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Are my stats suitable for tanking H-ToC?)Follow

#1 Sep 11 2009 at 7:08 AM Rating: Good
536 posts
I've run Heroic Trial of the Champion multiple times, but always as DPS. What I'm wondering is, am I geared suitably/is my health high enough to tank it? Here's my armory link, feel free to criticize and suggest!
#2 Sep 11 2009 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
3,229 posts
My initial thoughts:

#3 Sep 11 2009 at 7:29 AM Rating: Default
For your shoulders, drop the AP gem immediately. Get a Stam gem.

Also, start Hodir, Shoulder Enchants are not optional if you're serious about endgame working.

Enchant the bracers, even if it's just Expertise(don't do 40stam, won't keep em long enough).

Remove BOTH hit gems from your belt, replace with stam gems.

Socket your boots. Since they are nice, use the +10 all stats or a Regal Dreadstone in them for Meta.

Replace your Fezzik's Pocketwatch A S A P with the drop from ToC reg(easy as hell) The Black Heart as you will use this almost forever.

Re-enchant your weapon with Potency or the top Agility Enchant.

You MAY skate by ToC heroic but I personally would put you back to DPS for it. Run Reg until you get the Heart, replace the gems/enchants mentioned and you'll be fine.

Also run H AN for Essence of Gossimar to replace the HoL trinket.

As for your talents, you are half-threat/half-kinda off.

For both Ret AND Prot Seals of the Pure(Holy talent) is really not optional. 15% damage on your main damage output is pretty crucial.

For Prot, try this or this

In your talents you are missing Vindication which is a MASSIVE boost to survivability in that you nerf their AP horrendously. The tooltip is bugged. Also, while 5% crit and 3% damage is decent for threat, 15% SoV damage, and other talents are bigger. You also take Divine Sacrifice, which you can never use. If you use it, you die. If you bubble to not die, raid dies.

In the first spec, you go for Reckoning. You will hear the "boss haste" crap from some people but it's not noticeable honestly. The extra potential multi-hits are very worth it, especially with extra SoV.

The second you go more defensive with Imp Div Sac. This is not for the Sacrifice, but for the 20% damage 100% duration boost of our Shield.

As for Glyphs, drop Shield of Righteousness and pick up Hammer of the Righteous.

And on a side note for Ret, you NEED Seals of the Pure, it is a HUGE DPS loss to not have it. Unless you are PvP for it, in which you are missing a ton of PvP talents anyhow.
Eye for an Eye is worthless, as is Divine Purpose and Seal of Command. This is the overall best Ret spec. Just drop Glyph of Divinity and Crusader strike, neither give you DPS. Pick up Consecration and Exorcism.

Sorry if I came across condescending, NOT my intention. Just trying to give you the best help possible.
#4 Sep 11 2009 at 7:59 AM Rating: Good
536 posts
NO worries about being condescending, at all. I expected to have my talents/gear scrutinized and criticized when I posted. That was what I was hoping for. I didn't want "Well, things look okay, try it." I wanted what everyone has given so far. I'll start fixing things when I log back on. Hodir is boring, but you're right. I need to do it. Thanks!
#5 Sep 11 2009 at 8:37 AM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
Your health (23.5k) is way too low for Heroic ToC (though it's fine for most other heroics). The big thing is that you could improve it so MUCH and so easily.

Let's start with gems and enchants:
  • Girdle of the Pallid Knight - Hit gems are a no. Socket two blue +24 stam gems(+6 stamina socketing bonus = +54 stam) for an extra 600 HP.
  • Legguards of Abandoned Fealty - Get a +55 stam armor kit ASAP.
  • Boots of Heartfelt Repentance - Socket a red +12 stam / 8 dodge gem for 18 stamina (meta requirement). Enchant it for another +22 stam (assuming you have PoJ). Net gain of +40 stamina at a low cost.
  • Tempered Titansteel Helm - Get the +37 stam (Argent Crusade revered) helm enchant.
  • Pauldrons of the Colossus - Gem for stamina. Seriously. Get a +24 stam gem.

So far we've netted you 210 Stamina just by gemming your current gear properly. We could push that higher, but it involves enchants and gems that frankly aren't worth the money unless you're geared to the teeth and pushing hard as a progression tank. You're not, so go with the cheaper options.

Now, as everyone else said, pick up The Black Heart as quickly as you can for +126 Stamina (from normal ToC). As a bonus, you'll fill out more tanking gear with some ilvl 200 epics in the process. As far as I know, you can run normal ToC 5 times per hour (though it will take longer than 12 min, so you might get in 3 runs per hour), so find a good group to farm it.

With the new trinket, you've now got an addition 336 stamina. With talents though, you'll be up to 383 additional stamina, which adds 3830 HP, plus 115 spellpower. You're now at 27.2k HP, which is a bit low, but probably acceptable for heroic ToC, especially since you give yourself a handy +10% stamina blessing.

Glyphs and talents I agree with what was said earlier.

Final point - when you're running (either as Ret or Prot), Cleansing the tank (if you can spare a GCD -- you can) will often be the difference between a wipe and clearing the encounter (particularly against the rogue in the first encounter and or course against the Black Knight).
#6REDACTED, Posted: Sep 11 2009 at 9:11 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) For a paladin yes. Just get a healer you trust
#7 Sep 11 2009 at 9:59 AM Rating: Good
536 posts
Yeah some of the ungemmed items are fairly new, like, within the last 3 days. For some of the others, its just lack of thought, or because I've been on my priest a lot lately :). Keep the advice flowing if you have more!
#8 Sep 11 2009 at 2:18 PM Rating: Excellent
389 posts
Some good advice there, but a couple of things I personally disagree with.

SarionBelmont wrote:
For both Ret AND Prot Seals of the Pure(Holy talent) is really not optional. 15% damage on your main damage output is pretty crucial.

Um, no. Seals of the Pure isn't mandatory at all. Pally tps is still pretty impressive, and speccing into Crusade increases ALL your damage caused, not just seal damage. I'm not saying it's a bad choice, but it is NOT required at any level of tanking.

SarionBelmont wrote:
In your talents you are missing Vindication which is a MASSIVE boost to survivability in that you nerf their AP horrendously. The tooltip is bugged. Also, while 5% crit and 3% damage is decent for threat, 15% SoV damage, and other talents are bigger. You also take Divine Sacrifice, which you can never use. If you use it, you die. If you bubble to not die, raid dies.

See above for comment on the SotP/Crusade comment. Also, Divine Sacrifice has a number of useful applications in raids, especially when you're not the MT. Even when you are, you can bubble-dsac things like XT tantrums to cut raid damage by a lot, and on fights where you have tank swaps you can use it while your fellow tank is doing their thing. Hell, it's even handy in lolnax for things like 4 Horsemen. There's a reason it's in so many holy and ret specs - it is a HUGE buff to your raid. For a prot pally, it just takes a little more planning to use productively.

SarionBelmont wrote:
In the first spec, you go for Reckoning. You will hear the "boss haste" crap from some people but it's not noticeable honestly. The extra potential multi-hits are very worth it, especially with extra SoV.

Parry haste in WotLK has never been a concern. If you're aoe tanking heroics (and really, who doesn't these days?) it will be up constantly, but it's still not a particularly strong talent. Bosses don't hit fast enough to keep it up, so it's of even less use there.

Both of the linked specs are missing Judgements of the Just, which any tank worth his salt should have. 20% attack speed slow is just that beastly.

If you're not afraid to do a bit of reading, the Maintankadin site is an absolute goldmine for pally tanks looking to up their game.
#9 Sep 11 2009 at 4:01 PM Rating: Excellent
591 posts
Pretty good advice on gemmings/chanting and upgrades to pursue, just a couple of things I feel need to be clarified.

In your talents you are missing Vindication which is a MASSIVE boost to survivability in that you nerf their AP horrendously. The tooltip is bugged. Also, while 5% crit and 3% damage is decent for threat, 15% SoV damage, and other talents are bigger.

Vindication is good for up and coming tanks, may not be necessary depending on your particular raid composition however.

SotP is roughly equal to crusade in terms of tps against no-DUH mobs(demons, undead, humanoids), against DUH mobs Crusade is way better. Although SoTP specs tend to be better for lower gear lvls as the crit+%increase from conviction+crusade tends to scale well with Naxx25+ gear.

In the first spec, you go for Reckoning. You will hear the "boss haste" crap from some people but it's not noticeable honestly. The extra potential multi-hits are very worth it, especially with extra SoV.

Reckoning is still bad, its just not terrible anymore. You're almost always better off going for the stuns(imp HoJ) or Divine Sac+1min Sacred Shields.

Personally I'd go with this for SotP or this for Conviction+Crusade. The 2nd spec is really more of an endgame spec as it only has 1/2 in Spiritual Attunement which can be a pain when running heroics if you can't double/triple pull.
#10REDACTED, Posted: Sep 12 2009 at 4:18 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Gotta say, no. If you don't have a single player in raid slowing boss you should rethink your guild makeup. Almost every class has a slow, it's why Mage doesn't spec it for bosses.
#11 Sep 12 2009 at 4:38 AM Rating: Good
536 posts
I just want to thank everyone that has posted for the advice they've given. I'm not quite done with gems, and I am almost to revered with AC, but I'm at just a hair over 25k HP unbuffed now. Things are looking up! I fixed my specs, and still have to properly gem my ret gear (Gem for Strength, right?), but all in all, I think I'll see a boost in my performance. Thanks again. I'll be sure to post again when I get lost, again!
#12 Sep 12 2009 at 11:24 AM Rating: Excellent
1,622 posts
SarionBelmont wrote:
Gotta say, no. If you don't have a single player in raid slowing boss you should rethink your guild makeup. Almost every class has a slow, it's why Mage doesn't spec it for bosses.

Most classes don't have an attack speed slow. Most tanking classes do. Good job making yourself dependent on having another tank around.

SarionBelmont wrote:
My specs are the -top- specs according to EJ, most of maintankadin, and personal experience as an Uld/ToC geared tank. JoJ is worthless

Funny, looking around Maintankadin, I didn't really see many specs without JoJ. So I got bored after work (on a Saturday) and looked through as many Protection Paladins as I could see in the world top 10 guilds. Every single one of them had JoJ. Must be a fluke.
#13 Sep 12 2009 at 12:11 PM Rating: Excellent
591 posts
Judgements of the Just is 20% slower attacks from bosses and is a pretty huge debuff. And it requires no additional GCDs for us to keep it up 100% of the time. Sure there are other classes that can keep this debuff applied, but it costs kitty druids 3 talent points, warrs need a gcd and rage that could be spent on dps or you need a Frost dk.

Is it 100% necessary? Probably not, especially if you always raid with a prot warr or Frost dk, but if they happen to miss a raid or die midway through its very nice to not have to worry about who can keep up that debuff. Also there really isn't anything better those 2pts could be spent on. This may become more of an issue in 3.2.2 when our threat is nerfed some, but atm 18 pts in ret for crusade or 5 pts in SotP is still better threat than any other tanking class.
#14 Sep 12 2009 at 1:59 PM Rating: Excellent
SarionBelmont wrote:
MetalM wrote:
Both of the linked specs are missing Judgements of the Just, which any tank worth his salt should have. 20% attack speed slow is just that beastly.

If you're not afraid to do a bit of reading, the Maintankadin site is an absolute goldmine for pally tanks looking to up their game.

Gotta say, no. If you don't have a single player in raid slowing boss you should rethink your guild makeup. Almost every class has a slow, it's why Mage doesn't spec it for bosses.

My specs are the -top- specs according to EJ, most of maintankadin, and personal experience as an Uld/ToC geared tank. JoJ is worthless, as is Imp HoJ in raiding because you are not on stun duty, that's what Rogues, Wars and Mages are for.

Pick whatever you enjoy using and all spec's have their perks but JoJ is one of the most overhyped talents. While Reckoning isn't the -best- but it's more threat.

The more threat you have in talents, the more Stam you can focus on in gems and enchants. Nothing worse than a 40k hp tank who chases aggro. I prefer having aggro -100%- of the time, including vs 18k DPS on Hodir.

There are six classes with attack speed slowing effects: Death Knight, Druid, Paladin, Mage, Shaman, and Warrior.

All of them require talents to achieve the full 20% slowing effect, and some of them require talents to have any effect at all. All of them are shapen into the trees to be for tanking; the only exceptions are arguably Death Knight and Mage, and even those require you to be using specific specs to obtain them.

It's a mitigation talent, and mitigation is arguably more important than threat, since dying is generally the end of the encounter, where DPS can back off a little if threat is a problem (but honestly, I don't see how it would be). Every tank should have it in my opinion, because generally the tank would be using the skills that apply the debuff anyway; asking a dps warrior to a) spec Improved Thunderclap and b) waste a GCD just to keep the debuff up every 12 seconds = lol.
#15 Sep 12 2009 at 10:43 PM Rating: Good
713 posts
Gotta agree with Overlord Norellicus and mahlerite. We are talking about 5man heroics here so you cannot expect to have one of the above classes, specced into their debuff, always available. Being self suffiecient by being specced for Vindication and JotJ is looking out for yourself and ensuring maximun mitigation against all enemies at all times.

Seals of the Pure is a personal preference type talent but for me (who runs with SoWisdom in heroics for mana regen) threat gen isnt a huge issue so I prefer to go deeper into the Ret tree.

If you can get your hands on an avoidance trinket (like the EoH dodge trinket) it will serve you better coupled with The Black heart from normal ToC5 than getting The Essence of the Gossamer stam trinket.

Too many prospective tanks try to gear for HP early on but it doesnt work at lower gear levels. You need avoidance and mitigation to backup your healthpool otherwise you get smashed by heroic trash packs, especially if your healer is geared similarly. Your not tanking Ulduar or ToC10/25 so effective health shouldn't be your highest priority.

Right now your armory is showing you in your Ret set.

Edited, Sep 13th 2009 6:47am by arthoriuss
#16 Sep 13 2009 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
536 posts
Picked up The Black Heart today. (No idea how to link items). I'm thrilled. Brings me to just under 28k unbuffed.
#17 Sep 14 2009 at 6:11 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Crazyrick wrote:
Picked up The Black Heart today. (No idea how to link items). I'm thrilled. Brings me to just under 28k unbuffed.

Congratulations! That's a damn nice trinket.
#18 Sep 16 2009 at 9:28 AM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
I'd also like to add what about split encounters? Encounters that involve two boss-like mobs or heavy hitting adds that require DPS or tanks to split? It sucks when due to mechanics or raid composition or raid leader decision that the raid members with the slow effect get put on another boss.

As a raid leader I'd hate to see this discussion with a paladin tank

Paly: "Um. Can I have the warrior attacking this guy with me?"

Me: "Uh...why? You only need one tank holding him."

Paly: "Well I need his thunderclap."

Me: "Well we need his DPS to get the boss down quickly."

Paly: "Yeah but I didn't grab my slow talent."

Me: *sigh*
#19 Sep 17 2009 at 3:19 PM Rating: Decent
277 posts
SarionBelmont wrote:
For both Ret AND Prot Seals of the Pure(Holy talent) is really not optional. 15% damage on your main damage output is pretty crucial.

Um, no. Seals of the Pure isn't mandatory at all. Pally tps is still pretty impressive, and speccing into Crusade increases ALL your damage caused, not just seal damage. I'm not saying it's a bad choice, but it is NOT required at any level of tanking.


That's true, but how many talent points do you have to spend (waste?) to get into Crusade?
#20 Sep 17 2009 at 6:56 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
To get Crusade you (at least I) spend points in Vindication (not wasted), Pursuit of Justice (not wasted), and 1 point in Conviction (meh ...). So, how many points are wasted? Well, actually if you also include the second point in Imp. Judgements, then 2.

Now, I just logged back in after 4 months off, so correct me if something has changed, but when I was tanking it was Hammer of the Righteous that made up the majority of my damage, and Shield of Righteousness for single targets, not my Seal/Judgement. Maybe, has the change to SoV put it on top or something? And this is when I had 3/5 Seals of the Pure.
#21 Sep 17 2009 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
With 5/5 SotP against single targets its not uncommon for SoV or white dam to actually be your #1 dam. ShoR will still usually be your #1 tps, but thats due to modifiers, etc.

*edit - Just checked a wws from 3 weeks ago when i was 4/53/14 and while MT'ing Ignis(pretty strict 969 as there's nothing else to do, well we don't bother killing the adds, so no kiting) the breakdown was 18% white dam, 15% SoV, 14% SoVDoT, 14% HotR, 12% ShoR.

Edited, Sep 17th 2009 11:34pm by mahlerite
#22 Sep 17 2009 at 10:49 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Hmm, hopefully I can get into some instances tonight and see how my own damage has changed. Be interestign to see.
#23 Sep 18 2009 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
Umm I'm looking at a lil over 28k unbuffed, with about 66% avoidance (96% w/ HS up).

I would say you are H ToC ready, but it would be hard/fun.

p.s. You have a parry/stam gem in your boots. Dodge rating>parry rating, even with diminished returns. not a huge deal since you only have that gem for your meta req anyway.

Edited, Sep 18th 2009 1:11pm by holynazzi
#24REDACTED, Posted: Sep 19 2009 at 9:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I apologize I didn't realize this was ONLY for mediocre tanks to talk about tanking easy things. For H ToC you can go blindfolded and beat your face on the keys. My focus was to be better tanking in EVERY area, since respec'ing gets annoying.
#25 Sep 20 2009 at 3:08 PM Rating: Excellent
218 posts
SarionBelmont wrote:
I apologize I didn't realize this was ONLY for mediocre tanks to talk about tanking easy things. For H ToC you can go blindfolded and beat your face on the keys. My focus was to be better tanking in EVERY area, since respec'ing gets annoying.
I followed the setup based on one of the top (active) guilds on my server. JoJ is not worth it in 25man setting, but I admit in 5man it is incredible.

Pick what you like, but learn to use rating properly k?

How is 20% melee attack speed not worth it in a 25 man? Let alone that it's a passive ability that you don't need to independently keep up (like a warrior would have to do with thunderclap).
#26 Sep 22 2009 at 11:00 AM Rating: Excellent
SarionBelmont wrote:
I apologize I didn't realize this was ONLY for mediocre tanks to talk about tanking easy things. For H ToC you can go blindfolded and beat your face on the keys. My focus was to be better tanking in EVERY area, since respec'ing gets annoying.
I followed the setup based on one of the top (active) guilds on my server. JoJ is not worth it in 25man setting, but I admit in 5man it is incredible.

Pick what you like, but learn to use rating properly k?

Because 25man never has the tanks splitting up due to multiple targets and someone else can always apply that debuff mirite

Edit: Reemphasizing part of the original quote-

SarionBelmont wrote:
My focus was to be better tanking in EVERY area, since respec'ing gets annoying.

Scenario: None of the other tanks in your raid are available to be debuffing your mob and the Mages/Shamans are all going for max DPS specs and aren't wasting their time with pvp talents.


Also- You find threat > mitigation here, but in another thread you say pally threat isn't an issue that requires you to gear/spec specifically for which is it?

Edited, Sep 22nd 2009 3:10pm by Norellicus

Edited, Sep 22nd 2009 3:11pm by Norellicus
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