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AoEadin how to do it?Follow

#1 Oct 04 2009 at 3:03 AM Rating: Good
Hello all you paladins

I have started a paladin now lvl 42, i play him as Ret. I have heard of aoeadins and it sounds as great fun, but how to do it?

I have a druid thats a bear/tree so i do know of tanking, but what specc and glyphs to use as palla? Any good advice that you can give me?

He is a human so i going to give him the heirloom trash blade and enchant it, but i dont know with what. Thinking of the lifesteel one.

Thank you for the help
#2 Oct 04 2009 at 4:59 PM Rating: Excellent
4,993 posts
halarion wrote:
Hello all you paladins

I have started a paladin now lvl 42, i play him as Ret. I have heard of aoeadins and it sounds as great fun, but how to do it?

I have a druid thats a bear/tree so i do know of tanking, but what specc and glyphs to use as palla? Any good advice that you can give me?

He is a human so i going to give him the heirloom trash blade and enchant it, but i dont know with what. Thinking of the lifesteel one.

Thank you for the help

Keep in mind that Heirlooms (BoAs) can only be given enchantments that do not require X level weapon, IE, "Vanilla" enchants only. Best you could put on it, is Fiery.


That's pretty simple. Go Prot Spec, gear up like a tank with lots of Strength, Stamina, and if you can find it, Block and Block Value. use a 1H weapon + shield obviously, spam Consecrate and Holy Shield (and Hammer of Righteousness when you get it), Avenger's Shield as well. Use Blessing of Sanctuary to keep your mana up, etc.

AoE-adins don't work all that well until your 50s, as you're missing a lot of things to make this work well, so it is best if you wait until outland, esp since you don't really start seeing any really good "Tanking Gear" outside of -of the Bear greens.

One small talent change, though. Unlike real tanking in dungeons, you are healing yourself. The Holy Talent that reduces Pushback on Holy Light and Flash of Light is a must, if you want to solo like this.

Edit: Something else, use Judgement of Light + Fast weapon, preferrably 1.60 unless you can find a sword or an axe that's faster. This helps keep your health up, JoL heals you for every hit you deal, and dealing hits faster = more healing done.

Edited, Oct 4th 2009 9:01pm by Zariamnk
#3 Oct 05 2009 at 12:01 AM Rating: Decent
979 posts
I find at my level of 52 and being Ret i can do the aoe fun pretty well and have been playing that way for quite a few levels . I can take on around 4-5 mobs my level easily enough and although my gear and talents may not be the best do work for me.

I use Consecration almost every time i attack any mob but of course it is designed to deal damage to multiple mobs and i never run out of mana and have not had to drink for at least 15 levels , i guess that is what you call an aoeadin ?

I have been farming rep for the timbermaw in Felwood and its so easy to collect up a group , riding close to them is one way of collecting up the mobs but does take a little practice then judge one and Consecrate and when the first mob dies the others are all at such a low health all it takes is either another aoe while i heal or a quick hit on what is left standing , i almost feel sorry for those furbogs as it is such fun there and if nobody else is farming them its a mad rush around the circle constantly killing although its so fast in killing them i have to wait at times for them to respawn.

I guess Prot may be a better way to try it but i love being Ret and i agree go fiery on your weapon as it always seems to proc every few hits , not sure if i explained it ok but i hope you get the idea.
#4 Oct 06 2009 at 9:40 AM Rating: Excellent
67 posts
Recently a change was made to a ret talent to give it a high amount of AoE potential; Seal of Command now has a cleave component to the two nearest mobs.

Now, this only counts during weapon swings, so ya might wanna hold off till Crusader Strike at lvl 50. But now ret can do much more on AoE/multiple target fights. Prot is still best for fighting 4+ mobs, as long as you can keep your mana high (good selection of seals/judgments will help there).

Having done both, though, I personally find ret more fun, but prot can do really really well on big bunches of melee mobs.

Edit: Ooh, nearly forgot, self-healing is important too, so ya might wanna hold off on Ret AoE till you get Art of War, too! :)

Edited, Oct 6th 2009 1:41pm by shutframe
#5 Oct 06 2009 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
It's been a while, but spamming high cost spells like Consecrate isn't how you do it....

Google AOE Grinding and you should probably get a 'how-to'...

The basic idea is to go Prot spec, judge for either health or mana - depends on what you need. Seal for either health or mana - depends on what you need. Then slowly beat things to death. At lower levels you'll drop a consecrate, but the point isn't to kill them quickly - it's to kill them efficiently - where you start and end with nearly MAX HP and Mana. It's no good if you run out of either.

I found it was technically possible in the mid 30s, but didn't get good until i was entering the plaguelands. From there on it's sort of spotty. When you get to outland you can round up 6 or 7 buzzards and down them quickly... When I got to 80 I could do it with 10+ Valkuries (Spell?)...

Some people are going to tell you, "well at 45, I could pull the entire zone..." It's not true. If you want to do it right you start with a few, then add. By the end you can take on 20ish, but you need to work up to it.
#6 Oct 06 2009 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
979 posts
Not sure why everyone keeps saying consecration uses a lot of mana ? . check out my spec in the last post i did and i can assure you i do use it constantly and never ever have to drink .

The past few days i have been constantly gathering up small groups of the furbogs for the timbermaw rep and have been doing well even with several mobs attacking me and constantly spamming that aoe and i can assure you i never had to drink once and i was riding to gather the next group as soon as i had looted the piles of dead mobs . I think at lower levels perhaps or not being ret spec you may have a drink problem but not as i have seen in ret.

Perhaps it is being a Prot spec that is the mana killer but what do i know as i am no expert , all i can say is what i find and that is i use almost no mana and a single kill when it seems to crit does refill my mana , i am not trying to argue just stating what i found and perhaps someone can tell me why i find consecration not a mana drain ?
#7 Oct 06 2009 at 4:22 PM Rating: Excellent
4,993 posts
Borsuk wrote:
It's been a while, but spamming high cost spells like Consecrate isn't how you do it....

Google AOE Grinding and you should probably get a 'how-to'...

The basic idea is to go Prot spec, judge for either health or mana - depends on what you need. Seal for either health or mana - depends on what you need. Then slowly beat things to death. At lower levels you'll drop a consecrate, but the point isn't to kill them quickly - it's to kill them efficiently - where you start and end with nearly MAX HP and Mana. It's no good if you run out of either.

I found it was technically possible in the mid 30s, but didn't get good until i was entering the plaguelands. From there on it's sort of spotty. When you get to outland you can round up 6 or 7 buzzards and down them quickly... When I got to 80 I could do it with 10+ Valkuries (Spell?)...

Some people are going to tell you, "well at 45, I could pull the entire zone..." It's not true. If you want to do it right you start with a few, then add. By the end you can take on 20ish, but you need to work up to it.

Once you get Blessing of Sanctuary, if you run out of mana, urdoinitwrong.

If I have at least 3-5 mobs attacking me, I can spam everything when it is off cooldown and never, ever run out of mana, ever. I never even go below 75%. Every time you dodge, block or parry, it is like 2% mana recovered. lol. That's a lot of mana. Add a Perma-Divine Plea (cancel it if you're getting low-health and need to heal), and you will never run out of mana.
#8 Oct 06 2009 at 11:15 PM Rating: Good
979 posts
Thanks Zarlamnk i think i know now where the ideas of running out of mana are coming from , its from way back when pallys would have run out of mana easier but not these days as its been well buffed for solo use as i have found.

I also cannot see why anyone would do anything other than retribution while levelling unless you intend to group a lot as i have been able to take on 3-5 mobs my level or slightly above since about level 30 . Pick up mobs judge SoC and consecrate use whatever attack is off cooldown and those mobs die usually one hit after the main target dies . The only problem i have had was with knock back effects and me forgetting to shield myself but that is usually when i pick up far to many mobs and i guess if i had spent a few talent points differently that would not be a problem either .

I would say with care at level 50 it is quite possible to take on 10 mobs if you are a reasonable player as ret ( unlike me who forgets to shield ect ) but it does need a little care , 5 mobs is no problem at all , the one type of mob that can cause a problem in a group is a caster so i always try and kill them first or they tend to stand back and do a lot of damage and to me 10 mobs makes me an aoeadin as i find it hard to collect up more than that anyway as i always seem to get some run away.

I have been thinking of dual spec and i may just try out Prot but i doubt i will be able to kill more mobs at a time or as fast as i can now.

#9 Oct 07 2009 at 6:12 AM Rating: Excellent
4,993 posts
sandralover wrote:
I would say with care at level 50 it is quite possible to take on 10 mobs if you are a reasonable player as ret ( unlike me who forgets to shield ect ) but it does need a little care , 5 mobs is no problem at all , the one type of mob that can cause a problem in a group is a caster so i always try and kill them first or they tend to stand back and do a lot of damage and to me 10 mobs makes me an aoeadin as i find it hard to collect up more than that anyway as i always seem to get some run away.

I have been thinking of dual spec and i may just try out Prot but i doubt i will be able to kill more mobs at a time or as fast as i can now.

Don't overestimate your abilities; Ret at Lv50 is not going to take on 10 yellow mobs and live. 4-5, yes. It might be a challenge. Ret just doesn't have the defensive abilities/avoidances/block that a Prot setup would.

If you try 10 mobs at once, you'd rush in there, guns blazing, you might get 1 mob down before you're almost dead. Pop your shield, now you're doing 50% of your normal damage while you scramble to heal yourself (burning through half of your mana to do so). Judge to get back what, 30% of that mana? As soon as your shield wears off, 9 mobs can beat you down to almost dead again within a couple seconds. By this time, you might have 2 mobs dead and will be using your Lay on Hands. 8 mobs will still beat you down fairly quickly.

The reason prot works so well with AoE grinding, is that you get an instant 9% damage reduction (+6% from Imp. Righteous Fury, +3% glyphed Divine Plea), the huge armor benefit of a shield equipped, +40%-ish percent Block, not to mention you will be blocking at least 50-75% incoming damage every time you block (again, 40% of all incoming hits should be blocked), and you regenerate mana every time you do dodge, parry, or block. Also, with holy shield up, when you do block, the enemy takes more damage. Add in Consecrate and Ret Aura, and all the mobs are constantly taking damage. Add a Shield Spike and you deal even more damage. Hammer of the Righteous can be glyphed to hit 4 mobs with a single use, Avenger's Shield hits 3 mobs every time it is used, and most tank weapons are 1.60 speed, and Judgment of Light heals you every time you swing, every 1.5 seconds, you get a decent chunk healed.

Ret on the other hand, specializes in quick demolition of small groups of mobs, 1-3 mobs. Walk up to a mob, judge, strike, storm, dead. Rinse, repeat. Replenishment makes sure you will never run out of mana, with only 1 mob hitting you a couple times, your Judgment of Light should return enough HP that you shouldn't need to heal yourself very often at all.

Which is better for normal quest-style leveling and ultimate XP/hr? Ret. You will complete quests faster (few quests ever want you to kill more than 10 mobs, and even if they do, such mobs are rarely close-by to round up and burn them all down at once), and Ret has the added bonus of Pursuit of Justice -- 15% walk/mounted speed means you arrive at your destination 15% faster, which is 15% less time spent on travel, especially pre-70 when your best speed is 170% and you do quests indoors, where you can't take advantage of Crusader Aura. Prot doesn't get this until late-70s unless you do a Prot/Ret hybrid earlier, but you lose key Prot abilities doing so.

Edit -- Afterthought:

AoE-adin is mainly for fun, IMO. Grinding Mobs for XP will always be slower than questing. If you grind the right mobs, though, you could level and get quite a bit of money doing so. It is mainly for enjoyment, seeing a bunch of mobs lay dead at your feet. It can be fun and enjoyable to see a bunch of mobs die, and it can be good tanking practice, to get the hang of your tank rotations (which would be very similar to AoE grinding rotations) and concepts of tanking.

For practical raw speed leveling with doing quests as fast as possible, Ret will beat a Prot every single time.

Edited, Oct 7th 2009 10:18am by Zariamnk
#10 Oct 07 2009 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
979 posts
Thanks that is a nice explanation of the differences in Ret and Prot . I have been thinking of trying Prot just for fun and being now level 55 i think its probably worth trying Prot out as i do not think i am cut out for going into the healing tree as i prefer to solo .

I finally got my exalted rep with the Timbermaw which was why i was grinding aoe on up to 10-12 mobs as they were green and i agree yellow mobs or even brown are better in small groups . i will have to see what i can do as Prot as a tank with healing appeals to me.
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