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going disc, looking for a couple pointersFollow

#1 Sep 10 2009 at 9:36 AM Rating: Good
129 posts
I've done A LOT of reading the past week and believe I will go with this spec(unsure on the last 3 points) and just regem myself for int/sp.
Asides from the gemming and respeccing do you folks believe my gear/stats are alright for disc healing? I know my haste is low, but I've had bad luck finding those drops. Armory

Some other more specific questions:
The 25ToC Anub fight, will bubbles help during the last phase with the raid wide dmg?

Renewed Hope and Inspiration: Do they stack? I know most disc spec take both, but I was just curious.

Reflective Shield: Is this any PW:S I cast or just my own personal bubble?

Macro for stacking up grace... I would like to create a cast sequence macro to stack grace up on the tank... I've read that PW:S -> Penn -> GH(hasted) is the way to go. However, I fail completely at making these macros. Help?

Any other inside tips are very much welcome. We have Anub and Ulduar to go through tonight.
#2 Sep 10 2009 at 9:56 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
last 3 points inspiration for me, no doubt. Will comment more later
#3 Sep 10 2009 at 10:35 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Amallthia wrote:
I've done A LOT of reading the past week and believe I will go with this spec(unsure on the last 3 points) and just regem myself for int/sp.
Asides from the gemming and respeccing do you folks believe my gear/stats are alright for disc healing? I know my haste is low, but I've had bad luck finding those drops. Armory

Some other more specific questions:
The 25ToC Anub fight, will bubbles help during the last phase with the raid wide dmg? Not sure but most likely

Renewed Hope and Inspiration: Do they stack? I know most disc spec take both, but I was just curious. Yes

Reflective Shield: Is this any PW:S I cast or just my own personal bubble? Personal only :(

Macro for stacking up grace... I would like to create a cast sequence macro to stack grace up on the tank... I've read that PW:S -> Penn -> GH(hasted) is the way to go. However, I fail completely at making these macros. Help? Most disc folks use FH over GH but ya same basic idea

Any other inside tips are very much welcome. We have Anub and Ulduar to go through tonight.

I am a big fan of disc healers. Raising one slowly but steadily myself.

The priest healer in the guild was holy for the longest time. When he started raiding I began pestering him to go disc and try it out. When he eventually did he loved it and as a raid we did as well.

He goes holy every now and again to hose meters but for the most part he stays disc and is pretty much teh shiznit.

I <3 disc

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#4 Sep 10 2009 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
Points in Inspiration without a doubt, indeed.

Asides from the gemming and respeccing do you folks believe my gear/stats are alright for disc healing? I know my haste is low, but I've had bad luck finding those drops.

You have a bit much spirit but aside from that you're good. As for haste, don't worry about it. You don't need it. Haste isn't a bad stat, but it's a luxury on which you (very much imo) should not focus on until you get decent amounts of crit, spirit and intellect.

The 25ToC Anub fight, will bubbles help during the last phase with the raid wide dmg?

Yes, yes, very much yes, disc in Anub rawks hawrd.

Renewed Hope and Inspiration: Do they stack? I know most disc spec take both, but I was just curious.

Aye, they stack. As for Inspiration, I agree with EJ: "ALWAYS take Inspiration unless you live in a world where you never, ever, have to heal tanks". I've tried not taking it in my holy spec too, but there simply isn't anything as good around.

Reflective Shield: Is this any PW:S I cast or just my own personal bubble?

Just your own, that's why nobody picks it for PvE.

Macro for stacking up grace... I would like to create a cast sequence macro to stack grace up on the tank... I've read that PW:S -> Penn -> GH(hasted) is the way to go. However, I fail completely at making these macros. Help?

Penance already gives 3 stacks of Grace. And don't use GH unless absolutely needed. It sucks.

Just like Mothra, I might look back later, kind of busy now.
#5 Sep 10 2009 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
I love being holy, there is just so much to do and so many spells to use! ^_^
But we have 3-5 priests healing for us, 4 are always holy, and the disc priests is almost never there. We just end up sniping each others heals, canceling out PoMs, and a few like to race the meters... For ToC25 and Uld25 I really feel there should be a disc in the raid. No one else wants to pick it up because of the meter issue -_- lame.

For my mouse click bindings I figured FH, renew, pom, penn, pw:s... then (shift) poh, pinfusion, supression, bindingheal, gh...

I know it is usually suggested to pop power infusion on one of your top dps casters, but what class will benefit from it the most?
#6 Sep 10 2009 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
679 posts
Moz pretty much covered it, looking at your armory your haste figure is about right. I use around 400 in disc spec myself although I actually rate spellpower more as a throughput stat.

I know it is usually suggested to pop power infusion on one of your top dps casters, but what class will benefit from it the most?

Mage is never a bad choice

Edited, Sep 10th 2009 7:04pm by thegreatmothra
#7 Sep 10 2009 at 11:35 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
Thank you Moz good pointers. Putting the points in Inspiration and dropping a couple from Divine Fury for... Something, probably imp renew. And I'm trying to pick up the crit/haste no spirit gear, but it usually goes to our casters with Naxx25/Uld10 gear.

Good to know about the grace buff.

I only ask about the Anub fight because our disc priest cast less than 30 pw:s during the fight... It left me wondering.
#8 Sep 10 2009 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
Ty everyone ^_^ I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow, I'm sure I will have some other questions.
#9 Sep 10 2009 at 4:35 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Amallthia wrote:
I know my haste is low, but I've had bad luck finding those drops.

Your haste is just about capped for disc. There is just not enough return to stack haste past the point that grants you a 1 second GCD with Borrowed time. Quick math puts the hardcap right around 11%. If you are consistently running with an ele shaman dropping Wrath of Air, your haste budget drops even more.

Macro for stacking up grace... I would like to create a cast sequence macro to stack grace up on the tank... I've read that PW:S -> Penn -> GH(hasted) is the way to go. However, I fail completely at making these macros. Help?

Any other inside tips are very much welcome. We have Anub and Ulduar to go through tonight.

I think it was covered, but the macro for attaining a full stack of grace on your target goes something like this:

/use Penance


As far as PI and who to cast it on, that is between you and the other caster. Occasionally I will have trouble casting it on mages when they have their own buff active, but I know of no caster class that wouldn't benefit from it. Check this thread from ago.
#10 Sep 10 2009 at 5:30 PM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
I think it was covered, but the macro for attaining a full stack of grace on your target goes something like this:

/use Penance

To be honest, a macro like that would work for jack all seeing as spells use a /cast command and /use is for items or bagslots ;P
#11 Sep 10 2009 at 7:52 PM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
I think it was covered, but the macro for attaining a full stack of grace on your target goes something like this:

/use Penance

To be honest, a macro like that would work for jack all seeing as spells use a /cast command and /use is for items or bagslots ;P

#12 Sep 10 2009 at 8:18 PM Rating: Good
606 posts
When I need to do "Full heals on the tank" I sticking wit

Penance > Shield (when possible) > Renew (unless the tank is in the red)> Flash Heal Till Penance is up > Penance . . .

For raid healing, I do a Shield and a Renew and let aoe heals take care of them if there are other people in need of heals. I'd rather leave a target low, but with a shield and a hot, then just hit them with flash heal (unless the need more than that). Other raid healers can finish bringing them up. For the most part I'm often the only disc priest, so I'll do a kind of Triage, getting as many people out of immediate danger while the other raid healer can finish the job. It may sound kinda cheap, but in a more practical sense, most other classes can't go and extend a person's health like a shield can, and my shields are, on average, about 5k. That's about a flash heal instantly. My renew also does about 1.6k a tick, so that's a flash heal in 6 seconds. And unless they're taking alot of damage, that and a shield will be plenty to hold them over.
#13 Sep 10 2009 at 8:34 PM Rating: Decent
I have to question 5 Divine Fury rather than getting Imp. Renew.

Renew is my absolute love in live in addition to Penance.

Went into AV after spending 2 hours losing 6/6 games and this happened:

Total Healing

Disc is AWESOME!

I personally run this right now but obviously, am PvP spec'd. I can't wait to hit 80, going to drop it for solid PvE Disc and let the massive shielding begin :D

Either way you run it, enjoy because Disc is incredible.
#14 Sep 10 2009 at 9:42 PM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Mozared wrote:
I think it was covered, but the macro for attaining a full stack of grace on your target goes something like this:

/use Penance

To be honest, a macro like that would work for jack all seeing as spells use a /cast command and /use is for items or bagslots ;P

/use and /cast are interchangeable. When you are approaching the 255 keystroke limit, every bit helps!

I'm thankful this forum doesn't have a keystroke limit. Although I'd bet some folks that have to wade through a few of my posts would disagree. >.<
#15 Sep 11 2009 at 5:28 AM Rating: Default
Trylofer wrote:
Mozared wrote:
I think it was covered, but the macro for attaining a full stack of grace on your target goes something like this:

/use Penance

To be honest, a macro like that would work for jack all seeing as spells use a /cast command and /use is for items or bagslots ;P

/use and /cast are interchangeable. When you are approaching the 255 keystroke limit, every bit helps!

I'm thankful this forum doesn't have a keystroke limit. Although I'd bet some folks that have to wade through a few of my posts would disagree. >.<

That would be bad lol. Sadly they DO need a posts per day cap because some people seriously need professional help.(see: 20k post counts)
#16 Sep 11 2009 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
I only asked about the macro because it was suggested in a disc guide on tankspot. Moz cleared up the grace buff misunderstanding. :)

sarionbelmont wrote:
I have to question 5 Divine Fury rather than getting Imp. Renew.

I moved 3pts from DF to Imp Renew before raid last night.
The spec did not get much use, our RL wanted me holy that night, despite having two other Holy Priests in the raid. Then he assign me to heal the tanks -_-
I was able to ninja spec disc for thorim and auria and it was amazing, the healers had nothing to heal with all my bubbles. ^_^

WTB Tri-spec...
#17 Sep 11 2009 at 8:29 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
SarionBelmont wrote:
Trylofer wrote:
Mozared wrote:
I think it was covered, but the macro for attaining a full stack of grace on your target goes something like this:

/use Penance

To be honest, a macro like that would work for jack all seeing as spells use a /cast command and /use is for items or bagslots ;P

/use and /cast are interchangeable. When you are approaching the 255 keystroke limit, every bit helps!

I'm thankful this forum doesn't have a keystroke limit. Although I'd bet some folks that have to wade through a few of my posts would disagree. >.<

That would be bad lol. Sadly they DO need a posts per day cap because some people seriously need professional help.(see: 20k post counts)


idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#18 Sep 11 2009 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
/use and /cast are interchangeable. When you are approaching the 255 keystroke limit, every bit helps!

Are you sure? I actually looked this up before posting my reply and wowwiki says that /cast is for spells and /use for items and never mentions any kind of interchangeability between the two commands (while the 255 limit and more advanced things like scripting are mentioned).
#19 Sep 12 2009 at 12:34 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Horsemouth wrote:
SarionBelmont wrote:
Trylofer wrote:
Mozared wrote:
I think it was covered, but the macro for attaining a full stack of grace on your target goes something like this:

/use Penance

To be honest, a macro like that would work for jack all seeing as spells use a /cast command and /use is for items or bagslots ;P

/use and /cast are interchangeable. When you are approaching the 255 keystroke limit, every bit helps!

I'm thankful this forum doesn't have a keystroke limit. Although I'd bet some folks that have to wade through a few of my posts would disagree. >.<

That would be bad lol. Sadly they DO need a posts per day cap because some people seriously need professional help.(see: 20k post counts)

You're not even at 2.5k yet, +1 moar!

And I'm pretty sure /use and /cast are interchangeable nowadays.
Just test it out yourself with /use <any spell>.
#20 Sep 12 2009 at 12:42 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Horsemouth wrote:
SarionBelmont wrote:
Trylofer wrote:
Mozared wrote:
I think it was covered, but the macro for attaining a full stack of grace on your target goes something like this:

/use Penance

To be honest, a macro like that would work for jack all seeing as spells use a /cast command and /use is for items or bagslots ;P

/use and /cast are interchangeable. When you are approaching the 255 keystroke limit, every bit helps!

I'm thankful this forum doesn't have a keystroke limit. Although I'd bet some folks that have to wade through a few of my posts would disagree. >.<

That would be bad lol. Sadly they DO need a posts per day cap because some people seriously need professional help.(see: 20k post counts)

You're not even at 2.5k yet, +1 moar!

I'm working on it.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#21 Sep 12 2009 at 1:15 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Go get 4k, so you at least show up in the list. :P
#22 Sep 12 2009 at 1:41 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
Go get 4k, so you at least show up in the list. :P

At my average of 5 posts a day it will take me a year to break 4k.

Don't think I'll make the list any time soon.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#23 Sep 12 2009 at 1:43 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
Join the OoT for a month or two, that'll bump your postcount up a lot.

Or we just keep this topic going, you'll pass your average in about 10 minutes. Smiley: tongue
#24 Sep 12 2009 at 1:56 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Have you seen the Bored Druid Thread I started?

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#25 Sep 12 2009 at 4:07 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
My highest level druid is level 26, and she's so active that you can't see whether she's a tauren or a night elf from all the dust she has gathered.

What would I do on the druid boards? :P
#26 Sep 12 2009 at 4:31 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
My highest level druid is level 26, and she's so active that you can't see whether she's a tauren or a night elf from all the dust she has gathered.

What would I do on the druid boards? :P

Take place in the awesome that is the druid boards.

I love my priest and all but honestly out of all of the alla class forums druid is the most active.

We just hang out and talk story about druid stuff.

I have a baby priest and try and post here to help increase the activity level. Active forums are in general what drives theory crafting, brainstorming and other things to help make people play the class better.

Plus teackae is fucking awesome, I miss her on the druid boards :(.

Teacake for president 2012.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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