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#1 Sep 24 2009 at 4:01 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
So, as you all know by now I have a priest so I can keep people alive instead of pumping stuff full of arrows with my hunter.

Last night, I was busy questing and fighting to get 79, and along the way I get invited to do a CoS normal run.
I check loot, see it has some nice stuff for me so I agree to go.

The tank was a level 78 feral druid with an amazing 16.1k health in caster form (where I get 15.5k in "PvP gear") so I got a little scared.
I asked if that was his tank gear and it was, but he had bear form! and 19k health in bearform.
Then I got really scared... buffed up and all he had less than 21k health, his dodge and armor probably weren't impressive either.


Keeping him alive proved to be really easy, normal mode instances are really silly.
But it did get me thinking, how do I know I'm doing it right?
How do I know if I am doing a good job as a healer?
When I asked our best resto druid (no other healers online at 4 in the morning Smiley: tongue) he said that if it felt right and people lived it's all good.

Only I have no clue what I'm doing.. at all, I just kinda throw heals left and right going with instinct in picking the right heal, or I just randomly smash buttons... either way, I'm don't think I'm doing it right.

Due to the easiness of the instance, I got to play around with spells a bit (and dps trying to catch up to the failhunter, I got to 60% of his damage done) but I still don't know when to use what spell.
Especially Prayer of Mending... I guess you should use this when the party is taking damage that isn't very predictable, but I think that I've been wasting most of mine.
I'm a little too afraid to use penance... should I just heal it to heal any damage as it's so cheap on mana?
And when/where do I use shields and flash heal and has prayer of Healing a place in healing and what about greater heal and binding heal?
And when do I shield people... do I just shield the tank or anyone likely to take damage?

It's so strange and confusing to not have a set way to measure your performance and see what you can do to improve..
It's breaking my mind :(
#2 Sep 24 2009 at 4:32 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Hee. You DPSers with your meters and your target dummies. So insecure. :)

His Excellency Aethien wrote:
How do I know if I am doing a good job as a healer?

If everyone (in a five man) or your target (in a raid) is alive and you didn't go OOM before the end of the fight, you win.

If some people are dead but it's their own damn fault, you still win, although there is often a lot you can do to make up for other people's idiocy.

Recount can also be useful for analyzing overhealing, use of particular spells, etc. Just be aware that in a raid, healing assignments will greatly affect how much healing a particular person is throwing out, so using it to compare yourself to others is only occasionally useful.

His Excellency Aethien wrote:

Especially Prayer of Mending... I guess you should use this when the party is taking damage that isn't very predictable, but I think that I've been wasting most of mine.

PoM the tank. Occasionally there may be a good reason to PoM someone else instead, in which case do that. But throwing one out before the start of each fight is pretty much standard.

This is less important than it once was, because once upon a time the heal from PoM caused threat for the person healed, so it was a nice little something for the tank at the start of the fight, but this is no longer the case. Still, PoM is a great spell, and it makes for nice insurance if someone takes damage you weren't expecting.

Another good use of PoM is when you need to damage yourself. PoM + SWD, for example. It's also another instant heal in your ******* when there's panicking to be done.

His Excellency Aethien wrote:
I'm a little too afraid to use penance... should I just heal it to heal any damage as it's so cheap on mana?

In an ideal world, shield/PoM/Renew/(FH) take care of the tank in between and you cast Penance every time it's off cooldown. It doesn't always work out that way, but as annoying as this answer is, you'll get a feel for it just through doing. In general, note the parentheses around that Flash Heal. If something gets left out, you want it to be that, so if there's another second until Penance is up and the tank can wait, wait. A huge thing I think new healers need to get used to, because it's not intuitive at all, is that occasionally (in a five man, less so in raids) the right answer is to stand there doing nothing but looking cool.

His Excellency Aethien wrote:
And when/where do I use shields and flash heal and has prayer of Healing a place in healing and what about greater heal and binding heal?

Shield the tank. Shield anyone else you know will be taking damage. Especially if you have the glyph, shield splash damage. Your entire spec is built around strong shields and Penance. Shield is your johnny-on-the-spot. When in doubt, start with a shield.

Flash Heal - as needed between Penance cooldowns, and for non-tanks when needed.

Prayer of Healing - When there's significant AOE damage. This is a really nice spell, but it's also a mana hog. It's a great choice for your Inner Focus button.

Binding Heal - If you're taking a little damage this is a great quick way to heal yourself without ignoring the tank. IIRC it's not particularly efficient mathwise, so don't get too happy with it, but don't forget it's there either.

Greater Heal - you're a Disc priest. You don't even need Gheal on your toolbar. ;) I kid, but you will use it only very rarely with your spec, mainly when there's a spike and Penance is on cooldown.

Edited, Sep 24th 2009 8:49am by teacake
#3 Sep 24 2009 at 5:13 AM Rating: Good
Teacake summed it up great.

I use Shields, renew, Penance, and Flash Heal as my main spells. Throw out PoM to the tank at the start, and when it has expired from the group. Every other spell you mentioned is used depending on the situation. Keep renew on the tank after the fight has started and he has agro.

PoH when you see groupwide damage starting to get ahead of you, mixed with "omg need to get them shielded and healed up". Put Divine Hymn on a hotkey you can hit fast (it will often prevent a wipe), as well as Desperate Prayer if you have it, and Fade.

How you operate will depend somewhat on your gear and mana. Personally, I try to keep all players in a 5 man shielded during all combat (pre-shield the group), unless I'm waiting for weakened soul to wear off. I watch all 5 shield's timers in my raid frames, and reapply as each one times out. I'll usually throw a pet a shield and renew if I see it taking damage. Throw warlocks a renew when they lifetap.

Edited, Sep 24th 2009 9:16am by dadanox
#4 Sep 24 2009 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
As for my addition to the thread...

Especially Prayer of Mending... I guess you should use this when the party is taking damage that isn't very predictable, but I think that I've been wasting most of mine.

You throw it down whenever it isn't up. It's the most efficient spell in your ******** healing for between 20 and 40 HPM on average if you get it to do all 5 jumps (which - definitely in raids - is usually no big deal). As a comparison, in my Ulduar 25 & TotC 25/10 gear a critical hitting Flash Heal has a HPM of 11 and a critical hitting Gheal is about 10 HPM. In a chaotic situation you'll be pretty much using ProM whenever it's off cooldown - in more controlled environments about once every 30 seconds.

I'm a little too afraid to use penance... should I just heal it to heal any damage as it's so cheap on mana?

To drag HPM back into the discussion; my Penance has a HPM of about 16, and that is when none of the ticks crit. Which means that an non-critting Penance is about 1.5 as efficient as a critting Gheal. Penance is aside from ProM (and possibly Divine Hymn, haven't tested that one yet) the most efficient spell priests have had in ages. It beats pretty much every other spell we have and is fast as well. You do not hold back on Penance - casting it whenever it's off cooldown will make you go OOM less fast than when you're using Flash Heal instead. The only reasonw here you'll want to hold back on Penance is where you're the sole tank healer and the boss hits in huge bursts - Vezax, before all the nerfs, is such a fight. He would often take the tank to 40-50% hp with one hit after which I'd throw a Penance which left the tank on 30% hit points once it had fired - at that point a 1.5 sec Flash Heal isn't enough healing to save the tank and Greater Heal's cast time is too long. To counter this I actually cancelcasted Gheal and Penanced right after I let the heal drop as it is the only thing that would counter Vezax' spikes. I don't think any encounter currently in the game has so much burst damage that this is necessary though (Maybe NB-25 HM, but even there you usually aren't tank healing alone which means you'll be Penancing+Flash Healing rather than cancelcasting).

And when/where do I use shields and flash heal and has prayer of Healing a place in healing and what about greater heal and binding heal?
And when do I shield people... do I just shield the tank or anyone likely to take damage?

As disc: you shield whoever's going to take damage - especially once you get enough gear your mana pool will be able to handle you shielding the entire raid during fights like Ignis. Flash Heal is used to heal up people who are shielded (or simply need healing and not a shield) and Prayer of Healing is used when an entire group gets below 70% - as an example, during Hodir's Frozen Blows phase I often get into a hastebeam, shield up everyone really quickly and then throw some PoH's around. Greater Heal is dead, completely. The only use it could still have is as a tank healing spell for holy priests in 5-man instances, but even then you're probably usually better off just using Flash Heal. Binding Heal can be used for the 'in between' situations where you a group heal wouldn't be quite as effective but where you aren't on full hit points yourself.

As holy: you pick up B&S, hug it, love it tender and never let it go. Then you shield everybody who are A) about to die or B) need a speedboost for whatever reason. The rest of your heals are a bit more straightforward since you have a 'rotation' as holy; CoH > (instant) Flash > Flash > Flash > PoH. Getting 3 stacks of Serendipity is almost always your priority, and when you have those 3 stacks but a PoH is not needed you can use Binding Heal.

... I should've just told you to go read the sticky ;P
#5 Sep 24 2009 at 6:36 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
For healing the different types of tanks and dps you will come across in groups, check out the strategy page on your favorite WoW website...
What? There is no resource for healers to check out?

That's the best part of healing! You can read up on a boss or particular mobs and they will act the same each time you see them. Each time you group with different people, your strategy changes to fit them. You have a few pulls to learn their nuances before you hit a boss but, as you have learned, your role can change greatly from group to group.

Sometimes it is Penance on the tank, sometimes you save it for that dps that keeps taking damage (you would prefer it on the tank to keep a full grace stack). The thing to really remember for Disc is that PW:S gives you about 800 haste for your next cast (with 5/5 BT). Penance benefits from the haste without consuming it. What a wonderful thing! I'm sure you are familiar with burst damage... Welcome to burst healing!

Shield+PoM is a great way to prep a tank for a pull. You don't even have to watch their bar, when you hear that PoM jump, you know the shield is busted and can then do something about it. I use the time between the prep and the actual healing to toss a couple dots out. If the shield is coming down faster than I can dot up, I know that my healing task is going to be a bit more intense and adjust for it.

General rule of thumb, PoH when 3 or more people in the group can make full benefit from it. Since PoH is now targetable, make certain that your target is not going to die in the cast time!! Shield them first to ensure their survival during the now-hasted PoH.

PoM is either a mana/time waste or a mana/time saver. Think of it this way, if it is jumping around, it is saving you mana and time when you need it. If it just jumps off the tank and sits there, you probably have an excess of both time and mana. It's good insurance.

Binding heal is like a Fheal built for two, one being the priest, of course. It is great for certain circumstances, like tanking 4 Horseman, Ignis Slag Pot, blizzard sitting on Sapph (I get lazy)... I probably don't use it often enough in normal circumstances until it screams at me.

Strangely enough, one of my first healing failures was in CoS with a druid tank. He had plenty of health, but I could not replace it fast enough even when spamming heals on him. When he questioned me about it after our first wipe, whether mana was a problem or whatever, I told him straight away that I was spamming away at him but he was soaking too much for me to overcome (It was on Meathook, btw). We slowed down a bit on the pulls and finished it, but that experience made me a little leary around druid tanks. I've since found that they are as good as any tank, just different. This was also during the time when many DK tanks were coming under heavy scrutiny... I loved the DK tanks that I came across. For me, they were easy to heal.
#6 Sep 24 2009 at 6:42 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
As holy: you pick up B&S, hug it, love it tender and never let it go. Then you shield everybody who are A) about to die or B) need a speedboost for whatever reason. The rest of your heals are a bit more straightforward since you have a 'rotation' as holy; CoH > (instant) Flash > Flash > Flash > PoH. Getting 3 stacks of Serendipity is almost always your priority, and when you have those 3 stacks but a PoH is not needed you can use Binding Heal.

Moz makes a great point about Holy being a whole different ballgame. I think a lot of priests respec or dual spec and then try to heal the same way they're used to. Holy and Disc are a lot of the same spells but used completely differently, and you really need to stick with the fundamental philosophy of the spec.

Holy is about straight up healing: supplying a constant stream of health to everyone taking damage. Your core is CoH, Renew, and Flash Heal, and you use the others situationally around that. Disc is about mitigation: prevent the small damage and burst down the big. Your core is shield and penance, and you use the others situationally around that.

That's simplified, of course, but you know what I'm saying.

Edited, Sep 24th 2009 10:48am by teacake
#7 Sep 24 2009 at 7:05 AM Rating: Good
606 posts
As disc, I'll keep weakened soul and renew up on the tank at all times and toss PoM on them whenever its up. After than, I do a shield/Renew combo on anyone who needs abit of healing and use Penance when the tank takes enough damage.*

*This, of course, varies from encounter to encounter, when if the tank takes some moderate damage not covered by renew normally but there's not big spike to look out for. If there is a spike to look out for, I save penance for that and keep the tank up with other spells.

As for how to know if you're doing it right, as people have said, look for bodies. If there aren't any deaths that you could have prevented, you're doing something right.

This isn't DPS, so there is no concrete answer to go back to. No spreadsheets for min/max, no recount to give a strong benchmark, no optimal rotation to follow. I'm ALWAYS lowest on the meters, but the Raid Healing leader said after my first time healing. "OK, I'm officially sold on Disc. I have no idea what you were doing, but it was awesome. I spent half the fight raid healing and I NEVER do that."

As people say, DPS is a science, healing is an art. It relies much more on a developed intuition and measure of guesswork than simulations and math.
#8 Sep 24 2009 at 8:08 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Mozared wrote:
... I should've just told you to go read the sticky ;P
I did, and it helped on showing how (in)effective heals are but I still wanted to know more and tell my story so I still made the thread.
And what's been typed down here tells a whole lot more than what's in the sticky.

teacake wrote:
Moz makes a great point about Holy being a whole different ballgame. I think a lot of priests respec or dual spec and then try to heal the same way they're used to. Holy and Disc are a lot of the same spells but used completely differently, and you really need to stick with the fundamental philosophy of the spec.
Since I'm going Disc PvP I figured I'd spec Disc PvE as dualspec because 1 spec of healing is enough to have to learn for now. Smiley: tongue
#9 Sep 24 2009 at 8:53 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Since I'm going Disc PvP I figured I'd spec Disc PvE as dualspec because 1 spec of healing is enough to have to learn for now. Smiley: tongue

I may use a Disc spec for PVE as well, purely because I'm too lazy to redo my toolbars for Holy.

Anyway I know you're Disc, but any discussion of "spell x is for y purpose" should make the point that those purposes vary by spec.
#10 Sep 24 2009 at 8:58 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
Everyone above has covered it :) I only add this as my two cents.

PoM any groups receiving aoe dmg, blizzards/gas clouds/anything that ticks. Like teacake has mentioned, it does act as a good safety for the tank taking unexpected spike dmg. PW:S, PoM, Renew is great if you know the tank is about to take a huge hit.

PoH if there a 3 or more people in a group down below 70% health. Also, if you know the raid will take a good chunk of dmg at a certain time; pre-cast bubbles on as many people as you can, then start a PoH that will land just after everyone get hits with dmg.

You basically know if you are doing your job right if, a) Your assignments are alive (if not, could you have prevented it?), b) if the other healers are not running oom trying to help pick up slack.
Anything after that is just min/maxing your skills and spells.

Can we just sticky this as well? Lol

#11 Sep 24 2009 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
I'm actually thinking I'll update the sticky soonish to make them better reflect the way disc/holy is played. On the other side, updating it now with Cataclsym on the horizon feels like a bit of a waste.

You're very right that a thread like this gives more info btw Aeth, it's just that as I found myself typing some things I realized that there was actually a lot of what I was saying that I have covered in the sticky.
#12 Sep 24 2009 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
teacake wrote:
any discussion of "spell x is for y purpose" should make the point that those purposes vary by spec.
That even goes for hunters, or at least the importance of attacks varies by spec.

I love disc already, if only because Shield + Penance triple crit and then see that person's health not move for a while even with a mob of allies beating on him/her is pretty damn awesome.

That said, any advice for Naxxramas fights?
I'll likely do 10man naxx this weekend as we have a bunch of alts who just dinged 80 and if there are any fights where a disc priest can totally kick *** I'd like to know beforehand so I can create the illusion that I know what I'm doing Smiley: grin

I've been going over the fights, but I haven't come very far yet except "heal the tank, disspell crap from people" on almost all fights.
Although with Thaddius I guess throwing PoM on the target of the chain lightning would be a good idea?
(I'm not sure for how long he targets them, but I'm likely to have bosses as focus target anyway so I'll see who he is targeting. That also reminds me that I need to make macros for my damage spells in PvE healing so they fire at my focus and I can keep whatever target I want.)
#13 Sep 24 2009 at 10:25 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
That said, any advice for Naxxramas fights?

Stay out of the fire. :P

Patchwerk is a fight where a good healer really shines. It's best done while playing Monty Python's "Spam" song so you can stay focused on what you're there for. It's extremely healing intensive, but you are required to do nothing but stand there and cast. Staying ahead of the damage is the name of the game. Don't get a drink, don't let the dog out, don't blink. Keep everything on cooldown all the time.

If you haven't practiced Mind Control for a while, brush up. :)

I think your "heal the tank, dispel crap from people" is actually a pretty good summary (assuming you're the tank healer). I'm not very experienced in the raiding sphere at all, but all the Naxx fights I can remember doing were not a particular test of my healing skill per se, much more about boss gimmicks. If you already know the fights as a DPSer I bet you'll be fine.
#14 Sep 24 2009 at 10:42 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
teacake wrote:
Stay out of the fire. :P
I'm a raider! I'll be fine.
#15 Sep 24 2009 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
Patchwerk, don't buff fort on anyone who has a high amount of health, decreases the likelyhood that he will turn to give that dps a big hug should the tanks get low.

Bubbles are amazing for thad, he isn't too heal intensive if everyone know the fight. I usually just dps when not bubbling. Just remember to levitate down to him :)

Disc is great in the back of the four horseman fight. Make sure the other dps/tank with you knows where to stand so you can reach them with penn and binding heal.

Bubble everyone up on trash pulls in the military quarter, the spike dmg can suck.

If you have anyone new to naxx tell them to go hug one of the frogger slimes for the "poison resist" buff... It's a good time if they fall for it.

#16 Sep 24 2009 at 11:38 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
And another question, do debuffs stack up through PW:Shield or not?
(For example the debuff the zombies on gluth give, or the scarabs on Anub)
#17 Sep 24 2009 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
606 posts
And another question, do debuffs stack up through PW:Shield or not?
(For example the debuff the zombies on gluth give, or the scarabs on Anub)

For anub I can say "Yes."

I managed to (somewhat anecdotal) test this. Debuffs go through the shield.
#18 Sep 24 2009 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
That said, any advice for Naxxramas fights?

Anub'Rekhan - Stay at max range from the tank due to Locust Swarm.

Maexxna - Shields and renews on people who get web wrapped to the wall, Penance works well too.

Heigan the Unclean - Know the dance before you get there. Just before you run down to dance, shield and Renew yourself if possible.

Loatheb is interesting for healers.
Every 20 seconds Loatheb will cast Necrotic Aura on the raid, reducing all healing done by 100% for 17 seconds. This means you get 3 seconds to heal every 20 seconds.

One peculiarity of Deathbloom is that the five small DoT ticks cannot be absorbed by Power Word: Shield, while the larger bloom at the end can be absorbed.

I personally switch to holy on this fight to throw a PoH, CoH combo. As disc, I'd think about spamming PW:Shield then throwing PoH 2 seconds before the window.

Sapphiron - Frost Resist gear can help. PoH to heal up the groups when there are ice blocks.

Kel'Thuzad - Beware Frost Blast. PW:Shield / Penance combo saves the day.
It will deal 104% of their maximum HP in damage over 4 seconds. If those affected are not healed within 4 seconds they will die.

Edited, Sep 24th 2009 4:20pm by dadanox
#19 Sep 24 2009 at 12:21 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
PoM Tracker.

Haven't set mine up yet but the disc guy in my guild loves it for tracking PoM to see if it still useful or hit a dead end.

Haven't hit 80 yet but I also typically shield everything, Renew/FH to bring people up, depends if I am running around or not. And generally keep Penance on CD. PoM the tank to start or a DPS if they like to play tank. PoH after a shield in emergencies.

I try and keep most people shielded at all times in a 5 man.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#20 Sep 24 2009 at 2:51 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Don't let people dip on Patchwerk, this is one fight where PoM is truly great, bouncing around the tanks. Just have to be aware of dps that use self-damaging abilities, PoM occasionally escapes to them and remains there. Once it gets going, I normally find a rhythm where every 15 seconds, I will shield 2 and sometimes the third tank if we are using 3 and put a renew on them. Of course, until you get comfortable with it, just concentrate on your assignment. =)
(If we are 2-tanking 25-man, I stay on single target spam duty.)

Find the caster dps that you want to be good friends with and work out the PI setup with them. If they know its coming, they can prep for it better. (It stands to reason that the top caster dps will benefit most from PI, but the recipient is ultimately up to you.)

Whip out that speedy Mass Dispel in the military quarter. (I have a thing for getting offensive dispels off before dps and tanks.) Bone Armor, Hysteria and the debuff they toss on the melee all are good practice for Mass Dispel (although with your penchant for BGs, I bet you are already quite proficient with it.)

I freaked the first time I tanked in the back for 4HM on a 10 man. Now, I would rather go back there to make sure it doesn't get screwed up.*edit* almost forgot to add: If you are tanking in the back, use that imp during switches to tag the other boss. Shadowcrawl gets him there in a flash.

Upstairs, Disc really shines. Sapph is more a Holy and Tree fest, but Disc is the perfect counter for KT's Frost Blast. You can reliably save 3 people yourself if extra people get frozen. Shield, clipped Penance, Shield in under 2 seconds. Then go back and shield that clipped Penance before he dies.

This kind of brings me to one of my little secrets- using cancelcast. It used to be a standard to cancelcast your Gheal to save mana. While that is no longer used as much, I keep a type of cancelcast alive and kicking with PW:S.

/use Power Word:Shield

This will give PW:S precedence over other spells. Say, for instance, you are casting a Penance on someone and see someone else taking spike damage. Without the /stopcasting in the macro, the penance will have to finish before shield can be cast. With the /stopcasting, you can interrupt any cast to use the shield right away. Of course, the first spell will not land (unless it is Penance which you can intentionally clip), but more times than not you will wind up saving someone that otherwise would have waited for a heal to land.

Edited, Sep 24th 2009 5:55pm by Trylofer
#21 Sep 24 2009 at 3:03 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Trylofer wrote:
I freaked the first time I tanked in the back for 4HM on a 10 man.

This right here is the reason I don't miss raiding. I still have nightmares about that night. I will not tell you how many times I wiped the raid before I got it right, but it rhymes with "poor."

Luckily my guild was casual and they were too busy doing shots to get mad.
#22 Sep 25 2009 at 1:58 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
I think you people are forgetting that I've ran Naxx more times than I care to remember.
So I do know all a healer should do and how it works, I just don't know the details and little things that can set you apart from the rest (in a positive way of course ^^)
#23 Sep 25 2009 at 3:15 AM Rating: Good
Most of the fights you heal are basically tank and spank. People take damage and you don't let them die, no big deal. Keep everybody alive and you did great.

Where you show your ability is knowing that a frost bolt is coming that will do 104% damage in 4 seconds, shielding them and doing a Penance when it happens, not waiting to see the damage on your raid frames. On Deconstructer, knowing you are going to start your PoH when you hear the first "No", not wait till you hear the third and see the raids health going down.

If you stay ahead of what the boss is going to do, and have a plan for dealing with special things some of them do, you'll be a hero. You really just need to get in there and experience it.

Edited, Sep 25th 2009 9:08am by dadanox
#24 Sep 25 2009 at 4:20 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
I think you people are forgetting that I've ran Naxx more times than I care to remember.

Right! Shame on us for not keeping your personal play schedule foremost in our minds. Plus, it's not like there are ever other people who might benefit from this discussion, and if there are, shame on them for reading your personal thread!

#25 Sep 25 2009 at 4:48 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
teacake wrote:
Right! Shame on us for not keeping your personal play schedule foremost in our minds. Plus, it's not like there are ever other people who might benefit from this discussion, and if there are, shame on them for reading your personal thread!

Yes, I am an emperor after all.

I really appreciate the heal X or Y is very effective in situation A or B comments, those are awesome. :)
And I guess I'll have to pay more attention to DBM than I usually do so I can keep track of what is going to happen to people other than me. Smiley: tongue

#26 Sep 25 2009 at 5:44 AM Rating: Good
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
I guess I'll have to pay more attention to DBM than I usually do so I can keep track of what is going to happen to people other than me. Smiley: tongue

The key to all this is information. What are you using for raid frames? You need to be able to instantly see which of 10 or 25 people have a disease to cure or magic to dispel, or if it hits multiple people that you need to mass dispel. You need to be aware of who gets a special debuff from a boss, so you can take action rather than just observe the damage.

The most popular raid frames used by healers are Grid, Vuhdo, and Healbot. You may want to consider using one of them. Healbot is pretty simple to setup. Check this video to get started with healbot configuration. I'm currently using Healbot. Here's my old grid configuration post. Vuhdo is capable, but a little confusing to configure. Youtube has some videos on configuration.

Any of these can be used one of 3 ways.
1. Click a person to target, then a hotkey to heal.
2. Mouseover macros - same as above but without the requirement to click and target the person.
3. Mouseclick heals - use a combination of mouse clicks (left, right, middle, shift-left, etc) to cast your different spells. In this scenario, you could left then right click a person to PW:Shield and renew them. Then maybe a side mouse button to Penance or flash heal. This style of healing has a lot of fans and I have switched to it recently.

Yes, you need to watch DBM. As a matter of fact, I have my warnings scaled huge and people yell at me because my interface is ugly. But DBM is just one part. It isn't enough by itself, without a good raid frame setup.

Edited, Sep 25th 2009 10:01am by dadanox
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