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question relating to armor...Follow

#1 Oct 10 2009 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
I realize this has probably been asked before, but I've dug back a few (5 or so) pages and couldn't find anything...

I have a tauren druid (obviously), and I'm getting close to dual speccing... I'm also getting close to level 70, which, not having lich king is where I'll be at for quite some time.... so to the question...

I'm looking for uber lvl 70 druid armor sets (or not) for both restoration and feral... I've looked at the site in the armor sets section, but I really don't know what I'm looking for (this is my main toon, she's my pride and joy)... I'd ask guildmates, but I'm the only high level druid...

if it helps any, i'm looking to go melee dps with the feral ...

I realize what armor is best really relates more to personal taste, but any help is welcome...

#2 Oct 10 2009 at 3:57 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
This set comes to mind as a nice starter set for filling multiple roles, and would be pretty decent for when you head out to Northrend and start leveling again as well. It looks like all of the pieces drop in normal dungeons, too, making getting a group much easier.

Of course there are plenty of other blue options if you'd prefer to have two more specialized sets, and if you want the best possible gear you'd be stuck gearing yourself up and tagging along for level 70 raids--pretty unlikely.
#3 Oct 10 2009 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
ok, getting the armor isn't an issue, and I won't have lich king for quite some time, that requires a new computer, which i just can't afford right now...

i know there is better armor out there than the moonglade raiment, i'm dual speccing to dps because i'm really only needed as a healer outside of my guild... so I will be flipping alot, and will need two seperate sets of armor... I'm just asking which 2 sets are best... not which would be easiest to get.
#4 Oct 10 2009 at 9:17 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Oh, well in that case, you'll be wanting these two sets. Best of luck to you!
#5 Oct 11 2009 at 10:49 AM Rating: Default
I looked at the thunderheart set for resto a while back... I also noticed the thuderheart set is the only full armor set for a level 70... i never looked at the Harness set tho, the stats are pretty spiffy... thnx
#6 Oct 13 2009 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
229 posts
out of my own curiosity why would you need a need PC for WotLK? IIRC it doesn't use that much more than Vanilla or TBC... just wonderin'.
#7 Oct 13 2009 at 2:51 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
I wonder when the OP will realize that he has next to no chance of getting the T6 set?


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#8 Oct 13 2009 at 8:32 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
On the subject of armor, has anyone noticed that Druid tanking armor is surprisingly hard to notice?

Every time a leather piece drops it seems to be geared for Rogues. What's up?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#9 Oct 13 2009 at 10:22 PM Rating: Good
They purposefully moved away from the obvious "tanking leather" and make our talents handle the translation of gear into "tank armor". Now they just have items that have high values of stam/agi with a smattering of AP/crit/etc to round out the budget; this makes it useful for tanking and recycleable for rogues and such in the event a tank druid isn't present.
#10 Oct 14 2009 at 2:40 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Tank leather...

It has more stam or agi than normal. Also pieces with high expertise are tanky. Extra sockets help as well.

I usually refer to Kalon's list.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#11 Oct 14 2009 at 2:43 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Gear lists help but looking at your gear as a whole is more essential.

For example I had Thrusting Bands for tanking for a while I had Mechanist's Bindings as well. I needed the hit/exp too badly to switch until I got other upgrades.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#12 Oct 14 2009 at 6:31 AM Rating: Default
ok, horsemouth, first off, i'm a she, not a he...and it doesn't take much to get the tier 6 gear when you have friends to help ... i just have to get lvl 70 to get it, until then, i need to learn how to dps in catform, which is quite different than healing by druid standards... and a complete blast if I do say so myself. she's my first toon, and well, going from a resto druid to anything else has been a cake walk for me (trying to get them all to 35, my proffesions are maxed out) lol

as for the new PC issue, I lag in org... and any other major city as is... alterac valley is complete hell... i do not have enough ram to run lich king, and my comp has already been upgraded...

also, by what i've noticed, tanking and dps for druids isn't really a matter of armor, but talents... the feral talent tree has a decent amount of talents for either bear or cat form...
#13 Oct 14 2009 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
cowjoke wrote:
ok, horsemouth, first off, i'm a she, not a he...and it doesn't take much to get the tier 6 gear when you have friends to help ... i just have to get lvl 70 to get it, until then, i need to learn how to dps in catform, which is quite different than healing by druid standards... and a complete blast if I do say so myself. she's my first toon, and well, going from a resto druid to anything else has been a cake walk for me (trying to get them all to 35, my proffesions are maxed out) lol

as for the new PC issue, I lag in org... and any other major city as is... alterac valley is complete hell... i do not have enough ram to run lich king, and my comp has already been upgraded...

also, by what i've noticed, tanking and dps for druids isn't really a matter of armor, but talents... the feral talent tree has a decent amount of talents for either bear or cat form...

You shouldn't have told Horse you're a she... >.>.... <.<...

If you're lucky enough to have friends willing to run you through Tier 6 content over and over to get you that set, you've got friends with more time on their hands than most and I'd consider you lucky.

Hopefully the druid sticky can help you dps in kitty.

I have a really decent computer and I still lag in dalaran. AV not so much since BG's are controlled by a separate server much like instances. How much ram does your computer have and are you using the larger chips to get the most out of each slot. I'm not asking cause I assume you aren't, just friendly checking like...

Also, welcome to the druid forums, next step is a hot avatar...

Speaking of which..Mazra...bring back my girl... >.<
#14 Oct 14 2009 at 5:18 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
If you're trying to learn a rotation at 70 that you can apply at 80, it really won't work. Starting with talents, you have to choose between Omen of Clarity and Berserk. For abilities, you're missing Savage Roar, one of the 2 CP finishers you'll use most of the time. For glyphs, you'll be missing your third glyph slot, although since you don't have Savage Roar, it would be pointless to use that glyph.

Really, it doesn't take much to run LK if you turn your graphics settings WAY down, certainly no more than BC (both suggest a minimum of 512 MB system RAM). Although I wouldn't raid without having ground effects and particle density turned up. Standing in fire is bad.

The big difference between "tanking leather" and "DPS leather" is in secondary stats. With few exceptions, none of the pieces are over or under itemized for Stam. Tanking favors Expertise and Hit over Haste and ArP. If you gem mostly Agi, you can pretty much tank in the same pieces you use for DPS (Just not for hard mode progression). You probably want separate legs and wrists for the Stam enchants, and a different weapon unless you use Mongoose. Neck, Cape, rings, and trinket should be tanking pieces, although high Agi rings and necklaces can work in a pinch.
#15 Oct 14 2009 at 7:21 PM Rating: Excellent
63 posts
cowjoke wrote:
ok, horsemouth, first off, i'm a she, not a he...and it doesn't take much to get the tier 6 gear when you have friends to help ... i just have to get lvl 70 to get it, until then, i need to learn how to dps in catform, which is quite different than healing by druid standards... and a complete blast if I do say so myself. she's my first toon, and well, going from a resto druid to anything else has been a cake walk for me (trying to get them all to 35, my proffesions are maxed out) lol

as for the new PC issue, I lag in org... and any other major city as is... alterac valley is complete hell... i do not have enough ram to run lich king, and my comp has already been upgraded...

also, by what i've noticed, tanking and dps for druids isn't really a matter of armor, but talents... the feral talent tree has a decent amount of talents for either bear or cat form...

Everyone on the internet is a man. If that is not the case then ToGTFO.

Edit: Pretend this is Horsemouth.

Edited, Oct 14th 2009 9:21pm by DruidSock
#16 Oct 14 2009 at 7:51 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The three rules of internet personas.

1. Men are men.
2. Women are men.
3. Children are FBI agents.

Or something like that.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#17 Oct 14 2009 at 9:09 PM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Mazra wrote:
The three rules of internet personas.

1. Men are horny men.
2. Women are twisted horny men.
3. Children are evil FBI agents.

Or something like that.


Edited, Oct 14th 2009 11:10pm by Galenmoon
#18 Oct 15 2009 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
ok, looking past mazra's post, and the fact that I haven't found a decent avatar yet, i have the graphics turned all the way down, sound to a minimal, and i still lag flying into thunderbluff... we tried LK on this comp, no good.... too much lag... disconnects constantly... etc etc

I'm not looking to Tank, i've tried it a few times, not my cup of tea... my druid was originally a resto, which has made me a decent healer.... and dps is just fun as hell.... the people i know that are willing to pull me through these raids are also stuck at 70 for the same reason... plus I have guildmates who are also looking to get things from said raids (lvl 80 lock wants all the raid gear... ever made... he's gotten bored)... so yea, getting it isn't an issue.... and i'll be at 70 till i can afford a new comp, and well, the one i want requires at least 6 months of saving a near fortune.... but it'll be good through and past cataclysm... so YAY ME!!! lol

I've read the druid 202 thinger, and thanks to the guy/perverted guy/FBI agent that wrote it....

I know i don't get much till after 70 for dpsing... but i'll have the technique down... which is the hardest part right now lol.... for the last few months i've been watching health, not the combo points, bleed effects, health, and energy of myself and target.... quite a switch, but still fun.... :D
#19 Oct 15 2009 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
676 posts
cowjoke wrote:
I've read the druid 202 thinger, and thanks to the guy/perverted guy/FBI agent that wrote it....

I like to think of it in order of people who made the sticky as Arex/Horse/Galen in order respectively.

That sucks about your computer, like I said, Dalaran still gives me problems, especially when logging in there. Of course I have my settings turned up rather high so that doesn't help. Anyway, like I said before, you're lucky to have people to take you through that old content which will keep you busy and happy until you're able to buy your dream computer. You can also still make quite a bit of money from the SSO dailies which would give you the money for all the things you'll want at 80 including cold weather flying, epic mount, etc.

For 70 kitty, you're looking at our standard rotation minus Savage roar. FFF > Mangle > Rake > Shred to 5cp > Rip > Keep Mangle, Rake and Rip up at all times, using FB to drop combo points when you have time. Your AoE ability is minimal since you can't get kitty swipe until 71, but on really big trash groups you can switch to bear, pop enrage and spam swipe. :P

As far as talent points, I came up with this for a kitty dps spec at 70 Level 70 kitty spec (As a disclaimer, that 1 point in NI is to go further down in the tree, so is the 1 point in Improved Mangle. You can take points out of Naturalist to fill Improved Mangle if you "really" want to, but point for point imo they are more dps in Naturalist. Also, Berserk imo is a bigger dps boost than OoC)

I realize that this is more than you asked for initially, but I'm really bored at work :P
#20 Oct 16 2009 at 4:56 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#21 Oct 16 2009 at 10:12 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Shameless +1s this morning, or just bored?
#22 Oct 16 2009 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
AstarintheDruid wrote:
Shameless +1s this morning, or just bored?

Is there such a thing as a shameless +1?

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#23 Oct 16 2009 at 1:58 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
AstarintheDruid wrote:
Shameless +1s this morning, or just bored?

Is there such a thing as a shameless +1?

<--feels no shame.
#24 Oct 22 2009 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
lol thank you galen for the info, thats pretty much what I'm doing now, i know my dps will get better once i get two seperate sets of armor (half of my feral is still heals gear lol)... but I'm still ripping through things alot faster than I was in resto ... mind you, I've only been playing WoW for a few months now... but I'm getting the hang of it. I've pretty much put leveling on the back burner to get the hallow's end achievements done. After the holiday I'll be right back on it again...
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