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Tanking and AOE... and you...Follow

#1 Oct 22 2009 at 11:40 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Maybe I'm alone in this boat, but having tanked on a Warrior, Paladin and Death Knight, I kinda feel like the Druid is lacking something in terms of AOE threat control. I remember Druids used to be king of AOE with their Swipe and whatnot, but I somewhat miss this AOE effect I can lay out which just ticks in threat on my aggro account. Death & Decay and Consecration, to be exact.

On packs I usually rush in, hope the DPS will lay off the AOE for a while (or I'll have to skip Demo Roar) and spam Swipe + Maul till my fingers bleed. If anyone focuses on a target that isn't my primary target, they pull aggro easily. I compared my Druid to my Death Knight in a regular ToC today and I noticed that my Druid actually creates more threat than my Death Knight. I was above 200k threat on The Black Knight in Phase 3 where my Death Knight never went above 150k or so. Still, I had major issues holding aggro on the trash pulls before the Confessor.

Granted, I was playing with a T8 Arms Warrior and Survival Hunter who didn't use Misdirection, but still. What I'm looking for is some kind of rotation or priority system when dealing with packs. At the moment I actually skip Demo Roar to spam Swipe, because people have a very short fuse when it comes to AOE. If that Warrior pops Bladestorm, though, I'm lost.
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#2 Oct 22 2009 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
Not doing anything differently than i would, if I see any of the threat bars turn yellow I switch targets to it so it gets the next maul but otherwise every GCD is going to swipe spam. Could get the Venture Coin idol to bolster swipe a little bit but that's about it...if I see a few mobs get off I'll blow challenging roar, if just one gets off I'll growl and let the mauls hold it.

Anytime I get that ret pally or arms warrior who blows storm right at the getgo I let them die though. It's suicidal and they should learn not to do it.

Edited, Oct 22nd 2009 2:12pm by Norellicus
#3 Oct 22 2009 at 12:45 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Ya I can't say I do anything different myself; just swipe + maul, and try to prioritize maul on targets you are close to losing if at all possible. I'm always nervous when I see people jumping in with AoE though.

Can't say I hit Demo Roar on trash that often. It usually gets worked into the rotation on bosses after I've got a comfortable lead on threat. If I'm worried about dying in the first 10 seconds or so, before I can get demo roar up, I'll hit something like barkskin when I start the pull. However I've been known to under-utilize Demo roar, so I'm not sure if that's the best advice...

That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#4 Oct 22 2009 at 1:25 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
You need a better weapon. Threat is highly weapon based.

As the rest of my guild was getting weapons and loot in Uld, I was not getting much stuff do to the RNG hating me. I have a huge EPGP lead because of this though, as in I could win every drop for a week and still be on top of the list.

RNG aside until I got Fordragon DPS was having to hold back. Where as when we were all more similarly geared they didn't have to at all. After getting the new weapon the issue vanished instantly and Swipe+Maul spam puts out enough threat to hold back insta-Skillstorm and AoE happy mages.

JE from KT25 would help, the Fordragon off Anub10 would as well. All the good weapons in Uld are either hard modes or in the 25 man version so not as PuGable as Naxx25 and ToC10.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#5 Oct 22 2009 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
That 2-for-1 polearm from Ony looks hawt.
#6 Oct 22 2009 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
You need a better weapon. Threat is highly weapon based.

Yeah, but I'm nowhere near tanking any of that serious stuff yet. I'm hoping Marrowstrike will drop during one of the H-ToC runs. And I'm hoping I'm not grouped with a Hunter, Paladin, Death Knight or Warrior who might want it as well, since I only do that place with my healing spec.

Norellicus wrote:
if I see any of the threat bars turn yellow

Threat bars? Where do I get such nifty features? My tooltip displays threat percentage and I get those "Changed target" and "Attacking you" pop-ups once in a while, but I haven't noticed threat bars. I usually rely on Omen and Tab to keep me covered.
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#7 Oct 22 2009 at 11:19 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Dunno if hes talking about it, but there are threat bars built in on wow now (as in since a long time and i cant remember exactly when).
But omen usually works better. For me, anyway.

Edited, Oct 23rd 2009 2:19am by Brisin
#8 Oct 23 2009 at 5:50 AM Rating: Good
Mazra wrote:
Horsemouth wrote:
You need a better weapon. Threat is highly weapon based.

Yeah, but I'm nowhere near tanking any of that serious stuff yet. I'm hoping Marrowstrike will drop during one of the H-ToC runs. And I'm hoping I'm not grouped with a Hunter, Paladin, Death Knight or Warrior who might want it as well, since I only do that place with my healing spec.

**** that. My other spec is tanking, I'm rolling on the weapon. "offspec" doesn't really apply anymore imo since it doesn't require spending gold to switch.

Mazra wrote:
Norellicus wrote:
if I see any of the threat bars turn yellow

Threat bars? Where do I get such nifty features? My tooltip displays threat percentage and I get those "Changed target" and "Attacking you" pop-ups once in a while, but I haven't noticed threat bars. I usually rely on Omen and Tab to keep me covered.

I don't think I had to set any option to see this, but if you turn on enemy health bars ('v' key by default) there's a little aura effect around them used to indicate aggro. Red means they're targeting you and you have aggro lead, yellow means someone not-you is approaching the threshold, no aura means you aren't being targeted and aren't anywhere close to the top of the threat list. Using Growl on a mob that gets loose instantly turns the aura yellow and then it'll turn red on your next threat offload.

Been using it since chocolate, it's great.
#9 Oct 23 2009 at 6:16 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts

I've been using addons for so long I actually never worried about enemy name plates. Not since that nifty addon lost support. What was its name again?

Anyway, I'll have to give this a try. Would sure help keep count of how many mobs are thinking of bailing my company. Omen, unfortunately, only works on one target at a time.
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#10 Oct 23 2009 at 6:20 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
I was stuck with OoN until Fordragon blades finally dropped for me in ToC 10. My biggest problem with threat was always when DPS would focus on the target I wasn't hitting with maul. Other than that, swipe seems to work really well. I actually like it better than Consecrate because, if I have to move, my AoE moves with me.
#11 Oct 23 2009 at 7:14 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
AstarintheDruid wrote:
I was stuck with OoN until Fordragon blades finally dropped for me in ToC 10. My biggest problem with threat was always when DPS would focus on the target I wasn't hitting with maul. Other than that, swipe seems to work really well. I actually like it better than Consecrate because, if I have to move, my AoE moves with me.

Oh yeah, I do love the mobility of Swipe, it's just that compared to my Frost DK, it feels a little old and inefficient.

Glyphed Howling Blast: Ranged direct hit + DoT on everyone in range.
Blood Boil: Swipe-like direct damage to everyone in range.
Death & Decay: Ranged Consecrate.

And I've got Swipe on my Druid. Well, and Maul.

I really feel that the Maul glyph should be changed to cause Maul to hit three or four targets instead of two, with a reduced damage output, of course. This would at least bring it up there with Hammer of the Righteous and Howling Blast.

Edited, Oct 23rd 2009 3:14pm by Mazra
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#12 Oct 23 2009 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
I doubt they will change maul. Even if they lower the damage across the board to make it hit 3-4 targets, it would still be a crapton of damage. I'm already doing 3-4.5k dps on trash groups of 3 or more with just maul/swipe spam. And that's in tank gear, in tank spec. Hell I hit 5k on those little ghoul groups that jump all around in packs of 5-6 in Old Kingdom.
#13 Oct 26 2009 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
513 posts
It's ok to share those mobs with the big, bag, dps...really it said you should share with others...

ok, j/k

I've come to the point now, that I won't chase after mobs. If the damn dps attacks one that I'm not, they can have it. I growl at it and if they hit it again, it's their's.

Maybe that makes me a bad tank, but when I play dps, I never have aggro issues and I always focus fire on the mob the tank is hitting or wait to use my AOE for a few secs for the tank to get sufficient aggro lead on all mobs.
#14 Oct 26 2009 at 12:05 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
I did a bad thing on Ony 25 this weekend. When all the welps came out the first time, I dropped a 5 CP SR, hit rake, popped TF and Berserk, and started Swiping. A lot. There may have been a Hysteria involved...

Poor paly didn't have a chance to keep them off me.
#15 Oct 26 2009 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
As a Paladin(Tank/DPS) and now a DK(DPS) I can definitely say the ONLY person viable to roll against you is Hunter. Edge of Ruin completely slaughters Marrow for Pally/DK/War and I'd personally consider someone who rolled on it for anything but "fun"(ie: Greed) in that range vs someone who could use it(like your offspec) very selfish.

As for the "there is no offspec"... that is just foolish. When you go to a group, you roll on the spec you are currently in unless you specifically announce it(with permission) at the start. If a tank rolled on DPS or vise versa against someone currently spec'd to it, that would be horrible manners.
#16 Oct 27 2009 at 4:48 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I realize I need a better weapon and currently I'm aiming for Marrowstrike (so many runs and not a single drop yet).

My guild doesn't do 25-mans yet. We simply can't get enough people on to not PUG it and most of us aren't comfortable with that. So we Naxx10, Ony10, ToC10 and all that other juicy stuff (some of them are getting their hands on Uld10 as well, but not the core of the guild yet).

Is Fordragon Blades worth rolling against a DPS for, though? I think we've got one Feral Druid who's DPS at the moment. Don't remember if he got the blades last run (they dropped) or whatever happened.

Anyway, I'm gearing up still. Got me the T8 chest and some leggings and stuff. I just need to upgrade my gloves (but the emblem gloves lack a socket, waah) and some of my PvP gear. Still haven't found better alternatives to the PvP shoulders, though. Sure, there are stuff out there with more agility and expertise, but once I've got the epic gloves, I'm expertise capped (it's 6.5%, right?) and soon hit capped as well. My dodge rating is sitting on 40% or so with Kings or Horn of Winter. My health, self-buffed is just about 36k, I believe. 28k armor and 40% crit chance with 4300ish attack power in Bear form.

I'm a little unsure about my talent build, though. I see a lot of Feral tanks with Natural Shapeshifter and Master Shapeshifter instead of Infected Wounds and Feral Aggression (3/5).

I mostly do heroics at the moment which is why I picked up Infected Wounds. Is it worth three points, though? I'm guessing people dump Feral Aggression because they have a Retribution Paladin with Vindication in their raid. I guess you could dump Infected Wounds if you run with a Death Knight or a DPS Feral with it.

Meh, I don't know. This is my build and this is what I'm considering changing to.
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#17 Oct 27 2009 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
Whatever-Thunderstrike from Ony 10 is hands down better than Fordragon Blades.
#18 Oct 27 2009 at 5:19 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Looks like I'll see if I can get my hands on Whatever-Thunderstrike then.

Dangit, now I've got to put on AC/DC and remember the old days of MC raiding (like, last week or whenever it was).
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 Oct 27 2009 at 10:21 PM Rating: Good
Just to confirm, since I was going purely off memory -- the item in question is Reclaimed Thunderstrike, which is created by Reclaimed Shadowstrike. So you're looking for Shadowstrike off Ony, and can make a Thunderstrike from it. Shadowstrike is a hell of a dps weapon too so you get a nice 2-for-1 deal from that.

Edited, Oct 28th 2009 12:23am by Norellicus
#20 Oct 28 2009 at 3:26 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
Just to confirm, since I was going purely off memory -- the item in question is Reclaimed Thunderstrike, which is created by Reclaimed Shadowstrike. So you're looking for Shadowstrike off Ony, and can make a Thunderstrike from it. Shadowstrike is a hell of a dps weapon too so you get a nice 2-for-1 deal from that.

Or if your feral DPS guildie wants Reclaimed Shadowstrike but doesn't want Reclaimed Thunderstrike then ask him/her to pass Reclaimed Shadowstrike to you so you can create Reclaimed Thunderstrike and pass the original one back. This is because only the one that you loot can be traded, the created one you can't (from what I have read on wowhead) as it is automatically bound to the person who does so.

Edited, Oct 28th 2009 5:31am by KevMc
#21 Oct 28 2009 at 7:57 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Oh, I thought Shadowstrike turned into Thunderstrike when you used that feature. Like Anathema/Benediction from old school World of Warcraft.

I'll have to keep my eyes open for a Shadowstrike drop then. Thanks.

Edited, Oct 28th 2009 4:02pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#22 Oct 28 2009 at 4:13 PM Rating: Good
If I had to guess I'd say that was what they intended to happen, but right now it doesn't do that. That probably causes all kinds of problems with enchantments anyway...
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