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Fire It Up!Follow

#1 Sep 15 2009 at 6:43 AM Rating: Excellent
5,444 posts
Every time I cast fireball, that line from the flame guys in SC2 plays in my head.

I am home from Iraq, booya.

I was playing my Warlock when our caster officer came online and the following conversation went something like this.

Him: Welcome home dude, back for good?
Me: Yep
Him: Nice, I can sit a couple of locks this week so you can suck up some gear then get you worked into the rotation.
Me: Alright, sweet man, can't wait to raid again.
Some new recruit in guild chat: I was a NE rogue until 4 days ago.
Me: Wait, you can change factions now?
Guild: Yes.
Me: OH HELL YEAH, MAGE INCOMING, Time to dust of Memnok and make him undead.
Caster Officer: Hey, gonna bring your mage over?
Me: hell yes I am.
Him: What you like playing more, mage or lock?
Me: Mage by far, I love mages.
Him: Wanna make it your main? we have lots of locks, but are short on mages.
Me: Seriously? Hell yeah, I gotta level him though after I xfer him over, he still 70.
Him: Ahh ok, so a few weeks until you can raid?
Me: I can have him 80 by, hmm, Sunday.
Him: Sunday, holy ****, really?
Me: Monday at the latest.
Him: K, let me know when you transfer him over and I will ginvite you and everything.
Me: Alright, will do.

So, instead of Memnok being leveled from 1 again, I transferred him, changed him to horde, and FILTER IS BACK BABY!

I will be posting on my leveling adventures through Northrend as a Mage as I level him this week.

See you all here on the mage forums much more in the days and weeks to come as I return to the fold.

The 80 lock is marked as alt in guild now, and mage is officially my main again. Woot.
#2 Sep 15 2009 at 7:17 AM Rating: Good
And it isn't just any guild, it's my guild :-p

If you need some help with something let me know, Filter. I will be happy to bring my DK over to get a couple of quests done or something or if you need a tank/extra dps he needs the rep/experience :-)

Oh, and what spec are you going to level with? Arcane is decent as most mobs that aren't snareable are still susceptible to slow (at least Raeko said so when he was leveling as arcane to 80 at release).

Edited, Sep 15th 2009 11:18am by Anobix
#3 Sep 15 2009 at 7:48 AM Rating: Good
Welcome home, Soldier.

Adrian Cronauer wrote:
Excuse me, sir. Seeing as how the V.P. is such a V.I.P., shouldn't we keep the P.C. on the Q.T.? 'Cause if it leaks to the V.C. he could end up M.I.A., and then we'd all be put out in K.P

And good you have your mage back. I shelfed my mage after the expansion was released for the DK. I'm finding out, that in a group dynamic, I do not enjoy tanking as I thought I would. While I love the DK's ability to pwn face PvE, I find myself missing the mage lately. Almost to 80, should get from 77 to 80 before the weekend. (too much work, not enough play time)

Anyways, WB!
#4 Sep 15 2009 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
5,444 posts
I am leveling fire right now. I plan on doing 70-72 fire, 73-76 frost and 77-80 arcane to get a feel for everything again.

Can't not know a playstyle and be posting in the GMPE. Smiley: wink
#5 Sep 15 2009 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
Are you going to do frostfire? You may want to consider that after 75, even though your crit rate will be abysmal.
#6 Sep 15 2009 at 11:04 AM Rating: Good
5,444 posts
I will be giving FF a shot as I have not played it yet.

I tend to work out all the best raid specs in each tree and give them all a trial run before settling on one I like. That way I know all of the mechanics in a raid for each build.

I will most likely be running FF or Arcane once I settle into my groove again.
#7 Sep 15 2009 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
If you care about my input, which you don't, I found arcane and frostfire to be terribly boring.
I'll hop between Frost and Fire, depending on where the group's DPS is.
I also like when I get a cocky, know-it-all fire mage in a pug, and I out DPS him in frost. It doesn't work with the people that REALLY know their class, but, I tell ya, it's interesting to see them post DPS meters, going "Hah, two mages on top DPS" at which point I smugly reply "and one of them's frost."

The reactions are always classic, followed by a very fast /inspect, and a check of the damage output to see what spells I used.

"Nub, Frost isn't supposed to use Icelance anymore, and it's only for PvP."

#8 Sep 17 2009 at 1:43 AM Rating: Decent
Rofl Jaysgsl!!

and they dare call u nub? lol

Edited, Sep 17th 2009 5:44am by noalala
#9 Sep 17 2009 at 4:14 AM Rating: Good
jaysgsl wrote:
If you care about my input, which you don't, I found arcane and frostfire to be terribly boring.
I'll hop between Frost and Fire, depending on where the group's DPS is.
I also like when I get a cocky, know-it-all fire mage in a pug, and I out DPS him in frost. It doesn't work with the people that REALLY know their class, but, I tell ya, it's interesting to see them post DPS meters, going "Hah, two mages on top DPS" at which point I smugly reply "and one of them's frost."

The reactions are always classic, followed by a very fast /inspect, and a check of the damage output to see what spells I used.

"Nub, Frost isn't supposed to use Icelance anymore, and it's only for PvP."


To not go too far off-topic, the person was technically correct, and explains why frost is terribly boring raiding. The top DPS spec/rotation for frost is literally spam frostbolt, even the free/instant fireball isn't worth casting as it doesn't pick up the necessary coefficients to make it better than the already-super cheap frostbolt. So overall the abilities that you would be using in a raid (ignore 5mans, I don't know if you are speaking of 5mans or 10/25mans) are frostbolt, water elemental, and coldsnap. I guess if you are on the move it may be worthwhile to use the fireball.
#10 Sep 17 2009 at 7:46 AM Rating: Excellent
363 posts
I found arcane and frostfire to be terribly boring.

Pretty soon we're going to be counting to 4 with arcane, rather than 3. 33% more excitement!
#11 Sep 22 2009 at 2:22 AM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
Actually, a few different people have crunched the numbers, and the results are different lately.

IF glyphed for Icelance instead of Water Elemental (which was a debatable glyph in the first place), and if you can reliably ghost every icelance (I haven't missed one yet), you see a small increase (2%?) over frostbolt spam.
Note here, for those that don't know. "Ghosting" an icelance is a slightly complicated process to do, a simple one to try. Fingers of Frost makes your next two spells cast have a huge chance to crit. You can, if the timing is JUST right, send an icelance JUST after you second fof frostbolt launches (you MUST account for, and know, your latency), and it counts both frostbolts and the icelance. (Glyphed, Ice Lance does 4x its normal damage on a frozen target).

Using glyphed and ghosted Ice Lance, but ghosting a Brain Freeze proc (when available) instead of an Icelance can give up to another 1% OVER the previous method, but it depends heavily on how often BF is proccing.

I'm not condoning going into a DPS light raid and playing around with Frost unless you REALLY know the spec. My comfort with frost took me a LONG time to get to, and I have my gear set up directly for it (less hit, more haste, less crit). I cap out at 6800 on Jaraxxus, and we all know how much of a gimmick fight he is. On Patch I get ~4500-4700 depending on how my FM target does on crits. On normal bosses it's around 4K.

Fire I bring that up a GOOD amount (except on Jaraxxus, for some reason I do WAY more DPS as frost than fire on him), so Fire will always be better than frost in this expansion, there's no getting around it.

As for the excitement, arcane was boring because it was just "AB AB AB AM." That's it. Use CDs when they're up. It was the most boring thing I've done at endgame.
Frostfire just always felt meh to me. Dunno.

Frost though, requires PRECISE to the millisecond timing, as well as proc watching. Much funner than a set rotation.

Edit: More info, digging up the other stuff I've found (this was simulated using the best Frost gear available, and a small chance for a ghosted IL to not ghost):

- 18/0/53a has 3/3 Spell Impact, 1/3 SotM, 3/3 Brain freeze, and uses BFF's and Ice Lances on ghost charges.

- 18/0/53b has 0/3 Spell Impact, 3/3 SotM, 3/3 Brain Freeze, and uses BFF's only when moving.

- 18/0/53c has 0/3 Spell Impact, 3/3 SotM, 3/3 Brain Freeze, and uses BFF's but not Ice Lances on ghost charges. This is the "what if I put a point into Magic Absorption and ignore Ice Lance on ghost charges" spec.

- 19/0/52 has 0/3 Spell Impact, 3/3 SotM, 0/3 Brain Freeze, and thus does not use BFF's at all. This is the "what if I spend those points on more range or some kind of Frosty flavor" spec (although in my example, I use one of the three points to max Magic Absorption).

5-minute stationary fight
Spec DPS % below Fire % below top Frost
20/51/0 7337 n/a n/a
18/0/53a 6437 13.98% n/a
19/0/52 6426 14.18% 0.17%
18/0/53b 6407 14.52% 0.47%
18/0/53c 6372 15.14% 1.02%

Edited, Sep 22nd 2009 4:56am by jaysgsl
#12 Sep 22 2009 at 6:11 AM Rating: Good
I'm a bit confused by the % below fire and % below top frost.

So basically all of the specs are at minimum 12%(ish) behind 20/51/0 firespec, but are .5-2%(ish) behind 'top frost'? then what are they using to simulate the other specs if they are not 'top frost'?
#13 Sep 22 2009 at 8:17 AM Rating: Excellent
5,444 posts
For those of you that may not visit the general forum.

I did it. Smiley: grin
#14 Sep 22 2009 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
This hints to an error in what I read. Brainfreeze + Icelance, both ghosted on FoF, are 'Top Frost.' The others are described in the post. Or, am I misunderstanding what you're misunderstanding?
#15 Sep 23 2009 at 5:14 AM Rating: Good
What you said does make more sense now, I just need to read up on it a bit more, still find it hard to believe it to only be behind by a couple %.

Hey Jay, as our resident frost-pve expert, you should put together a thread about it, I can link it into TGMPE as well.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2009 9:15am by Anobix

At the end of page1 in the EJ thread this is what I got out of it:

Frost would be the superior choice in:
- Encounters in which using Ice Barrier is useful enough to reduce DPS by spending GCD's on it.
- Encounters that require a large amount of AOE.
- Encounters in which a 35% AOE snare is useful.
- Encounters that need a dedicated kiter (so long as the frost mage removes the glyph of frostbolt)
- Threat-sensitive encounters (having a percentage of damage come from the pet means around 17% threat reduction vs Fire's 10%).
- Encounters in which active mana regeneration effects don't work.
- Encounters in which having an Ice Block every 4 minutes is better than having one every 5 minutes.
- Multi-Boxers who need the simplified shot rotation

Fire would be the superior choice in:
- Any encounter longer than five minutes.
- Any encounter that contains movement.
- Any encounter that requires maximum DPS
- Any encounter that kills pets.
- Any encounter in which DPS near the end of the fight is more important than DPS in the rest of the fight.
- Any encounter in which passive pushback protection is useful.
- Any encounter in which having a ranged, single-target snare is useful (Fire has a 1.5-sec Frostbolt; Frost has only a 3-second FFB due to Glyph of Frostbolt).

I just read through the last few pages of the EJ thread, and I think you are mis-interpreting the values of the data. I think that the 'top frost' spec is the 18/0/52 or 18/0/53 (depending on the situation that Lhivera has left to you) and even still fire is ahead of frost between 20-40% (increasing as movement is added).

Edited, Sep 23rd 2009 9:35am by Anobix

Edited, Sep 23rd 2009 9:35am by Anobix
#16 Sep 23 2009 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
I'll re-read it as information could have changed with 3.2.2. Last I saw, people were buzzing about changes to the coefficient of Frostbolt in the PTR. Something about removing a snare tax, and changing... crit to damage? If they found it to be true, it would have slightly invalidated the entire topic, as they were saying it would even change the stat weights for Frost.

As of when I posted, though, Brain Freeze on Ghosts was still top ^_^

I can add a little writeup if you'd really like, but I'm not math whiz. 90% of my stuff will be quotes of work other people (Elitist jerks, usually) have done. I could write my OWN findings, which often differ from EJ's (For example, on XT last night, Ice Lance was 10% of my damage!), but I wouldn't want people to take them as bible.

The only reason I do even decent as frost is that I'm very, very good at proc watching. I'm yet to miss a ghosted IL / BFF, and I have very precise times at which I use my C/Ds (I got the brewfest trinket instead of my old JC trinket, and I STILL press the hotkey for that old trinket).
If you want me to, just ask, but, again, it's going to be very opinionated.
#17 Sep 23 2009 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
It's okay, I tend to do about half/half of EJ/etc and my own in the various spec discussion threads that I create. I don't have the time/willpower to learn all of the coefficients by heart and do the crazy math that some people do to find out that haste just squeeked out crit (for example) at some gear level.

Brain freeze on FoF is good at a certain gear level but I think at better gear levels BF drops from being worthwhile because of its scaling without talents, but they did say that if you can consistently time it it will be a dps increase (albeit a small one)
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