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Invasion of the Palibads.Follow

#1 Sep 30 2009 at 12:17 AM Rating: Default
I've noticed recently there has been a very bad change in how people are playing. When I leveled Mage, every group I got into save a few fringe ones, was spectacular. Now my Priest is 79 and it is a nightmare. The worst thing(aside 500dps Feral Druids and DKs) are the Paladin tanks.

1: Not def capped.
I personally do not know the cap for reg dungeons(535 is heroic) but 400 is NOT OK

2: Seal of Wisdom/Light/Justice
NO, NO, NO. Seal of Vengeance is not a hard concept. USE IT.

3: Not using Divine Plea.
.... I don't even know what to say aside, USE IT.

4: Not talenting into Seals of the Pure. At 80 for raids some people argue this. At anything BEFORE 80 this is not debatable. With how bad DPS is until 80, every bit is needed. Do it.

I dunno what is going on but please, PLEASE if you intend to play Paladin read the F.A.Qs.
#2 Sep 30 2009 at 12:27 AM Rating: Excellent
3,229 posts
Did you just come here to state the bleeding obvious?

If your pugging why would you go with a tank who isn't DC'd?
#3REDACTED, Posted: Sep 30 2009 at 1:40 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Apparently it's not completely obvious if people STILL DON'T DO IT.
#4 Sep 30 2009 at 1:46 AM Rating: Good
3,229 posts
Well if you take what you can get, don't come here to whine about it. I mean seriously, who's the most retarded? You for allowing a non-DC'd tank into your party or the tank for trying to do heroics below 535?

I'm grouchy this morning, I do apologise.

Edited, Sep 30th 2009 9:47am by Goggy
#5 Sep 30 2009 at 9:11 AM Rating: Excellent
1,634 posts
1. As a former Paly Tank (Retired after Ulduar) the 'def-cap' on regular is not an issue. I don't recall what my def was during my non-heroic days (You are right on your 535 Heroic #), but it didn't really matter. Short of you gearing non-tank plate you should be fine. (Meaning Plate with Stam/Str/Def = Good, Int/MP5/SPR = Bad) I never had this problem. I never tried to hit X Def to tank a pre-heroic.

2. Generally agree with you. Sometimes you will want the mana and sometimes you will want to help a weaker healer, but 90% of the time you are looking for simple threat. If the healer is doing good and the paly mana isn't an issue - Seal for Threat.

3. They don't know and need to learn. Lots of people don't really tank until outland - even then it's rare. But you are correct.

4. I agree. As you are solo'ing this will help you level/kill faster and as you try to tank instances you'll have a better time getting/maintain agro. Is lacking this talent a recipe for failure, No. But as most of the people who are running these instances are learning, this definately assists them along the learning curve.

Personally - I've been annoyed at the tanking progression. A lot of people seem to be skimping out on their prep work. I think a lot of DPS classes were able to enter heroics right after hitting 80 because other people (us) geared the heck out of their tanks and were able to support/drag them through. Now, I'm working on my Shamy and my druid and I'm noticing sub-par tanks who don't know how to do thier job and how to gear for mitigation/survival.... It's annoying.
#6 Sep 30 2009 at 10:15 AM Rating: Excellent
389 posts
Sounds like the OP has started running into the kind of players that gave pugs their bad name. God knows how it took this long to happen D:

If you think this is something new, I have a surprise for you. There've always been bad/ignorant players. I do hope getting that off your chest made you feel better though.
#7 Sep 30 2009 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
1,503 posts
i'm kinda missing the point of this thread. are you having trouble with tanks not having enough defensive stats or tanks not holding aggro or you not being able to heal reg instances?

part of the art of PUGing is working around the weaknesses. it is frustrating AND challenging.
#8 Sep 30 2009 at 4:14 PM Rating: Default
MetalM wrote:
Sounds like the OP has started running into the kind of players that gave pugs their bad name. God knows how it took this long to happen D:

If you think this is something new, I have a surprise for you. There've always been bad/ignorant players. I do hope getting that off your chest made you feel better though.

I've come across a lot of windowlickers but I was usually tanking so I only dealt with the 500-600dps types, never people who tanked like my Mage would.

To add to this one Pally was using Exorcism in his tanking rotation. When I explained why NOT to do so he simply said "idc, I do my way"...
Fortunately he was def capped so I just stopped talking after about the wrong seal, horrible talents...

I do find a challenge fun on my Priest(I just healed H Gundrak the minute I hit 80) but when you're OOM every single fight from spamming keys it's just not fun lol.

Overall, now I get to begin the insane grind for Emblems. Thankfully now I can nab guild tanks so no more PuG issues hopefully.
#9 Sep 30 2009 at 10:11 PM Rating: Good
713 posts

1. Pre heroics who cares really. In a perfect world anyone tanking level 80 regular dungeons would have 530 def but preheroics is the first step to learning how to tank
2. Until the overhaul to SoV in the last major patch (3.2) I would use SoW most of the time and have no threat issues in heroics.
3. Unless your successfully chaining groups, which you wouldnt expect an undergeared tank to be doing DP wont always be up.
4. I have never specced into this as Prot. Back when I ran heroics for badges and gear, I used SoW so SotP had no use for me. If these pallies are using SoW/SoL like you said then they actually have a point as to why they're not specced into SotP.

Its not palibads thats the problem. Its bad players. Why are you noticing it more in pally tanks? Probably because we are still the Flavour of the Month. Just save the good players to your friends list and take note of the bad ones. You will always run the risk of having terrible PuGs. At least when they are undergeared you are aware of it before the first pull.

My beef is that dps DK/Pally/Warrior/Druid that picked up a tanking offset and has decided to tank something with no clue of what they are doing.
#10 Oct 01 2009 at 4:31 AM Rating: Default
I have a few alts and I never run with pally tanks. I just find that I notice every little thing they do wrong and it bothers me to no end. I see guys with Reckoning, people who don't know the rotation, people who make stupid gear decisions (16 parry gems were the worst, especially back before 3.2), clickers who obviously don't know where the taunt button is, or just someone who doesn't know some little trick about a pull that makes it 50x easier and it all adds up over the course of an instance. When I pug I normally go with DK tanks. They're slightly inferior, but at least I don't know enough about what they're doing to criticize 9 out of 10 of their actions/choices.
#11 Oct 01 2009 at 5:47 AM Rating: Good
1,634 posts
"...I never run with pally tanks."

That's too bad because they are some of the easiest tanks to run with if they know what they are doing. By the end of my tanking days I'd just run in and round em up... DPS could just do what they wanted...

...just someone who doesn't know some little trick about a pull that makes it 50x easier

This is really really true. The perfect example is the 4 pull before the 1st boss of the H.UK instance. That pull isn't hard, but it can quickly go wrong if you try CC in the wrong way or the group goes too far into the room. I was tanking a group and we had a death. The guy /w me and said, "Next time tell the group to remain down the stairs. You pull them back to the group. The steps creates a bottle neck. All the mobs run to you and your Consecrate will pick them all up." I've never had a problem since. It's so easy it's stupid. But I'd never thought of it.

If you see that type of mistake - politely point it out. I always tell the group, if you see me doing (about to do) something wrong - Please tell me.
#12 Oct 01 2009 at 7:47 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
Since Patch 3.2.2, SoComm is surely decent for Trash now, if you're a ret. I know when I join Heroic groups, trash dies way too fast for me to ever get 5 stacks up, or if I do get 5 stacks up, I get a tick or two... instead I could be having a perma sweeping strikes on the trash and switch to the other seal on bosses that actually live long enough to get the benefit out of it. I know the OP specified tanks, but I thought I'd just throw that in there anyways.

Another thing I see paladins doing wrong, is not using Righteous Fury as a tank. I know it is easy to forget, especially if you had been using your Ret setup, but there are some people who have said (paraphrased) "Oh, should I be using Righteous Fury?" ....nngh.

If you are a tank, you use Righteous Fury. End of Story.

As for Divine Plea, if you're a tank, then yes, you should have it glyphed, and you should be using it as much as possible. That's 3% damage reduction + Righteous Fury's 3% = 6% damage reduction just from those two alone. There ARE times, however, when I forgo Divine Plea, fearing it will be on CD if I think it will take too long to pull the next group/boss/whatever. I don't want to make everyone stand there for a minute plus waiting on my DP cooldown.

Exorcism while tanking is a BIG no-no, unless you use it on a pull, but I'd only do that if it were undead/demon for the guaranteed crit. Otherwise, use Hand of Reckoning. Less mana use, pretty similar damage.

Edited, Oct 1st 2009 11:47am by Zariamnk
#13 Oct 01 2009 at 10:56 AM Rating: Excellent
389 posts
SarionBelmont wrote:
To add to this one Pally was using Exorcism in his tanking rotation. When I explained why NOT to do so he simply said "idc, I do my way"...

That is my personal red flag. I try to help players as much as a I can, but when you get that kind of closemindedness, it's very seldom worth the time or effort.

In unrelated news, I just pugged Ony and made a nervous new pally tank's day by spamming FoK (with Tricks of the Trade on him) so he thinks he can hold aggro through a combined total of about 20k dps :p Now I'm gonna have to make sure he knows where his actual limits are and doesn't do something stupid and get people killed D:
#14 Oct 01 2009 at 11:54 PM Rating: Good
3,229 posts
MetalM wrote:
I just pugged Ony and made a nervous new pally tank's day by spamming FoK (with Tricks of the Trade on him) so he thinks he can hold aggro

Enabler Smiley: mad
#15 Oct 02 2009 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
Goggy wrote:
MetalM wrote:
I just pugged Ony and made a nervous new pally tank's day by spamming FoK (with Tricks of the Trade on him) so he thinks he can hold aggro

Enabler Smiley: mad

Woah, wait, WHAT!?

A "New Pally Tank" in Ony?

I thought Ony was supposedly, like, at least Naxx25, if not Ulduar-ish? She drops like 230+.
#16 Oct 02 2009 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
Exorcism while tanking is a BIG no-no, unless you use it on a pull, but I'd only do that if it were undead/demon for the guaranteed crit. Otherwise, use Hand of Reckoning. Less mana use, pretty similar damage.

While i agree 100% about not using it in rotation, i disagree with using it for pulling sparingly. With hand of reckoning not being on GCD, you can easily chain exorcism, HoR, AS for a MASSIVE threat lead on a pull. Or you can easily chain 4-5 mobs if your quick to target change while casting 3 spells giving you a steady threat lead for those dps who have no patience. IE: Hit 1 with exorcism, swap target while casting, hit next with HoR, then swap to 3rd and hit AS hoping to bounce onto mobs you havent touched. If your timing is right, its a significant threat lead while waiting for mobs to come into your consecrate.

Now i havent had any experience with said paladin tanks, but i get annoyed with DPS wars/dks that just love to try to offtank.

Edited, Oct 2nd 2009 7:30pm by Luxferous
#17 Oct 02 2009 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
hit next with HoR, then swap to 3rd

Won't work.

When you hit the first with Exorcism, all of the mobs in that group will be "Attacking You!" and HoR won't do anything if a mob is already attacking you.

You COULD HoR the first, but you'd have to make sure you throw AS and then Exo and hope you get Exo out before the mobs get to you.
#18 Oct 02 2009 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
If your timing is just right you actually take advantage of server lag, hitting it right before it casts sending 2 spells off at 1 time. I do get what you are saying and yeah if the mobs are already turned on you yes it wont work. Let me find the info on Maintankadin forums where I found it.

Edit: Here it is

Edited, Oct 2nd 2009 7:47pm by Luxferous
#19 Oct 02 2009 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
67 posts
Zariamnk wrote:
hit next with HoR, then swap to 3rd

Won't work.

When you hit the first with Exorcism, all of the mobs in that group will be "Attacking You!" and HoR won't do anything if a mob is already attacking you.

You COULD HoR the first, but you'd have to make sure you throw AS and then Exo and hope you get Exo out before the mobs get to you.

That's pretty much what I do, on pulls where there's two mobs but I don't want to use Avenger's Shield, I start casting Exorcism then switch targets and hit the other with Hand of Reckoning, that split-second between the second, linked mob targeting me gets the damage off, and I got solid threat on both immediately.

Exorcism's great for pulling or DPS when you're just an offtank, but yeah, using it while tanking's pretty fail. Oh, also, if you're asking a tank to be Defense-Capped for a non-Heroic 5-man other than ToC, your expectations may be set too high.
#20 Oct 02 2009 at 5:50 PM Rating: Default
4,993 posts
shutframe wrote:
That's pretty much what I do, on pulls where there's two mobs but I don't want to use Avenger's Shield, I start casting Exorcism then switch targets and hit the other with Hand of Reckoning, that split-second between the second, linked mob targeting me gets the damage off, and I got solid threat on both immediately.

Exorcism's great for pulling or DPS when you're just an offtank, but yeah, using it while tanking's pretty fail. Oh, also, if you're asking a tank to be Defense-Capped for a non-Heroic 5-man other than ToC, your expectations may be set too high.

There's enough BoE gear that's cheap on the AH, that if you're not Crit Immune (please don't use the term Def capped), you are pretty damn close.

Showing up to a dungeon with <510 is fail.

All of the cheap BoEs from the AH will get you at least 510-520 without enchants.

Add an enchant or two, a Def Rating gem or two and you'll be 530+ easy.
#21 Oct 02 2009 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
496 posts
Zariamnk wrote:
There's enough BoE gear that's cheap on the AH, that if you're not Crit Immune (please don't use the term Def capped), you are pretty damn close.

Showing up to a dungeon with <510 is fail.

All of the cheap BoEs from the AH will get you at least 510-520 without enchants.

Add an enchant or two, a Def Rating gem or two and you'll be 530+ easy.

What is the point?

If you're running any regular dungeon except for ToC then you're >80.

If you're >80 buying a heap of BoE gear isn't worth the investment because you'll replace it by the time you hit 80.

Simply, you don't need it.

If you are struggling in groups perhaps look into what you're doing as a healer rather than asking the tank to outgear the content.

Also I understand why you don't want to use the term def-capped, but it still makes sense. People use the term hit-cap as well.
#22 Oct 02 2009 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
slightlysober wrote:
Zariamnk wrote:
There's enough BoE gear that's cheap on the AH, that if you're not Crit Immune (please don't use the term Def capped), you are pretty damn close.

Showing up to a dungeon with <510 is fail.

All of the cheap BoEs from the AH will get you at least 510-520 without enchants.

Add an enchant or two, a Def Rating gem or two and you'll be 530+ easy.

What is the point?

If you're running any regular dungeon except for ToC then you're >80.

If you're >80 buying a heap of BoE gear isn't worth the investment because you'll replace it by the time you hit 80.

Simply, you don't need it.

If you are struggling in groups perhaps look into what you're doing as a healer rather than asking the tank to outgear the content.

Also I understand why you don't want to use the term def-capped, but it still makes sense. People use the term hit-cap as well.

I hate to be a stickler but >80 would mean greater than 80, you mean <80 :)

That aside, Def Cap is a common term used to decide when you have enough, there is no true -cap- to anything. :p
#23 Oct 03 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
People use the term hit-cap as well.

there is no true -cap- to anything

There actually is a hard hit cap, beyond which adding more hit to your gear does absolutely nothing for you.

8% is one-weapon or special attack hit cap, which I'm guessing is what you pallies go for. Smiley: tongue
17% is spell hit cap, though most casters have talents that contribute to hit chance.
27% is dual-wielding hit cap according to WoWWiki, and no one really gears for that.
#24 Oct 03 2009 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
slightlysober wrote:
Zariamnk wrote:
There's enough BoE gear that's cheap on the AH, that if you're not Crit Immune (please don't use the term Def capped), you are pretty damn close.

Showing up to a dungeon with <510 is fail.

All of the cheap BoEs from the AH will get you at least 510-520 without enchants.

Add an enchant or two, a Def Rating gem or two and you'll be 530+ easy.

What is the point?

If you're running any regular dungeon except for ToC then you're >80.

If you're >80 buying a heap of BoE gear isn't worth the investment because you'll replace it by the time you hit 80.

Simply, you don't need it.

If you are struggling in groups perhaps look into what you're doing as a healer rather than asking the tank to outgear the content.

I was OBVIOUSLY talking about showing up to the Normal or Heroic Lv80 dungeons, as a Lv80.

And keep in mind, half of a tank's starting set, the Tempered Saronite set, is Lv78. And they tend to use that until they get BoP drops from Heroics, Naxx, Emblems, etc.

Also I understand why you don't want to use the term def-capped, but it still makes sense. People use the term hit-cap as well.

There is a hard hit cap, as someone else said above.
There is no hard defense cap, once you get 540, adding extra _does_ benefit you, even if only slightly.

Edited, Oct 3rd 2009 2:52pm by Zariamnk
#25 Oct 03 2009 at 11:49 AM Rating: Good
Defense is one of the few "ratings" that doesn't cap.
#26 Oct 04 2009 at 2:35 AM Rating: Default
496 posts
Lady Isyris wrote:
8% is one-weapon or special attack hit cap, which I'm guessing is what you pallies go for.
17% is spell hit cap, though most casters have talents that contribute to hit chance.
27% is dual-wielding hit cap according to WoWWiki, and no one really gears for that.

Technically there really isn't a hit cap, as in you can keep stacking hit and it still benefits you just you won't notice till the next expansion because you'll be reaching the level of hit required for hitting mobs 4 levels above you rather than 3.

At least, that's what I was referring to when I said hit doesn't have a cap. I'm relatively sure I'm not wrong.

Wowwiki wrote:
Thus, if you are a Level 80 character with a Weapon Skill of 400 and no talents increasing your chance to hit, you need a Hit Rating of 263 (8.02%) to never miss a shot against a Level 83 boss

This shows that while not relevant right now, there still is not a hard hit cap.

Zariamnk wrote:
I was OBVIOUSLY talking about showing up to the Normal or Heroic Lv80 dungeons, as a Lv80.

And keep in mind, half of a tank's starting set, the Tempered Saronite set, is Lv78. And they tend to use that until they get BoP drops from Heroics, Naxx, Emblems, etc.

Since this thread is about defence for regular dungeons I took you to be talking about them. Even the level 80 ones really don't require that much defence.

And sorry Sarion, I was tired when I wrote my post.

TL;DR, I got carried away justifying my last post.
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