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Can we reopen the healing mod/ui discussion?Follow

#1 Sep 25 2009 at 6:30 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
There's a couple of threads skirting around this right now that I don't want to derail (wrath of the emperor!), so I thought opening a separate thread might be a good idea. Horse started a general one on the main board, but I think it's been a while since we priestie types had a dedicated thread for this, no?

So. What exciting things are you doing with your UI? Making changes? Want to? Been using the same one for years and years because it's perrrrrfect? Got a screenshot you want to post?

I got fed up with Mouseover + Pitbull after using it for at least a year. It just started to feel cumbersome. Too many keybinds (my pinky is not that big), too much crap on the screen. The biggest problem is that having to use both mouse and keyboard to heal impacts my mobility a lot. I want a setup that has the same flexibility of targeting, but where I have to mouse over as little as possible.

I revisited Grid for long enough to confirm I still don't like it. So I've been using Healbot for a couple of days since Dadanox recommended it. I do like the frames, and mouse-healing gets a lot of buttons off my screen (I can memorize mouse clicks but need the cheat sheet for key binds?). I don't like having to move with my keyboard if I need to cast heals at the same time, but I'm adjusting.

However, my big complaint with Healbot is that it hides your target frame when you're in combat. This is st00pid. Obviously if I'm in Wintergrasp or a world PVP situation I need to be able to heal people who aren't in my party/raid. What I did to solve this problem was download Clique and set the same mouse heals up there, so I can use that + my regular frames to heal self, target, and target's target, and Healbot for groups. Of course, if I'm going to do that I could just use Clique with Pitbull and not use Healbot at all, but I like Healbot's frames and the additional features (smartcast buffs means I can be even more lazy!).

My offensive macros are all set to check first for a mouseover, then for a harmful target, then for a harmful target-of-target. With that setup I rarely have to mouse over at all, just press the button and it'll put down the hurt.

Edited, Sep 25th 2009 10:33am by teacake
#2 Sep 25 2009 at 7:02 AM Rating: Excellent
1,574 posts
teacake wrote:
Been using the same one for years and years because it's perrrrrfect?

Yes and no. I've been using Grid + Clique so long that I'd be reluctant to change even if I knew there was a better addon combo out there--retraining would be a pain.

Still, it is a solid combination, and if it's not the best, it's close enough.
#3 Sep 25 2009 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
I move stuff around from time to time...but it never lasts

My eyes get focued on looking for something in a certain spot

I still haven't gotten around to trying clique yet, or mouseovers. Although I would like to try them out and see if it would improve my game some, but hasn't been a problem so far

I changed a few things from this but they are very minor

I revisited Grid for long enough to confirm I still don't like it

I feel the same way with healbot. I think we have just gotten used to things the way they are.

I never figured out how to add boxes and colors and buffs/debuffs to healbot so i just gave up :P

#4 Sep 25 2009 at 8:42 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Pfff, I have my journal all set up for UI discussion and people just ignore it Smiley: glare

And I'll post a picture of my priest's UI here after the weekend with a full explanation.
I need to go rebuild it first this weekend.
#5 Sep 25 2009 at 8:45 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
But I like mouseovers =(
Seriously, I feel the mobility factor every once in a while. Especially if I am not ready for the movement. I wish that I could hold down the right mouse button to move while still hovering over the raid frames instead of having to either keyboard turn or move the mouse off the raid frames. Sometimes I have a hard time finding my cursor again after I move it off of the raid frames.

I have been considering removing pitbull altogether and just running IceHud for my self/target/ToT frames and Grid for my raid frames, but I am scared, lol. I rely on Pitbull for a lot of miscellaneous info and I am not sure I can do without it. I'm pretty sure I could do without my self and target frames from Pitbull, but my focus frame (and focus target frame) is something that I rely on for watching tank buffs/debuffs and boss target switching.

Except for a quick tryout, I have never used healbot or "click" type addons. I am not sure if they would satisfy me, perhaps a combination of healbot with mouseovers would work. Do Healbot frames work with mouseovers for targetting? You know, like keep Penance and Shield as mouseovers, but bind Fheal, Binding Heal and so on to the clicks?
#6 Sep 25 2009 at 10:00 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Aethien wrote:
Pfff, I have my journal all set up for UI discussion and people just ignore it

I don't ignore it. I just like to have a priest-specific talk once in a while. Our needs are special. Healers need more buttons than other people and priests need more buttons than other healers. Plus this is the nice forum, where everyone is helpful and nobody is ever mean.

Trylofer wrote:
But I like mouseovers =(
Seriously, I feel the mobility factor every once in a while. Especially if I am not ready for the movement. I wish that I could hold down the right mouse button to move while still hovering over the raid frames instead of having to either keyboard turn or move the mouse off the raid frames. Sometimes I have a hard time finding my cursor again after I move it off of the raid frames.

Exactly! I love mouseovers for the flexibility - I want to be able to cast at anyone, anywhere, any time - but anything that requires me to use both hands to cast a spell just isn't practical. And if I'm going to be taking my right mouse button out of commission by using my mouse to mouseover, I might as well just click and free up the other hand entirely. I can still strafe and run forward, or in a real pinch, keyboard turn for the one second it takes to cast an instant on the run.

Trylofer wrote:

I have been considering removing pitbull altogether and just running IceHud for my self/target/ToT frames and Grid for my raid frames, but I am scared, lol.

Yeah I'd feel a little scared without Pitbull too. :) With this new setup I only use it for self/target/ToT/pet though, so it's probably a bit bigger and more complex addon than I need for that job. I'm not familiar with IceHud but if you use it, it's clearly cool, so I'm going to look it up.
#7 Sep 25 2009 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
teacake wrote:
Plus this is the nice forum, where everyone is helpful and nobody is ever mean.
Oh.. ok..... I suppose I should go then Smiley: frown

Edit: Do come to my journal though, it needs activity and I promise I won't be mean.

Edited, Sep 25th 2009 8:21pm by Aethien
#8 Sep 25 2009 at 12:13 PM Rating: Excellent
679 posts
I still quite like my current set up, will post it when I get back home later on sunday. I've been tempted for a while to do a video guide for the FAQs showing how to set up some popular addons for raiding etc with a number of different ways of healing. Not something thats out there at the moment, might get around to it at some point in the near future.
#9 Sep 25 2009 at 12:18 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Here's a couple screenies of what I run nowadays. One in and one out of combat, you'll have to use your imagination and put bosses and mobs and like, other people in there.

In combat
Out of combat

Let's see if I can remember what's there:
Grid (with mana bars, missing buffs and PoM timer)
Powerauras (<3powerauras) Pretty sure I got that one from you, Aethien off the Hunter forums.
Titan Panel

Probably a couple others, but those are the ones that affect the ui.
I noticed that my quartz focus cast bar overlaps my focus buffs. Hmm, now I wish I hadn't noticed... Time to change up the ui.

Edited, Sep 25th 2009 3:22pm by Trylofer
#10 Sep 25 2009 at 3:40 PM Rating: Good
I've been bouncing back and forth with my raid frames lately.

I like healbot, and have given it a good try, but I have a problem with one thing. Healbot puts up a PW:Shield icon and starts a timer. The problem is, the icon doesn't go away until it times out. If the shield is used up early, you don't know it.

I'm going to fall back to Vuhdo. Now that I am mouseclick healing, I'll give it another go. I like healbot's config, but Vuhdo does a better job of showing you pw:shield expiring and weakened soul.

If that all fails, I'll go back to Grid. Grid never seems quite as integrated as healbot or Vuhdo, but it does the job.

It's fun to experiment. I'm not quite sure where I will end up.
#11 Sep 25 2009 at 3:53 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I haven't even looked at Vuhdo yet. I'll get around to it eventually. Anyone else using it or have any comments on it?
#12 Sep 25 2009 at 4:40 PM Rating: Good,en
#13 Sep 25 2009 at 7:07 PM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
I haven't even looked at Vuhdo yet. I'll get around to it eventually. Anyone else using it or have any comments on it?

The author of Vuhdo hangs out on the Plusheal site. There's an 85 page forum post on Vuhdo there, from it's beginnings to current release. There is also a Vuhdo Wiki.

I know a few of us Allakhazam posters have mentioned using it. It's pretty nice. The configuration just seems a bit more complex than Healbot. Once I adjusted the size of the unit frame and icons, It's working pretty good.

Edited, Sep 25th 2009 11:42pm by dadanox
#14 Sep 25 2009 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent

Healbot puts up a PW:Shield icon and starts a timer. The problem is, the icon doesn't go away until it times out. If the shield is used up early, you don't know it.

Dadanox, I use healbot aswell. Mine shows the PW:S symbol and when i cant reapply the symbol has a + in it so when the + goes away i know to reapply.
#15 Sep 25 2009 at 10:20 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
For PW:S, I set it up in Grid to show a bright yellow border around the frame when it is active and a paler yellow border for weakened soul. When it is cast, they are actually both on the frame, but PW:S has a higher priority so it shows up as bright yellow. When it busts, it falls off and the weakened soul color remains. That way I can see at a glance who has shields, who has weakened soul, and who may need a shield.

I very rarely will recast shield on someone with a partial shield. But it is very important to know who has WS remaining on them, especially if you are running more than one priest.

I have heard mostly good stuff about Vuhdo, I think I will try it out one day when I am feeling bold.
#16 Sep 26 2009 at 1:40 AM Rating: Good
ACasanova wrote:
The problem is, the icon doesn't go away until it times out.

Exactly. This is why even though I was trying to like Healbot, it is unacceptable to me at this point.

My old grid config used corner icons to show both PW:Shield and Weakened Soul. I had my border show Yellow for Agro, and Red when the health was down a percentage. Grid is very good. It does seem more sensitive to rev changes. I've updated and had some icons no longer show up in grid. Adding multiple modules to Grid also meant I might have 2 indicators show up for the same spell, one would work, the other wouldn't. It works, but takes some tweaking to get it working.

My Vuhdo frames look very much the same as Grid. PW:Shield is an icon on the bottom of the square, and Weakened Soul shows up as an icon above it.

The only oddity I've found with Vuhdo is that if you set up a dual spec, if you make any change to a mouse assignment, you need to go to the spell misc tab and click "save as" to resave the active spec. Just making a change and clicking OK is not enough. That will probably be fixed in future releases, but isn't a problem for now if I resave.

Edited, Sep 26th 2009 9:02am by dadanox
#17 Sep 26 2009 at 4:21 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Here we go, my priest's UI.

Pretty basic layout and it still has a lot of imperfections that need to be worked out as I improve it over time.
The gradient fills up with grid, having horizontal groups so it builds up nicely.
Focus target is still between target and myself but I'm not happy with having it there.

Most keybinds are still hidden, and I'll end up hiding more while I get used to my keybinds.
#18 Sep 26 2009 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
What I did to solve this problem was download Clique and set the same mouse heals up there, so I can use that + my regular frames to heal self, target, and target's target, and Healbot for groups.

You inspired me Teacake.

I loaded X-Perl and got my target, target of target, focus frame and focus target like I wanted them. I then made macros for my PW:Shield and Renew (my left and right buttons) that set my target to who I heal, as well as casting the heal. That way my target automatically is set when I heal. I can always set a focus for what I don't want to change.

Then I set my spells with Clique so that I can cast on a friendly or enemy x-perl frame. I also want to experiment with an assist macro, so that I can mouse click a friendly player in Vuhdo, and castsequence some offensive spells on his target.

Edited, Sep 26th 2009 4:21pm by dadanox
#19 Sep 26 2009 at 3:59 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
You inspired me Teacake.

Well good. I downloaded Vuhdo and was kind of relieved when I decided not to use it, because it was starting to seem like I was stalking you and your UI. ;)

Healbot's problem with the PW:S thing is kind of a dealbreaker for me, too. I didn't mind Vuhdo but by the time I got it configured the way I liked it I realized it looked... a lot like my Pitbull frames. And I like the wild customizability there. At the moment, I'm just using Pitbull frames (made really small) and Clique along with macros to cast on self, target, or targettarget.
#20 Sep 26 2009 at 5:21 PM Rating: Good
It's fun to see what addons different people find helpful. I'm glad you gave them a try.

I did find that Vuhdo had a Target when you click option built in. I just hadn't noticed it. I also found that you have to be careful with the auto fire trinkets and instant spells. I had it goofed up on my druid and it took me half of a guild kara fun run to figure out why most of my heals weren't working. I'm glad it was my goof and not some problem with Vuhdo.

So how does Pitbull handle Heal and Debuff icons? Can you specify which to show up on your raid frames? I loaded it up for a minute and it looked different, but interesting.

I'm gonna stick with my Vuhdo, x-Perl/Clique config for now. I'm having good luck with it.

Edited, Sep 26th 2009 10:26pm by dadanox
#21 Sep 26 2009 at 6:05 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
So how does Pitbull handle Heal and Debuff icons? Do they show up on your raid frames, and can you specify which to show up?

Pitbull's buff system is not stellar. You can't decide which show up apart from only showing the debuffs that you can cure[lies!]. It also doesn't give you the nifty Healbot-style "hey, fort's worn off, click here to reapply it" thing. You need to get used to paying attention yourself to when stuff wears off and reapplying as needed. I've been using Pitbull for a long time so I'm already in that habit, but that is definitely a feature of the healing mods I like.

What I do like though is that the icons themselves are highly customizable, both in size and where you put them. They show up outside the bar as well, which other add-ons annoy me by sticking them right over the text I'm trying to read there (% health, for example, handy info to have).

Basically if I stick with Pitbull it'll be giving up a little (but not much) functionality in exchange for having the bars look the way I like them to look.

Irritating though how it divides the raid into separately draggable groups. Every time I change my layout I spend half the time I should be healing trying to get them to line up exactly. If one is even a millimeter off, my concentration is blown.

EDIT: I lie. You can indeed filter buffs and debuffs for both friends and enemies in Pitbull. I guess I just liked the default filter and never looked into it.

Edited, Sep 26th 2009 10:20pm by teacake
#22 Sep 26 2009 at 6:38 PM Rating: Good
Cool. That's what's nice about a thread like this. Even for things you've been doing for a long time, it gets you playing with it and you may discover something new.

You're right, icon placement is important. That's why I increased the height of my raid units. You can adjust where buffs and debuffs go, to get them out of the box, but I did notice that Pitbull seemed very compact in that regard. Personally, I like them being in the unitframe (must beckon back to the years that I spent running Grid). I can put them outside, but that 40 man raid starts to take up a lot more room when I do.

Thanks ever so much for spurring me to dig into the targeting deficiencies of the default configuration, and offering the solution of clique in addition to the raid frame. It's greatly increased my satisfaction as a click-healer, and I don't have nightmares of including 40 target of target frames in my healing grid.

I must be getting things the way I like them. I did ok pugging this morning with my new frames. Someone commented that I was a really good priest, to which I replied "It's what I do". Smiley: cool

Edited, Sep 26th 2009 10:45pm by dadanox
#23 Sep 26 2009 at 7:11 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
I can put them outside, but that 40 man raid starts to take up a lot more room when I do.

That is a side effect, yes. Since I reupped my premium this weekend, here is a screenshot of AV with my Pitbull setup. Shhhh, just don't tell Aethien I posted one, or he'll cry over how much room my raid takes up. :) But I have a lot of space between frames which is a personal preference of mine, so you could certainly make it more compact. And 40 is after all worst case scenario.

Plus I changed my keybindings at least half a dozen times in the past week, so I need the bar across the bottom. But my hope is to fade that out eventually. The raid frames look less crowded without pushing up against that.
#24 Sep 27 2009 at 12:12 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
It's not that bad if you ask me, and they should change 40 man BG's to 25 man...
40 is just way to damn much unitframes.

I've considered setting up grid to only show 25 people max even in BG's but that would be bad for my performance in AV and IoC, which really doesn't matter that much as it's only a stupid BG but I can't bring myself to do it.

I'm just wondering where you left your castbars.
#25 Sep 27 2009 at 3:59 AM Rating: Good
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
I've considered setting up grid to only show 25 people max even in BG's but that would be bad for my performance in AV and IoC, which really doesn't matter that much as it's only a stupid BG but I can't bring myself to do it.

Do you already use the GridAutoFrameSize addon? I found it useful.
#26 Sep 27 2009 at 4:26 AM Rating: Good
Trylofer wrote:
Do Healbot frames work with mouseovers for targetting? You know, like keep Penance and Shield as mouseovers, but bind Fheal, Binding Heal and so on to the clicks?

Yes. Vuhdo does, which do to the shield issue, I would recommend over Healbot.
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