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Healing is the best role ever!Follow

#1 Oct 06 2009 at 6:09 AM Rating: Good
536 posts
Let me start out by saying I love my priest. I recently reworked my Discipline spec, and it seems to have done wonders for my healing. Along with a couple little spellpower enchants, and flasks, I've become a healing machine. Everyone in my guild below level 80, (and even level 80's running non heroics) want me to heal. My wife is gearing a protection/fury warrior, and we've been jumping into instance runs with our guild whenever possible. The only difficult encounter I've healed is the Tribunal of Ages in Halls of Stone, and even that wasn't impossible. I am wondering, though, how important haste rating is for healing priests? Here's my armory, I don't have any questions, really, just wanted to let the healing community know how much fun I'm having. If you have any critiques or suggestions, though, please voice them!
Armory Link!
#2 Oct 06 2009 at 6:41 AM Rating: Good
626 posts
I don't really know about disc, but as holy I really like haste as a stat to increase my throughput.

Oh and you're absolutely right, healing's awesome :)
#3 Oct 06 2009 at 7:01 AM Rating: Good
606 posts
I believe that after 30% crit you want to start putting greater emphasis on haste. This will help with healing throughput when you are on MT heals. (mostly for your flash heals)
#4 Oct 06 2009 at 7:17 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
crazyrick wrote:
I am wondering, though, how important haste rating is for healing priests?

In before the "haste sucks!" "no haste is great!" responses.
(edit - you guys are fast Smiley: lol)

This is really a matter of personal preference and playstyle, IMO.(*) Since nobody questions the need for Spellpower, Intellect, and some form of regen (usually), this question often seems to come down to haste vs. crit. Some people will swear up and down by one, some the other. Find out which you are, and be that.

I like crit, personally, although I don't kick haste out of bed for eating crackers. This preference is for several reasons, not least of which is my old lady reflexes can benefit only so much from haste. There's a point where it doesn't matter how fast it is, because it's already faster than me.

(*) I mean for general/casual play. I'm sure the min-maxers have the formula all worked out down to specific gear choices, but I can't speak to that.

Edited, Oct 6th 2009 11:20am by teacake
#5 Oct 06 2009 at 7:46 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Anticipation beats haste and crit every time... And it scales very nicely =)

In Tribunal, keep PoM up, it should be bounce around enough to make your ears ring.
#6 Oct 06 2009 at 8:12 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
As for haste;
I believe that after 30% crit you want to start putting greater emphasis on haste. This will help with healing throughput when you are on MT heals. (mostly for your flash heals)

This is true, but this
is also true.

As disc the best road to take (imo) is to go for intellect, crit and even spirit until you leave Ulduar. Only once you've got overpowered amounts of those 3 stats is it possible to focus on haste. I've healed nearly every Ulduar 10-man encounter (incl. hardmodes) without any haste at all and without the Enlightenment talent - it is quite doable. I'm beginning to favour a little more haste right now because the speed it's giving me all around is finger-licking good (regardless of what Bakashinobi says, you *will* notice more than 6% haste a lot), though technically crit is probably the better stat to get.

TL;DR: get 1100+ intellect, 1000+ spirit, and 30% holy crit. Then, if you want to, get some haste.
#7 Oct 06 2009 at 8:20 AM Rating: Good
536 posts
Thanks for the advice everyone. One more question, since its only a matter of time before I ding 80. What should I aim for stat-wise to heal heroics?
#8 Oct 06 2009 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
I just went with a mix of leveling greens, blues and some ToC5/crafted epics.
#9 Oct 06 2009 at 9:00 AM Rating: Good
536 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
I just went with a mix of leveling greens, blues and some ToC5/crafted epics.

That's what I was thinking. I'm already preparing a few crafted pieces for when I hit 80. That way, when I ding, I can hit the bank and upgrade hopefully about half my gear :).
#10 Oct 06 2009 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Around 800-900 intellect and 700-800 spirit tends to do. As long as you're over 1100 spellpower the only real requirement for healing heroics is to have enough mana to not run OOM during the average bossfights.
#11 Oct 06 2009 at 9:35 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
I remember going into heroic UK with a mix of blues and greens, no enchants, glyphed wrong, and having a shaky spec. I had around 1200 SP, 12% Holy crit, 212 regen, and 12k Int. (I have no idea about haste, I didn't even watch it back then.)

These are not the stats to aim for, it was quite difficult to heal. When people would ask me my SP, I would buff Spirit and Inner Fire to get it high enough for their approval, lol. It was a long time ago (in mmo terms), when mana was free and Divine Spirit was a sought after buff for SP.

I would say go with your instinct. If you feel confident, do it. It may not be clean and you may not be the greatest, but if the group knows you are fresh, they should have few problems with what you are at even now. Know your strengths (Shield, Penance, PoM, timely Pain Suppressions- once you get it) and use them.

Just my opinion, but if I had waited until I reached suggested stats (at that time), I might never have jumped in lfg.

Edited, Oct 6th 2009 12:40pm by Trylofer
#12 Oct 06 2009 at 9:42 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Agree that stat rules are, to quote Barbossa, more like guidelines.

I liked the 15 guideline for starting Naxx/heroics, 1500 spellpower and 15k mana. Easily obtained through crafted gear, quest rewards, and rep pieces, so in other words easy to get even solo. Of course if you run some stuff for better gear, your gear will be, um, better.
#13 Oct 06 2009 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
Start running toc reg now :P

You can do it as disc very easily if you use all your tricks. That way when you hit 80 you will have a slight edge, plus some craftables are kind of expensive and will be replaced fairly quickly in heroic toc and other heroics

But yah healing is amazing! I rolld a paladin to tank, tanked 3 instances around ~75 and decided I liked to heal better !! heals for life

Healers can get away with less gear than any other class. Make sure you use your cds like mana fiend and hyms on top of everything else.

If you can heal heroic HoS, heroic toc and heroic hol easily without any deaths even when people mess up than you are ready to move on. Don't let people harass you about your "gearscore" number because its less important for healers, it just means you might need to mana potion and not blow any cooldowns early or misjudge incoming damage

Edited, Oct 6th 2009 2:40pm by Smoopie
#14 Oct 06 2009 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
536 posts
Mana potions are cheap on my server! 20g/5 of them, much cheaper than they used to be. I'm certainly not complaining. I think I'm going to take a couple of the spellpower gems out of my green belt and replace them with +16 intellect gems, might help just a little bit with mana.
#15 Oct 06 2009 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Wise words there my friend. What Teacake said is very much true; there are no 'requirements' such as 1500 DPS is the 'average amount needed for a heroic'; it's just a question of keeping a balance between not running OOM and having enough spellpower to deliver throughput. It's just that the actual required spellpower amount to do the latter lies incredibly low; I've healed heroics with 1300 spellpower with no problem at all, and I'm certain it can be done with as low as 1100. I haven't done tests below that, but it might even be doable with 500ish spellpower if the rest of your stats are on par.
#16 Oct 06 2009 at 6:10 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
It's just that the actual required spellpower amount to do the latter lies incredibly low; I've healed heroics with 1300 spellpower with no problem at all, and I'm certain it can be done with as low as 1100.

Aaaannd this is where it's important to remind me and anyone else who had to scroll up and make sure, that the OP talking about Disc here. This works because Penance is stupidly OP (don't tell GC, 'k?). If you show up to heal a heroic with a Holy spec and 1100 spellpower, an angel loses her wings.
#17 Oct 06 2009 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
The healing I did with 1300 spellpower actually was in holy, Tea. There are just very few heroic bosses/mobs that actually do more DPS then you can get HPS by spamming Flash Heal - if your mana can take it, you're good. I'll agree in that it's a lot easier to heal with less spellpower if you're disc, though. It has to be, in fact, since disc always has less spellpower anyway (unless you're running in full T8.5, but that's way off the point).
#18 Oct 07 2009 at 5:25 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
The healing I did with 1300 spellpower actually was in holy, Tea. There are just very few heroic bosses/mobs that actually do more DPS then you can get HPS by spamming Flash Heal - if your mana can take it, you're good.

I wouldn't personally like it, but I can see getting by with 1300. But I still stand by 1100 being silly time for Holy; I just don't think it's enough of a safety net when something goes wrong (someone does something dumb) and you have to prevent a wipe. Spamming Flash Heal with a big mana pool is all well and good as long as you're grouped with a good tank and smart, alert people whose dogs and babies never distract them. If you can guarantee yourself all guild runs all the time (and they are not doing shots every time a boss is downed or something shiny drops, like my old guild did), I can see you not worrying about it.

Edit: although I continue to stick to my "spellpower is king" stance with Holy, my new experience as a Disc girl has shed a lot of light on how you guys get along without prioritizing it quite so highly. I'm a pretty conservative healer; give me too much spellpower and I'd worry about that last tick of Penance having some overheal in it on a regular basis. I'd rather have a big 'ol mana pool and not wring my hands over wasting part of it every cooldown.

Edited, Oct 7th 2009 11:17am by teacake
#19 Oct 07 2009 at 9:08 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I wouldn't personally like it, but I can see getting by with 1300. But I still stand by 1100 being silly time for Holy; I just don't think it's enough of a safety net when something goes wrong (someone does something dumb) and you have to prevent a wipe. Spamming Flash Heal with a big mana pool is all well and good as long as you're grouped with a good tank and smart, alert people whose dogs and babies never distract them. If you can guarantee yourself all guild runs all the time (and they are not doing shots every time a boss is downed or something shiny drops, like my old guild did), I can see you not worrying about it.

I didn't say it was easy or had a broad safety net, I said it was possible =P

On a sidenote though, I do silently weep about being on 2300 spellpower raid-buffed as disc. I have obscene amounts of spirit, stamina and intellect, and having a 'mediocre' amount of spellpower just makes me sad.
#20 Oct 07 2009 at 2:12 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Only 2.3k raidbuffed....?
I think I'm past 2250 selfbuffed at the moment.

(only 20.1k mana selfbuffed though :()
#21 Oct 07 2009 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Between 2300 and 2400, I think. I never notice much of a difference between self and raid-buffed, spellpower-wise, though.
#22 Oct 08 2009 at 12:43 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Shaman totem gives 144/165 spellpower (depends on if it's improved or not), flask gives 125 spellpower (if you use it) and then there's spellpower food, that's close to 350 extra spellpower.
#23 Oct 08 2009 at 1:08 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Shaman totem gives 144/165 spellpower (depends on if it's improved or not), flask gives 125 spellpower (if you use it) and then there's spellpower food, that's close to 350 extra spellpower.

Odd. I never use flasks - apperantly there weren't intellect ones and then there were, so I just tend to keep a set of MP5 flasks around for extremely demanding fights. Aside from that, we always have fishies up and we've got an overkill on shamans. Maybe I'm just not looking at my character screen enough.
#24 Oct 08 2009 at 2:11 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
There's an int flask.

It's just retardedly expensive, goes for 100g a piece on my server.
And I'd get in serious trouble for not using a flask in raids (and so should you imo, it's part of raiding to always flask up).
#25 Oct 08 2009 at 2:16 AM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
I have obscene amounts of spirit, stamina and intellect, and having a 'mediocre' amount of spellpower just makes me sad.

I've always been focused on not running out of mana on the theory that an oom priest can't heal. Consequently my spell power takes a bit of a hit, being at 2250 self buffed. It is nice having 24k mana self buffed though.
#26 Oct 08 2009 at 6:59 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
There's an int flask.

Aye, I recently figured. I had a talk with al alchemist earlier and we settled the only flasks around were spellpower or MP5, which were both meh-ish. So I settled on not using any until I needed MP5. Recently another alchemist popped up and handed me those intellect flasks, making me go lolwut.

And I'd get in serious trouble for not using a flask in raids (and so should you imo, it's part of raiding to always flask up).

I disagree. If it's your average non-progression raid, we aren't going to go any faster just because I run out of mana less easy or have a crit less a fight. If it's a progression raid, I'll use them if we're actually wiping to something I can help. I used my MP5 flasks after a wipe on IC hardmode where I ran OOM. I just can't be ***** with always keeping a flask up - it costs me tons of money for (usually) no gain. Always having one up is like driving around with your airbag out. It'll be there when you crash, but if you never actually crash you have to pay the price of deflating/inflating the airbag everytime you get out of or into the car. If you're a DPS, I can agree with this, but for healers (and possibly tanks) the benefit from having flasks up are just non-existant to extremely small on the average fight.

I've always been focused on not running out of mana on the theory that an oom priest can't heal. Consequently my spell power takes a bit of a hit, being at 2250 self buffed. It is nice having 24k mana self buffed though.

Only 24k? Scrub ;P
It's all about finding a balance though. Focussing on MP5 and spirit over spellpower is all good, but if you never ever run OOM anyway you might want to start questioning yourself about whether grabbing some more crit/spellpower might be an option.
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