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Interesting new PvP spec: ProtributionFollow

#1 Oct 21 2009 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Touched by the Light now converts strength into spellpower. If you were to say, equip a lot of very high strength ret gear, and spec into prot for the +% str talents and defensive stuff, what would be the result?

You will get enormous crits with HotR and SoR, that's what. Replace your 2hander with a slow high dps one handed weapon, and good shield. Str turns into block value, but it also turns into spellpower, which contributes greatly to the damage of the aforementioned attacks. Spec for seals of the pure, reckoning and so on. Grab a glyph of avenger's shield (AS scales disgustingly well as you will soon find out).

I had some trouble killing healers a ret. You blow crusader strike, judgement and divine storm, and have to wait a few seconds for those to come back. I'm beating them like they committed a crime as protribution. SoR and HotR are both 6 second CDs and they hit much much harder than crusader strike. And they are pure, unmitigated holy damage. Avenger's shield glyphed is a ranged attack that silences people (most often permanently). 30 second CD on hammer of justice is always nice too. I really urge you all to try it, if pvp is your thing.

#2 Oct 21 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Default
Welcome to the new FOTM. A few people have hit 2800 with it in 3s, it's a build that has been floating around AJ for a while, it just hasn't hit it big yet

It will though

It's about 90% of the burst and SO much more survivability

Blizzard just can't seem to get RET correct
#3 Oct 21 2009 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
It's about 90% of the burst and SO much more survivability

More like 120% of the burst, 85% of rets sustained dps. White hits are much smaller, but your yellow hits are enormous, even on high res targets. You basically rely on the burst to drop something in the AS silence. Gonna try it in something other than BGs later this evening, Fury/Me/Shammy cleave team. Hammer of the righteous is brutal (mainly b/c reckoning and a faster weapon allows blood corruption to stack very fast on a target.)

I'm using all ret pvp and pve gear, except for the weapon and shield, and T9 prot chest and legs. The set bonus makes HotR hit even harder, and the small def value i get from it might allow my shammy to catch me after Ardent Defender procs.
#4 Oct 21 2009 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
I've actually been using this(ret gear minus wpn+prot spec) on faction champs since the fight was 1st released. This way the raid keeps the prot buffs(BoSanc+Imp Devo) and you get better stuns+silence/snare for maybe 80% of the damage and you basically can't die thanks to Ardent Defender. Glyphed AS with 25man buffs can crit in the 12k range which is always fun too.

I haven't been using it in actual PvP because, well, I don't PvP all that much. The HoTR nerf blizz was working on will be live in no time if this becomes an issue in arena though.
#5 Oct 21 2009 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
124 posts
I've tried it too and I have to say it's fun. Even in prot gear you do okay. Unless you get focused it's pretty darn hard to get you down. Switched to my ret gear and I did so some more damage, not that much more from what I could see. Lost a little survivebility from all that defense though. I have only been to WSG thrice and some duels so no conclusions done yet. The crits from your glyphed Avenger's Shield were fun to watch though. :)
#6 Oct 22 2009 at 12:36 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I haven't actually tried this, but I have been wondering about it. Recently I've been doing more PvP, and because I have so little PvP gear (ring/cloak >.>), I have just been PvPing in my tanking spec and gear. It's surprisingly effective, but have been toying with the idea of switching some things around to be able to put out more damage to counter the targets I have trouble with (Resto/Balance Druids and Holy/Disc Priests).

Might give this a go later, though without completely reworking my talents just yet, and see what happens :)
#7 Oct 22 2009 at 11:39 AM Rating: Good
I picked up Tempered Vis'kag the Bloodletter off Ony 25 last night.

No one else wanted it. I'm totally going to try Protribution with it this weekend. Should be fun when the fatal wound procs for 2222 damage, Wowhead is down so I could not check to see if it crits but I imagine if it does that will be hilarious.

#8 Oct 22 2009 at 1:13 PM Rating: Good
It definitely crits. I got one on my rogue and have been playing around with it.Got up around 4k for a crit.
#9 Oct 22 2009 at 8:11 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
You basically rely on the burst to drop something in the AS silence.

Sorry for being a ninja-priest doing nitpicking here, but unless you're fighting a druid... Isn't it a better idea to throw a burst, *then* silence and hopefully another burst when the silence ends? Silencing a healer before you burst him is generally fairly pointless. Of course it might prevent PW:S or Earth Shield from going up, but most healers won't try to really heal themselves after they've got damaged.

Of course I'm not that big in pallies, but I'm thinking here that a silence would be perfect to weave two bursts together and take advantage off knowing that pallie bursts seem to have cooldowns between 6 and 10 seconds.
#10 Oct 22 2009 at 11:44 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Yeah, that's pretty much what i meant. The silence itself only lasts 3 seconds, which would only allow for 2 abilities. It's better to run in with two big-hitting abilities and then use avenger's shield to either interrupt penance or a healing cast, or throw it after trinketing psychic scream when you are a little bit off target. AS itself hits very hard and then you have hammer of the righteous and shield of righteousness coming off CD again.

I noticed priests and paladins are a lot easier to kill than druids. Though i am a blood elf so i have three interrupts; hammer of justice, AS and arcane torrent. It's pretty hard to get a cast off unless i'm CCed.
#11 Oct 26 2009 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,503 posts
before i left the game, i spent 2 months in BGs using my straight PvE spec and Naxx/equiv gear. i tried my Ret gear(both pve and pvp) but it didn't seem to have the balance that my tanking gear had. melee became a joke, flag runners were dead before the tunnel, took 3-4 enemies to get me down. i loved it, this is how i always thought a pally should be played...minus the slight OP.

enjoy it :D
#12 Oct 26 2009 at 8:06 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
tommyguns wrote:
before i left the game, i spent 2 months in BGs using my straight PvE spec and Naxx/equiv gear. i tried my Ret gear(both pve and pvp) but it didn't seem to have the balance that my tanking gear had. melee became a joke, flag runners were dead before the tunnel, took 3-4 enemies to get me down. i loved it, this is how i always thought a pally should be played...minus the slight OP.

enjoy it :D

You might enjoy this then. Khaz'goroth's Alliance tanks wild!.

We had two healers and eight tanks. The Horde stopped releasing from their graveyard once we started farming after two flag caps.

Edit: Quick link to the end score!

Edited, Oct 27th 2009 2:10am by arthoriuss
#13 Oct 27 2009 at 8:12 AM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Improved spell reflection + lots of prot warriors = hell for enemy casters!
#14 Oct 27 2009 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
67 posts
prot damage spec does okay, yeah, I've run into a couple of them, they didn't give me much trouble; someone mind linking a spec so I can see what it is that's so attractive about it?

BTW, ran into one of them and an elemental shammy, I managed to take 'em both down on my full retribution paladin, so unless there's something really crazy good in it (which I have failed to see, even with HoR and SotR.)
#15 Oct 29 2009 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
96 posts
prot damage spec does okay, yeah, I've run into a couple of them, they didn't give me much trouble; someone mind linking a spec so I can see what it is that's so attractive about it?

BTW, ran into one of them and an elemental shammy, I managed to take 'em both down on my full retribution paladin, so unless there's something really crazy good in it (which I have failed to see, even with HoR and SotR.)

this is the spec...

If you ran into a pally with this spec, and an elemental shm, and beat them both...either you're lying, they were near death, or they were way undergeared/morons.

Is the new protribution spec the be-all, end-all? No, but it has a lot more survivability than full ret. With the above mentioned spec, 1v1 vs. dps'ers pose no problem what-so-ever. The only comps that have given me and my healing partner problems are resto druid/MS war. I actually get very excited when the doors open, and I see a ret pally. Basically chalk it up as a win.

The premise behind the spec is getting the most STR you can, and killing your enemy during the lockdown phase. You get a silence with AS, and a nice stun with PoJ. If you can combine a few crits, they're basically dead. If not, just wait till next CD, that usually finishe's them off.

Protribution is gaining some very nice popularity.

Edited, Oct 29th 2009 11:32am by Alwind
#16 Oct 29 2009 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
For general BG use, i generally stack retribution strength gear and use the libram of valiance for big cleaves with hammer of the righteous. For more focused arena play, i'd say the libram of the sacred shield, plus Prot T9 legs and (head? chest? the one that adds gigantic amounts of block value) if you have access to them. You'll want holy shield up 100% of the time vs melee anyway and with that libram and t9 (plus the 2-pc bonus) SoR should be your main nuke outside AS every 30 seconds.

edit: Seal of Corruption/Vengeance is definately the way to go as you'll stack it very fast when reckoning procs. Reckoning procs off anything, reflective damage, AoE, wandering into the fire in Orgrimmar arena. HotR works off dps and not weapon speed so don't worry about that too much.

Edited, Oct 29th 2009 2:16pm by ArtemisEnteri
#17 Oct 30 2009 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
Sounds like my old Reckodin build (Reckoning with retribution talents and 2h weapon)
#18 Oct 30 2009 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
killsinheels wrote:
Sounds like my old Reckodin build (Reckoning with retribution talents and 2h weapon)

Actually, it sounds completely different, as it's Prot with retribution talents and a one-hander/shield. It doesn't rely on reckoning, but the awesome scaling of Strength via TbtL.

Unless you mean it's similar in that it's an unconventional build letting a tree that usually does one thing (survival) do very well in another (DPS).

Just wanted to mention that this sounds like a ton of fun and makes me wish I had a Paladin at cap :-( Mine's at 64 right now... sigh...

Edited, Oct 30th 2009 1:44pm by LockeColeMA
#19 Nov 01 2009 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
67 posts
Alwind wrote:
prot damage spec does okay, yeah, I've run into a couple of them, they didn't give me much trouble; someone mind linking a spec so I can see what it is that's so attractive about it?

BTW, ran into one of them and an elemental shammy, I managed to take 'em both down on my full retribution paladin, so unless there's something really crazy good in it (which I have failed to see, even with HoR and SotR.)

this is the spec...

If you ran into a pally with this spec, and an elemental shm, and beat them both...either you're lying, they were near death, or they were way undergeared/morons.

Is the new protribution spec the be-all, end-all? No, but it has a lot more survivability than full ret. With the above mentioned spec, 1v1 vs. dps'ers pose no problem what-so-ever. The only comps that have given me and my healing partner problems are resto druid/MS war. I actually get very excited when the doors open, and I see a ret pally. Basically chalk it up as a win.

The premise behind the spec is getting the most STR you can, and killing your enemy during the lockdown phase. You get a silence with AS, and a nice stun with PoJ. If you can combine a few crits, they're basically dead. If not, just wait till next CD, that usually finishe's them off.

Protribution is gaining some very nice popularity.

Edited, Oct 29th 2009 11:32am by Alwind

Sorry, need to clarify real quick. Was an elemental shammy and a regular ret pally w/a 2h (not a paladin w/this spec), I think I might've run into a few pallies like this on occasion (so hard to confirm in arenas), but I usually treat any pally w/a 1h/shld in a pvp situation as a holy paladin.

Edited to further clarify what kinda pally it was.

Edited, Nov 1st 2009 12:23pm by shutframe
#20 Nov 01 2009 at 12:10 PM Rating: Default
Odd setup.

Glyph of Shield of Righteousness?
Divine Sac/DG... this for the Sacred Shield really worth it?

I understand the desire of the 6% damage to humanoids, and the 3% crit required to get there, but doesn't your mitigation suffer TERRIBLY from lack of 5% parry, 5% dodge, 6% armor, 18% faster -movement recov, and 50% armor buff from Devotion?

Some elaboration would be great. This looks like a fun spec.
#21 Nov 08 2009 at 1:17 AM Rating: Decent
Has anyone tried using SoC with the glyph? Seems to me like it would help greatly with mana issues. In my hateful and Naxx epics it hits for slightly less than SoV, but I'm not sure if this will translate into a huge dps loss at higher gear levels.
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