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Re-Starting Mage, need help.Follow

#1 Sep 25 2009 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
Okay with the Arcane update(and the fact Paladin is Raid only now) I'm getting back into Mage. Arcane is my favorite spec and it comes with a free 6% hit.

This is my current gear and talent build.

Just the other day I got myself these beauties but if I equip them I lose the SP bonus chance from T8 hands/legs.

My concern right now though: I am grinding heroics(only got 19 badges, hard finding groups as DPS...) trying to get the T8.5 pieces and maybe even some other items that are better than what I have.

Do I get the body and ditch the T7.0 for MASSIVE stat increase, toss on my T9.whatever gloves and still have T8 bonus but LOSE my T7 bonus...
Or do I get the head armor and ditch the Uld10 head piece, for a decent upgrade to toss on T9.something gloves and get both T8 AND T7 bonuses?

Basically, is the T7 bonus worth the horrible stats of chest until I get enough tokens for both?

That aside I'd love some advice on where to focus. I am not easily able to raid (currently my Pally is guild priority, Mage can only hope for PuGs) so ToC is out of the question, Uld is -maybe- but Conquest emblem gear is accessable.

I am currently trying to get the Spectral Kris from HToC but luck is suck. I have the off hand available and 63SP chant sitting on a scroll waiting.

That aside I am unsure what upgrades are out there for my belt, boots, rings, and shoulders. As it stands I figure if I start doing H Daily in 15 days I can get the T9 shoulders for a 2pc T9.
#2 Sep 25 2009 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
Well, to start off with, I would change two of your points in the frost tree from the Frost Warding to Ice shards. It can be pretty helpful to get those extra crits with blizzard in heroics. It's not a big deal, but honestly Frost Warding is pretty useless.

SarionBelmont wrote:

Do I get the body and ditch the T7.0 for MASSIVE stat increase, toss on my T9.whatever gloves and still have T8 bonus but LOSE my T7 bonus...
Or do I get the head armor and ditch the Uld10 head piece, for a decent upgrade to toss on T9.something gloves and get both T8 AND T7 bonuses?

Basically, is the T7 bonus worth the horrible stats of chest until I get enough tokens for both?

I can't remember where exactly it is, but in one of the recent threads Anobix laid out a dmg panel for the Tier gear bonuses. While the T7 bonus is good, the T8 bonus is better, and the T9 bonus is even better than that dps wise. Plus the stat increases are really going to help you dps wise as well.

If I were you I'd save up the tokens to get the 8.5 chest and head, and triumph emblem wise, the first thing you're going to want to save up for (as it's the cheapest and a really good upgrade for you) is the wand.

Heroic ToC 5 has upgrades for your cloak, ring, and shoes. The Paltress drops a great caster ring, and the shoes and cloak both drop from the BK, in addition to the Spectral Kris (I myself am still waiting on the blasted thing to drop). I have all three if you want to see their stats, I have a link to Aemillia's armory profile in my sig. Triumph emblems will also get you a ring, they're about 50 emblems a piece I think. I don't think there is any belt from T emblems though. So if Ulduar is the best you can do, I think you might be stuck with your current belt.

That aside, where did you get that offhand? While I do really want the Spectral Kris, I currently have no off hand because I'm a tard and tossed the heroic emblem one back when I got my Naxx staff. I was thinking of just buying another one, but I don't want to waste Conquest emblems on such a ****** offhand...
#3 Sep 25 2009 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
Offhand is from Nothh in Naxx25.

Thanks for advice on that. Toc, again, screwed me. 3 days straight, 0/4 drops.
#4 Sep 25 2009 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
Heh, I've been trying to get that dagger for almost two weeks with no luck. It dropped once, and the lock in my group won the roll.
#5 Sep 26 2009 at 4:43 PM Rating: Decent
Another bad fail on ToC, but a good day overall.

Got T8.5 body tossed 10stats/2 Runed Cardinal Rubies in it and tossed on my T9.whatever gloves. On Loken I did 5950 DPS, he lasted 30seconds lol. I love Mage again :D

Hopefully I get into an Uld run and a ToC run, grab T9 shoulders, T8.5 head, then the Triumph wand.
#6 Sep 26 2009 at 7:46 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, grats on that dps! You're out doing my mage, and she's my main lol. I need to work on my haste, and I think my computer might contribute to my lower dps as well, I average about 6 fps even with the graphics settings turned all the way down.
#7 Sep 26 2009 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
PigtailsOfDoom the Eccentric wrote:
Wow, grats on that dps! You're out doing my mage, and she's my main lol. I need to work on my haste, and I think my computer might contribute to my lower dps as well, I average about 6 fps even with the graphics settings turned all the way down.

Turn off recount. I had the same issue, turned it off, up to 15fps.

Just did a BUNCH of Lord Jaraxxus. I LOVE this fight. I average 6k DPS (5900-6100) due to the 100% Damage boost buff you can steal. Pop Icy Veins BAM! next time, pop Potion of Speed! woo.
#8 Sep 27 2009 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
But if you turn off recount, you can't keep an eye on your dps. >.> I know a lot of people say you shouldn't be watching recount during a fight (and I don't if I'm unfamiliar with it), but it helps keep me motivated if I start to see a dip.
#9 Sep 27 2009 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
PigtailsOfDoom the Eccentric wrote:
But if you turn off recount, you can't keep an eye on your dps. >.> I know a lot of people say you shouldn't be watching recount during a fight (and I don't if I'm unfamiliar with it), but it helps keep me motivated if I start to see a dip.

Agreed, I had it on tonight in 10man (25 I cannot run it) but if I don't run it I have people whisper me after.

Best part of tonight was watching all 4 party members doing O.O!! after H Gundrak when my boss DPS was 5900 lol. Arcane is sweeeeeet. Can't wait until I have good gear >:D
#10 Sep 27 2009 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
Heh heh, yeah I did 5100 DPS last night on the orb boss in UP. Didn't end up completing the daily for it though, as the tank was uber fail and we wiped twice (I died more than that).
#11REDACTED, Posted: Sep 28 2009 at 4:07 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) i may not be a mage but i dont use recount other than it lagging my comp like hell it also is an epic fail when i try to link other people the dps so instead i use skada which doesnt lag my comp and is easier to link the dps bein put out (jst incase u wondering i am actually a dk tank)
#12 Oct 11 2009 at 9:42 AM Rating: Good
Massively upgraded Mage by a single Ony run(sword, head, ring, and the Emblems put me enough for T9 shoulders)

wowhead is completely ridiculous right now and taking 15min per page.

Orange Gem


Purple Gem

Red Gem x2

Red Gem(belt not worth Epic)

Red Gem(legs not worth Epic)
Purple Gem(legs not worth Epic)



Red Gem





Main Hand

Off Hand



With this I have(unbuffed) 995 Intellect, 469 Spirit, 2200 SP, 359 hit(70 over cap), 458 Haste with 21.39% crit.


Wanna give a huge thanks to Anobix(of course) for giving me the idea to get Magic Absorption and Magic Attunement.

My primary concern is... I'm still wearing some lame gear. Naxx25, Uld10, ew.

My limitations: I cannot run TotC25 ever on this char. This is my alt, my guild makes me run on Pally(which does about 1k DPS more anyhow) so I can only do group3 TotC10, and I also am running Uld10 HM's every week now.

I only have 3 Emblems of Triumph right now. I do, however, have 69 Emblems of Conquest. I was debating on picking up the healer neck piece(Spirit and Haste instead of Hit) since I am well over hit cap(we always have a Druid and/or SPriest and/or Draenei) and getting the Belt as well. The other thing I was considering would be to get the Uld Pattern belt, but Spellweave is ~300g a piece on my server still. Runed Orbs are ~100g. I considered the Bejeweled Bracers as well, Crusader Orbs are just under 1k but that is still a week or so of dailies per orb.

So educated Mages, I need your help. Are my gems/enchants okay? Is my spec solid? Are there any available upgrades in my future I should aim for? I know Eye of the Broodmother drops off Razor and since we will be killing him every week I will land it. But my MAIN concern right now is 2nd ring, neck, waist, legs, and DEFINITELY new boots...
#13 Oct 11 2009 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
Your gems and enchants are fine, although I'd disagree that some of your gear isn't worth the epic gems. That's more of a personal preference I think. My guild only does 10 mans right now, as we lack the numbers for 25, so any ilvl 119 piece or higher gets an epic gem for me.

The healer neck piece is what I have, and I think that unless a mage isn't hit capped, it's the better deal because of the haste (especially if you're specced arcane). The belt is probably a good bet too.

I'll let Anobix or Pold comment on your spec, as I'm not 100% confident in my knowledge there.
#14 Oct 11 2009 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
I'm hopin Anobix sees it. He's who I try to model after. I even use Rawr but it says I should do more than I do... but that is likely due to my bad FPS.


Felt like a prick, thank you for responding lol. Didn't mean to make you think your input was not helpful :)

Edited, Oct 11th 2009 4:44pm by SarionBelmont
#15 Oct 11 2009 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
Well I didn't see your original post, so it's all good. Smiley: wink

I have bad fps as well, so I understand where you're coming from there. I'd love to be able to buy a new pc, but that's a few months away.
#16 Oct 11 2009 at 7:30 PM Rating: Good
A word of note about Rawr's theoretical DPS-

I'm pretty sure it's a) assuming a patchwerk style fight where nobody has to do anything but pew pew, and b) not accounting for any kind of input/output lag by either your client or the server. Your actual dps will ALWAYS be lower. Rawr tells me my druid should be pulling 9k, but I seem to top out at 7~8 on the non gimmick stuff. So don't necessarily sell yourself short and think that you're doing something wrong just because you're not meeting the mark that Rawr is setting for you.
#17 Oct 12 2009 at 4:44 AM Rating: Good
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
A word of note about Rawr's theoretical DPS-

I'm pretty sure it's a) assuming a patchwerk style fight where nobody has to do anything but pew pew, and b) not accounting for any kind of input/output lag by either your client or the server. Your actual dps will ALWAYS be lower. Rawr tells me my druid should be pulling 9k, but I seem to top out at 7~8 on the non gimmick stuff. So don't necessarily sell yourself short and think that you're doing something wrong just because you're not meeting the mark that Rawr is setting for you.

Pretty much exactly what I was going to say. It is assuming patchwerk style play (unless you change the variables on movement/minute, damage absorbed/minute, etc to make it match the fight that you are considering).

As for your gear/spec/gems/chants I see nothing really wrong with what you have done there (I do the same thing as you, I will put an epic gem into any new piece of gear that I get, but I won't replace a rare with an epic, it isn't worth the cost imo for 4spellpower). Your spec looks fine as the standard Arcane build, if you wanted to consider getting IA (like in the spec that I have listed) it may give you a bit more dps on absorption fights. Other than that, increasing your DPS is about decreasing your movement and planning ahead (moving when using instants, etc).
#18 Oct 13 2009 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks to responses. I picked up the badge Necklace and like that change, though now I have to find a way to save up the ridiculous amount of gold for Uld belt/boots. Hopefully I get TotC10 ones before then but I won't hold my breath.

Any word on how amazing the Bejeweled Bracers and Merlin's Robe are vs the cost?

I make approximately 400g/day, that's it. I could TRY to farm(never done it) and Orbs are 1k each while Cloth is 200-400g each.

They worth busting open the piggy banks?
#19 Oct 13 2009 at 2:48 PM Rating: Good
Merlin's robe is pretty much best in slot until you can get a superior 258 chest piece
#20 Oct 13 2009 at 3:10 PM Rating: Decent
It may be BiS, but I personally don't think it's worth the 8k price just for the mats. Anyone who has the pattern for it is going to charge at least a couple hundred gold on top of that for making the pattern because they can get away with it. Of course if I had 8k I probably would think differently. Smiley: grin
#21 Oct 13 2009 at 4:55 PM Rating: Good
use badges on the orbs or be in a guild that gets them from bosses :-p

My guild sells them to guildies for gbank money for 250g a pop.
#22 Oct 13 2009 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
Well I still need a few of the upgrades from triumph badges, but my guild does run the 10 man ToC every week. Last week I got to go for the first time but none dropped. There are some in the guild bank though, so I could always ask the officers how much they want for them. I'd still need to wait around to get another piece of Tier 8 gear though, otherwise I'd lose my 2 set bonus.
#23 Oct 13 2009 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
Same on gear. I'm only at 2pcT9, and guild will not discount Mage since its an alt. Much lameness.
#24 Nov 02 2009 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
Updated sig with wow-heroes link so it auto-updates. Got some new gear but really confused on something.
I picked up Bejeweled Bracers(woot) but while I was contemplating the horrors of the Orbs for Merlin's, RAWR stopped me.

According to Rawr, T8.5 body+legs > Merlins + T9 legs.

T8.5 legs STOMP T9 legs stat wise(weird) but due to the 2pc, Merlin's is a downgrade!

Is this right?!
#25 Nov 02 2009 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
Of course it is, the DPS difference between the set bonus and the piece of gear probably out-weighs it. That is why most people go 4pc T9 + Merlins for their chest.

That and rawr has a tough time choosing for a single piece of gear at some points when it isn't sure how to add in the set bonuses correctly (when comparing a single piece at a time) when optimizing it should select the best fit. I'm currently 2pc T9-245 2pc t8.5 w/ merlins and will replace my head/legs when I can.
#26 Nov 02 2009 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
Ahh okay. I'm using the Ony10 hood and it kills T8.5 head but for set that would likely make it worthy. hmm. Tough stuff D:
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