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Druid Healers Kick ***Follow

#1 Oct 22 2009 at 11:12 AM Rating: Excellent
20,024 posts
Just ran with one last night, after running with a Pally healer, and it reminded me of why I love Druids... We also had a Boomkin, that was ripping things apart.^^

Random, but go trees!
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#2 Oct 22 2009 at 12:11 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
My wife is a holy pally. I feel sorry for her anytime she has to heal more then 2 targets. Then again, I'm full-o-envy when I'm stuck tracking HoT timers on 2 tanks and she's just sitting there with beacon grinding away.

I'll second your love of druids however ;-)
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#3 Oct 22 2009 at 2:07 PM Rating: Good
189 posts
As a relatively newly 80 resto druid, in previously all greens and blues, my first real task of healing a level 80 encounter was the Brewfest boss. It was much more challenging for me to heal than the previous instance runs we have done which were the lower level Northrend instances.

Since then I have gotten some gear upgrades and we took on the Horseman. Much easier go of it than the Brewfest boss. Most fights we ended up with everyone full on health (love rolling HoTs!) and me nearly full on mana. I don't know if the encounter was way easier, or if our group is just better at doing our jobs. but it went pretty much flawlessly all 10 fights we did.

I still get a bit anxious when the tank (or dps to a lesser extent) takes a big hit and it feels like I'm getting behind the curve, but with a couple of nice large heal options available, it's no trouble bringing them right back up to max health. I love it! And this from a person who never thought he would be a healer. *grin*
#4 Oct 23 2009 at 2:32 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I just love that Nourish takes 1.3 seconds to cast (with 400ish haste) and hits for 10-11k + Living Seed for another 3k.

With Rejuvenation ticking away for 2k and Regrowth for 1k, you need some pretty serious incoming damage to not handle it. Then again, you do end up in a PUG with no crit immune tank once in a while.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#5 Oct 23 2009 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
513 posts
Rolling HOTs FTW...i love my druid
#6 Oct 23 2009 at 11:09 AM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
I had to heal on twins in 25 man toc on tuesday (me healing I know right?). I was up against 3 alt healers and 2 main healers. After I put up near 6000 hps and literally destroyed one of our main resto druids I felt the need to gloat. She outgears me so badly, think like her wowheroes score of 2800 to my score of around 2400 in my healing gear.

When we do hardmodes, quite a few people in our raid want me healing instead of dpsing, alas I'm the giver of the 5% crit, 3% hit, 3% haste, 13% more spell damage guy. God bless healing t4/t5/t6.
#7 Oct 23 2009 at 11:47 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Was gonna say something witty about skill trumping gear, but I can't think of anything.

Rock on Arex!
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#8 Oct 23 2009 at 12:15 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
A kick **** resto just rejoined the guild.

Needless to say I am pretty stoked.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#9 Oct 23 2009 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
I prefer healing to anything else in wow, so I went ahead and recently took my druid to 80. I've been able to heal H TOC 5 man successfully, so I'm getting there. Now I just have to not die there at the last minute.

Edited, Oct 23rd 2009 4:52pm by dadanox
#10 Oct 23 2009 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
my guild is full of everything but healers, one of our 80s is kinda half assed ret. pally, another is full ret. pally, and then theres my resto druid... no LK, and at 68 I can keep 3 lvl 80s alive through HH, I honestly think the only thing that sets druids apart from other healers other than the HoTs is the Innervate... correct me if I'm wrong, but we are the only ones with innervate right? i know shammys have mana totems... but they really don't do much... on top of most resto gear giving mana regen quite the boost... it allows us to heal alot faster and keep going alot longer... right? or is it just my newbishness and the fact that my resto is my first toon? lol
#11 Oct 23 2009 at 4:18 PM Rating: Good
And Battle Rez :)

#12 Oct 23 2009 at 9:34 PM Rating: Good
cowjoke wrote:
it allows us to heal alot faster and keep going alot longer... right?

Well, a disc priest can heal fast and mana usually isn't a problem. I've got shields, but my priest can't lay down the hots like my tree. Every healing class has its strong points. They just have different styles. But yeah, innervate and rebirth are awesome.
#13 Oct 23 2009 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts
I was wishing we had a Druid healer in Oculus tonight. The Shaman was doing very well, but the Urom fight is just so much movement. A Druid would've been so much easier, due to short casts, HoTs and instants.
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#14 Oct 24 2009 at 3:19 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Resto Shammies have a Mana Tide totem (different from Mana spring) that restores 24% of max mana to all party members. Fully buffed, most of our healers have over 30k mana, so that's about 7.5k per person. Priests have Hymn of Hope, which gives 12% mana back and (counting the channel time of the spell), 10 sec where you have a free 20% of your mana pool. And innervate is a static ~7.5k mana to one person every 3 min.

Only holy pallies don't have a mana regen ability that helps other healers, though they can judge Wisdom to help DPS.
#15 Oct 25 2009 at 4:13 PM Rating: Good
They have Divine Plea which is 25% of their total mana over 15 secs with a 1 min cooldown. It is of limited usefulness though as it reduces their healing by 50%. But with such a short cooldown, there will be places where you can get at least 5-10 secs of it - then you can cancel the buff and continue healing so not too bad.

#16 Oct 25 2009 at 4:47 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
They have a buff, however, which gives them around 100 mp5.

Granted, most Druids and such also have this buff on in raids due to two Paladins usually being present, but still. 100 mp5 is pretty big.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#17 Oct 25 2009 at 6:00 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Blessing of Wis doesn't really count since every healer will get that as their first pally buff. But yeah, I forgot about Divine plea.
#18 Oct 26 2009 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Almost done enchanting my resto gear...

Apparently I'm at 2646 or something like that in my resto gear, according to wow heroes.
#19 Nov 04 2009 at 4:21 AM Rating: Good
95 posts
The One and Only ArexLovesPie wrote:
After I put up near 6000 hps and literally destroyed one of our main resto druids I felt the need to gloat.

someproteinguy wrote:
As for over-healing, it is going to be high a lot. Druids do have an insane amount of healing potential. It's not unusual to be on top of the healing charts during a raid and still have 60% overheals.

One of the things about using HoTs is that if two Druids place the same HoT on the same target then it is likely that the 1st HoT cast will count as healing, while the 2nd HoT cast will count as overhealing. Comparing with another resto in the guild, who is at a very similar gear level to me, I have found that our total healing (including overhealing) is at about the same level, but on different encounters one of us can easily outstrip the other on the healing meters, using recount to look at when HoTs take effect it seems to be related to who starts casting first.

That's not to say that Arex's 6k hps wasn't down to skill.
#20 Nov 06 2009 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
304 posts
I got a question :(
I was on a TOGC run the past tuesday, and there was me and another druid healing, he pulled DOUBLE the god damn healing hps.
Like I did um 15% and he did around 30~31%, he has all the triumph 4 piece and I got 2, other than that we're pretty geared alike, any ideas of what I could've done to improve myself? :x

I mean, Ive been putting Rejuv on everyone thats gets damaged, aswell as on the tanks w/ regrowth, i spam wild growthh on every cooldown when its possible, some nourish here and there (my guildie doesnt use nourish like at all, he says he hates it) Im not much of a fan but i still use it when its needed, and I roll single lifeblooms also sometimes around the raid, and a triple stack on the main tank too

I heard on Gchat that he was spamming rejuv on the entire raid? or something ridiculous like that (I cant do that **** without running oom pretty quick even though I got more mana than he does, so i have no idea what the hell is he doing), i assume he also did some other stuff, not sure cause i dont know how to check up on the "Which skill did the most healing thing" from recount if its even there.

I use vuhdu for healing btw, in case that info is needed and um... yeah pretty much it..

Any tips? :(

Edited, Nov 6th 2009 4:20pm by Manikku
#21 Nov 06 2009 at 3:52 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Um it's hard to venture a guess Manikuu.

10s or 25s? Was he tank healing at all or just RJ spam? Do you have his armory handy for comparison? Of course even then I think guesswork is about all we can do.

Some speculation now, so please excuse any of this you may already know...

RJx5 + WG will get you the top HPS in theory, after that it comes down to whether or not it's mostly overheals, or how spiky the raid damage is. ToC/ToGC fights have really helped move us away from the mindless rotation from many Uld fights.

Single LBs aren't very good HPS wise, so if you used a lot of them this could be part of it. You can also slow-stack to 3 and bloom on the tank instead of rolling it. A 3x LB is great HPS, but can get very mana-intensive quickly.

Gearwise I see you are noticeably better geared then myself, but have significantly less mp5. I only see 1 piece of gear with Mp5 on it, the rest looks like mainly hast/crit throughput-heavy gear. Of course taking into account your healing helm isn't on... I see you at 264 in combat, while I'm sitting around 313 for example. Many druids will find they get more overall healing out of gearing for longevity over throughput. Mp5 will give you much more mana itemization-wise then you can get from intellect or spirit. Which Meta are you using? Do you have the Idol of Awakening sitting around anywhere as a temporary solution?

Anyway like I said some pure speculation... *shrugs* :-)

That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#22 Nov 06 2009 at 8:25 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I have the same issue in pretty much any situation where there are more than me healing.

I'm usually rolling as many Rejuvenations as possible while keeping Wild Growth on as many as possible. In 10's it gets a little crazy since often you'll find that due to ranged and melee DPS mix, and the occasional knockback/scatter, your Wild Growth will only hit 2-4 people, which is a little frustrating.

I'm just glad I didn't invest in the Wild Growth glyph yet and stuck with the Nourish one. Especially since our guild usually rolls with two Druids and a Paladin healer.

Edited, Nov 7th 2009 3:33am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#23 Nov 10 2009 at 5:26 AM Rating: Good
95 posts
Manikku wrote:
I dont know how to check up on the "Which skill did the most healing thing" from recount

There are lots of stats that Recount keeps track of; the simplest way to find out which skill did the most healing is to hover your mouse above your name (or the name of another healer) in the healing section of the Recount box, this will give you the top 3 healing abilities used along with who they were used on (I think, can't check right now since I'm at work). If you click on your name in Recount it will bring up a summary of all the heals used.

The same thing can be done for DPS, damage, deaths, etc.
#24 Nov 11 2009 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
304 posts
the simplest way to find out which skill did the most healing is to hover your mouse above your name (or the name of another healer) in the healing section of the Recount box

I did not know this thanks alot!

Well, yesterday I have finally acquaired my 4 piece T9.5 (yay) still need to enchant it, and I started gemming my purple gems for MP5 instead of spirit, because I had a long talk with my druid buddy in my guild which is the other main resto druid in the guild and is the guy I was talking to you guys about last week.

He said he usually runs with MP5 instead of spirit, I really need some more heavy Mp5 crap If I wnt to catch him, my gear blows for it.

Let me reply what you guys have said so far.

My friend's Armory
you guys asked for it :), mine is on my sig.

10s or 25s? Was he tank healing at all or just RJ spam?

we usually get together on 25s but the other ocassions that I group with him in 10s he kicks my *** anyway, he's pretty much ALWAYS the number 1 HPS in my recount, above the priest and the pallies and me. its crazy!

He usually raid heals, but we usually put up dots on the tanks aswell just in case.

but have significantly less mp5. I only see 1 piece of gear with Mp5 on it, the rest looks like mainly hast/crit throughput-heavy gear.

Yeah Ive been trying to focus on haste mostly for my healing spec but since I got my Tier9 now complete I had to take off some pieces that had crit AND haste so im a little lower now.

I was thinking of gemming mp5 on all my blue slots, take off the extra red ones, put up some dragons eye around (red ones) to compensate and instead of going SP/INT orange gems go SP/HASTE, what do you think?

Many druids will find they get more overall healing out of gearing for longevity over throughput. Mp5 will give you much more mana itemization-wise then you can get from intellect or spirit.

Yeah this is what my friend was explaining to me yesterday

Which Meta are you using? Do you have the Idol of Awakening sitting around anywhere as a temporary solution?

Im using the one that has a chance to restore mana on spell cast and yes I have that idol around in my bank, i always keep those hehe

And on the side I was thinking of switching my nourish glyph for regrowth but iono I dont really use any except for emergencies and regrowth and I only put it up on the tanks mostly.

Hm I think I want to re-arrange and take every single socket bonus except for the crit rating on my weapon, but I think ill lose quite a bit of SP, what do you guys think
#25 Nov 11 2009 at 6:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Hi again Manikku!

I was thinking of gemming mp5 on all my blue slots, take off the extra red ones, put up some dragons eye around (red ones) to compensate and instead of going SP/INT orange gems go SP/HASTE, what do you think?

Usually trees will gem for throughput (SP or SP/Haste or SP/spirit) and gear for longevity. But in your case, being a bit short on the mana side, going with SP/Int (yellow) and Mp5 (blue) isn't unreasonable. I'd avoid working against yourself for the most part though, i.e. gemming some slots Mp5 and then trying to increase throughput by adding haste. It's be less expensive just to leave some blue slots SP/spirit or SP/Mp5; you'd end up with the same balance of throughput vs. longevity for a fraction of the money.

Hopefully though you can get there without re-gemming too much, as you'll likely want to change those gems out later once your Mp5 gets up. Actually if you can avoid re-gemming at all that's even better. Do you have another longevity trinket? Spark of hope is golden, but if you have something like Je'Tze's bell hanging around it may do more for your mana pool then switching around all your gems.

And on the side I was thinking of switching my nourish glyph for regrowth but iono I dont really use any except for emergencies and regrowth and I only put it up on the tanks mostly.

In most circumstances the regrowth glyph simply isn't a good choice, unfortunately. Though if you'd like to trade out the nourish glyph, this might be another place to increase your mana pool by using the Innervate glyph.

Other ideas:

You can also try moving 1 point from Sublety and the 2 from Natural Perfection to Tranquil Spirit, if you find yourself using those spells much.

What addon are you using to heal? Are you tracking your HoT timers? Having a healing setup that allows for fast reactions and efficient usage of your HoTs can really up your healing. Kind of like a DPS practicing a rotation on a practice dummy.

Definitely keep making use of your friend, he seems like a great source of information! :D

Edited, Nov 11th 2009 4:34pm by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#26 Nov 11 2009 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
304 posts
Yeah, I used to use Healbot alot but usually when i got dc'ed for some reason the healbot would load all messed up and wouldnt track anything.

so I changed to vuhdo, working like a charm and yes im tracking everything ive got

And no I got no jetze bell :( I was gonna try and get sif's remembrance while solace drops from stupid jaraxxus
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