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Soloing Heroics/Raids?(BC)Follow

#1 Oct 21 2009 at 11:56 PM Rating: Decent
Well just found out for fun that a Prot Pally spec'd based on this topic can solo H MGT, which I hear is the hardest BC Heroic.

I figure any Prot can do it, some even say Ret(I could not have solo'd MGT as Ret. Not even close, even with 4pc T9(2 9.25) and TotC10/25 gear) my question is this:

What is the most efficient solo spec for Paladin for Heroics and, if we even can, raids(using someone as a place holder dummy, have them DC when in Raid)?

Edited, Oct 22nd 2009 1:56am by SarionBelmont
#2 Oct 22 2009 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
4,993 posts
There's other factors other than "how hard is a dungeon?"

Keep in mind that Paladins are Spellcasters and Most of what we do can be blocked by Silence, so any mob that regularly silences you is going to be something that is going to be _very_ freaking hard to kill.

Also, be on the lookout for Spell Interrupt mobs, like those found in Shadow Tombs. While fighting these mobs, your only healing option is Lay on Hands, or using your Bubble to Bubble-heal. Hopefully you down the said mobs out of the trash pack first, and do so successfully before you require another heal.

Ret vs Prot...

That's an open debate, best thing to do, is to have both gears and specs on you and ready (though this will reduce your carry capacity and/or present a danger of accidentally selling something you don't want to if you're not careful). Some fights may be easier as Ret, while others may take too long even with Ret's higher damage output. Some fights may involve taking way too much damage, so you may want to switch to Prot, where you basically cannot die if you can regenerate your mana faster than they can spend it.

The longer a fight takes, the more chance that Prot will help you more than Ret. Fights that feature mobs that do mostly magic damage (like Shade of Aran) will be much easier as Ret, as are pulls that involve fewer mobs (like the sentry robots in the TK instances). More Mobs = More Mana Return in Prot. If you're only fighting 1 mob, your mana return is going to kinda suck.

As to how far a Paladin can solo? They should be able to solo most BC Heroics, though I'd think Shadow Labs could be a problem with those stupid rogues, though you could try and do a suicide pull as your Ret setup, get the rogues down, come back and then kill the rest. Otherwise, Slabs is a fairly easy dungeon. Half of the instance revolves around MC, which is impossible if you're solo. As for BC Raids, I couldn't forsee a Paladin going much further than Curator in Karazhan.... Chess is outright impossible solo (but can be skipped IIRC?), those mobs just before the final staircases hurt-a-plenty, even with fairly decent gear, they can chew you up badly. The damage they deal is simply horrendous. Curator himself would be difficult, I'd think.. you'd have to burn those adds down fairly quickly. The room right after Curator would be a freaking nightmare; you have nothing but Auto-attack in there if something aggros you, as those wyrms are immune to holy (and everything else too). Aran would be cakewalk I'd think, depending on how much damage he actually does with his normal spells (the specialities should be easy as pie to avoid with just you being there).

Netherspite would be nigh-impossible, only one person to block the healing beam.... I don't forsee that being possible. Thankfully, he's skippable. Who else is after Curator...? Um... the demons.... pfft, wimps. He's optional anyways. The Prince Himself shouldn't be hard; he never 1HP's the main guy on his threat list, so you'd never get hit with that, tank him in the traditional spot and it shouldn't be a problem.

As to ZA and such, I dunno how hard that would be to solo. Maybe the first boss or two? Not sure, I don't have a lot of experience with that.
#3 Oct 22 2009 at 5:50 PM Rating: Good
1,594 posts
As far as my Kara solo went last week, I made it to Curator before my actual raid time. Everything before him was fine. Curator was a serious pain. Just enough magic damage to out-do JoL heals, and you have to kill the adds so SoL makes it harder. The easiest part was definitely the enrage.

I don't know about now, but in 2.4 and pre-Wrath 3.0, the wyrms in the room past Curator were immune to all spells, and all seals except Blood, and that's gone. And I haven't read that anyone's soloed Aran, even from the pallies that soloed Prince.

I'm trying to solo old instances out of boredom. So far, heroic Shattered Halls, Blood Furnace, and Slave Pens; also Half of Karazhan, and all of Molten Core. MC required special potions to remove curses..
#4 Oct 23 2009 at 4:53 PM Rating: Default
Now is Kara a harder, or easier raid? I heard SWP is among the hardest BC(if not the hardest) but I don't know any BC raids really. I was screwed into trying FFXI when it came, rather than WoW. I for all intents and purposes, started a month before WotLK or so. I did Halloween, nothing prior.
#5 Oct 23 2009 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
Kara is the starter raid, SWP was the hardest. The middle, I forget...
#6 Oct 23 2009 at 5:24 PM Rating: Good
546 posts
Zariamnk wrote:
Kara is the starter raid, SWP was the hardest. The middle, I forget...

T4 is kara(10), gruuls, and Mag.
T4.5 ZA(10)
T5 TK:the eye, SSC.
T6: MH BT.
T6.5 SWP.

All are 25 except those marked 10.
#7 Oct 23 2009 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
67 posts
It's rough, most bosses in raids have mechanics that will prevent you from soloing (Gruul's Lair requires spellsteal to down first boss) but prot will be the only thing pretty much that can get you there. BC instances, Kara I think is the only one that you can down bosses easily on it; SSC and higher I don't believe could be done solo.

As for Heroics, that shouldn't be too difficult, gonna give that a shot, I know my wife and I have no problem 2-man Heroic MgT, me pally/her shammy. Can anybody think of a BC Heroic dungeon boss that has some mechanic that'd make solo work impossible? Only one I can think of would be the tree boss in Botanica, be tricky to take down all those trees to out-dps the heals.
#8 Oct 24 2009 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
As for Heroics, that shouldn't be too difficult, gonna give that a shot, I know my wife and I have no problem 2-man Heroic MgT, me pally/her shammy. Can anybody think of a BC Heroic dungeon boss that has some mechanic that'd make solo work impossible? Only one I can think of would be the tree boss in Botanica, be tricky to take down all those trees to out-dps the heals.

The last boss of Underbog can be difficult with 2 people, but easily solo-able with 1.

If the 2nd person cannot handle the boss's attacks while he throws the tank up into the air, he could kill the 2nd person and then reset to full health while the tank is up in the air, since he cannot attack you while you're up in the air, that counts as a reset.

Thus, it is better to make sure the 2nd person doesn't participate in the fight and have them stand back, OR, have them die intentionally and lay there dead while the "tank" solos him. The 2nd option will still give credit/achievements for the dead, dunno about the first option.

Botanica's boss is easily; a Consecrate will easily take care of the trees, as would your HotRs and Avenger's Shield.

Slabs, you want to watch out for Mind Control and kill/interrupt the summoners first.

I know you said Heroics, but you will also want to watch out for Moroes if you decide to add Karazhan to the list. Soloing him is one thing, but if you bring another person, they need to be able to withstand their attacks for 5 seconds, OR, have them die intentionally and then solo him. When he gouges the tank, everything goes after the 2nd person and will likely kill them unless they are a tank too.
#9 Nov 03 2009 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
Lotta fun so far.

Solo'd Reg and Heroic MGT as Ret.
Solo'd ZG as Ret. Complete joke. Only died once, due to stupid demon spawning things. Ended up with like 40 mobs on me lol.
Solo'd all of AQ20 as Ret(except final boss. 300% damage was too much. tossed on prot, stopped using Crystals half-way through and still never hit below 90% hp WITH a slime add from previous boss area). Buru the Gorger was most fun boss EVER. I am so jealous of people who did this on release.

Solo'd trash up to first boss in AQ40 as Ret. Got 2 mounts. Going to try the boss as Prot after maintenance today. Problem is when he splits, getting all 3 bosses into melee range to prevent shocks.

Solo'd MC up to the 3 last bosses. Problem was guild needed me for TotGC on mage. Did it all as Ret but was swapping to Prot due to the 2 adds "Additional 500 damage" buff which would tear up Ret HP. Was not easy, took some learning. Between this and AQ20 I ended up with a 172g repair bill(damn you neutral rep!).

Sadly I have to start over due to soft resets and that 3rd boss is a bugger.

Knocked out Attunemen and Moroes for fun as Prot. Could probably do both as Ret though. Going to see if I can clear it (minus Chess/Dragon) this week.

Going to try and duo some of BWL(never been inside so gonna read up) and see if I can get 1-2 more for AQ40 for achieve.

Next will be seeing how many are needed for BC raids! I know BT, SWP, TK, and likely Hyjal/SSC will require 10+ but not sure about others.
#10 Nov 03 2009 at 10:21 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Zariamnk wrote:
I know you said Heroics, but you will also want to watch out for Moroes if you decide to add Karazhan to the list. Soloing him is one thing, but if you bring another person, they need to be able to withstand their attacks for 5 seconds, OR, have them die intentionally and then solo him. When he gouges the tank, everything goes after the 2nd person and will likely kill them unless they are a tank too.

Now you've got me wondering how an Enhance Shaman's Spirit Wolves would hold up--they have that nifty AoE taunt ability, and a fair amount of health. Hmm... *plots*
#11 Nov 03 2009 at 11:36 AM Rating: Default
As Enhance I don't think it'd be a problem.

I have HORRIBLE memory but I may have even done him as Ret. Either way, the first Gouge was after I had downed all the adds.

Enhance have higher DPS(supposedly) than Ret so...
#12 Nov 03 2009 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Ideal setup IMO would be dual spec'd/geared character with prot main spec/ret off spec. I'd probably be ret for most heroic pulls and even bosses, going prot for the harder hitting types. I'd probably be ret for most or all of heroic MgT just because there are so many annoying casters who won't melee you, so you may wind up mana starved with not enough DPS to kill them quickly.
#13 Nov 03 2009 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
Just ran through Molten Core. Took about 4 hours but I killed EVERY single trash mob and all bosses in 1 shot as Ret. No Prot at all. Freakin awesome fun. Also made almost 3k gold. Not a bad deal at all.

Dunno where to next though...
#14 Nov 04 2009 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
SarionBelmont wrote:
Just ran through Molten Core. Took about 4 hours but I killed EVERY single trash mob and all bosses in 1 shot as Ret. No Prot at all. Freakin awesome fun. Also made almost 3k gold. Not a bad deal at all.

Dunno where to next though...

Could try some of the easier bosses in kara, especially Attumen (sp?) for a chance at the mount. Also ZG for a chance at mount(s) and polymorph: turtle.

What did you make most of the gold from?
#15 Nov 04 2009 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
SarionBelmont wrote:
Just ran through Molten Core. Took about 4 hours but I killed EVERY single trash mob and all bosses in 1 shot as Ret. No Prot at all. Freakin awesome fun. Also made almost 3k gold. Not a bad deal at all.

Dunno where to next though...

That's pretty darn impressive! As a Druid (feral tank) I can take out around 5 of the bosses solo. The healing debuff curse boss, Baron Geddon (fire lord OMGIHAVETHEBOMB) boss, Majordomo, and whatever the one with 4 adds is, I can't do solo. Nor Raggy, most likely. Never got that far.
#16 Nov 05 2009 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
LockeColeMA wrote:
SarionBelmont wrote:
Just ran through Molten Core. Took about 4 hours but I killed EVERY single trash mob and all bosses in 1 shot as Ret. No Prot at all. Freakin awesome fun. Also made almost 3k gold. Not a bad deal at all.

Dunno where to next though...

That's pretty darn impressive! As a Druid (feral tank) I can take out around 5 of the bosses solo. The healing debuff curse boss, Baron Geddon (fire lord OMGIHAVETHEBOMB) boss, Majordomo, and whatever the one with 4 adds is, I can't do solo. Nor Raggy, most likely. Never got that far.

Gehennas(the healing debuff if 75%) was INSANE. I ended the fight with ~3% hp/mp. Did NOT have LoH for this fight though(used it on Puppy boss. Ended up with him AND a pack of Core Hounds. Not easy.)
What I did was ran in with Avenging Wrath, Seal of Command, stomped his adds. Tossed on Seal/Judge of Light. Ran in circles, nonstop, melee/judge/DStorm/Exorcism. I avoided Consecrate due to Mana.
Kept Sacred Shield up at ALL times and popped every FoL that became instant for double HoT.
Ended up with a Hound add at ~100k left on boss, but I just circled and killed boss, then add. Had to pop DShield and "TRY" to heal to full.

Baron was a ******* but easy enough if you back into the tunnel. I just used Seal of Vengeance(straight up DPS) with JoWisdom(mana) and just tossed heals every fall. I popped DShield on one when I had a bad string of noncrit FoL.

Sulfuron Harbinger (The one with 4 adds) was awesome. I thought I was gonna spend the "estimated" 9 minutes of waiting on them to OOM. No dice. I popped AW with Seal of Command and burned one down instantly. After that, every AW CD, I popped it, killed an add. When only 1 add and boss were left, I stunned his heal and killed him without, then downed boss. Never even got hurt. No LoH/Shield.

Majordomo Executus(8 adds, 4 healers 4 DPS) I just Repentance'd a healer(1min stun) then went to town, 1 healer at a time (I marked them to know who to kill) then the DPS, then the boss. Never dipped under 50% hp. No shield, no LoH.

Rag was a joke. SADLY I had to blow LoH but that was because I was dumb. I lined up wrong, THREE TIMES and took fall damage then a fireball to the face. The last one I hit 105hp. LoH'd, lined up with Lava, sat and roflstomped.

Since then I ran into Kara and solo'd Attunemen for fun. Complete joke. I accidently ran RIGHT to him, not familiar with the fight. He summoned about 10? Maybe 8, Skeletal horses which stacked a -stam buff. Fortunately I was smart enough to be Prot and I just yawned and downed them all. No mount.

Ran into ZG, roflstomped both bosses in ~30sec each.

As for most gold, Molten Core took like, 4 hours BUT I got a TON of gold.
Fiery Core = 60g
Lava Core = 40g
Illusion Dust(from DE'ing Greens that I sent to my Mage) = 2g each

I also gained SEVEN BoE purples. All of which "supposedly" go for ~600g each. I doubt they will sell but if they do...

AQ20 was the most fun, ever. The gold was "ok".

Technically the best gold per hour, was trio'ing Magtheridon's Lair. Prot Pally(friend, horribly geared) me as Ret, and a Druid. I WANTED a War or Hunter for Mortal Strike but we found out something better.
I was COMPLETELY unable to down the adds no matter how far I ran them, they healed him up.

So I said ***** it, charged boss, DPS'd him with ALL adds up.
Downed him.
169g per person.

Also just ran Heroic Durnholde/Black Morass, as Ret(pfft, who needs a tank?) which was INFINITELY easier with new glyphs. I bought Seal of Command (8% total mana on Judgement of Command, which is 18% mana total per judgement.. awesome) and the AMAZING Divine Storm(15% damage healed, which is 40% damage healed and in groups of 4, that's 8k heals or higher).

About to try out H Shadow Labs.


Forgot to add a MASSIVE boost to how I survived.

Runescroll of Fortitude
Drums of Forgotten Kings
Drums of the Wild

This gave me a HUGE boost to HP (165stam, 10% stam/str/int, 37 stam/str/int, 750 armor, 54 to all Resistances.
I also kept proper Auras up.

Shadow Resist Aura for Gehennas, Fire Resist for all trash and fire bosses. Prot Aura for melee bosses.

Edited, Nov 5th 2009 11:25am by SarionBelmont
#17 Nov 05 2009 at 3:44 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
I've been doing outland heroics for achievements recently, i'm definately gonna try MC out now. I'm a blacksmith so i'd love to make the legendary mace, though it is rather dependant on Ragy dropping the eye which i belive has a quite low drop rate.
#18 Nov 05 2009 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, he didn't drop for me. I was sad. I'm a Blacksmith too.

I just knocked out all of Auchindoun minus Mana Tombs. Doing that in a few min. Shadow Labs wasn't too bad, only died on the last boss area due to my lack of knowledge in the area. Summoners didn't die, they summoned like 200 mobs and just overpowered me.

My fear comes from TK places. Those instances are... odd and I refuse to go Prot! I want to do EVERY OL heroic as Ret.
#19 Nov 05 2009 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
TK heroics are do-able, as long as you're very careful with repentance and saving Art of War procs for healing. The one i would possibly bring prot gear along for is the Arcatraz. Toward the end are some very tough trash mobs, like the Infernals who can one shot you with Meteor (that spell was designed to be split between 5 party members. Good time to blow divine shield!)
#20 Nov 07 2009 at 7:11 AM Rating: Default

Outland Dungeon Hero :)

I decided I'd be crazy though and re-solo everything and document the results.
Check out my new blog-thing.

I have listed the materials I carry and what I use.

Here's an excerpt:


The Botanica
Time: 28 Minutes
Items Used: 1 RSoF, 1 DoFK, 1 DotW, 1 FF, 1 SoKings.
Raw Gold: 57.70.59g
Gray Value: 41.41.82g
Blue Value:24.00.89g
Purple Value: 8.19.74g
Total Gold: 131.33.04g
Repairs+Expenses: 2.79.36g+17g+0.15g
Profit: 111.38.68g
Greens: 6
Extra Loot: Netherweave x60, Sunfury Signet x38, Arcane Tome x2, Super Mana Potion x2, Super Healing Potion, Bottled Nethergon Energy x6, Bottled Nethergon Vapor x12, Primal Nether.


The abbreviations in Items Used are Runescroll of Fortitude, Drums of the Forgotten Kings, Drums of the Wild, Fish Feast, and Symbol of Kings.

Fun stuff! I currently have all of Coilfang Reservoir and Tempest Keep done in such format. I need to re-solo Auchindoun and Hellfire Citadel for this. Then I'll document things like ZG, MC, and AQ20. Yes, I have WAYYYYY too much time on my hands.
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