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Help please starting a priestFollow

#1 Sep 18 2009 at 10:32 AM Rating: Good
I am brand new to this game, seeing as to me at least there is nothing on consoles at the moment. I looked at all the classes and I believe a priest seems good. I hear they are very slow to level even at 40 with their Shadowform. My only worry, well among others, is priests seem their greatest when in groups leveling. Since I have no friends on here, will I be waiting around looking for others to help me complete quests that other classes can easily solo? I guess I am just looking for a little direction on starting the class, thank you.
#2 Sep 18 2009 at 10:51 AM Rating: Excellent
DivineShadows wrote:
I am brand new to this game, seeing as to me at least there is nothing on consoles at the moment. I looked at all the classes and I believe a priest seems good. I hear they are very slow to level even at 40 with their Shadowform. My only worry, well among others, is priests seem their greatest when in groups leveling. Since I have no friends on here, will I be waiting around looking for others to help me complete quests that other classes can easily solo? I guess I am just looking for a little direction on starting the class, thank you.

Not at all! They seem slow at first, but it really does go by pretty quickly with Shadowform (at least it did for me, and I've leveled a lot of different types of toons). The only issue you may have is, as mentioned, finding groups for the group quests (especially when you get to Outland... Burning Crusade expansion). At least that's the issue I ran across while leveling her, due to most people quickly going through and moving onto Northrend at level 68.

Even then, I'm quite certain priests can do well doing group quests solo (if you know what you're doing). One quest in Outland requires you to kill giant elite rock guys. I had attempted it on my own and almost got it done. I'm sure I would have done much better if I had better gear at the time.

Priests do do well in group settings, but it's not entirely necessary. I've found on my server though, that I'm constantly being asked to heal instances instead of dps (Shadow specced). But once you get Shadowform, and then eventually Dispersion, you can move through a group of mobs before you'd have to drink to get mana back.

There's not really as many group quests as you think. Even so, you can skip them if you'd like and just continue to focus on the many quests that you can solo.

Anywho, I wouldn't be discouraged with what may or may not be a slow leveling process to you. If you enjoy the class, keep rocking on. If not, you could always give another class of interest a try.

Welcome to WoW.

Edited, Sep 18th 2009 2:52pm by xNocturnalSunx
#3 Sep 18 2009 at 11:22 AM Rating: Excellent
Great advice above.

Don't be afraid to start a priest. Priests are awesome, and if you level as shadow at least at first, I'm sure you wont have any problems at all. No matter what your spec, keep spirit tap until you are at level cap, and get a good wand as soon as you can. Use your wand after you cast a few spells. Wands don't use any mana, can be used close up or ranged, and you don't need any ammo. Wands are super as you are leveling.

The only other advice I wanted to give is that having a little money makes things go easier. For that, take up skinning, and either herbalism or mining as soon as you can. Sell everything you skin and gather on the AH, and you will have plenty of gold for your skills and that nice wand. Don't worry, you can always change professions later if you want to.

Good luck. Play a few different classes, but enjoy your priest.
#4 Sep 18 2009 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
I know this probably isnt as relevant, but does Alliance or Horde matter a lot? Is one easier to start than the other? Im not looking for the easy way out, just an easy beginning into the game I suppose. Ive been looking at races, I cant decide between Draenei, troll, dwarven, or blood elf. I think out of all of those, the ones I am most interested in are trolls or dwarves. The blood elf area looks cool, but I like the fact, at least I have read, the least played races are trolls and dwarves. Any other thoughts? Thanks again.
#5 Sep 18 2009 at 11:28 AM Rating: Good
1,574 posts
Buy good wands off the AH until you get shadowform. Put your first few points into spirit tap. That's pretty much all you need to know to level up smoothly. Remember that you don't have to do group quests: the XP and rewards aren't much better than normal quests, and so the extra time is hard to justify if all you're interested in is levelling. On the other hand, if you want to do them for the challenge and the experience, go for it.

If you start as a Draenai or Blood Elf, you'll be in well-designed starter zones; the quests in other areas aren't quite as well laid out. Still, any race will make a fine priest at endgame.
#6 Sep 18 2009 at 11:33 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
emmitsvenson wrote:
If you start as a Draenai or Blood Elf, you'll be in well-designed starter zones; the quests in other areas aren't quite as well laid out. Still, any race will make a fine priest at endgame.

I rolled a human priest and took the time to walk to the Draenai starter zone. It is that much better. Both in rewards and general quest flow.

Also the wand thing is huge. If you haven't replaced your wand in ~4 levels go hit the AH. It matters.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Sep 18 2009 at 11:40 AM Rating: Good
I think Draenei may be good, I think one of their early quests get a wand. I guess I just have nervousness about starting a type of game ive never played before. Also, I was wondering, is herbalism a good gathering profession? I hear you get more out of mining, but I was thinking plant gathering would be a better fit than a pick axe.
#8 Sep 18 2009 at 12:12 PM Rating: Excellent
Copper ore (the first ore) probably sells a little better than Peacebloom (the first herb), but don't let that stop you. Either one is a fine gathering profession and as you level, both will make you plenty of gold.
#9 Sep 18 2009 at 12:54 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I second everything everyone else has said. With all this great advice, you really don't need me to chime in, but it's what I do.

Roll Alliance if you must, I guess. >:-(

However, as to this:

DivineShadows wrote:
I just have nervousness about starting a type of game ive never played before

One great thing about WoW is that virtually nothing is irreversible. Don't like your race, class, etc? Start over, you can have 10 characters per server. Don't like your profession? You can unlearn it and pick up another. Don't like your hair? Barber shop! All these things will take varying degrees of time to reverse, but there's really no mistake you should be afraid to make. You can even change a character's name, faction, or server, but those things cost real life money.

So really don't be afraid to experiment and check stuff out. And if you end up grouping with people, tell them you're new to WoW; most will just assume you're a longtime player starting a new character, and they'll sound like they're speaking in code, not to be jerks, but just because they don't realize. Most people will treat you right if they know you're new. :)

Don't be afraid to stop by with more questions! We love new priests.
#10 Sep 18 2009 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
I see you dont like my choice of the alliance, but I jest. Trolls really look appealing to me. Anyway, why is spirit tap so important?
#11 Sep 18 2009 at 5:16 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
DivineShadows wrote:
Anyway, why is spirit tap so important?

It's how priests solo efficiently without having to stop to drink. No downtime = faster leveling (but less time to get cookies out of the oven).

This is the buff Spirit Tap gives you when it kicks in, which is every time you get the killing blow:
Spirit increased by 100% and allows 83% of mana regeneration while casting.

Translation: Your mana regen is increased, both while casting (a boost) and not casting (a big boost). For WoW's purposes, "not casting" means you haven't cast a spell for 5 seconds (commonly known as the "five second rule" or FSR); it has nothing to do with whether or not you're in combat.

So, if you wand for the last few seconds of every fight, you'll be out of that five second rule when Spirit Tap kicks in and get the fullest benefit from it. Your mana will probably be full up or close to it by the time you get to the next mob.
#12 Sep 18 2009 at 7:06 PM Rating: Excellent
I wish I had tried spirit tap when I was leveling. I went from 1 to 70 as holy without it, which meant I drank a lot more water.

You can have fun on either faction. Some of us here are alliance, and some of us are horde. It's your choice. Remember, you can try both. I actually have an AH toon on both sides, because I enjoy making my money as a disenchanter on both factions.

Edited, Sep 18th 2009 11:17pm by dadanox
#13 Sep 19 2009 at 3:43 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
You can have fun on either faction.

Yes. You can have fun playing on one, and beating on the other. :D

I kid. All joking aside, you will get people actually seriously trying to tell you that one side has better or more mature or just generally nicer players. It's not true. No doubt this will come as a big shock to you, but: there are jerks everywhere.

And the Alliance cities and towns are better. There, I said it.

I agree you should just pick the race that appeals to you most and start from there. It's also fun, later, to try the opposite faction just to check out the areas you've not seen yet. Once in a while I toy with the idea of leveling an Alliance Death Knight just because I've never seen their towns in Northrend.
#14 Sep 19 2009 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
I am really having a hard time deciding between trolls and draenei, I kind of think draenei are too big and bulky, and there always are dwarves.
#15 Sep 19 2009 at 1:41 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
DivineShadows wrote:
I am really having a hard time deciding between trolls and draenei, I kind of think draenei are too big and bulky, and there always are dwarves.

When in doubt, go with the one with whose dance you like the best.

actually I so hate the blood elf dance :(
#16 Sep 19 2009 at 3:18 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Duchess xNocturnalSunx wrote:
Not at all! They seem slow at first, but it really does go by pretty quickly with Shadowform (at least it did for me, and I've leveled a lot of different types of toons). The only issue you may have is, as mentioned, finding groups for the group quests (especially when you get to Outland... Burning Crusade expansion). At least that's the issue I ran across while leveling her, due to most people quickly going through and moving onto Northrend at level 68.

Even then, I'm quite certain priests can do well doing group quests solo (if you know what you're doing). One quest in Outland requires you to kill giant elite rock guys. I had attempted it on my own and almost got it done. I'm sure I would have done much better if I had better gear at the time.

Priests do do well in group settings, but ...

You said do do... heh heheh hhehehehhheheh
#17 Sep 19 2009 at 4:51 PM Rating: Good
I am partial to the troll Brazilian inspired dance, though I cant help but feel if you were face to face with a troll, he wouldnt heal you.
#18 Sep 20 2009 at 5:42 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
teacake wrote:
And the Alliance cities and towns are better. There, I said it.
Thunder Bluff > Any other town.

teacake wrote:
actually I so hate the blood elf dance :(
Beats the female undead dance by miles... you can't really call that a dance... Smiley: frown
#19 Sep 20 2009 at 8:20 AM Rating: Good
The tauren in general look wonderful, love the Native American vibe.
#20 Sep 20 2009 at 1:41 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Thunder Bluff > Any other town.

WhatEVER. Stormwind FTW. I often sing the Stormwind song while running errands around town.

I assume the funny looks I get when doing this are because of the conflict with the Horde sticker on the back of my car, right?
#21 Sep 20 2009 at 3:04 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
teacake wrote:
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Thunder Bluff > Any other town.

WhatEVER. Stormwind FTW. I often sing the Stormwind song while running errands around town.

I assume the funny looks I get when doing this are because of the conflict with the Horde sticker on the back of my car, right?
Stormwind is cool too, but nothing equals thunderbluffs awesomeness.

And what song? I haven't had ingame music turned on for the last... euh... 2.5 years :P
#22 Sep 20 2009 at 6:58 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
You can download the WoW music player and play it, like, all the time! Preferably while wearing your World of Warcraft clothing!

It's the choral part with the guys with the booming voices in the Stormwind song that I like.

#23 Sep 20 2009 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Stormwind is cool too, but nothing equals thunderbluffs awesomeness.

#24 Sep 21 2009 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
129 posts
Aethien wrote:
Stormwind is cool too, but nothing equals thunderbluffs awesomeness.

I have to agree for two reasons, less crowds and nothing beats running your mount off TB and hitting levitate for the simple fun of seeing how far you can get... Add some Nova and wings for style points.
#25 Sep 23 2009 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
I partial to Draenei because I can hit around level 22 by the time I finish up both starter islands. Plus the rewards are really nice.

Blood elves have a nice starter zone as well. Due to the BC expansion coming out, both race zones provide really nice rewards for their levels.

I had originally started my draenei because of the racial they had, until Blizzard took it away and made it universal.

But, it all really depends on what you'll be able to stand looking at for 80 levels. (Unless of course, you pay for a race change).

And Trylofer Smiley: lol
#26 Sep 23 2009 at 7:55 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Duchess xNocturnalSunx wrote:

But, it all really depends on what you'll be able to stand looking at for 80 levels.

To quote Mikelolol when I talked about my blood elf's nice hair: "the most important racial of all."

(My undead also has good hair.)
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