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Seriously, just freakin' hug him!Follow

#1 Sep 18 2009 at 3:20 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
I can't stress how annoying it is when people ignore my request that they hug whatever I want them to hug, be it the tank or the boss.

Ran a Heroic TotC and during phase 2 they all insisted of trying to DPS down all the ghouls, resulting in the Warrior's (DPS) death when four bloated ghouls went boom next to him. I cast Rebirth on him, but he didn't resurrect. The Black Knight respawned a final time and I told them all to hug the tank so they could benefit from my Wild Growth. No one did and I found that my Nourish spam wasn't fast enough, so I decided to focus on healing myself and the tank, because if I died, he'd die and then everyone would die and the encounter would reset, but to keep myself alive I had to sacrifice the rest. Tank and I two-manned the rest of him (10% or so) while the Warlock and Boomkin died.

Then I got some angry whispers from the Warlock, telling me to resurrect him and that I was a crap healer (or crab healer, to quote his exact words - not sure what I'd rather be). +10 points for smart thinking. Of course I'm going to resurrect him after he's insulted me, especially since the corpse run is so far...

Ugh, it makes my **** boil when people ignore requests from the healer, get mad when they then die and blame the healer for failing. How about you stop sucking and do as you're freaking told?

They had the gear, but not the brains. Most of them were in excellent gear, doing some nice DPS, but they failed utterly at so many basic things I kept wondering how they got that gear in the first place. The Paladin tank didn't dispel the stun during Eadric, almost resulting in the death of the Warlock. And they all tried to DPS down the ghouls instead of just running away.

Maybe I've done that instance too many times, but I know how to make a run painless, or as close to painless as you can get. You have to listen to someone other than yourself, though, which often proves quite a problem.

Ahh, that helped.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#2 Sep 18 2009 at 3:24 PM Rating: Good
I'm on my hunter! I'm hugging as close as I can! Why do I always die?
#3 Sep 18 2009 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
See this all too often. If DPS continue to stand in "why am i getting my *** handed to me" spots after theve been warned, don't heal them at all until they figure it out. Especially after theyve been told a few times. I figure once maybe twice is enough. Making them corpse run is fun also. They'll either /leave party or stop doing it.
#4 Sep 18 2009 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
selebrin wrote:
I'm on my hunter! I'm hugging as close as I can! Why do I always die?

5 yards on shots, 15 yards on Wild Growth. You'd be surprised how many people deal in extremes. Either they stand right in front of me, doing 0 DPS, or they stand 20-40 yards away from me, doing 3-4k DPS for about 5 seconds.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#5 Sep 18 2009 at 4:02 PM Rating: Good
So many idiots out there :)

Like the DPS DK in full Ulduar gear, when I am tanking HToC for the first time in my full crafted & reg ToC gear and then abusing me because I can't hold agro! Or marking a skull on the priestess and seeing one of the party consistantly DPSing the Monk first. Or the tank who doesn't turn his back during raidiance and gets DPS killed while he drops off the agro table briefy.

Actually, my worst was a druid healer who used lifebloom and nourish. I kept telling him he should be keeping regrowth and rejuv up on me all the time, but he just kept doing it his way and we kept dieing :(

#6 Sep 19 2009 at 11:29 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
/hug Mazra

Is it possible that your group was a bit confused as to what you meant (like I was when I started reading the thread--which was quite amusing actually)? I mean, I hardly ever hear the word "hug" in a raid/dungeon context, unless we're sneaking past some mobs in which case the instruction is just as likely to be "stay left" as "hug the wall". On bosses and such it's usually "stay on his ***" or "stack on the tank"--no hugging involved cause I guess it wouldn't be manly enough.

Though unless you're seeing a lot of "Bob hugs *insert boss name here*", "Bob needs a hug!" in chat, it's still not much of an excuse.
#7 Sep 19 2009 at 12:24 PM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
I tend to interchange the word hug with hump.

I'll say things like.

Melee, you hump jarraxus while ranged downs adds.


Oh man, this hunter is trying to tear my face off. I'll root him down and then go hump his leg until he dies from moonfire spam.

Ugh, it makes my **** boil when people ignore requests from the healer...

Does it hurt to pee? Like... a real burning sensation?

Edit: Friar I gaurentee you I could keep you alive just using nourish any heroic. Lifeblooms would just be some fancy glittery pixels for you to see when you tank.

Edited, Sep 19th 2009 3:25pm by ArexLovesPie
#8 Sep 19 2009 at 2:55 PM Rating: Good
I definitely could too. I sit with a rejuv & regrowth on the tank and almost never cast anything else - rarely drop below 90-95% mana. Having those HoT's ticking means if a dps gets hit by something you can throw a heal on them knowing that you have a buffer on your tank. The HoT's allow you to pre-load the healing instead of chasing the damage all the time. His gear couldn't handle his healing style.

And yes, heroic TotC can still be really hard - I have a mix of Naxx & Ulduar25 healing gear (whatever I managed to pick up off-spec) and depending on the group, I can struggle at times. If you get the rogue in the 1st fight, the poison can be brutal and uses a lot of GCD's to abolish poison - if the group members are slow to get out of the poison on the ground you are in trouble (always ask a shammy to drop a cleansing totem). The guy in the 2nd encounter is a piece of cake, but the lady is a pain - so much raid damage being thrown around + significant tank damage + fears is a nasty mix if everyones gear isn't up to scratch - don't fall behind on the HoT's or there is no way you will be able to keep up.

***EDIT - /sigh That last paragraph was in response to Mazra's post in another thread. I thought it was this thread - think i'm going crazy here at work on a Sunday :(

Edited, Sep 20th 2009 1:53am by RareBeast
#9 Sep 20 2009 at 2:53 AM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Lady isyris wrote:
Is it possible that your group was a bit confused as to what you meant (like I was when I started reading the thread--which was quite amusing actually)? I mean, I hardly ever hear the word "hug" in a raid/dungeon context, unless we're sneaking past some mobs in which case the instruction is just as likely to be "stay left" as "hug the wall". On bosses and such it's usually "stay on his ***" or "stack on the tank"--no hugging involved cause I guess it wouldn't be manly enough.

Though unless you're seeing a lot of "Bob hugs *insert boss name here*", "Bob needs a hug!" in chat, it's still not much of an excuse.

Smiley: lol No one was hugging anything, so I think it was a case of failbrain rather than confusion. "Hugging" the boss is a commonly used term on the server I play on right now. We're European and very sure of our sexuality, so we don't need to say manly stuff like "***" and "stack" ... Smiley: dubious

The One and Only ArexLovesPie wrote:
Does it hurt to pee? Like... a real burning sensation?

Like peeing cacti, mate.

Edited, Sep 20th 2009 2:06pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#10 Sep 21 2009 at 4:11 AM Rating: Good
Lady isyris wrote:
/hug Mazra

Is it possible that your group was a bit confused as to what you meant (like I was when I started reading the thread--which was quite amusing actually)? I mean, I hardly ever hear the word "hug" in a raid/dungeon context, unless we're sneaking past some mobs in which case the instruction is just as likely to be "stay left" as "hug the wall". On bosses and such it's usually "stay on his ***" or "stack on the tank"--no hugging involved cause I guess it wouldn't be manly enough.

Though unless you're seeing a lot of "Bob hugs *insert boss name here*", "Bob needs a hug!" in chat, it's still not much of an excuse.

Even if this were the case, the group should have asked for clarification rather than sit silently dumb, so the fault is still on them and their remarkable sum IQ.
#12 Sep 24 2009 at 6:30 AM Rating: Good
496 posts
rdmdontdie wrote:
maybe they just needed better heals, really rejuv and regrowth on everyone should be enough to get through the BK. Also a neat little trick with WG, use it on yourself standing in the center of the group, you'd be amazed how much easier it is to hit everyone then without the need to QQ about it on the interwebz.

Also use real words, like stack, group, stand. WTF is hug, should i spam emotes are you using bad english saying hug the tank as in <3 the tank. Deviating from terms all players know and understand is not a stupidity issue on their part, if i was in your group id have stayed in place also. While people are generally stupid I think in this case you were the one at fault.

IMHO you are making a mountain out of a molehill, on things you could have easily remedied yourself.

Two possibilities here.

You are either a prick or a troll.

Either way, gtfo.
#13 Sep 24 2009 at 7:40 AM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Sub-defaults make me laugh.


Why troll the druid boards?

If we wanted to make Mazra feel like ****, we could do it on our own. @$$clown
#14 Sep 24 2009 at 7:45 AM Rating: Excellent
What I want to know is why the dps (especially the warrior) didn't just release and fly in? This is one of the few instances where one can reenter in the middle of a boss fight.

Either way, this is the reason why my shaman is on retirement, and I'm leveling my priest as shadow and my druid as a boomer.
#15 Sep 24 2009 at 8:26 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
They had the gear, but not the brains. Most of them were in excellent gear, doing some nice DPS, but they failed utterly at so many basic things I kept wondering how they got that gear in the first place.

Just goes to prove anyone can be the 25th man in a raid ;-)

Tank and I two-manned the rest of him (10% or so) while the Warlock and Boomkin died.

Sound like you did fine. There's a lot of avoidable damage in that fight especially for ranged, perhaps they shouldn't stand next to the exploding corpses, just for a change of pace if nothing else?! Can't expect you to do their job and yours too.

I'll roll RJ on the last phase there, but darn if I don't lose people from time to time...


It looks like rdmdontdie wasn't hugged enough...

/hug dude! or um... i guess /stand to use 'real words'
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#16 Sep 24 2009 at 8:37 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
rdmdontdie wrote:
maybe they just needed better heals, really rejuv and regrowth on everyone should be enough to get through the BK. Also a neat little trick with WG, use it on yourself standing in the center of the group, you'd be amazed how much easier it is to hit everyone then without the need to QQ about it on the interwebz.

Also use real words, like stack, group, stand. WTF is hug, should i spam emotes are you using bad english saying hug the tank as in <3 the tank. Deviating from terms all players know and understand is not a stupidity issue on their part, if i was in your group id have stayed in place also. While people are generally stupid I think in this case you were the one at fault.

IMHO you are making a mountain out of a molehill, on things you could have easily remedied yourself.

I'll bite, but only because you somehow got to 1500 posts without being stabbed in the face over the internets.

Okay, Rejuvenation and Regrowth on everyone. Gotcha. Wait, Rejuvenation? Nah, never bought that spell. Psh, I'm all about direct heals, baby! Also, Regrowth? Lol, ever since I glyphed for Starfire, Growl and Barkskin, I stopped using that spell. It's just crap, really. Nourish, man. Nourish... and Growl. Rawr!

Ohh, I can use Wild Growth on myself while standing inbetween the tank and the ranged DPS? Neat! What, with the dozen mouseover macros I run, including one to fix the Wild Growth range bug, I sure never thought of that! You know something else? The range on Wild Growth's AOE effect is 15 yards. When I'm telling people to hug/stack/stand(?) a boss, perhaps it's because they're all over the screen and not just standing together just out of Wild Growth range. Maybe one is standing on the other side of the boss. Of course, I could just run up to the boss and spam AOE heals until he decides I'm an idiot and instagibs me. Yeah.

Real words? Okay, let me enlighten you. The English word 'hug' is a verb and when used with an object refers to:

1. to clasp tightly in the arms, esp. with affection; embrace.
2. to cling firmly or fondly to; cherish: to hug an opinion.
3. to keep close to, as in sailing, walking, or in moving along or alongside of: to hug the shore; to hug the road.

I doubt it would've made much sense if I had yelled out "Just freakin' stand him, seriously!" as we do play on a European server and a lot of people, yourself included, apparently, have issues understanding the English language. You clearly missed the point about me using the word 'hug', though. You say I deviate from terms all players know, yet, I've never heard of stacking on a boss. Oddly enough, the majority of people I've played with have used the phrases 'Hug the boss' and 'Hug the tank' - so tell me how I'm deviating from commonly known terms?

A funny thing I noticed was that you, after having told me about my fail use of the English language with bogus words like 'hug', said you would've just stood still as well - apparently being unable to grasp the concept of hugging something. This shows to me, quite clearly, actually, that you fall into the category of people I "qq on the interwebz" about in my original post. Quite funny, actually.

Heh.. well, no, not really.

I disagree that I'm making a mountain out of a molehill, because quite frankly, if you know something about mountains, making one out of a molehill would be quite the achievement and I'm simply writing words (hopefully not bogus words) on an internet forum. And since you can't actually push people in the game, I dare say this incident is not something I could've fixed myself.

Nice to hear from you, though. I hope you have a pleasant evening. Welcome to the Druid forum.

Galenmoon wrote:
If we wanted to make Mazra feel like sh*t, we could do it on our own.


For those of you who are confused by the above exclamation, I would like to point out that is a bogus word meant to parody 'impossible'. Just, you know, to clear that up. Wouldn't want anyone to wipe in this thread.

Edited, Sep 24th 2009 6:40pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#17 Sep 24 2009 at 8:55 AM Rating: Excellent
Mazra wrote:



Removing the rest of Maz's explaination of the above word....

Edited, Sep 24th 2009 12:56pm by xNocturnalSunx
#18 Sep 24 2009 at 8:57 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Mazra wrote:
Galenmoon wrote:
If we wanted to make Mazra feel like sh*t, we could do it on our own.


For those of you who are confused by the above exclamation, I would like to point out that is a bogus word meant to parody 'impossible'. Just, you know, to clear that up. Wouldn't want anyone to wipe in this thread.

Edited, Sep 24th 2009 6:40pm by Mazra

Mazra looks like a tree. And he smells funny.

Smiley: tongue

So I discovered last night that there's a druid in my guild that goes by Maz, and I got all confused for a was weirdish. He's a kitty though. :p
#19 Sep 24 2009 at 9:36 AM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Lady isyris wrote:
Mazra wrote:
Galenmoon wrote:
If we wanted to make Mazra feel like sh*t, we could do it on our own.


For those of you who are confused by the above exclamation, I would like to point out that is a bogus word meant to parody 'impossible'. Just, you know, to clear that up. Wouldn't want anyone to wipe in this thread.

Edited, Sep 24th 2009 6:40pm by Mazra

Mazra looks like a tree. And he smells funny.

Smiley: tongue

So I discovered last night that there's a druid in my guild that goes by Maz, and I got all confused for a was weirdish. He's a kitty though. :p

Look up Mazra on the Armory.. it's crazy. Four years ago I was the only one with that name on both the European and American servers. Now? Crazy.

/em disguises himself as a tree and makes bird sounds.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#20 Sep 24 2009 at 10:19 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Someone tried to troll the druid boards...

I guess we were due. It had been like what 6 months before someone tried, got raeped and hid in shame.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#22 Sep 24 2009 at 12:59 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#23 Sep 24 2009 at 1:04 PM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
Tact I believe it's called....

Also, you are 1 person out of 11 million. Ok, so maybe the couple thousand people you have come in contact with don't regularly used the word "hug" as a means to tell people to group up.

I'm also 1 person. I have heard it and in fact, use it, quite frequently. I've never had a problem with people comprehending what I'm trying to say.

Hump is also another I use.

If you are running something, 5 man, 10 man, 25 man, whatever, and don't understand that the word hug can be used interchangeably with the words stack, hump, group, etc, then I don't know what to say.

Basic intelligence tells you - The healer said "HUG" the tank. That means get close enough to imitate "hugging" in order to receive AoE heals. Makes perfect sense to anyone with an IQ about 12. (I'm barely breaking that mark at 13 :P lulz)(See how I used humor to soften that statement?)

Either way, TACT. You can haz it.

maybe they just needed better heals
- your healing sucks

without the need to QQ about it on the interwebz.
- stop crying

Also use real words, like stack, group, stand. WTF is hug, should i spam emotes are you using bad english saying hug the tank as in <3 the tank.
- Because I don't use the words you do, yours are wrong and mine are right. I would have blatantly misunderstood you because imo what you are saying makes no sense

See what I'm talking about? You could have put that message in a completely different light and been accepted as a possibility. Instead you came across as a **** and were sub-defaulted.

EDIT: Also, I'm not being a ****, just trying to explain why you were slammed immediately.

EDIT x2: Your Armory link shows you without clothes, perhaps dancing on a mailbox? a/s/l? :P

Edited, Sep 24th 2009 5:06pm by Galenmoon
#25 Sep 24 2009 at 1:33 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Mazra wrote:
Lady isyris wrote:
Mazra wrote:
Galenmoon wrote:
If we wanted to make Mazra feel like sh*t, we could do it on our own.


For those of you who are confused by the above exclamation, I would like to point out that is a bogus word meant to parody 'impossible'. Just, you know, to clear that up. Wouldn't want anyone to wipe in this thread.

Edited, Sep 24th 2009 6:40pm by Mazra

Mazra looks like a tree. And he smells funny.

Smiley: tongue

So I discovered last night that there's a druid in my guild that goes by Maz, and I got all confused for a was weirdish. He's a kitty though. :p

Look up Mazra on the Armory.. it's crazy. Four years ago I was the only one with that name on both the European and American servers. Now? Crazy.

/em disguises himself as a tree and makes bird sounds.

0.o EU and US combined, that's over a hundred... crazy. Is the name from a game or something?

At least it's just shortened name that the Druid I know has in common with you. Smiley: lol

and yay my shammy's name is unique

Edited, Sep 24th 2009 2:35pm by isyris
#26 Sep 24 2009 at 1:39 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
rdmdontdie wrote:
I am a ****, im very short

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