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Discipline Key BindingFollow

#1 Oct 19 2009 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
129 posts
I have gotten to level 80+ (Discipline) and still don’t do key binding.

How do you key bind? Do you have an add on?

What do you find as you best set up?

I use:

1: FH
2: PoM
3: Binding Heal
4: Dispel Magic
5: panic (inner focus, trinket, hymn of hope) button
6: Penance
8: renew
9: GH

On the action bars, above the 7 I have self shield macro, above the 8 I have self renew macro, then inner focus, prayer of healing, mass dispel, wand, Abolish disease, a help macro which calls for help and fade, and fade by it's self.

Totally inefficient! Help!
#2 Oct 19 2009 at 8:14 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
NCJim wrote:
How do you key bind? Do you have an add on?

I use Dominos for my action bars and the key bindings are really fast and easy to set up. I'm sure it's easy with Bongos and other bar add-ons as well. Of course you can also use the Standard UI and just go to Key Bindings in your game menu.

NCJim wrote:
What do you find as you best set up?

My game pad looks like this, so I move with ASD and my big action keys are QWEFZXCOB, along with my mouse wheel and buttons 4 and 5, for the stuff I need to reach right away. I use Control and Shift modifiers to keep more things within reach (B5 = PVP trinket, Shift-B5 = other trinket). The more outside keys like 0-9 and the function keys are used for things that I don't need often, are not panic buttons, and/or are mainly used out of combat. The actual key assignments don't really matter. All that matters is that the things you use most often or have to use under pressure don't require much effort, either to reach or to remember.

All my keys are bound to macros, which I've modified a bit since the last of the million times I've posted about them. Smiley: cool They all do more or less the same thing: If my target is friendly/hostile (depending on spell), cast on them. Otherwise if my target's target is friendly/hostile, cast on them. Shift modifier for self casting. I used to use mouseovers but I've moved completely to Clique now for casting on frames other than target or ToT.

For friendly:
#showtooltip Penance 
/cast  [target=player, modifier:shift]  Penance;  [help,exists] Penance; [target=targettarget,exists,help] Penance; 

For hostile:
#showtooltip Shadow Word: Death 
/cast [exists,harm,nodead] Shadow Word: Death; [target=targettarget,exists,harm,nodead] Shadow Word: Death;

Those are the result of a lot of editing and cutting up and putting back together various versions over time, so the code is not clean (unnecessary arguments), but you get the idea.

I find the flexibility of this great. Whether I have the friend or enemy targeted doesn't really matter, I can still just click one button and help the friendly and harm their enemy without changing targets, focus, etc. In PVE if I keep the tank targeted I'm never in danger of throwing a mean spell at the wrong target (we've all been with those tanks who don't mark). In PVP I can cycle through the nearest friendly players and heal them and dot their targets (or steal the killing blow with SW:D Smiley: wink), then move on. If the target is something I'm fighting solo, the shift modifier is not even necessary, all heals go to me automatically.

A lot of people like to keep their panic macro (like yours above) in easy reach as well. I don't have one, because I never panic. Smiley: jester

Edited, Oct 19th 2009 10:19am by teacake
#3 Oct 19 2009 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
As usual, teacake has a great answer.

I use Bartender4, and it is also very easy.

As a priest, you have several options for healing. All can work, and it's mainly a matter of style.

Keybinds - Select a person to heal using the mouse, and press a key on the keyboard. You can even eliminate the mouse click on the person by using mouseover macros.

Clickheal using the mouse - With this method of healing, you bind your spells to combinations of mouse buttons and modifier keys, like left click to shield, shift left click to dispel magic, etc. This is usually done by using an addon like Grid/Clique, Vuhdo, or enhanced unit frames like Pitbull. Macros can also be bound to mouseclicks. I'm using Vuhdo, and like it very much. I recommend a mouse with at least 2 side buttons like a Logitech G5 or equivalent.

Click to select a target, then click on your action bar to heal - Don't, just don't. It's a bad habit that takes too long and will get your party killed.

Edited, Oct 19th 2009 11:47am by dadanox
#4 Oct 19 2009 at 12:06 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Inc tl;dr

OK, I haven't done this in a while, so I'm going to explain my KB system and just refer back here for my own future reference. It is a bit complicated. It does not lend itself to Clique-type healing. It relies on mouseover macros. It can be difficult to learn. It is difficult to change once you get used to it -at least for me, muscle memory is difficult to retune.

That being said, it does lend itself to cross toon setup, since similar abilities exist on different toons. Once you remember that a particular ability is keybound to a particular button, you put it there for all your toons, i.e. Dispels for the different classes all go to the same area- priests have four different dispels to choose from, while resto shamans have one magic button for the types of debuffs they can affect and a separate one for offensive dispels. Major spells are put in easy to reach locations to relieve hand fatigue. Less oft used spells are still within reach to keep mobility when needed. It does have particular disadvantages if I lose my mouse cursor during high movement fights, but I think this happens with any system that uses the mouse for target selection.

First off, you will need an action bar mod that can change the format of your action bars. You will want to create 3 bars, each 4x3 in setup. (This helps with learning the keybinds, it doesn't matter how they look once you hide them in combat.) I do not use Action Bar 1 for any of these, since I have that set for Possess, Vehicle and so forth. My main healing bars have an array of 36 buttons that are arranged like this:


The first bank of buttons are activated by Shift+ the key listed. The second, ctrl+ the key and so on. My bread and butter spells go on the Sh+ bank as they are easiest to use. I use the standard WASD keys to move, so it is important that 'W' and 'S' spells are not instant cast as the finger that controls movement will be tied up on the 'W' key and won't be able to press a different button. 'A' and 'D' are the easiest to access while mobile, so they get the instants.

Shift bank:
q= Holy Nova
w= GHeal macro, fires trinket2 in combat
e= Wand (Leftover from levelling days, just can't seem to move it, or moreover, put something in its place.)
r= Binding Heal macro
a= Renew macro
s= FHeal macro
d= PW:S macro (includes /stopcasting in the macro)
f= PI (CoH, on Holy) includes whisper target for PI in the script
z=Penance macro (lightwell, when talented, on Holy)
x= PoH macro (Inner Focus is macroed in for most fights)
c= cancel cast (another leftover from an era gone by, just can't seem to get used to something else there.)
v= Primary self heal- if the toon has herbalism, it is the self-hot otherwise an "Oh ****" button (castsequence macro with Desp Prayer, HS, and Health Pot is on mousewheel button as well)

Ctrl Bank:
q= Mind Control
w= Fade
e= Inner Focus
r= focus target macro
a= PoM macro
s= Mind Sear
d= SW:D
f= Pain Supp (GS, on Holy) includes party/raid announcement in script
z= trinket one
x= trinket two
c= ... pretty sure this is a cancel cast button as well
v= bandage

Alt Bank
q= MInd Soothe
w= Divine Hymn macro (with Inner Focus)
e= Mass Dispel
r= misc drag and drop box for item usage
a= Abolish Disease macro (rolling dispel)
s= Cure Disease macro (single dispel)
d= Dispel Magic macro
f= tough stretch for me, nothing really goes here
z= Levitate
x= fire both trinkets
c= mana pot
v= see 'f'

The '1'-'=' buttons have bindings, but I only really use 1-5 during combat.
1-5 are the damage spells, Holy FIre, Mind Blast, Dev Plague, SW:P, and Smite (6 is unmacroed PoH when I want to save my Inner Focus.)
Sh+ 1-5 are some other spells Shackle macro, Fear, Hymn of Hope, Fiend, Fear Ward.
I click the group buffs, but single buffs are 8,9,0 for on the fly buffing. Inner Fire is '='

Still reading? I'm surprised. =P

All bars except #1 are set to not show during combat, but you can start by showing when learning where they are, then fade them and eventually hide them altogether.

I wrote this out mainly for my own review (I see some things I want to change), but fwiw, I went through many trial and error periods before settling on this. I use the same setup on all my toons now by copying the original profile and dropping in the appropriate spells/abilities. It works well with warrior, they have almost as many abilities as priests do!
#5 Oct 19 2009 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Bartender4 is what I use for my action bars. As for my keybinds, I'm left-handed so I play with the arrow keys and have most of my spells bound to buttons near the enter key and on the home/end pad. I also have a 5-button mouse which allows me to bind some of my spells to it. To make a list like yours;

Extra left mouse button - [Friendly] Penance/Circle of Healing, [Hostile] Shadow Word: Pain
+Shift - Inner Fire
+Control - Power Word: Fortitude

Extra right mouse button - [Friendly] Holy Nova, [Hostile] Devouring Plague
+Shift - Shadow Protection
+Control - Divine Spirit

Middle mouse button - [Friendly] Flash Heal, [Hostile] Smite
+Shift - [Friendly] Prayer of Mending, [Hostile] Mind Blast
+Control - Dispel Magic

This set up allows me to push a sequence of ctrl+leftmouse, ctrl+rightmouse, shift+leftmouse, shift+rightmouse to get all my buffs up quickly. Control is kind of my 'buff key'. Whenever I hold control all my hotkeys give some kind of buff or dispel ability, rather than pure offensive or healing abilities. Without modifiers I gain access to my most basic offensive/healing spells, depending on if my target is hostile or friendly. Pushing shift gives me those offensive/healing spells that have a little more oomph. This setup also gives me a bit more freedom to panic; if I do, pushing control and a random hotkey will always result in some kind of helpful spell to get me out of trouble.

Home - Inner Focus
End - Mind Sear
+Shift - Arcane Torrent

Neither of these have shift or control combinations due to A) the fact that control+home/end is extremely hard to hit in the thick of battle and B) I've bound spells to these buttons that I generally don't require on a whim. Mind Sear is only cast from time to time and I always plan ahead when I'm going to use Inner Focus and make sure my hand is on the home button so I can push it immediatly once my currently casting heal lands.

Delete - Fade
+Shift - Prayer of Healing
+Control - Divine Hymn

This is done because I have one of those delete keys that's the size of both the Page Up and Page Down keys together. It's a big button I can't miss so I've bound the only spell to it I can never afford to miscast. My modifiers turn this big button into a keybind that casts my big party/raid heals. Makes sense, doesn't it?

Page Up - [Friendly] Power Word: Shield, [Hostile] Mind Control
+Shift - Power Infusion
+Control - N/A

This is due to the fact that a modifier in combination with Page Up is already too hard to reach for me reliably. Like Inner Focus, I only use Power Infusion when there's no rush and I'm in a completely controlled situation.

Page Down - [Friendly] Renew, [Hostile] Mind Soothe
+Shift - Pain Suppression/Guardian Spirit
+Control - Desperate Prayer

This is because Page Down is easy to reach, and I used to heal a lot with Renew. I still find it a fine position to have Renew, a spell I use semi-often. The control combination is there because my PvP trinket is bound to Control+Page Down on all my characters - since I don't PvP on my priest, I put another panic button there.

Insert - [Friendly] Greater Heal, [Hostile] Holy Fire
+Shift - [Friendly] Binding Heal, [Hostile] Shadow Word: Death
+Control - Shackle Undead

Another big key for either a big heal, or a big damage spell. Pushing shift turns the big heal into a big heal spread out between 2 targets and the big damage spell into an instant big damage spell. Shackle Undead is a spell I haven't used in ages, I didn't even realize I had it bound until now.

Last but not least there is

\ - Psychic Scream
' - [Friendly/No target] Hymn of Hope, [Hostile] Shadowfiend
. - Mount

Psychic Scream is there because on all characters, the \ button (left of my enter button) is some kind of CC - Kidney Shot for my rogue, Counterspell for my mage, and... Scream for my priest. The seperate button for both my mana regeneration cooldowns is there because I rarely push it, and because it is also a button (like home) that I only push when I'm thoroughly prepared for it. The mount is just a leftover spell that I wanted to have bound somewhere.

Edited, Oct 19th 2009 8:54pm by Mozared
#6 Oct 19 2009 at 12:53 PM Rating: Good
Nice Trylofer. With so many abilities, it points out that documenting where your spells are bound is a great idea. It serves as a reference, especially if you haven't played a particular toon in a while.

With your setup, I'd imagine that misplacing your fingers on the wrong keys would lead to some strange rotations.
#7 Oct 19 2009 at 12:58 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
it points out that documenting where your spells are bound is a great idea

I third the motion. I have a diagram in Word. Shut up.
#8 Oct 19 2009 at 1:36 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
Nice Trylofer. With so many abilities, it points out that documenting where your spells are bound is a great idea. It serves as a reference, especially if you haven't played a particular toon in a while.

With your setup, I'd imagine that misplacing your fingers on the wrong keys would lead to some strange rotations.

With SW:D right next to PS, I've had a couple of unfortunate encounters in PVP. =(
#9 Oct 19 2009 at 2:45 PM Rating: Good
Speaking of keybinding, I've got a Razer Naga mouse coming in a couple days. That should be interesting.

#10 Oct 19 2009 at 4:18 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
Speaking of keybinding, I've got a Razer Naga mouse coming in a couple days. That should be interesting.

I had a Death Adder for about 15 minutes. It was faulty (no seriously, it wasn't PEBKAC) and Razer were a bunch of jerks about it. Smiley: bahI'm sticking with Logitech forever now.

However, it would be cool if they could come up with one like that!
#11 Oct 19 2009 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Can you call people with that mouse, Dada?
#12 Oct 19 2009 at 6:11 PM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
Can you call people with that mouse, Dada?

I'll have to give that a try. I won't be letting my Logitech G5 stray far, but it will be fun to compare.
#13 Oct 19 2009 at 8:24 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
Can you call people with that mouse, Dada?

Makes great fries!
#14 Oct 20 2009 at 3:59 AM Rating: Good
349 posts
I've bound all my combat abilities to my mouse. Wheel-up, CTRL-Wheel-down, SHIFT-sidebutton 1 etc etc. I also turn with my mouse. The only keys I ever press (besides CTRL/ALT/SHIFT) are W-S for forward/backward and Q-E for strafe.

This works pretty good on my main (rogue) and on my priest while shadow. For healing, which I don't do often, it seems to work less good. Since I don't use any addons like Pitbull, it requires me to click/select a target first before casting a spell.

#15 Oct 20 2009 at 4:11 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
teacake wrote:
#showtooltip Penance
/cast [target=player, modifier:shift] Penance; [help,exists] Penance; [target=targettarget,exists,help] Penance;

I know you said you hadn't cleaned it up, but isn't this double trouble? Or whatever you guys call it.

If target=player and you hold down shift, it will cast Penance.
If target exists and is friendly, it will cast Penance.
If neither of the above then target=target's target and if it's is friendly, it will cast Penance.

Seems to me the two first could be compressed to one. Penance does damage if your target is hostile and heals if your target is friendly. I don't see why you need a [help, exists] in there as it would cast Penance regardless of whether the target was hostile or friendly. Unless you do a lot of PvP and are afraid you'll cast Penance on an enemy instead of a friendly by mistake.

/cast [target=targettarget, modifier:shift] Penance; Penance

Just seems much cleaner to me, but having little to no experience with Penance, I'm not sure it'll work.

It casts Penance on your target, regardless of hostile/friendly, unless you hold down shift, in which case it'll cast Penance on your target's target, again regardless of hostile/friendly status. If no target is selected, it should cast Penance on yourself.

It's just that since Penance can both harm and heal, I see no reason for the help/harm modifier. And since you have to actively hold shift while casting to alter it's direction, I don't see a need for help/exists there either. If your target's target is dead it'll just tell you that the target is dead.

Unless... it casts Penance on yourself due to auto self-cast. Not entirely sure if the macro system bypasses that function. In any case you could add a [nodead] modifier to the first part of the modification. This should cause it to error out if your target's target is dead, instead of casting Penance on you, but again, I don't know exactly how Penance works.

Also, lack of mouseover modifier makes my Panda Cup cry. I know you're using Grid (ugh), but still. I like to target the boss for Omen info and then just use mouseovers to heal people.

Edited, Oct 20th 2009 12:17pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#16 Oct 20 2009 at 5:44 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Ah yes, Maz, I should've mentioned that that macro only casts Penance on friendlies. :) I almost never cast it offensively and don't use that button for that. It checks for helpful targets exactly because I don't want it shooting off on an enemy.

So, if I'm holding down Shift, it ignores both target and ToT and casts on me.
If not, it checks my target for a friend.
If not, it checks my ToT for a friend.
It tries its best to cast Penance on somebody, dammit.

There are a lot of "exists" in my macros that don't need to be there, left over from when they were mouseovers, but in general I think I need all three of those arguments.

Also, I am not using Grid! I am with you among the holdouts. :) However, if I have the boss targeted (and he presumably has the tank targeted, so these macros take care of the tank), I use my Clique commands on my Pitbull frames to heal everyone else.

Edited, Oct 20th 2009 7:45am by teacake
#17 Oct 20 2009 at 7:37 AM Rating: Good
129 posts
A lot of great information here, thanks!

Going to try (fingers start on: tab, q, w, e, space) something like:

e = shield
Shift E self shield
q = FH
shift q = self FH
`= PoH macro (with Inner Focus)
1 = cure disease
2 = PoM
3= binding
4 = dispel magic
Shift 4 = mass dispel
5=pain suppression
G = GH (rarely use)
c or T = mana pot
shift W= Divine Hymn macro (with Inner Focus)
r = renue
Shift R self renew
Mouse wheel = penance
Shift mouse wheel = self penance
Mouse button 1= Fade
Shift Mouse button 1= desperate prayer

Mouse button 2= Inner Focus
Shift F=desperate prayer
#18 Oct 20 2009 at 9:15 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Hopefully, you will catch this before you start those bindings NCJim. You cannot bind anything to Mousebutton1 or Mousebutton2, unless you are using Clique-type healing with your unit frames, and then it is a whole different ballgame. All of those keybinds are setup in Clique or Vuh Du. Also, if you are hovering over a unit frame, all the buttons on your mouse will act as a select button (with MB2 acting as a context sensitive select button) instead of using what you have bound to them. Again, Clique and Vuh Du can bind the different mousebuttons and combos, but in essence any mousebutton acts as a target select button first. In the abscence of a proper target to select, it will then perform what you have assigned to it.

Hmmm, let's see if I can be clearer. I have a castsequence macro (/castsequence reset=120 Desperate Prayer, Fel Healthstone, Crazy Alchemist's Potion) setup and on my action bar with MB3 (wheelbutton) keybound to it. If I am hovering my cursor over a unitframe when I press MB3, I wind up selecting the target and the castsequence does not work. In order for me to make it work, I have to move my cursor off of my raid frames and then push the button.

Good Luck. Just remember to test out your kb's before raid night!
#19 Oct 20 2009 at 9:57 AM Rating: Good
129 posts
OK no mouse buttons...thanks.

Yes I will test, test, test before I need them, then try them out on some poor pug on reg ToC.
#20 Oct 20 2009 at 10:34 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Trylofer wrote:
Just remember to test out your kb's before raid night!

Well where's the fun in that?

I like to go into Arena with brand new, untested and unmemorized key bindings, myself.
#21 Oct 20 2009 at 11:32 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
I had a buggy Divine Hymn macro going into Mimiron one time. Imagine my surprise when I thought I would save the day, hit divine Hymn... and nothing happened. =(

I almost cried.
#22 Oct 20 2009 at 11:54 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
-PvE/PvP where it's different.

1: Shield
2: Penance
3: flash heal
4: renew
5: Fade/Psychic Scream
6: Shadowfiend

alt+1: PoM
alt+2: Binding heal
alt+3: PoH

shift+1: Holy Fire
shift+2: Mind Blast
shift+3: Smite
shift+4: Shadow Word: Death

alt+Q: Holy Nova
E: Power Infusion/PvP trinket
alt+E: Will of the Forsaken
D: Greater Heal/Mana Burn
W: Shackle
S: Mind Control
alt+S: Mind Soothe

Mouse 4: Inner Focus/Desperate prayer
Mouse 5: Desperate Prayer/Power Infusion on self macro
Shift+mouse4: Devouring Plague
Shift+mouse5: SW: Pain

And that's just about it I think.
#23 Oct 20 2009 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
The thing that always got me about keybinding, was when I'd accidentally get a chat line started. People were dieing around me, but all my chat said was 1523361....
#24 Oct 20 2009 at 12:55 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
The thing that always got me about keybinding, was when I'd accidentally get a chat line started. People were dieing around me, but all my chat said was 1523361....

That's kinda like-
How did you know when the tank lost aggro?
When I saw him say "@@@3$333444zomgwtfbbq" in chat.
#25 Oct 21 2009 at 3:15 AM Rating: Good
309 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
Speaking of keybinding, I've got a Razer Naga mouse coming in a couple days. That should be interesting.

I got my Naga yesterday and it's awesome!
It's comfortable to use, the side buttons are very reachable and without risk of fat thumbing. Very cool design indeed.
I'm going to bind mouseover healing macros to the side buttons and less essential stuff to the macro keys on my Logitech G15 <3
#26 Oct 21 2009 at 6:47 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
<3 my G5, it's made of pure awesome.
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