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New in Tanking and need adviceFollow

#1 Oct 12 2009 at 1:53 AM Rating: Good
I have been a ret from the start till lvl 80 and only few days ago i dueled to Prot too, i need to know some facts about the gear and gemming

1- deff rateing : what is the cap
2- what should i gem for first, dodge , parry or block , i know i have to increase them all but which one of them is more important to start with, and what is the minimum needed and the cap for each one of them
3- what are the best enchants for every item

finally i have a major problem with mana , i use devine plea whenever it is on CD and still i run out sooo fast especialy when i am taking out multiple targets so is there something that i am missing or is the specs done wrong

any advice from the good tanks out there will be appreciated
#2 Oct 12 2009 at 1:54 AM Rating: Good
sorry forgot the link to armoury
#3 Oct 12 2009 at 6:37 AM Rating: Good
3,229 posts
1. 535 for HC's, 540 for crit immune.
2 & 3 Get Rawr, that'll tell you your best item/kit configuration and enchants

You can use seal of wisdom and judge wisdom and blessing of sanctuary if mana is a problem.
#4 Oct 12 2009 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
You can use seal of wisdom and judge wisdom and blessing of sanctuary if mana is a problem.

Expanding on this:

First thing is use Blessing of Sanctuary. No reason not to. Second, Judge Wisdom. Third you can try using Seal of Wisdom, though I personally wouldn't recommend it as you'll be gimping your threat. One other thing that you should try is sitting down once in a while to eat a crit. Really I would do that before swapping Seals.
#5 Oct 12 2009 at 12:20 PM Rating: Default
waelss wrote:
I have been a ret from the start till lvl 80 and only few days ago i dueled to Prot too, i need to know some facts about the gear and gemming

1- deff rateing : what is the cap
2- what should i gem for first, dodge , parry or block , i know i have to increase them all but which one of them is more important to start with, and what is the minimum needed and the cap for each one of them
3- what are the best enchants for every item

finally i have a major problem with mana , i use devine plea whenever it is on CD and still i run out sooo fast especialy when i am taking out multiple targets so is there something that i am missing or is the specs done wrong

any advice from the good tanks out there will be appreciated

To add to this;

1: There is no cap, only a required minimum. I myself use the term cap too but there is no such thing as too much Defense Rating. It just becomes less worth aiming for after 540.

2: In gemming AND enchants, once you hit 540 Def you only do Stamina. You do not gem or chant dodge/parry/block.

3: There are lotta guides out there if you look. But again, Stamina and Defense are it. Bladeward for a good weapon.

Your spec is a bit off, you much rather have this.

Unyielding faith is not worth talents, and dropping 2 points from Divinity(which generally only adds to overheals but its nice to be safe) gives you Vindication. Taking like 183 AP from a boss is a lot less damage you take, and as a tank your job is to 1: Hold threat and 2: Mitigate damage.

Also you have NO Glyphs. That is not something you can do as a tank. Get Divine Plea, Hammer of Righteousness, and Seal of Vengeance. Divine Plea should NEVER be down and with BoSanct and keeping Holy Shield up 100% of time, you should never ever oom. Stick with Seal of Vengeance for far superior threat. Not being expertise capped is a heavy gimping of yourself and it hurts you AND healer. Parries = bad. Misses = bad.
#6 Oct 12 2009 at 12:41 PM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
Agree with most of what's been said in this thread.

On the multi-mob tanking thing - it really sounds like either your blessings or your rotation is off.

You should be using a 969 tanking rotation (look it up if you don't know) or some variation, which should keep your mana consumption fairly constant. More mobs should just add more mana regen through Blessing of Sanctuary procs and Spiritual Attunement. What exactly are you doing to burn through your mana so fast?

In terms of sharpening your tanking theorycrafting, Maintankadin and Tankspot are pretty solid repositories of information. Elitist Jerks has some really good info too, if you don't mind digging through the info. Tanking Tips tends to be a bit more about Warrior, but a lot of the info generalizes to other classes.

Good luck with tanking -- once you get the hang of it, it's a blast.
#7 Oct 12 2009 at 7:50 PM Rating: Excellent
4,993 posts
waelss wrote:
I have been a ret from the start till lvl 80 and only few days ago i dueled to Prot too, i need to know some facts about the gear and gemming

Early on, gem for Stamina, plain and simple unless you need a meta. Then, pick either purple or green (if the said gem you need isn't Blue) and aim for avoidance+stamina (strength+stamina works too) if you are trying to activate a Meta or a Socket Bonus. For the Meta, get either the +Defense/Block Value, or +Stamina/2% Armor from Items. Either/or, though I think Stamina will help you more in the earlier phases of gearing up, as you need that health.

1- deff rateing : what is the cap

There is no "cap". But to tank a heroic you need _at least_ 535, and for raids you need 540 to avoid Critical Hits. Note, that is 535 DEFENSE. Not 535 DEFENSE RATING. "Defense" is what you see in the Paper Doll. If it reads less than 535, you need to stack moar defense rating.

2- what should i gem for first, dodge , parry or block , i know i have to increase them all but which one of them is more important to start with, and what is the minimum needed and the cap for each one of them

Start with +Stamina as much as possible. Otherwise, Block > Dodge > Parry IMO. There's no minimum/cap, if there were, it is unlikely you'd ever reach them until you're near, or at current BiS (Best-in-Slot).

3- what are the best enchants for every item

+Defense to Armor, Back, and Shield. +Stamina to Bracers, Sons of Hodir has your Shoulder Enchant, Argent Crusade has your Head Enchant, and there's Leg Armors for your legs. If you take Pursuit of Justice, get +Stam to boots. If you took Conviction instead, get Tuskarr's Vitality for boots. Weapon, Bladeward is good, but might be a bit too expensive. Wait until you have at the very least, the Argent Crusade Tanking weapon or better. Accuracy isn't a bad enchant either, some +hit can help you, especially if you can't afford Blade Ward.

finally i have a major problem with mana , i use devine plea whenever it is on CD and still i run out sooo fast especialy when i am taking out multiple targets so is there something that i am missing or is the specs done wrong

Assuming you're still in early gear-up phases, you must be doing something wrong. Most fights go like this:

1). Turn on Righteous Fury.
2). Activate Devotion Aura.
3). Buff with Blessing of Sanctuary.
4). Use Seal of Vengeance/Corruption.
5). Run up to mob.
6). Throw Avenger's Shield.
7). Lay a Consecrate down.
8). Use Hammer of the Righteous.
9). Use Judgment of Light.
10). Use Shield of Righteousness.

Basically, if you do it like that, you should never run out of mana, assuming you took the following talents (you should never, ever, tank without them):

1). Blessing of Sanctuary. Every time you dodge, block, or parry, you gain 2% of your maximum mana.
2). Spiritual Attunement: Every time you receive a heal, you gain mana equal to 5% of the amount healed.
3). Guarded By the Light: Every time you strike an enemy with a melee attack, your Divine Plea duration is refreshed.

So, recap:

You gain mana whenever:

1). Divine Plea ticks. Divine Plea should never, ever wear off during battle, as long as you keep swinging, especially if you use a true tanking weapon, as they are 1.60 speed.
2). Every time you dodge, parry or block.
3). Every time you receive a heal from one of your party members.

This should be plenty. When you start out-gearing content, and you don't take enough damage, THEN we'll talk about mana issues. My own tank is ready to start Ulduar soon, and I've noticed in Heroics, I'm not taking enough damage sometimes and I start running dry on mana mid-fight, even with Divine Plea up.

But in the "gearing up" phase, I have my sincere doubts you're running OOM unless you either forgot a talent, or you're not using BoSanc.

Edited, Oct 12th 2009 9:54pm by Zariamnk
#8 Oct 12 2009 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
Zariamnk wrote:

2- what should i gem for first, dodge , parry or block , i know i have to increase them all but which one of them is more important to start with, and what is the minimum needed and the cap for each one of them

Start with +Stamina as much as possible. Otherwise, Block > Dodge > Parry IMO. There's no minimum/cap, if there were, it is unlikely you'd ever reach them until you're near, or at current BiS (Best-in-Slot).

Dodge > Parry > Block. Block is mitigation, Parry and Dodge are avoidance. Avoidance > Mitigation in every single way.

Zariamnk wrote:

finally i have a major problem with mana , i use devine plea whenever it is on CD and still i run out sooo fast especialy when i am taking out multiple targets so is there something that i am missing or is the specs done wrong

Assuming you're still in early gear-up phases, you must be doing something wrong. Most fights go like this:

1). Turn on Righteous Fury.
2). Activate Devotion Aura.
3). Buff with Blessing of Sanctuary.
4). Use Seal of Vengeance/Corruption.
5). Run up to mob.
6). Throw Avenger's Shield.
7). Lay a Consecrate down.
8). Use Hammer of the Righteous.
9). Use Judgment of Light.
10). Use Shield of Righteousness.

Edited, Oct 12th 2009 9:54pm by Zariamnk

5: You do not need to be up to the mob, just in range of Avenger's Shield.
6: Yes, throw shield.
7: Yes, drop Consecrate.
8: No. You need Holy Shield. That is the MAJORITY of your mana back and mitigation right there.
9: Hammer of the Righteous
10: Light is neat, but far from optimal while tanking. Use Wisdom unless you have a Holy Pally who is doing Wisdom. Without this you may have mana trouble if Divine Plea is down on any given pull.
11: Shield of Righteousness.

Voila. No mana problems and solid tanking.

Edited, Oct 13th 2009 1:13am by SarionBelmont
#9 Oct 13 2009 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Start with +Stamina as much as possible. Otherwise, Block > Dodge > Parry IMO. There's no minimum/cap, if there were, it is unlikely you'd ever reach them until you're near, or at current BiS (Best-in-Slot).

Get to 535/540 defense, and feel free to gem for def or def+stam gems to pickup socket bonuses, its far more important to be crit immune than to have another 3-400hp(or whatever the value of a couple of stam gems).

As to avoidance, there are caps to dodge(88%) and parry(47%), but due to Diminishing Returns(DR) it takes a very large number to reach them(10,000+ rating).
As to a minimum dodge/parry, there really isn't one, as your gear gets better your avoidance will increase. Basically prot pallys don't gem for avoidance except to activate the meta gem(so 1 dodge+stam or parry+stam or agi+stam gem).

If you're worried about the balance between your dodge% vs parry% just use this formula found at

"Warriors and Paladins
Take your total values for dodge and parry from the character sheet. From there, your optimal balance between dodge rating and parry rating is

(character_sheet_dodge-10%)/(character_sheet_parry-10%) = 1.88

Of course, if you're outside of your "optimal balance" and you add a parry gem, that may be enough to tip the balance back. The odds of you needing to actively pursue parry are pretty low."

Dodge > Parry > Block. Block is mitigation, Parry and Dodge are avoidance. Avoidance > Mitigation in every single way.

Not quite true, it's situational like most tank gearing decisions. Generally its a good idea to stay away from block rating when you have the choice. Although this is partly because of the bad itemization on block gear. The newer ToC gear is much better in that block value is paired with other stats than block rating as had almost always been the case with prior gear lvls. Block value=good, block rating=has it's uses, but generally wasted itemization.

finally i have a major problem with mana , i use devine plea whenever it is on CD and still i run out sooo fast especialy when i am taking out multiple targets so is there something that i am missing or is the specs done wrong

As mentioned previously, Blessing of Sanc is huge, and 2/2 Spiritual Attunement is nice. As to keeping DP(Divine Plea) on cd, its far better to just make sure you keep it active, so pull fast/pull the 2nd grp when the 1st grp is around 20%, things like that. This isn't always possible(Violet Hold for example, even judging wisdom i go oom there if i go full out), and there will be times you get mana starved. Just drink for 2-3 sec any time you're under 2k and you should be good to go. Also judging wisdom is the way to go unless your healer is really slacking with the grp heals.

7: Yes, drop Consecrate.
8: No. You need Holy Shield. That is the MAJORITY of your mana back and mitigation right there.
9: Hammer of the Righteous

These are kinda subjective as to their order. If its a grp of 4 or less and the dps in your grp is geared similarly to you, you can skip consecrate, just AS+HotR+HS. HS is going to be pretty good for you at your current gear lvl, you may want to pop it right before you pull on most occasions. Remember to skip it against casters though.

As to HS being the majority of your mana back, that's debatable, but due to your rather low total avoidance and low block value that's probably correct. As your gear improves you'll find that you can block too much incoming damage and the mana you could get from SA > than the mana you get from a few extra BoSanc procs. Given a buffed mana pool of 7k BoSanc gives 140 mana whenever you dodge, parry or block, so once your block value is 1400+ its actually a mana loss to block rather than be healed for the extra damage. This falls under the 'don't try this at home' until your gear is much better though.
#10 Oct 13 2009 at 4:23 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
My earlier post, I was tweaking the order around a bit, and somehow left out Holy Shield. I HAD it typed in, but somehow deleted it while I was re-arranging the order of abilities, trying to do this from memory as I haven't played my tank in nearly a week.

My Bad.

Yes, Holy Shield should be used at every opportunity at your 'gearing up phase'. Later on, as you get more experience and gear, you might want to evaluate when to use it and when it is safe to leave out of your rotation.

As for the avoidances, my thoughts behind Block>Dodge>Parry, is that while doing Heroics and gearing up, trash mobs hit pretty weak. You are tanking trash more than bosses that are going to wtfpwn you in 2 hits, and Block will help you on Trash more than Dodge would, as you will block many more hits than you would dodging.

They are all good, but if I know that I am consistently pulling groups of mobs instead of bosses, I think I would rather have a little extra block, especially after the Patch 3.2 changes where they pretty much doubled everything that gives Block Value, making each Block much more powerful. I more routinely hear "Thunk!" sounds while pulling trash in Heroic these days (you hear the 'thunk' when you block the entire hit), in which case block DOES become total avoidance.

Granted, it will take a little time before you can block 100% of incoming damage from heroic trash, but even if you only block 80%-90%, you will likely have at least a 60% block chance when you're starting to gear up, especially if you're in that phase where you also see routine Redoubt procs. Still, 80%-90% damage reduction on more than half of the incoming hits is still pretty damn nice.

Edited, Oct 13th 2009 6:28am by Zariamnk
#11 Oct 13 2009 at 4:50 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you all for your detailed answers i treid most of your ideas and i can say that the mana problem is no more :D , it is still on the low side but i don't oom , probably i still need a little more practice on the rotation. i will try the practice dolls tonight and see how it goes

thank you all you have been a great help
#12 Oct 13 2009 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
waelss wrote:
Thank you all for your detailed answers i treid most of your ideas and i can say that the mana problem is no more :D , it is still on the low side but i don't oom , probably i still need a little more practice on the rotation. i will try the practice dolls tonight and see how it goes

thank you all you have been a great help

Practice Dolls don't usually help a tank much, because the tank isn't getting hit.

They need some sort of... way to create practice dolls that a tank can practice with, or something lol.

But if you wail at a doll, you will OOM very quickly, because you're not taking any incoming hits or healing.
#13 Oct 13 2009 at 6:39 AM Rating: Good
That makes sense :))) , i guess i am still thinking as ret pally , i guess i will go out there and try while rep farming although i will not get any healing , the thing is that i don't want to drag a whole group into an instence and wipe them up until i am at least confident enough about myself ... tanking is a responsibility and as a melee dps i used to hate bad tanks and i don't want to be one of them :D

Edited, Oct 13th 2009 8:45am by waelss
#14 Oct 13 2009 at 7:09 AM Rating: Good
3,229 posts
Just be prepared. People will moan at you, generally because they've aggro'd and don't want to fess up and say so, so they'll pass the blame on to you.
#15 Oct 13 2009 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Just tank a few normal instances before you get into heroics. Damage is light enough that your DPS aren't likely to die, even if you mess up (or if they do something stupid, which is more likely). You'll get the hang of it quickly enough.
#16 Oct 13 2009 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
tabstopper wrote:
Just tank a few normal instances before you get into heroics. Damage is light enough that your DPS aren't likely to die, even if you mess up (or if they do something stupid, which is more likely). You'll get the hang of it quickly enough.

If you can -find- Normal groups.

Back when I would like to have gotten Loken's Trinket, before I got lucky with a couple other trinkets, finding an N-HoL was pretty dang hard.

Just like TBC, there's very little, if any incentives to run the non-heroics version, unless you're talking Nex or UK, as those two tend to be an XP/gear up boost so the character can get to 77 easier/faster with a few Northrend purples.
#17 Oct 13 2009 at 11:19 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Zariamnk wrote:
tabstopper wrote:
Just tank a few normal instances before you get into heroics. Damage is light enough that your DPS aren't likely to die, even if you mess up (or if they do something stupid, which is more likely). You'll get the hang of it quickly enough.

If you can -find- Normal groups.

Back when I would like to have gotten Loken's Trinket, before I got lucky with a couple other trinkets, finding an N-HoL was pretty dang hard.

Just like TBC, there's very little, if any incentives to run the non-heroics version, unless you're talking Nex or UK, as those two tend to be an XP/gear up boost so the character can get to 77 easier/faster with a few Northrend purples.

Regular ToC is generally pretty simple to find a farm group for, and it's at least a little easier than most heroics. My usual groups can AoE the trash before Eadric/Paletress on regular, so a group of beginners should be able to handle it the normal way just fine if they are careful with their pulls.
#18 Oct 13 2009 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good
4,993 posts
Regular ToC is generally pretty simple to find a farm group for, and it's at least a little easier than most heroics. My usual groups can AoE the trash before Eadric/Paletress on regular, so a group of beginners should be able to handle it the normal way just fine if they are careful with their pulls.

Blah. I knew, after I posted it, I thought "I should have said 'except ToC', but then I figured, blah, leave it go as-is"... turns out my first instinct was right. hehe.

Okay, any non-ToC normal dungeons except Nex and UK. hehe.

N-ToC is run mainly because it drops _five_ almost-Naxx-quality ilvl-200 purples and the whole instance is short enough to clear in 25-30min or less. You get better loot in there than you do heroics, except for the badges of course. And as you said they are not quite as hard as other heroics, except for the Black Knight can be tough on new healers.

Edited, Oct 13th 2009 6:41pm by Zariamnk
#19 Oct 16 2009 at 2:20 AM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
Lady isyris wrote:

Regular ToC is generally pretty simple to find a farm group for, and it's at least a little easier than most heroics. My usual groups can AoE the trash before Eadric/Paletress on regular, so a group of beginners should be able to handle it the normal way just fine if they are careful with their pulls

Last time i was there, we tried tanking and AoEing everything at once before Eadric/Palatress. It was going fine til i got mind controlled (3 times). So not only did all the mobs go running for the rest of the party, i started smacking the rogue around with a 200 dps tanking weapon. It wasn't a wipe, it was about as close as you can get though.
#20 Oct 18 2009 at 8:59 PM Rating: Good
110 posts
Yeah, using the practice dummies will be useless for tanking.
What I would suggest:
- Find a healer and 1 DPS you are friendly with to help out.
- Go to Heroic UK. The first pull is right near the door, it's only a 2-pull, and they are just plain melee.
- Practice using those same 2 mobs over and over, until you are happy with the results.

With Omen, you can judge how well you are doing on threat compared to the DPS.
With only 1 DPS, you may not be able to get the mobs down before the healer goes out of mana (depends how well the healer is geared). If that happens, or the mobs are near death, just run out the door to reset.

Best real-life test I can think of.
#21 Oct 18 2009 at 9:52 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
It was going fine til i got mind controlled (3 times).

i started smacking the rogue around with a 200 dps tanking weapon.

He deserved it if he wasn't bothering to interrupt. xD

Mind control can be rough, but even with just one interrupting class--not counting all the stuff a pally has, since I know that's mostly on pretty long cooldowns--the MCs in ToC should be fairly trivial. If you were trying to AoE down the group without focusing on the Priestesses, though, I can see how that would have made it tricky. A pug might not be the best place to try. ;)

Edit: Do they even MC on regular, or is that only Heroic? because I really can't remember it ever being a problem on regular.

Edited, Oct 19th 2009 4:48pm by isyris
#22 Oct 19 2009 at 2:49 AM Rating: Decent
this is a pretty nice idea ...i will try that :-)
#23 Oct 20 2009 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
I did my first tanking last night VH normal with a group of lvl 75s overall it was good no one deid :-) i noticed the following

- i was almost not getting any damage from mobs , damage from bosses though but it wasn't that threatening even with not so great healer
- with the rotation mention in the above threads i had no problem with mana
- i had no problem holding agrro but again i was the highest damage and dps in the group :-), so i wonder if this is going to be an issue with better geared players who will burst damage left and right , will i be able to hold agrro on multiple creaters or not

also i want someone to tell me when approaching a mob of 3-4 what is the best practice to get their attention and keep them on me , i have seen in more than one occassion one or two slip away and start attacking casters (had 2 mages in the group)what am i doing wrong

finaly i use hands of reckoning on bosses then i start the rotation is this ok ?
#24 Oct 20 2009 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
waelss wrote:
also i want someone to tell me when approaching a mob of 3-4 what is the best practice to get their attention and keep them on me , i have seen in more than one occassion one or two slip away and start attacking casters (had 2 mages in the group)what am i doing wrong

finaly i use hands of reckoning on bosses then i start the rotation is this ok ?

Personally I use the Glyph for Hammer of the Righteous, makes it hit 4 targets instead of 3, so these groups have never been an issue. I throw my shield and then open with Hammer once I'm close enough to the pack, then Consecration. That's always been plenty enough to hold aggro. If you don't have (or don't want to get) that Glyph, throw your shield at the target farthest to one side, then target the one mob that wasn't hit (most likely farthest to the other side) and start your rotation on that target. Your threat should be high enough that you don't need a Shield hit on your primary target.

As far as opening with HoR, I'm pretty sure that's fine because that spell will only do its damage when you are NOT the target, so opening with it would give you a little bit more damage at the start. What I like to do on bosses when I'm not rushed is open with HoR then cast Exorcism, Avenger's Shield, then go to my rotation.
#25 Oct 23 2009 at 7:57 AM Rating: Good
212 posts
I do a lot of tab-targetting if I'm pulling a large pack and I know the dpsers will start AoE nuking.

If you have a group of 5:

1 2 3 4 5

I'll normally start the pull by throwing my shield at 5, Judgement on 1 as I'm running in, HotR and immediately conscecrate. Then I tab to 2 and SotR, tab 3 Judgement back to 1 for HoTR. Then just keep targetting different mobs.

For a single target, I'll normally throw my shield, SotR as soon as I'm in melee range and then Judge followed by standard rotation after that.

If you have threat issues, the HotR Glyph is an excellent choice.
#26 Oct 23 2009 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
finaly i use hands of reckoning on bosses then i start the rotation is this ok ?

I always open with HoR if there's 2 mobs or less in a pull. If only 1 mob, then that's a no-brainer, it gives you a nice spike of threat right from the start, and if you did it at enough range, you should be able to get in an exorcism too before it gets to you and starts swinging at you. That's another threat spike. Then you start into your rotation and the DPS can happily go balls-to-the-walls and probably safely do so.

If there's 2 mobs, what I'd do, is HoR one and throw my shield at the other... depending on the range I might even get out an exorcism too...

Mobs that are popped are also excellent HoR targets; they start out initially attacking whoever popped it. Mobs like the Headless Horseman, that are popped by a certain action and come running towards whoever popped it. Considering that it can spike for up to 3k damage, that's not something you should pass up, considering its piddly mana usage and short cooldown if you should need it again (you also have Righteous Defense for backup).

Also, if you are Off-Tank in a raid, HoR is also a nice tool. It is one of our only Long-range abilities to grab mobs with, other than Shield and Exorcism. Exorcism doesn't work that well for this purpose due to its casting time, and Shield has a Long Cooldown. HoR, however, is instant, long range, low-mana, and short cooldown, making it a very nice spell to use in these situations. When mobs pop, it is nice to have that extra tool sitting there, ready to be used in case something else is on cooldown.

Edited, Oct 23rd 2009 11:08am by Zariamnk
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