower, blah blah blah I like having fun when I level even though leveling as combat is almost exactly the same.

had you said you were leveling as Sub and were using anything but daggers, I wouldn't have thought you were a complete idiot

Once again you make weird assumptions and forget that experimentation is a necessity to even find out what is (in your words) viable. Not everybody who doesn't play cookie cutter is doing it "because they want to be unique". I'm not sure where you're getting that idea from. Do you think Mozart was just "trying to be unique" when he wrote his symphonies?

Like I said earlier, we know what is fastest. That's not important here. Nobody cares about that right now. Unless you're just trolling on intent, why try and argue about it?
#22 Nov 01 2009 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Mozared wrote:
The flaw in your argument shows in the words you use, Theo.

Leveling as daggers is not viable until you can get a non-positional ability such as Mutilate

So what is "viable"? Online dictionaries define the word as "workable" or "practical". Seeing as you can level unspecced, doing so would be "viable" by that definition. The only damn time when "viable" and "leveling" should be used in the same sentence is if you take "viable" to mean "within a reasonable time limit" and the only time it should have that meaning is if somebody needs to get to the maximum level asap for the good of his guild.

Practical is a good definition for viable in this instance; the purpose of leveling is to reach level cap. Viable builds will achieve this goal in a reasonable manner. Viable is a perfectly acceptable and commonly-used term across all WoW forums when talking about builds, gear, etc.

Mozared wrote:
Like I said earlier, we know what is fastest. That's not important here. Nobody cares about that right now. Unless you're just trolling on intent, why try and argue about it?

Just gonna quote to you what the thread is about:

sandralover wrote:
What i would like is to hear from others that have recently levelled in the Subtlety tree not from ages ago as so much has changed in the last few updates to Rogue trees as i am sure there must be a few out there that have done it and i am curious as to what they think and how they did it.

The implication is that Sandra thinks that Sub may have changed enough to be viable.

It hasn't. I've forgotten more about the rogue class than most of this forum knows (and I've very possibly spent more gold respeccing), ergo my opinion is generally the most valid.

Edit: All that aside, it is indeed my opinion, and people are free to stop taking me so seriously and keep playing the game the way they want.

I'm going to call them stupid for it, but that comes with the territory.

Edited, Oct 31st 2009 11:55pm by Theophany
#23 Nov 01 2009 at 3:01 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
I think the thread went a little off what i was after , perhaps my english is not good enough to pick the right questions.

I know Sub is viable enough for me and yup i know not the best , for example mobs a little below my level and up to my level i stealth up pretty fast as i put talent points into Camouflage so a 15% stealth speed increase there , i pick their pockets open with Ambush hit with haemorrhage and Ghostly Strike and if not already dead hit with eviscerate and the mob is dead now that includes waiting a little for enough energy but seems fast and efficient to me , i know it is not every attack like that as of course some mobs resist or i miss but still a viable playstyle and with all the "Subtle" changes in the Talents i want all the talents .

That was what i was trying to ask as it seems to me i am using up far to many talents.

I added a link to show the talents and gear i have and i know its not perfect but my play is on stealth attacks so anything that aids my stealth i have taken so Master of Deception and Camouflage are important to me as for the others they all seem so useful i am wondering if i should miss some out as i intend to go fully into the tree and i can see i will have to respec again at some point.

I do not intend to Raid and rarely group so to me the Sub tree offers so many ways to solo play most of the content i will see and so far i am trying to pick talents that aid me and there are so many choices like do i go for extra combo points or do i go for extra crits as both seem useful to me . I like wandering about and doing things like leatherworking or fishing the speed i level at is of no great importance but getting around and having fun is. I have got to level 39 almost 40 in 4.5 days including a lot of fishing and skinning and cooking and of course also important to me lock picking still at max for my level so i am not doing so badly am i ?

#24 Nov 01 2009 at 3:23 PM Rating: Excellent
5,159 posts
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Majivo wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Basically, to sum up:

Blah blah blah, I'm a unique flower, blah blah blah I like having fun when I level even though leveling as combat is almost exactly the same.

Glad you're having fun, but UR DOIN IT RONG.

When you're willing to be so hostile to someone who has done nothing to wrong or even remotely offend you except try to have fun their own way, can you really be surprised that everyone in =21 has a terrible opinion of you?

That's being "so hostile"? Good God, you must have the thinnest skin of anyone alive, to be offended by that.

Also, I love it when you stalk me. It makes me giddy. Smiley: inlove

Stalking you? Smiley: lol Sorry, I forgot you're the only person who reads more than one forum.

And no, I don't have thin skin, it was a simple observation. You're attacking somebody for saying that they find a certain playstyle fun. Try to dress it up as much as you want with defining what's "viable" and saying "oh no, they think they meant this, but they really meant this", but at the end of the day all you're doing is taking every opportunity you can to be an ***.
#25 Nov 01 2009 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
13,048 posts
Majivo wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Majivo wrote:
Overlord Theophany wrote:
Basically, to sum up:

Blah blah blah, I'm a unique flower, blah blah blah I like having fun when I level even though leveling as combat is almost exactly the same.

Glad you're having fun, but UR DOIN IT RONG.

When you're willing to be so hostile to someone who has done nothing to wrong or even remotely offend you except try to have fun their own way, can you really be surprised that everyone in =21 has a terrible opinion of you?

That's being "so hostile"? Good God, you must have the thinnest skin of anyone alive, to be offended by that.

Also, I love it when you stalk me. It makes me giddy. Smiley: inlove

Stalking you? Smiley: lol Sorry, I forgot you're the only person who reads more than one forum.

And no, I don't have thin skin, it was a simple observation. You're attacking somebody for saying that they find a certain playstyle fun. Try to dress it up as much as you want with defining what's "viable" and saying "oh no, they think they meant this, but they really meant this", but at the end of the day all you're doing is taking every opportunity you can to be an ***.

I'm not defining what "viable" is; I'm going off the definition of the word. Sandra came into the rogue forum and asked almost right out, "is Sub more viable than it used to be?" and I answered. She can take my advice or not, ask me for clarification, whatever. What really doesn't help is when you come into the thread and give your opinion about me being me, when I'm being helpful.

Just because you haven't caught on yet, I'll give you a clue: every time you reply to me like this, I keep replying to you because it makes me giggle to see how bent out of shape you get.

As far as your build, Sandra, you waste point in certain areas, if you want to stick with Sub. You're going to want to go 8 points into Assassination to pick up Malice and Puncturing Wounds, and you're going to not want to take Hemo, Ghostly Strike, or Serrated Blades.

Something like this would be appropriate for level 41, with this being good for 60.
#26 Nov 02 2009 at 1:21 AM Rating: Good
18 posts
I leveled Sub...a long, long time ago. It worked decently enough for me.

Granted, Subtlety was a different bird back then. This was all pre-2.3, meaning Shadowstep still had a 15 second cooldown and Hemo was still considered primary Combo Point builder, not a "debuff" as Blizzard now considers it.

I used a weapon swapping mod, so I could use Ambush, but not toss out wimpy Hemos. One can still do the same thing now, in theory, but Hemo just hits like a wet noodle, slow weapon or fast.

Leveling sub does have some limited advantages over Mutlate with certain types of quests. The classic example would be the "go down into this cave and retrieve quest item X, or kill named NPC Y." Other specs/classes have to deal with clearing their way into the cave (or stealthing through it slightly slower than Sub) and dealing with respawns on the way out. For the Subtlety Rogue, its a simple snatch and grab (or drive by, as the case may be).

On the other hand, with a "kill 15 generic NPC Zs" sub is at an obvious disadvantage to Mutilate or Combat. Naturally, these sorts of quests typically outnumber the Snatch & Grab/Named NPC quests, hence why Mutilate is generally preferred.

And while I do like to avoid snowflakethink, when possible, there is something to be said for the most fun spec being the fastest to level. Mutilate very well may (and does) average X kills/minute more than Subtlety, but the greater kill speed does nothing for you if the spec bores you to the point of AFKing in stealth every thirty minutes to get a drink/smoke a cigarette/check your Facebook/see what's on TV/etc.

TL,DR: If it works for you, Kudos.

Edited, Nov 2nd 2009 1:38am by Pennuial
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