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Druid T10Follow

#1 Oct 07 2009 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
496 posts
From the front page.


I've always wanted a creepy grill with horns for a face...
#2 Oct 07 2009 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
3,114 posts
Set bonuses

* Item - Druid T10 Restoration 2P Bonus - The healing granted by your Wild Growth spell reduces 0% less over time.
* Item - Druid T10 Restoration 4P Bonus (Rejuvenation) - Each time your Rejuvenation spell heals a target, it has a 2% chance to jump to a new target at full duration.
* Item - Druid T10 Balance 2P Bonus - When you gain Clearcasting from your Omen of Clarity talent, you deal 10% additional Nature and Arcane damage for 6 sec.
* Item - Druid T10 Balance 4P Bonus - Reduces the cooldown on your Eclipse talent by 6000.
* Item - Druid T10 Feral 2P Bonus - Your Swipe (Bear) and Lacerate abilities deal 20% additional damage and the cost of your Rip ability is reduced by 10 energy.
* Item - Druid T10 Feral 4P Bonus - Your Enrage ability no longer decreases your armor and instead decreases all damage taken by 12%, and the periodic damage done by your Rake ability can now be a critical strike.

Loving the resto 4Piece and the Balance 2 piece.

Edited, Oct 8th 2009 6:13am by Micros
#3 Oct 07 2009 at 11:36 PM Rating: Decent
496 posts
I was thinking about the 2pc bonus and depending on the number that eventually gets put in, this could be a seriously OP pair of set bonuses.

I'm thinking numbers like 60% + though, unlikely to happen...
#4 Oct 08 2009 at 5:22 AM Rating: Good
Feral 4p = wut, Rake can already crit >_>
#5 Oct 08 2009 at 8:04 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
I'm not sure about the balance 4 piece. I'm assuming its a place holder cause I don't see how that would really affect our dps other than increasing the uptime of eclipse by like another 10% when its already near 100%.

Two piece looks hot though.
#6 Oct 08 2009 at 8:14 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I'm still not liking the 4p bonus they've had lately for resto. The critable Hots weren't worth taking over the instant-tick RJ until you had levels of critical most druids didn't have.

Now RJ jumps...

Assuming you are rolling RJ on much of the raid already you will be mostly overwriting your HoTs... Sure it's free, but you would be trading the HPS boost of the 4t8 or 4t9 for what is likely going to be mostly an Mp5 boost. Most Druids aren't mana-starved atm, so I'm really struggling to see where they are going with this...

No complaints about 2p though ;-)

Edited, Oct 8th 2009 9:16am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#7 Oct 08 2009 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
someproteinguy wrote:
I'm still not liking the 4p bonus they've had lately for resto. The critable Hots weren't worth taking over the instant-tick RJ until you had levels of critical most druids didn't have.

Now RJ jumps...

Assuming you are rolling RJ on much of the raid already you will be mostly overwriting your HoTs... Sure it's free, but you would be trading the HPS boost of the 4t8 or 4t9 for what is likely going to be mostly an Mp5 boost. Most Druids aren't mana-starved atm, so I'm really struggling to see where they are going with this...

No complaints about 2p though ;-)

Edited, Oct 8th 2009 9:16am by someproteinguy

There's a theoretical DPS increase here with Revitalize to consider as well, I suppose; probably not incredibly significant, but worth noting.
#8 Oct 08 2009 at 8:29 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts

There's a theoretical DPS increase here with Revitalize to consider as well, I suppose; probably not incredibly significant, but worth noting.


The hard part for me would be breaking one of the other set bonuses. 4t8 and 4t9 boosted your HPS to some degree. So you be reducing your HPS just by equipping 4p10 and losing your old bonus. I suppose part of the bonus will come down to how intelligently it jumps. If it jumps preferentially to targets without RJ, or to ones that are low on HP it could work out okay, and help make up for some of the loss of HPS from breaking one of the old set bonuses. Unintelligent jumping has the potential to cause HoT overwriting or 100% over-healing.

*shrugs* It still feels akin to swapping your spellpower trinkets for Mp5 trinkets, when you aren't mana starved to begin with...

Then again they could make it not count as one of your RJs, so you could have 2 on 1 target in theory... that'd be sweet :)

Edit: either way that t10 helm is butt-ugly though ;-)

Edited, Oct 8th 2009 9:31am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#9 Oct 08 2009 at 9:02 AM Rating: Good
Yeah, I haven't liked any of the T9 or 10 helms personally :(

T8 was the last good looking piece...hopefully this trend doesn't continue into Cataclysm.
#10 Oct 08 2009 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
422 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
*shrugs* It still feels akin to swapping your spellpower trinkets for Mp5 trinkets, when you aren't mana starved to begin with...

Then again they could make it not count as one of your RJs, so you could have 2 on 1 target in theory... that'd be sweet :)

I don't see why you're making this analogy. I see this as a HPS increase, assuming that it's not jumping to someone that already has a rejuv on them (unless they stack, which would be sweet). With the nerf to rejuv coming in 3.3, assuming you're blanketing the raid in rejuvs, there will be 3 less people with rejuv ticking on them than there was pre 3.3. The 4pc bonus has the potential to increase the number of people in your raid with rejuv on them. That's a HPS increase. I don't think this is meant to be a "Well now I don't have to cast rejuv as much" bonus.

The interesting thing will be to see if this set bonus procs even on 100% overheal ticks. The wording is "heals", so I'm not sure.

The complaint that I have with the 4pc bonus is that unless they make it smart about who it jumps to, it's a pretty crappy bonus. All other bonuses directly help you heal someone you're trying to heal. This could just jump to someone that is at full health and is in no danger of taking any damage, resulting in nothing but overheal.
#11 Oct 08 2009 at 10:04 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I don't see why you're making this analogy. I see this as a HPS increase, assuming that it's not jumping to someone that already has a rejuv on them (unless they stack, which would be sweet). With the nerf to rejuv coming in 3.3, assuming you're blanketing the raid in rejuvs, there will be 3 less people with rejuv ticking on them than there was pre 3.3. The 4pc bonus has the potential to increase the number of people in your raid with rejuv on them. That's a HPS increase. I don't think this is meant to be a "Well now I don't have to cast rejuv as much" bonus.

*nods* Hmm, okay I'll delve a little further.

Even with the incoming RJ nerf it should still be possible for 1 druid to blanket a 10-man or 2 druids to basically blanket a 25-man, in extreme cases of raid-wide arua-type damage. In this case you can't increase your HPS by adding additional RJs, because RJ is already on everyone. So it will simply become a mana-savings.

I guess in a perfect situation I'd argue everyone taking damage should have RJ (or at least another HoT) on them. Everyone not taking damage shouldn't. Of course I'm assuming the druid could perfectly predict where incoming damage is headed. While this is impossible, I'd also add many of the better trees out there can do this surprisingly well. In this circumstance, a jumping RJ would either over-write a existing HoT (again an Mp5 boost) or be over-healing. Though it would give a swiftmendable HoT to help react to random spike damage, so it's not without a benefit, even in 100% over-healing cases.

In a sense if you are staying 'ahead' of the damage, like many raid-healing druids attempt to do, chances are this is going to be mostly wasted. If you have fallen behind and are reacting to raid damage, this might help you get caught up.

I guess if they stack, or jump intelligently, this could be a great bonus to a druid struggling to keep up with incoming raid damage. If not it's going to be 'meh'. Either way I suppose it's pure speculation till it actually goes live though. :)
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#12 Oct 08 2009 at 10:06 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
Feral 4p = wut, Rake can already crit >_>

No, Rip crits. This will be a nice DPS boost. 2 bleeds that can crit, tyvm.

The 4 piece tank bonus is making me dizzy. I think I'm in love.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#13 Oct 08 2009 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
861 posts
That is godly tank bonus from 4-piece T10. Crappy for kitty but my kitty doesnt need help.
#14 Oct 08 2009 at 10:54 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
That is godly tank bonus from 4-piece T10.

Totally! Who could say no to another tanking CD? 12% damage reduction on a 1 min timer? yay! :D

Edited, Oct 8th 2009 11:54am by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#15 Oct 08 2009 at 11:10 AM Rating: Good
Huh...I didn't notice that on Primal Gore, I guess I just assumed it was like the other "dots can crit now" talents Smiley: boozing
#16 Oct 08 2009 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The Restoration 4p bonus sounds... interesting.

I wonder what the proc rate is on it. Imagine putting Rejuvenation on the tank and it then jumps to someone nearby (DPS?). Now you've got two Rejuvenations ticking, each capable of jumping again? And since the text says "target" and not "raid/group member," does this mean it can jump to anyone nearby?

Imagine putting Rejuvenation on two guys in Dalaran or at the Auction House...

Edit: What's the Rejuvenation nerf in 3.3?

Edited, Oct 8th 2009 9:33pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#17 Oct 08 2009 at 11:48 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Edit: What's the Rejuvenation nerf in 3.3?

Duration of RJ will be reduced by 3 seconds, so you'll get 1 less tick per cast.

Now you've got two Rejuvenations ticking, each capable of jumping again? And since the text says "target" and not "raid/group member," does this mean it can jump to anyone nearby?

A lot of how the RJ jumps, who it jumps to, etc. is unknown really. There hasn't been anyone testing it yet, so it's all speculation at this point. But it has the potential to make a huge difference in how useful the 4p bonus is; either way speculation is fun. :)

Imagine putting Rejuvenation on two guys in Dalaran or at the Auction House...

This could be fun, like starting a chain letter or something... XD

Edited, Oct 8th 2009 12:49pm by someproteinguy
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#18 Oct 08 2009 at 11:55 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Rank 15 Rejuv is hitting for 15 seconds instead of 12.

The biggest reason I'm a firm believer in the T9 being better than the T8 bonus with rejuv is this.

Glyph of Rejuv + T9 4 set bonus = some pretty intense healing tics.

Look at it this way.

Say raid buffed you're on a fight like twins. Where damage is constant. Rejuv normally tics for 2000. A player dips below 50%, you're looking at 3000 heals per tic while under 50%. Now say that crits. You're looking at a tic of up to 6000. Op? Yes.

As for the t10 bonus. This I'm really curious about. Because if they actually plan to make hots affected by your haste I could really see some pretty crazy things happening.

Imagine a resto druid with 1000 haste, spaming rejuvs and wild growth across the raid. Now with the 4 set that rejuv is tick faster and faster, hits another person so on and so forth.

It'll be interesting to see.
#19 Oct 08 2009 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I found the Rejuvenation glyph to not suit me at all. Granted, I mostly run heroics where the tank shouldn't get below 50% anyway, and if it does, it will only be for 1.3 seconds max before my Nourish hits, but having raided a bit with my Druid, I'd probably grow Nourish trigger happy if I saw anyone dip below 50% health.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#20 Oct 08 2009 at 2:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Say raid buffed you're on a fight like twins. Where damage is constant. Rejuv normally tics for 2000. A player dips below 50%, you're looking at 3000 heals per tic while under 50%. Now say that crits. You're looking at a tic of up to 6000. Op? Yes.

t8 vs t9 4pc was one of those fun situational things. On some thing like Twins, Hodir, Saph (even if you would have been totally OPed for it by then :p) critical tick on HoTs can be nothing short of awesome. Anything where there's raid-wide damage it is great. Especially when you can get your critical rate up into the 30% range.

The t8 was another thing. Instant cast 3k heals on someone below 50% (with the glyph) can be a make or break kind of thing. Plus you knew the healing would be well used in most situations. Since it occurs on cast you could control it, while the crit-proc was random and more likely to be over-healing (of course totally encounter dependent). Of course a 3k heal isn't anything amazing either, just nice to have it 'on-demand', so to say.


As for the t10 bonus. This I'm really curious about. Because if they actually plan to make hots affected by your haste I could really see some pretty crazy things happening.

This is interesting for me since my understanding is that they wouldn't be changing the GCD. So you couldn't cast as many RJs before they ran out. In a sense it would be mean the more haste you got, the fewer people you'd have swift-mendable HoTs on. Even though your output would, in theory, not be decreasing; more healing done in less time is generally better then not though. Perhaps I'm reading into it wrong, but wouldn't your overall stay the same if you had 10 RJs up instead of 12? I guess in the end you are putting out more concentrated healing on fewer people, and they don't exactly have a lot of HP-sapping-aura kinds of fights. *shrugs*

It will certainly be interesting to see how they design future encounters, and how well our spells will work in those.

That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#21 Oct 08 2009 at 2:47 PM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
I'm more interested in the fact that more rejuv tics means more revitalize procs.

I could see this turning certain resto druids into melee only healers.
#22 Oct 08 2009 at 6:19 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Moonkin T10 is teh ******. No need to have less cd on eclipse. OoC procs are not really up all the time. really want to have more Rng? GrayMatter said some things about it, he has pretty much the same opinion of it as I do:
#23 Oct 09 2009 at 5:07 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
/sigh 10 energy off Rip means, what, 25 energy over a minute? I get more than that from a single extra OOC proc from 2t8. Or from 2t9, where I have 5 Rakes per minute (175 energy) instead of 6 2/3 (233.3 energy). Maybe they're trying to increase our DPS without overly complicating our rotation. Fewer CP means a lot less chance to try and work FB in.

Tanking bonuses are majorly sexy, at least, so not a total loss.
#24 Oct 09 2009 at 5:37 AM Rating: Good
496 posts
Astarin wrote:
/sigh 10 energy off Rip means, what, 25 energy over a minute? I get more than that from a single extra OOC proc from 2t8. Or from 2t9, where I have 5 Rakes per minute (175 energy) instead of 6 2/3 (233.3 energy). Maybe they're trying to increase our DPS without overly complicating our rotation. Fewer CP means a lot less chance to try and work FB in.

Tanking bonuses are majorly sexy, at least, so not a total loss.

Yes, 10 less energy is no huge amount

But it does give you a little more wriggle room in terms of trying to get that 5pt Savage Roared Rip off in time.

I don't know how much of a difference this will make, but I think it's less an energy conservation thing and more aimed at easing the feral rotation without fundamentally changing it...

At least, that's the impression I get.
#25 Oct 12 2009 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
422 posts
someproteinguy wrote:
*nods* Hmm, okay I'll delve a little further.

Even with the incoming RJ nerf it should still be possible for 1 druid to blanket a 10-man or 2 druids to basically blanket a 25-man, in extreme cases of raid-wide arua-type damage. In this case you can't increase your HPS by adding additional RJs, because RJ is already on everyone. So it will simply become a mana-savings.

Well not exactly. Your argument for 2 druids still being able to blanket the raid is missing the point. You can increase your HPS because your HoTs stack with other druid's HoTs. Yes, some people may have 2 rejuvs on them, but that means more healing for them, and more healing done by you (more HPS).
#26 Oct 12 2009 at 1:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Well not exactly. Your argument for 2 druids still being able to blanket the raid is missing the point. You can increase your HPS because your HoTs stack with other druid's HoTs. Yes, some people may have 2 rejuvs on them, but that means more healing for them, and more healing done by you (more HPS).

*nods again*

True, I forgot while the two druids may not be stacking their HoTs on the same target in such a situation that doesn't mean the RJ jumps would listen to healing assignments. ;)

Point taken, I guess in that case you got a 50/50 of it being an potential HPS increase or a mp5 boost. :)
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
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