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Combustion(and other patch day changes discussed)Follow

#1 Sep 22 2009 at 7:58 AM Rating: Good
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Combustion: This talent now also increases the critical strike damage bonus of Fire spells by 50% while it is active. In addition, Living Bomb periodic ticks will no longer interact with the count or the charges on the talent.

So, yeah. Smiley: drool2

I added the part about other talents so we could discuss it all in one thread.
#2 Sep 22 2009 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
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29,527 posts
While we're at it:


* Arcane Blast: The buff from using this ability now stacks up to 4 times instead of 3, and each application increases mana cost by 175% instead of 200%. In addition, the duration of the buff has been reduced to 6 seconds.
* Arcane Missiles: Casting this spell while both Missile Barrage and Clearcasting are active will cause only Missile Barrage to be consumed.
* Missile Barrage: The effect from triggering this talent now removes the mana cost of Arcane Missiles. In addition, the chance for Arcane Blast to trigger this talent is now 8/16/24/32/40%. All other listed spells continue to have a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to trigger it. This talent no longer has a chance to be triggered when spells miss.

How powerful does this make Arcane comparatively, now? Anyone been following number crunching? Anobix, Filter, I know both of you are less lazy than I am.
#3 Sep 22 2009 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
5,444 posts
Haven't done numbers on Arcane yet, still playing around with FFB.
#4 Sep 22 2009 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
363 posts
There was a EJ post on this... somewhere... it was easier to just calculate the numbers:
New System Old System
AB Mana Cost AB Mana Cost
261 261
718 783
1974 2349
5428 7047
14927 ... repeats
... repeats

The damage buff is the same for the first few stacks: (glyphed) 18%, 39%, 64%... and now 94%

This essentially takes away one of my favorite parts of arcane, which is to just spam AB and dump mana into a fight when necessary. Now we have to actually think, *sigh*.

The buff to Missile Barrage means that there's an 87% chance you proc one on a 4 stack (previously 49% on a 3 stack), so that will be up much more often.

At this point, I'm running out of attention span... but I seem to remember seeing that this puts Arcane back just barely above fire (for those who have the mana). I am sad to lose some of that throttling ability though.

(I fail at formatting, by the way)

Edited, Sep 22nd 2009 12:26pm by boquaz
#5 Sep 22 2009 at 9:14 AM Rating: Good
Beat me to the punch today Pold.

With the new arcane rotation (that's right, it's still pretty much a rotation) of ABx4 AM it brings it about even (and in some cases a % or 2 ahead) of fire. FFB is a couple % below fire and arcane, and frost still brings up the rear.

Combustion is worth speccing back into now (for those who were out of the loop, it was pretty much a wasted talent before this patch and after 3.0). So I think I will be venturing back into arcane and fireball as my two specs again, although unfortunately I am so overburdened with hit gear it won't be pretty (At 419 hit in gear alone).
#6 Sep 22 2009 at 11:05 AM Rating: Good
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29,527 posts
Anobix the Brilliant wrote:
Combustion is worth speccing back into now (for those who were out of the loop, it was pretty much a wasted talent before this patch and after 3.0). So I think I will be venturing back into arcane and fireball as my two specs again, although unfortunately I am so overburdened with hit gear it won't be pretty (At 419 hit in gear alone).

Yeah, I'm pretty much at the same place you are on hit. I can't drop it fast enough for arcane to become a viable option for me at the moment either. Add in the fact that I can't find someone else to reliably keep up the spell crit debuff and it looks like I'll be fire for a long time.

Also, I've had combustion for forever, since I keep forgetting to go spec out of it. Now it looks like I don't have to.
#7 Sep 22 2009 at 12:57 PM Rating: Good
384 posts
I've been overcapped on hit forever too >.<

Seems every upgrade I come across *also* has abunch of unneeded hit on it.
#8 Sep 22 2009 at 1:53 PM Rating: Decent
I personally ADORE this update for Mage(sad on Pally and PvP exp nerfs) because I never liked fire. It's just not what I was into. I also lack the Hit. Now Arcane = less hit needed = back to fun! That and I LOVE Arcane, was always my favorite.
#9 Sep 22 2009 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
On one hand, the changes to arcane that make it tied or slightly better than fire make me happy as I really enjoy arcane, but on the other hand it makes me sad because I just spent 1k gold a week ago so I could dual spec fire. I guess I could always dual spec frost for a pvp spec since I'm on a pvp server and stay in frost whenever I'm out doing dailies.
#10 Sep 23 2009 at 5:35 AM Rating: Decent
I'd say: Well spend 1k gold Pictails for ya Dual-spec!!

Always very handy. Swap round a bit to try new stuff.

Personally I am not a Arcane-fan, but for sure I'll give it a go.

And the combustion thing: Niiize, now Critting for 15k, so that would become 22,5k weeee

Edited, Sep 23rd 2009 9:37am by noalala
#11 Sep 23 2009 at 10:58 AM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
According to talk going around, and my own math from what I've seen from pre patch to post patch, Frost received a ninja buff as well.

Apparantly, a glyphed frostbolt previously kept the 3% damage tax for being a snare. Post patch, this tax has been changed to a small % of crit chance (possible for all snare attacks?).

This basically means that every frostbolt is (tentatively) 3% more powerful, and crits less.

Frost isn't a big deal to anyone but me (since I'm a moron that likes to go against the mold ^_^), but it gives me hope that more help is coming. With enough haste, 3% per frostbolt (mine run at around 1.9 seconds, under self haste buffs it's around 1.6, under self haste + heroism 1.2) turns out to be a lot of extra damage (3% damage boost every two seconds, so 1.5% DPS boost at my current haste level) which scales with gear.

Other than that, looks like Arcane is back in the game, but even more boring.

For my fire spec, do y'all think it's worth speccing back into Combustion now that it does something?
#12 Sep 23 2009 at 12:16 PM Rating: Good
Arcane has been boring for some time now. You can still ramp up and do the ABSpam-Mbar routine, but it really isn't that worthwhile except for extreme burn phases. For Fire the combustion change actually is a dps increase (granted it isn't game-breaking) but if you have the money to respec, I would go ahead and do it. Hey, it will actually give Fire a cooldown to use!
#13 Sep 23 2009 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
How can you say arcane is more boring? I wouldn't say it's less boring by any means, but they did add an extra AB into the ideal rotation, and MB procs every cycle now. How is that *more* boring?
#14 Sep 23 2009 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
well it probably is more boring now, its 4x arc blast instead of 3, basically more mindnumbing spammage. Still, i topped the dps charts in onyxia by over 1200k tonight so alls not bad, hehe.
i do think its silly that arcane is this powerful now though, it used to be the best in short fights, now its best in short and long fights, its unfair in my opinion, the way it was was fine
#15 Sep 23 2009 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
546 posts
CraftyCal wrote:
well it probably is more boring now, its 4x arc blast instead of 3, basically more mindnumbing spammage. Still, i topped the dps charts in onyxia by over 1200k tonight so alls not bad, hehe.

I'd like to say I think you are using that k wrong since that would imply you did over 1.2 million more DPS then anyone else. Hell even if you were talking about damage done that would be a rather significant portion since even in 25 man she only has 24 million HP.

So I would think you mean you did 1.2k more then anyone else quite a feat but not entirely out of the realm of possibility.

#16 Sep 24 2009 at 4:30 AM Rating: Good
631 posts
I respecced into combustion last night and I could've sworn it was still being consumed by LB ticks. I wasn't getting the hot streak procs I would have expected. Might have been imagining it though, need some more trials.

Also need to give arcane a go. Having just rerolled back to my mage, I haven't been arcane since it was pro at T5 level content...could be fun!
#17 Sep 24 2009 at 6:11 AM Rating: Good
LB ticks cannot proc hotstreak.
#18 Sep 24 2009 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
153 posts
Same here Alestian, I was ffb in Naxx and fb/ttw in Ulduar. Switched back to arcane this week for the first time since t5 and like it so far damagewise. Need to refine a few things like i think sometimes im accidentally clipping my last missile with the next AB, and get timing better with IV for my evocates because I had lower activity time than I like. Even with some of the lowest activity times in the raid though I was near the top of the charts for overall damage and usually leading on dps.
Did over 13k dps on Twins and was in the 7-8 range on a lot of the other fights.

Edited, Sep 24th 2009 6:12pm by Toxicityoh
#19 Sep 24 2009 at 11:44 PM Rating: Good
631 posts
LB ticks cannot proc hotstreak.

Aye, that's what I mean - combustion stacking up should've given me hot streak procs from fireballs/the LB explosion, and wasn't.

/shrug. Could well have been my imagination, or I was missing something.

Haven't yet had a chance to play with arcane, looking forward to that tonight!
#20 Sep 25 2009 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
My BADLY geared (Uld10 and below, zero 8.5) did 5.5k in VoA as Arcane. I am very happy. Can't wait to see what I do in T9.
#21 Sep 25 2009 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
Not sure if the Combustion-upgrade works proper. It is suppose to give 50%!! extra damage when it Crits.

So I was hoping to make a Crithit of say 18k (12k + 50% extra (6k)) but did not see any of that :(
#22 Sep 25 2009 at 1:22 AM Rating: Excellent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
noalala wrote:
Not sure if the Combustion-upgrade works proper. It is suppose to give 50%!! extra damage when it Crits.

So I was hoping to make a Crithit of say 18k (12k + 50% extra (6k)) but did not see any of that :(

The critical strike damage part of the crit is increased by 50%, not the size of the total crit. As such, if your regular hits hit for, say, 8k, they'll crit for 12k(100% + 50%) with no talents. With Burnout, they'll crit for 14k(100% + 50% +[50% x 50% = 25%]) and with Burnout and Combustion up, they'd crit for 16k(100% + 50% + 25% +[50% x 50% = 25%]).
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