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Deathknight MacrosFollow

#1 Oct 27 2009 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
I was wondering if there were any decent DK macros.

I have heard of a macro where u can use Bloodpact or w/e its called in one click it's just i'm useless at macros.
#2 Oct 27 2009 at 8:09 AM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The "Raise Dead + Death Pact" macro works differently depending on your spec. This is because Unholy ghouls are permanent and controllable, and as such is considered a pet whereas Blood and Frost ghouls are considered minions (like the Druid's Treants).

Blood/Frost ghoul:

/castsequence reset=180 Raise Dead, Death Pact

Unholy ghoul:

/cast [pet] Death Pact; Raise Dead

For tanking I use a "Rune Strike on Strike" macro for almost all my attacks. Basically it weaves in Rune Strike in all your attacks so you don't have to worry about hitting Rune Strike whenever it's useable. I don't recommend using those macros for DPS as Rune Strike creates a lot of threat and you wouldn't want to pull aggro. Replace Blood Boil in the below macro to fit your ability.

#showtooltip Blood Boil
/cast !Rune Strike
/cast Blood Boil
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

I also run with Lichborne in my Frost tanking spec and as you might know, Lichborne turns you into an undead for 10 seconds and Death Coil heals undead. With this macro you can activate Lichborne and then use it again to cast Death Coils on yourself, even with an enemy target selected. Great for a wee bit of self-healing.

/cast Lichborne
/cast [target=player] Death Coil

For my Blood build I used a mouseover Hysteria macro, because sometimes you want to cast Hysteria on someone else without switching your target (like when you're tanking). Hover your mouse cursor over the person you want to cast Hysteria on and it'll do so, plus it will announce it in the party chat so the healer is aware that someone is going to take a bit of damage.

/cast [target=mouseover, nodead] Hysteria
/run SendChatMessage("Hysteria on "..UnitName("mouseover"), "PARTY")

Finally, and this one is great if you've got multiple targets where your primary target isn't a caster (Confessor in ToC, for instance). It allows you to cast Mind Freeze on your focus target without switching targets. Basically, target the one you want to spell interrupt and /focus that target. Now, whenever you hit Mind Freeze, provided you are within range, it will cast Mind Freeze on your focus target. If not focus target is available it will cast it on your target.

#showtooltip Mind Freeze
/cast [target=focus,exists] Mind Freeze;Mind Freeze
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#3 Oct 27 2009 at 10:09 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks it will help (except the lichborne one i use frost for dps so i didnt take lichborne)
#4 Dec 11 2009 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
Was wondering if i could get a macro so i can get death and decay to work the same way as concecration
#5 Dec 11 2009 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Can't be done. There's no way to target an AoE from a macro, without resorting to illegal means. Consecration uses the Paladin as it's center, so it doesn't need extra input. DnD does.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#6 Dec 11 2009 at 12:50 PM Rating: Excellent
2,680 posts
Taken from an old thread:

DK macros (stolen from my DK Macro-a-thon tread of yore)

Basic macros that make your gaming life easier.

Start or "Minion team, go!"

#showtooltip Icy Touch
/cast Icy Touch

Starts your attack, starts pet attacking, casts a spell. Can't get more simpler than that! Replace Icy Touch with whatever spell you start your rotation with and never have to hit control-1 again!

Rune Strike or "Where all der rune power at?"

/cast <ability>
/cast !Rune Strike

This prompts RS after any ability you use such as Death Strike, Obliterate, Scourge Strike... get the picture? Really works great for tanks, not so much for deeps. RS doesn't use the global cooldown and will only activate when it's ready. So it's safe to spam as often as you want and what finer way than automatically? Who needs another button to watch anyhow? For extra fun, macro it in with all of your standard rotation key binds... you'll never see rune power again!

Cheap Blood Heal or "what do you mean 'health pot'?"

/cast Vampiric Blood
/cast Blood Tap

Free VB (or Rune Tap) basically. I've seen a combination of this with Rune Tap, Lichborne and a self-cast Death Coil. But haven't used that variation myself. Honestly, I prefer Healthstonesâ„¢ brand. =P

The Turbo Macro aka "OMG WHY IS ANIMALS ON YER FACE???"

/use [nocombat] Indestructible Potion
/use [combat] Insane Strength Potion
/cast Horn of Winter
/cast Blood Tap
/cast Unbreakable Armor

Ok, this is one of my deep, dark secrets. I shouldn't even be telling you folks this but being drunk makes my charitable. Pop this macro just before entering combat to avoid the annoying "combat cooldown" on potions, then pop it again for Bloodlust/Heroism and viola: A fancy Turbo button. Be a bit careful when you pop it due to the rune use. I also almost always follow up the Bloodlust/Heroism use with Empower Rune Weapon.

Swap out other potions as you see fit. I use Indestructibles in conjunction with Bladed Armor. Also note that you can, and should, add "/use 13" and "/use 14" for any on-use trinkets you want to pop in there as well. You crazy Unholy DKs should add Ghoul Frenzy in there too if you grabbed it.

Insta-tank or "What do you mean grab that add? ... OMG MY PRETTY FACE!!!"

/cast Unbreakable Armor
/cast Icebound Fortitude
/cast Frost Presence
/equip Inevitable Defeat
/cast Dark Command

Well, there are times you need to step in when your tank is, um, "on vacation." Pop this badboy and start praying like a mantis buddy 'cause that big hunk of angry is coming right for ya! Insert your preferred tanking weapon (and be sure it's in your bags!).

Taunt-o-matic or "Yer mine now sucka."

/cast [nomod,exists,harm,target=mouseover] [nomod,exists,harm] Dark Command
/cast [mod:shift,exists,harm,target=mouseover] [mod:shift,exists,harm] Death Grip

Ok, this is a bit tricky if you're new to some of these functions. But bear with it and you'll fall in love with this macros' utility. Idea is that if you're hovering your cursor over a baddie while targeting his friend, you can taunt or grip him. Move your cursor off unfriendly targets and you'll taunt or grip your current target. Seems tricky until you try it.

Or there's the super simple version:

/castsequence reset=35 Death Grip, Dark Command

Will Grip your target or if Grip is on cooldown it'll Command. Basic as cable.

Interupts or "Shhhhh..... baby's sleepin'."

/cast [exists,target=focus,harm] [exists,target=mouseover,harm] Strangulate, Mind Freeze

Standard stuff. Don't leave home without it. Will cast Strangle on bad-guy focus, or mouseover, or will MF your current target.

Raising the dead or "Dude, WTF? Seriously? Dude?"

/cast [harm] Raise Dead; [help] Raise Ally

Most basic version I can think of. If you're targeting an enemy you'll Raise a Ghoul like normal. Target a fallen buddy and make him L2gnaw nub! Personally I use "target=mouseover" and a "[nocombat] Army of the Dead" with this also, but you get the idea. Experiment
#7 Dec 11 2009 at 2:34 PM Rating: Default
Still would like a macro for unholy concecration (i suck at making macros best one i made jst spammed GZ in the sahpe of GZ)
#8 Dec 11 2009 at 2:53 PM Rating: Good
20,024 posts
Still would like a macro for unholy concecration (i suck at making macros best one i made jst spammed GZ in the sahpe of GZ)

I just told you, it can't be done. You have to manually position it.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#9 Dec 11 2009 at 3:48 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
And I would like a turkey sandwich served by a naked Jennifer Tilly.. whats' your point?
#10 Dec 11 2009 at 7:28 PM Rating: Default
my point is there should be a macro that can cast Death and Decay wherever your deathknight is currently standing.
like concecration
#11 Dec 11 2009 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
Our point is that it is impossible, and what you think should be possible doesn't change that.

And this SHOULDN'T be possible. We get a "ranged consecration." As such, we SHOULD have to target it. Pallies don't have to do that, but it is limited to the area around where they were standing.

IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#12 Dec 16 2009 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
There are times when I'm tanking on my DK (rare though they are) where just popping a key-bind for a Consecration effect would be cool. But losing the utility of a ranged, high-threat AOE wouldn't make up for the minute ease of not having to click. I'm guessing only those who click their abilities really have any issue with applying the DnD effect at their feet.

On the other hand, there are a few Consecration tricks that I love on my pally (I was heavily into tanking on my pally in ZA-t5) that I also use on my DK now, just have to add a click. No biggie.

Maybe there is some specific reason why you'd want to not click to place the DnD? Please let us know.
#13 Dec 16 2009 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Totally forgot about this gem.

Anyway, ranged Death & Decay is nicer than pop-and-forget Consecrate, simply because it increases usability. Toss a ranged DnD on some casters to keep aggro from the healer. Pull mobs off of healers if Death Grip is busy. Put out DnD before you even enter the fray (it rhymes, by the way).
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#14 Dec 17 2009 at 4:04 AM Rating: Good
2,680 posts
I'm still waiting for my sandwich Ms. Tilly.
#15 Dec 17 2009 at 4:23 AM Rating: Good
TherionSaysWhat, Assassin Reject wrote:
I'm still waiting for my sandwich Ms. Tilly.

I'd rather go for a Jennifer Tilly / Gina Gershon sandwich such as the one in "Bound" (well, it's only missing the meat part of the sandwich).

Don't Google that movie/scene if you're at work.
#16 Dec 17 2009 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
So, like, what was that movie rated?
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#17 Dec 17 2009 at 9:33 AM Rating: Good
imdb wrote:
Rated R for strong sexuality, violence and language.
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