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Measuring your dpsFollow

#1 Sep 15 2009 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I've been slowly gearing up my feral druid. A lot slower than it would probably take a lot of Alla readers but I'm fairly casual, plus I have a few alts on the go. :) My gear is mostly from heroics with the T8 chest and the shoulders and neck from TOC.

Anyway my dps in heroic 5mans is usually between 1800dps and 2200dps. I'm comfortable with my rotation. Mobs just die too quickly in normal heroics these days for me to get some good dps in, with most groups I'm lucky if I can get 4/5 cp's up on a mob before he dies so no time for rips or FB's.

The other night the heroic daily was Halls of Lightning. We had a highly geared group and so we steamrolled through the instance real quick, at the end my dps was around 1850 according to my recount. The party leader then posted their recount for only the Loken boss fight, and I had around 3400dps.

Our group then decided to have a go at H-TOC, and I tagged along. I finished the instance with dps of 2600 or so.

So mobs with higher HP = more dps for me!

Am I Naxx ready? I usually tell people I'm a 2200dps and that usually scares them off. But it seems if the mobs stay on their feet longer, I can easily do more. So which measurement of my dps do I use when trying to get into groups? Can I say I'm a 3400dps on bosses?

Edited, Sep 16th 2009 3:14am by apothik

Edited, Sep 16th 2009 3:15am by apothik
#2 Sep 15 2009 at 8:08 PM Rating: Good
If a fight is a few seconds, we do really well while we smash through our initial 100 energy. If it is a bit longer, then our DPS slows as the lack of energy hits. Then it jumps up significantly once we get that SavageRoared 5pt Rip going. As far as the best measure I look at it this way - if the fight is over so quick that you can't get to that higher level of DPS, then it doesn't really matter how much DPS you do as the fight is going to be finished so quick anyway.

Anyway - tell them the higher figure - it'll get you into the group and heroics are easy, so it's not likely to be an issue after that anyway :)

#3 Sep 16 2009 at 2:21 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
If you have any epic gear at all, you're pretty much ready for Naxx (as DPS). There's only one hard gear check (Patchwerk), and one coordination/gear check (Thaddius). As for your gear...

You have PvP enchants on your head and shoulders. These should be switched for PvE 'chants. Head from Ebon Blade, shoulders from Sons of Hodir.

Your wrists are enchanted for Strength. Replace with AP ASAP.

Your weapon isn't enchanted... at all. You should fix that. 110 AP is cheap, or pony up for berserker if you have a lot of cash.

Replace your hand enchant with Agility. 15 Agi is good, 20 Agi is better.

Get your tier 8.5 helm. Make sure you have it socketed so your Relentless Earthsiege Diamond meta gem works.

Your belt should have an agility gem in it. The only gems you should ever use are Agi (Red), Agi/Crit (orange), +10 stats (prismatic), and maybe 1 Agi/Stam (purple) if you can't afford a +10 stats gem. Try to put your purple/prismatic gem in a blue socket where the socket bonus is Agi, AP, or Crit. An orange Agi/Crit gem in a yellow socket where the socket bonus is a DPS stat is generally better than just socketing for Agi.

Your legs and boots aren't enchanted either. AP/Crit armor kit for your legs, 16 Agi for your boots. Run speed doesn't help cats when you already have 2/2 Feral Swiftness.

For your trinkets, get a Mirror of Truth and a Darkmoon Card: Greatness. Or the ArP trinket from normal ToC. In order, these go Greatness > Banner of Victory > Mirror of Truth.

I'm not trying to be rude, but I'm a little surprised you hit 3400 DPS with the gear you have. The only thing I can think of off hand is that the fight was under a min, so your initial burst with Berserk brought your average way up. I'd guess you're a solid 3k DPS over a 3 min sustained fight.
#4 Sep 16 2009 at 10:56 AM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Belt buckle, get one of them as well and slap a gem in it. If possible since the belt buckle socket doesn't have a color use it to help activate your meta. Well you don't have a meta hat but if you did.

They have meta hats in VH, OC, raids and badges. Get one and slap a RED in there.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#5 Sep 16 2009 at 5:05 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
A big thanks to both of you!

I've got some work to do on enchants/gems/buckles.

Astarinthedruid, noone was more surprised than I was when recount said 3400dps so no offence taken. You're right though, Loken went down fast so that probably explains it.

I got myself into a heroic 25man VOA run last night, first VOA ever, first 25man ever... was good fun!! We one-shot all the bosses and I managed 2956 dps on Emalon so your guess of 3k is right on the money. I made some mistakes on my rotation so I reckon I could push it a little higher too.

p.s... I've got a mongoose enchant sitting in the bank, I've been waiting for an upgrade on my Staff of Trickery to slap it on. And the pvp enchants are just temporary until I can motivate myself to grind the Hodir rep... yeah I gotta knuckle down. :(

#6 Sep 16 2009 at 5:19 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
apothik wrote:
p.s... I've got a mongoose enchant sitting in the bank, I've been waiting for an upgrade on my Staff of Trickery to slap it on. And the pvp enchants are just temporary until I can motivate myself to grind the Hodir rep... yeah I gotta knuckle down. :(

To be perfectly blunt.

Often when PuGing slots for raids I will not take people who don't have proper enchants and having no enchant on a key piece like a weapon is a definite, 'No way in hel1 am I gonna take that guy.'

I am the same way with gems.


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#7 Sep 16 2009 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
To be perfectly blunt.

Often when PuGing slots for raids I will not take people who don't have proper enchants and having no enchant on a key piece like a weapon is a definite, 'No way in hel1 am I gonna take that guy.'

I am the same way with gems.

I haven't bothered with enchanting much of my gear because I've been trying for the better stuff in ToC, then I can go nuts. Unfortunately it only spits out cloth or plate when I'm around.

But yeah not doing the weapon was just being el cheapo. /slap.
#8 Sep 16 2009 at 5:40 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
apothik wrote:
And the pvp enchants are just temporary until I can motivate myself to grind the Hodir rep... yeah I gotta knuckle down. :(

Why do you think I leveled Inscription as one of my professions?
#9 Sep 17 2009 at 3:59 AM Rating: Good
Hodir takes two weeks and it's some of the easiest daily gold you can earn...I don't really see why anybody considers it a grind Smiley: dubious

Edited, Sep 17th 2009 7:59am by Norellicus
#10 Sep 17 2009 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Staff problem fixed. :)

Also got the Mask of Distant Memory, didn't get a chance to gem/enchant it yet. Interestingly, none of the JC's in trade had the recipe for Relentless Earthsiege Diamond, and there were none on AH.

Hodir's next on my list.
#11 Sep 17 2009 at 8:00 PM Rating: Good
Hodir takes two weeks and it's some of the easiest daily gold you can earn...I don't really see why anybody considers it a grind

As someone who did this simultaneously on 4 toons, I can tell you it does become a grind! :) If I have a choice between running an instance, leveling an alt or grinding dailys for rep, Hodir comes a distant 3rd. But it has to be done, and it is good money which makes it easier.

#12 Sep 18 2009 at 10:04 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
I just don't like doing the same quests over and over. I don't even do the cooking daily, and that takes, what, 10 minutes of running around Dalaran? Dailies are boring.....
#13 Sep 22 2009 at 3:28 AM Rating: Good
29 posts
It isn't hard but its just so wearisome doing the same damn quests every day! A bit like work and this is supposed to be fun!
#14 Sep 22 2009 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
A bit like work and this is supposed to be fun!

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. :)
#15 Sep 22 2009 at 10:36 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Ah, Feral...

Edit: Derail incoming - sorry.

It's really odd, because I can remember the days where playing as a Druid involved running with a Balance/Resto spec, stabbing stuff with your knife while healing yourself. I remember being in love with Feral from the moment its improved and updated version hit the streets and I remember the shaking and trembling the first time I experienced the pure sex of Mangle.

Now... not so much. At level 80 I found it natural to go Feral DPS/Tank, because that's what I've been doing through all of The Burning Crusade and some of Vanilla, hell, ever since it was an option, really. I went out and got me some epics, read up on rotations (or priorities, whatever), went into some heroics and delivered solid crap. No, really, it was. Decked in epics from head to toe and I was lucky if I could push 1800 DPS on bosses. On trash the rotations (or priorities, sorry) was complex enough to give me a mild seizure and if something went wrong - it should be noted here that later experience would tell me that this happens a lot - I'd easily lose 500 DPS before getting back on track again.

And that's without even mentioning tanking. I wanted to be a good tank, because I feel I've been throughout the game, just as I've always been good DPS. During TBC, I really polished up my tanking and felt comfortable with the rotations and stuff. Now... not so much either. Far too often did I join a group where I, despite being outgeared for the instance, had issues holding aggro if there was more than one or two mobs. Swipe spam? Yeah, not really my kind of fun, but it was necessary to keep that Skillstorm Warrior alive to continue his self-destructive fetishism.

All-in-all, DPS became a nightmare and tanking became Russian roulette, where you might win and have an awesome run or you might lose and wipe enough to make people leave your group and berate you for your performance. Not ideal when you're a tank.

I switched to Restoration/Balance, because ultimately I was sick of having a job that dealt in extremes. As a healer, believe it or not, you have way less responsibility. You join a group, keep them alive for half an hour, and people love you. Of course, the skill lies in not to do any instances you aren't horribly outgeared for - hence my earlier thread about Tree of Life numbers.

I only found it natural to go Moonkin for my alternate spec, seeing as I how I'd heard so much about Moonkin DPS, plus I thought if I went caster/caster, I didn't need to worry about fighting Rogues for loot. Turns out, I cared more about healing than DPS, probably because it's easier to find a group when you're a healer, but due to Moonkin being so bloody awesome, I could actually switch spec, keep my healing gear on and still outperform my epic'd Feral spec DPS-wise. Not sure if I should cry or laugh at it, but it's a bit sad, isn't it?

Really, I can join any heroic as Boomkin, wearing my healing gear, and do 2-3k DPS by spamming Hurricane alone. More than two mobs in a pull? Hurricane and get instant 3k DPS. Boss fight? Pop Treants and Starfall, get an Eclipse proc and do an easy 3k there as well. I get 350 crit rating and 450 haste rating from my healing gear. I swap out the bracers for some with +33 hit rating (1% hit or so), for that extra DPS, plus I switch to a crappy Moonkin idol, just because my Resto idol does nothing to my DPS.

I was Feral DPS/Resto healing at one point. After getting sick of Feral DPS, I went to the trainer, changed my Feral spec to a Moonkin spec, sold all my Feral gear (except the PvP stuff), went into a heroic and did almost twice the DPS of when I was Feral. It just doesn't seem right.

Overlord Norellicus wrote:
Hodir takes two weeks and it's some of the easiest daily gold you can earn...I don't really see why anybody considers it a grind Smiley: dubious

I still haven't started them. Two weeks, you say? In two weeks I went from barely being able to heal regular level 80 instances to now being able to farm heroics. I got two T8 pieces and I only need my wrists, rings and trinkets to get the epic achievement, but I fear I won't get it without going to Naxx a bit.

So why haven't I done Sons of Hodir yet? Why settle for 23 spell power and resilience when I could get 24 spell power and some mana regen? Because I absolutely loathe rep grind. I've gotten Wyrmrest and Kirin Tor to exalted through heroics (tabards, weee) and I'm now working on my Knights of the Ebon Blade (just need friendly before I can get their tabard). I don't see myself doing dailies for two weeks just to get some 6 mp5. Really don't.

If that's enough to exclude me from Naxx PUGs, well, I'm not sure I'd want to raid with someone who focuses on my shoulder augmentation rather than my overall stats, anyway. I think I'm better geared than most Naxx entry level healers. Entry level, because obviously you'll come across those Uld25 geared ones who are there for the emblems. I might lack 6 mp5 on my shoulders, but I've done so many heroics I no longer find any upgrades there. Not even H-TotC offers me anything anymore. Only upgrades I can find are bought for emblems and now that I have my T8 helm, I need T7 stuff (60 emblems to downgrade? Sure thing, boss!) or the gear you get from Triumph emblems - 2 emblems a day, 35-45 emblems a piece. Yeah, I think I'll wait.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2009 8:41am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#16 Sep 23 2009 at 5:02 AM Rating: Good
Maz, I don't mean to sound rude but your outlook on feral is ridiculously narrow minded.

For starters, simple logic should already be able to explain why it's not necessarily top dog on trash groups, and comparing to someone who can bust a heavy sustained aoe (moonkin/bladestorm warrior) is just silly. Feral dps is like a rogue, you know that. Rogues don't generally top trash charts either, they were designed for high single target sustained damage.

Secondly, your damage on a boss is similarly limited by the fact that heroics bosses don't last more than sixty seconds, which is hardly enough time to get all your effects up AND let them run their course, which is what our damage is also tuned on. Blizzard balances this whole game around the endgame raider, and has been since vanilla; the discrepancy lies in that as raiding has more or less stayed on a given plane of complexity, lower content (such as dungeons/heroics) has been simplified. The side effect of this is that the tuning built for the raider doesn't work out so well in environments where a good many of the raider variables don't come into play. The upswing of this effect is that you don't actually have to be at your absolute best 24/7/365 to succeed in basic dungeons.

As for tanking, all I can say is that you're either running into terrible circumstances a lot with people who don't know what they're doing or you're out of practice. I tank religiously and have zero problems keeping threat on trash groups, even against heavy aoe like blizzard/hurricane...the secret being that they wait before unleashing those things so I actually have an aggro lead. No tank can retain aggro from someone who opens with a well-equipped bladestorm right as the pack arrives; Paladin has a chance of catching a lead thanks to their inherent stuns giving a few seconds of breathing before the pack decides to eat the dps for lunch, but I guarantee you every tank would prefer you give them just three GCDs to get started before jumping in. Those 3 GCDs should be enough for any tank to get at least 10k threat out, which is plenty to retain a lead against 4k+ dps per target.

Maybe I'm delusional, I don't know. What I do know is that I get tells after virtually any instance I tank from folks saying that I did a really good job and they didn't feel like they were in danger at all. Either these people thank every tank who doesn't get them killed or I did something unique that they don't normally see. I also make top 5 in most raid encounters where I'm not having to run around like an idiot (and top 10 when I do). I don't even care about the meters, I never run one (more necessity than desire though, it tends to lag me out); but I often get quiet compliments from folks. These things may be a product of other people compensating for my performance/not performing as well, but I'd like to think that my guild is pretty darn skilled, as most of them have been doing this longer than I have.

Please understand I'm not trying to attack you or toot my own horn saying OMG FEARLZ IZ TEH BESTEST!1!!`one; I can respect that sometimes people's likes and dislikes change, and they may find one style of play more appealing than another. But to assert that feral is in a sad state of affairs because you can seem to put out more damage in non-optimal gear as a moonkin than you can in optimal gear as feral, based solely on circumstances that already favor the just doesn't jive.

As for the Hodir bit, I'll stress again that rep grind aside, they're really easy for dailies. I recognize some people aren't hard up for gold but as a centralized hub where you can get ~200g in less than an hour, it's pretty nice. Certainly better than chasing down onesie twosie dailies in the other parts of the world.
#17 Sep 23 2009 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts

apothik wrote:
Measuring your dps

...with your epeen.


Edit: In regards to mazra's post. I see his point. I hate having to be hyper-involved in my rotations that if I were to make a single mistake my dps drops heavily. Well with eclipse it's all rng so I'm not near as fault as I would be for letting something like SR to drop off.

I will though from a raiding stand point disagree with the whole "you don't need a shoulder enchant." That to me and my guildies sounds like you're not serious about raiding and all you are there for is for free epics. This doesn't fly with me and never will. If you want to raid and be great at what you do. You min/max your character, you have two crafting professions, and you're exalted with hodir. But, as I said, thats the raiding side of me.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2009 10:53am by ArexLovesPie
#18 Sep 23 2009 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
Maz, I don't mean to sound rude but your outlook on feral is ridiculously narrow minded.

I was aware it might seem like that. Please do keep in mind that I've played since the beta ('04) and have been with Feral through its ups and downs. I do love the talent tree, but I don't love the way it works right now. I'm working on a tank set so I can help my guild out, but I found Moonkin to be a million times easier than Feral in terms of DPS, delivering not only the same result, but actually one better, without me having to min/max everything. I'm (hopefully) not coming out as saying Feral is pure crap, I just wanted to state the fact that when your main spec is Restoration, having your off-spec be Balance will be a much easier way to achieve high DPS with minimal effort. Yes, Feral can deliver some great results, but you need to min/max and you need to become seriously awesome at knowing what to do and when to do it.

And Arex, I've begun on my DPS set now that I'm doing regular runs with my guild. With 33 hit rating and 2/2 Balance of Power (they nerfed it in the patch, didn't they?), I do about 3-4k on most stuff now. Just got a new head item and a mace so I can regem my dagger for DPS. You misunderstood the part about the shoulder augment, though. I didn't mean to come off as not believeing augments were important. I do have shoulder enchants (hell, I'll just call them enchants from now on), but instead of grinding my *** off for two weeks, I bought the stuff from Wintergrasp. Not optimal, no, but better than nothing, wouldn't you agree? I've just started on the Sons of Hodir questline and hopefully I'll be ready to do dailies before weekend.

Finally, Norecllicus, I know what you mean when you say that people compliment you after your runs. When I tanked during TBC, I would get whispers just like that throughout runs and after. I consider myself pretty good at tanking, but something has changed in the way people behave now. Maybe I should give it a shot now that I'm in a guild, but right now I'm also getting compliments for my DPS and healing. Unless they implement tri-spec, I can't see myself going back to Feral. At least not right now.

So, yeah, I'm sorry if I came off as a little narrow-minded, but I was literally baffled beyond my imagination when I loaded up a Boomkin spec, equipped my healer gear and pushed out almost double my Feral's DPS on single targets. Right now I dare be so bold as to claim that the Feral tree is broken in that it requires massive skill and min/maxing to perform as well as others. Of course, I can't speak for every class out there, but from what I've seen, it appears so.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#19 Sep 23 2009 at 1:38 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Maz wrote:
you need to become seriously awesome at knowing what to do and when to do it.

Feral DPS system is one of the hardest in the game and takes a lot of practice to get good at using. I ***** sometimes since I usually tank and make a bad decision or fat finger something.

Maz wrote:
Not optimal, no, but better than nothing, wouldn't you agree?

Yes but if I have a choice between someone in roughly equal gear and the difference is PvP vs Hodir enchant I take the Hodir person. PvP wins over no enchant since that is just plain lazy.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#20 Sep 23 2009 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
Maz wrote:
Not optimal, no, but better than nothing, wouldn't you agree?

Yes but if I have a choice between someone in roughly equal gear and the difference is PvP vs Hodir enchant I take the Hodir person. PvP wins over no enchant since that is just plain lazy.

Luckily I'm not in a min/max guild like that and hopefully you base your calls on more than just 8 mp5. Smiley: tongue

Cause, you know, you picked the one with the Hodir enchant, so you didn't get me. And I'm awesome.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#21 Sep 23 2009 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Mazra wrote:
Horsemouth wrote:
Maz wrote:
Not optimal, no, but better than nothing, wouldn't you agree?

Yes but if I have a choice between someone in roughly equal gear and the difference is PvP vs Hodir enchant I take the Hodir person. PvP wins over no enchant since that is just plain lazy.

Luckily I'm not in a min/max guild like that and hopefully you base your calls on more than just 8 mp5. Smiley: tongue

Cause, you know, you picked the one with the Hodir enchant, so you didn't get me. And I'm awesome.

Well when PuGing you had no idea if a person is competent or not so all you can judge on is gear. Getting Hodir enchants takes planning and time so usually indicates a player has some idea of how to play their class.

Also Maz, I would take you if you had on leather of the Bandit gear and were trying to heal just for the pure hilarious factor of it all.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#22 Sep 23 2009 at 3:16 PM Rating: Good
1,264 posts
Mazra wrote:
When I tanked during TBC, I would get whispers just like that throughout runs and after. I consider myself pretty good at tanking, but something has changed in the way people behave now.

Absolutely. With all the changes for bring the player, not the class, players behave a lot differently. You mentioned being able to spam Hurricane and do 2-3k dps. Well, most classes were given similar abilities, without the drawbacks that came with it during TBC. I.e., in TBC if people had spammed AOE'd on trash, they would have died. Now in Wrath, people expect to be able to go balls-to-the-wall and have the tank hold aggro. In part, I blame Pally tanks for this (not the players, but Blizz's end). Towards the end of TBC, Pally tanks became the be-all end-all for people because they could round everything up and hold it, while dps went to town. Blizz decided that all tanks should be able to this (bring the player, not the class) and with Wrath players expected to be able to AoE everything and became very impatient. Plus, they effectively removed CC, so no one has to worry about knowing mechanics other than max dps. A lot of people that haven't been playing the game for long (late TBC or even Wrath entrants) do not understand this. The current situation is all they've ever known.
#23 Sep 23 2009 at 5:22 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
Also Maz, I would take you if you had on leather of the Bandit gear and were trying to heal just for the pure hilarious factor of it all.

You know, it's funny, because I'm starting to think there's a conspiracy out there. Every single time I join a PUG, it ends badly. It should probably be noted here that I have nothing to do with it, but seriously. Mages who Blizzard single targets. Warlocks who spam Soul Drain. Hunters who use Arcane Shot and, oh, auto-shot. Warriors who appear to be on something very energetic and insist on tanking stuff instead of the tank. Druid healers who run with specs like this <- I kid you not, by the way. He had to pop Innervate, plus borrow mine, plus use a potion during a trash pull in Halls of Lightning.

What the hell is wrong with people? I had a Shaman pull aggro from a Death Knight tank on group pulls in Heroic Utgarde Keep. He kept fighting the targets that didn't have skulls on them and when asked to at least reduce aggro by using Windshear or whatever it's called, he refused and told me his DPS would suffer. He was doing 1.6k on bosses. I had a Rogue who kept pulling aggro from everything because he was using AOE abilities (Blade Flurry, I guess?), but he refused to use Tricks of the Trade. Hell, I even went with a Hunter once whom I ordered to use Misdirection on the tank before engaging group pulls because the tank was struggling to keep aggro. The Hunter said he didn't need to because he didn't pull aggro (no ****, dumbass, but everyone else does) and later revealed to me that he didn't even have the damn ability - he simply hadn't bought it! We're talking someone in Naxx10/25 gear here, people.

It amazes me to no end how many clueless people there are out there. In the case of the above mentioned Druid healer, I told him to respec to something that at least included Wild Growth. He told me he was doing Arena and needed his hybrid spec.

What the hell, good sir, are you planning to achieve in the Arenas with Improved Insect Swarm and reduced threat on Balance spells? Oh, Nourish spam you say? Good thing you didn't pick up all those unnecessary talents that increases your mp5, because god forbid you'd have mana left when you die. It's much easier to just say OOM and fold, right?

My friends list is booming with people that I'm never going to group with - ever. Anyone know of a good addon that does that for you? An ignore list with the possibility of adding notes?

I swear to god, I'm gonna Fraps a run soon and post it, just so you can see I'm not kidding.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#24 Sep 23 2009 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
Mazra wrote:
Horsemouth wrote:
Also Maz, I would take you if you had on leather of the Bandit gear and were trying to heal just for the pure hilarious factor of it all.

You know, it's funny, because I'm starting to think there's a conspiracy out there. Every single time I join a PUG, it ends badly. It should probably be noted here that I have nothing to do with it, but seriously. Mages who Blizzard single targets. Warlocks who spam Soul Drain. Hunters who use Arcane Shot and, oh, auto-shot. Warriors who appear to be on something very energetic and insist on tanking stuff instead of the tank. Druid healers who run with specs like this <- I kid you not, by the way. He had to pop Innervate, plus borrow mine, plus use a potion during a trash pull in Halls of Lightning.

What the hell is wrong with people? I had a Shaman pull aggro from a Death Knight tank on group pulls in Heroic Utgarde Keep. He kept fighting the targets that didn't have skulls on them and when asked to at least reduce aggro by using Windshear or whatever it's called, he refused and told me his DPS would suffer. He was doing 1.6k on bosses. I had a Rogue who kept pulling aggro from everything because he was using AOE abilities (Blade Flurry, I guess?), but he refused to use Tricks of the Trade. Hell, I even went with a Hunter once whom I ordered to use Misdirection on the tank before engaging group pulls because the tank was struggling to keep aggro. The Hunter said he didn't need to because he didn't pull aggro (no sh*t, dumbass, but everyone else does) and later revealed to me that he didn't even have the damn ability - he simply hadn't bought it! We're talking someone in Naxx10/25 gear here, people.

It amazes me to no end how many clueless people there are out there. In the case of the above mentioned Druid healer, I told him to respec to something that at least included Wild Growth. He told me he was doing Arena and needed his hybrid spec.

What the hell, good sir, are you planning to achieve in the Arenas with Improved Insect Swarm and reduced threat on Balance spells? Oh, Nourish spam you say? Good thing you didn't pick up all those unnecessary talents that increases your mp5, because god forbid you'd have mana left when you die. It's much easier to just say OOM and fold, right?

My friends list is booming with people that I'm never going to group with - ever. Anyone know of a good addon that does that for you? An ignore list with the possibility of adding notes?

I swear to god, I'm gonna Fraps a run soon and post it, just so you can see I'm not kidding.

Damn man, I suddenly understand all your frustrations. That's some crazy ****.

As for the addon, check out IgnoreMore.
#25 Sep 24 2009 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
apothik wrote:
Measuring your dps

...with your epeen.

Eh? Sorry, what?
#26 Sep 29 2009 at 6:29 AM Rating: Good
229 posts
Maz... your post makes me a sad panda.

I distinctly remember doungon(sp?) lvling and acting like a battle field commander marking sheep targets and ice blocks waiting for them to do it and grabbing the rest making sure to pull them out of the way so my swipe wouldn't hit them. I remember tanking kara and loving every minute of it. Now... idk I just don't feel as energised to try to make the idiots work together. I ether get old school Classic or early BC players or ^%$#%$#@% nubs that make me wonder why I play this silly game.

In short I feel your pain that's why I spend my life as a DPS and only kick the tank off his throne when he is being a ****** (true story).
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