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Some warrior questions - still newFollow

#1 Sep 02 2009 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
Ok. I am still fairly new to the game, having just started it around the begining of August 2009.

I started out with a Hunter, got him to 31, and switched to a human warrior. Things are going well, as as my clan is telling me, I am leveling fast. I am not being power-leveled, but through quests, and fighting, have just leveled well.

With that being said, I have a few questions that I wanted to toss out there, and get your feedback on, to help me be a better warrior. (I feel that if you play a class you should do it the best you can.)

I have read, and been told about DPS, Protection (Tank) type of warriors. I understand the basic differences, DPS being more of a damage dealer, and Prot being able to take tons of damage, but what other advantages are there to both?

Real quick, let me explain my play style, as that might give you a little more insite to my play style. I prefer dual 1h swords, but have and curently use a 2hs. From what I have read, the damage output is about the same, between dual singles, and a 2 hander. I find the way I am set up now, I have little down time between fights, but do have an issue with mulitple mobs. (Usually 3 or 4 will take me down, but they are usualy about 4 levels higher so it is expected.)

First question is about tanking / hate management.

I was in a pick up group (ugg) and was asked to be the tank. When we would encounter mulitple mobs, even in defensive stance, I was finding it near impossible to keep them on me. How do you manage mob hate to keep them on you? I think the first and biggest problem with this was it was a pick up group, but that is besides the point. I am just using this as an example.

Second question is about talents.

I have read about them, but furry / arms still confuse me. I understand that the prot line is to gain the highest possible defense, take the least amount of damage, and genreate the most amout of hate.

My play style leans more towards DPS. I like nothing better than to mow through a mob like a hot knife through butter. Looking at the end of the talent trees, I see that arms gives you titans grib, which allows you to weild a 2h weapon in a single hand, with a small damage penalty. When I was in the 30s with my warrior I was thinking of a 51/17/3 set up. Looking now, I am not sure. Arms is looking like the way I might want to go. I was going for 17 in arms at first because I wanted two levels of dual wield spec. Can someone give me a clear and simple explaination of the benifits and draw backs of Arms/Furry
other than one is for PvP and one for PvE.

Third, with Blizzard now setting up other classes to be tanks, and them being Hybrids, does that mean the day of the warrior is coming to and end. If other classes can dps and tank almost as well as a warrior, but have other skills that the warrior does not, are we going to be the odd class out?

Finally does anyone have tips / or tricks of the trade that they have learned in the course of playing that they can share? I feel that I have gone as far as I can on my own, and need some insite on how to get my skill to the next level. (Again, I am not talking about better armor or weapons, I am talking pure skill at playing the class)

Thanks in advance, and look forward to hearing what you have to say.

#2 Sep 02 2009 at 9:14 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
I was in a pick up group (ugg) and was asked to be the tank. When we would encounter mulitple mobs, even in defensive stance, I was finding it near impossible to keep them on me. How do you manage mob hate to keep them on you? I think the first and biggest problem with this was it was a pick up group, but that is besides the point. I am just using this as an example.

Thunderclap, thunderclap, thunderclap. If you're holding most of the group just fine but your target is getting pulled off of you--that is, the DPS are getting aggro because they're doing their job--you'll need to use Sunder Armor more. If you plan on tanking a lot, the glyph for Sunder Armor is pretty nice--the threat is applied to two targets instead of just one. :)


Third, with Blizzard now setting up other classes to be tanks, and them being Hybrids, does that mean the day of the warrior is coming to and end. If other classes can dps and tank almost as well as a warrior, but have other skills that the warrior does not, are we going to be the odd class out?

There have been other tanking classes for a while now, and Warriors still get to tank. Smiley: wink There's no class that can DPS and tank equally well in the same gear and spec (DKs who try tend to fail rather dramatically), that's not what hybrid classes (or warriors) do. Hybrids simply have more options in what they can specialize into. A skilled tank still has a place in any group--just don't expect to be chosen over another tank simply because you're a warrior.

Edited, Sep 2nd 2009 10:16am by isyris
#3 Sep 03 2009 at 4:04 PM Rating: Decent
Alright, let's see if I can tackle this :P. I'm no expert on a warrior, but I do know a few things.

First question is about tanking / hate management.

So, are you familiar with tanking? That plays a big lot in aggro management. Knowing which skills to use and whatnot. Also, did you have a 1-handed weapon and a shield? It's much easier to tank when you have those haha. Since I assume you are arms/fury, when tanking you need to let them know you aren't prot spec, so they are going to have to go a little easy on the dps while you build up threat. Use Shield Slam as often as you can, Sunder, Revenge, and Thunderclap! When tanking more than one mob, use Cleave as it helps a lot. And make sure to use that Tab button and apply sunders all around if possible! :).

Second question is about talents

It seems like you got Arms confused with Fury. Fury has the 51 point talent "Titan's Grip," which allows you to equip a 2-handed weapon in 1 hand. Thus allowing you to dual wield two-handers. While leveling, I would suggest using Arms. I think it's best for leveling, but that's just me. Taste for Blood and Improved Overpower allow you to own mobs quite easily. Plus, you only need one two-hander, as opposed to two for fury. Plus, if you play on a PvP server, you can hold your own with Bladestorm, the 51-point talent.

That being said, Fury is pretty good also. It all really depends on your playstyle. You say you like dual wielding, so maybe you'll like Fury more. It certainly feels more epic holding two weapons, that's fershur, lol.

Finally does anyone have tips / or tricks of the trade that they have learned in the course of playing that they can share? I feel that I have gone as far as I can on my own, and need some insite on how to get my skill to the next level. (Again, I am not talking about better armor or weapons, I am talking pure skill at playing the class)

Sure. I've learned that as a warrior, if we have a healer, we are pretty much unstoppable. Seriously lol. It's so fun pvping with a healer, and as long as you are both decently geared, you can take on quite a few people.

Always try and carry two gear sets. One for tanking and one for dpsing. You never know when you might need to tank.

And that's all I can think off the top of my head, but I'll update this later with more information for you :).

Edited, Sep 3rd 2009 8:18pm by Cleanvillain
#4 Sep 03 2009 at 11:20 PM Rating: Good
For low - mid level tanks, marking a mob for the dps to focus on at the start of a pull is usually wise. Thunderclap is great for building initial threat on a group of mobs sufficient to keep them off your healer, but if your dps start attacking mobs that you aren't directly attacking, they'll pull the mobs off of you very, very quickly. Thunderclap, Cleave, glyphed Sunder Armor, and a whole lot of tabbing work to hold threat when your dps are using AoE. When your dps are using mostly single target attacks, you really only need to worry about direct attacks on one mob at a time. Keep using Thunderclap as it comes off cooldown and by the time the first mob goes down, you'll have built up enough of a head start on threat on the rest that it just gets easier and easier until the last mob is dead.

One of the most difficult things to do as a tank (regardless of class) is to hold aggro on a group of mobs when your dps aren't being team players and focusing on the appropriate targets. Quite frequently, there's nothing you can do about those kinds of players short of booting them from the party. I have my unit frames set up to show what each member of my party is targeting and it's disturbing when I mark a mob with a skull and a glance at my party frames early in the fight shows that I'm the only one with the skull mob targeted.
#5 Sep 04 2009 at 11:12 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
One of the most difficult things to do as a tank (regardless of class) is to hold aggro on a group of mobs when your dps aren't being team players and focusing on the appropriate targets. Quite frequently, there's nothing you can do about those kinds of players short of booting them from the party. I have my unit frames set up to show what each member of my party is targeting and it's disturbing when I mark a mob with a skull and a glance at my party frames early in the fight shows that I'm the only one with the skull mob targeted.

Some DPS just make me Smiley: banghead.

If someone gets aggro from my main target without taunting, or someone's AoE pulls the whole group off of me even after I've had time to establish threat, that's my fault, and I get the mobs back as fast as possible. When some dumbass pulls one mob while I'm focusing on another that needs to die first, though, I will happily let him die and then taunt off the healer if need be. Keeping him alive just reinforces the behavior. If he complains, I point out that he's lowest on DPS and has the most deaths, so perhaps he should follow the example of the other, not-dead DPS and focus on my target.

Also, I think I'd go nuts if I had my unit frames set up like that. >.< How do you survive?
#6 Sep 08 2009 at 10:08 AM Rating: Good
39 posts
As you can see thunderclapping is one of your best friends for tanking at your lvl to hold threat. Sunder armor will hold threat against a mob and if you glyph for it 2 mobs.Someone mentioned cleave. There is a glyhp for cleave as well. It will hit an additional mob.For instance cleave hits 2 mobs itself, when glyphed you now hitting 3.Mark your mobs and make sure group knows the marks. I keep it simple, I use 1st mob skull, 2nd mob x,3rd triangle and 4th diamond. The reason is at low lvls people are not used to marking and forget,,skull being one x has 2 sides triangle 3 sides diamond 4 sides,easier to remmeber. There are some tricks you can use when tanking, for instance skull is first to die so when you pull you can shoot X to get threat on him then as mobs come in thunderclap but swing on skull,and now yoyu have threat on both.You can also switch marks when skull is about 3/4 down to X to get a head start.You will have enough threat generated on skull so you wont lose him.But make sure when you pull the dpsers wait for at least a 2 count to let you generate threat. One more thing like someone just said, use a shield and one hander for tanking, makes it easier on healers as you will take less damage.Hope this helps.
#7 Sep 09 2009 at 9:11 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Going into a multi-mob pull flatfooted (no leftover rage) caused me a lot of frustration early on. Without a quick thunderclap, I would lose a mob or two out of the gate. Use Bloodrage and Charge to generate some initial rage for the TC snap aggro. Just be sure that your charge does not gain the attention of more mobs than you want. You can taunt/shoot to get their attention and then charge after you get Warbringer, if you time it right.

I had a macro that I would use solely for pulling.

/use Bloodrage
/use Taunt

When I used it to pull, it would give me a bit of rage that I needed to gain aggro before gaining rage from the fight. (Bloodrage has a longer cooldown, so you need to keep an eye on it -then again watching your cooldowns is a skill that you need to develop anyway.)

And Titan's Grip seems nice, but in my experience, I couldn't find two 2-handers worth it when I was levelling until I got to Northrend. I respecced out of it until I was able to equip the weapons that could make use of it.
#8 Sep 13 2009 at 8:09 PM Rating: Good
mlubitow wrote:
Ok. I am still fairly new to the game, having just started it around the begining of August 2009. . .

With that being said, I have a few questions that I wanted to toss out there, and get your feedback on, to help me be a better warrior. (I feel that if you play a class you should do it the best you can.) . . . .

Thanks in advance, and look forward to hearing what you have to say.

As someone in a very similar situation, this thread is great.

A few questions in reply to tips/advice already suggested:

1. "Cleanvillain" mentioned having 2 "gear sets." Im familiar with that button (option) to save gear. However, I don't clearly understand how to do it. I mean, do you need to actually carry with you, in your backpack, the gear sets? If so, doesn't that use up a LOT of slots that otherwise would be used to pick up loot (a key reason for doing instances, i thought)?

2. "rogaan" (& someone else, i think) mentioned "marking" the mobs (skull, X, triangle, diamond) which is a great idea. But, how do I actually do that? I mean, where are those marks located & how do I actually "place" the marks over the designated mobs?

My apologies in advance for the "noobish" quality of my questions, but I really want to learn; if I sound uninformed--it's because I am; that's why I'm closely reading these threads & taking notes too. lol

Thank you, too, in advance.

Edited, Sep 14th 2009 12:16am by WestOfCA
#9 Sep 14 2009 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,331 posts


Yes, you carry around some extra gear with you. You don't need a complete full set, but you definitely want a couple of higher stamina pieces, a one hander and a shield. Their is no reason that you absolutely need to have this, and warriors tank just fine without switching gear out tell around level 60 or so.

You will need a one hander and a shield. That doesn't take up a lot of bag space.

Once you get to max level, you will want one or two extra sets (I carried around almost two full sets of extra gear for different tanking roles, as well as key resist pieces). It means you don't have to run back to town to a bank to waste your warlocks shards on a summon, since you came prepared.

People like to work with other people who are efficient and fun, who don't require extra effort. You will probably be skipped for another leveling tank if you say you have to go back to a major city to get your tanking gear out.

It really doesn't take up that much space.

If you are picking up every grey item to sell later, you have another problem unrelated to gear. You don't need to keep trash in your inventory.


Go into your key bindings sections and you can reassign buttons to marking a mob (you have selected). Or you can simply right click the name plate for the mob and select the raid icons select your icon you want for that mob and move to the next mob. You have to be in a group to use these features.
#10 Sep 21 2009 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the input guys. Between what you have said, and what I have read on other posts, and boards, I have seen a maked improvement. I am not as leary being a tank in a group now.

I am still under level 60, but have noticed a HUGE dps difference between dual 1h, and a single 2h. Right now, I am using ICE BARBED SPEAR [link=[/link] which has a base DPS of 53.9. Using Recount add on, I vary on DPS from 150's - 170's. Dual welding fast weapons, with DPS in the mid to high 30's, while was great at keeping my rage full, only had me DPS'ing at about 90 at the highest.

I am ARMS spec'd right now, with points in pole arms and sword 2h special.

As for armor, right now, the main 3 things I am looking for are armor rating, str + and sta+ items. I know that there is better gear to be had, and will need to start looking for other stats, etc. but like I said, I am sub 60 right now, and think that is more for endgame levels. (Please correct me if I am wrong here.)

Another thing I have learned is talents/ablilities make a HUGE difference.

Prior to my research I was typically using Saunder/Heroic Strike/Thunderclap/Rend rinse repeat.

I have changed my "roataion" to - Saunder/rend/smash/ Thunder clap when other not up, and execute as soon as it is availible. With this I have noticed my survivability has gone up, my dps has gone up, and my down time is reduced. When possible I will start a fight with charge, just for the rage boost. The main problem I find now is getting rage starved. I will use bloodrage when needed for a rage boost, health permitted.

Also, another thing that has helped me is the use of add-ons to adjust my UI. I started using pitbull and bartender. With Bartender I have 6 action bars up, and have all my buttons and actions at hand. Having the extra buttons right there is a big difference. I even have potions in slots, to make them availible fast. A quick 500 HP boost can be the difference between winning and lossing.

I will have to look into how to make a mob, as was stated in here, as I think that would be a big help.

I am starting to play around with stance changing durring battles now, esp. when multiple mobs are pulled in. I tend to solo a lot, and swapping between battle / berzerk stances has made the difference at times (with wirlwind attack)

At this time, I am not going to re-spec into fury, although titans grip does sound like a good idea, the 10% penilty for dual welding 2h, and the 50% rating on the off hand, seems to make dual welding 2H a bad idea, but using it as tank mode with a shield might make it worth it. I will have to see when I get to that point.

As for my talents, I still am looking at 51/17/3, but might rethink it. I don't understand why the extra bonus into thunderclap would not be used more often. If I do change it, I will not go so far down fury. As I have started to use 2H, the points I put into dual wield seems a waste (at least right now at my level).

It appears to me as if talents are genericaly designed for the following:

Arms - 2H DPS - Deal lots of damage, but takes more damage as well.
Fury - Dual weld Hybrid (some DPS / Some Tank)not great at either, but can do both well
Prot - Pure tank - Lower DPS, but able to take a beating, and better crowd control.

Is this a fair discription?

Now, for a new question - PvP and Battlegrounds, suggestions here? I seem to be getting rooted/AoE/Direct spell damage, and die REAL fast, granted there is usually more than one on me at a time, but I just can't seem to hold my own in PvP. What can I do to improve here?

Thanks for all the great feedback, and I hope that mine can help some others too. And please correct me if I am wrong in any of my thoughts, as I am still learning the finer points of being a great warrior. (I would say I am an Ok to good warrior, but not great)

Keep the tricks/tips going too!
#11 Sep 21 2009 at 6:52 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Arms - 2H DPS - Deal lots of damage, but takes more damage as well.
Fury - Dual weld Hybrid (some DPS / Some Tank)not great at either, but can do both well
Prot - Pure tank - Lower DPS, but able to take a beating, and better crowd control.

Your descriptions of Arms and Fury are a little off. Fury is the squishiest warrior spec, and is focused almost entirely on damage dealing. Arms similarly focuses on DPS, but isn't *quite* as soft as Fury. Really though, it's just a difference in playstyle between the two. The end goal (DPS) is very similar for PVE.

Now, for a new question - PvP and Battlegrounds, suggestions here? I seem to be getting rooted/AoE/Direct spell damage, and die REAL fast, granted there is usually more than one on me at a time, but I just can't seem to hold my own in PvP. What can I do to improve here?

Bolded the problem part. Run with a group of people in Battlegrounds, preferably one with a healer. You can't go off and effectively "solo" - you'll get torn to pieces very quickly as any class but especially as a warrior. In terms of survivability when being Focused, a weapon swap macro (to equip sword and board), Spell Reflect, and Shield Wall are your best friends. Remember that Berserker Rage will break fear. PVP is a completely different game - good luck!
#12 Sep 22 2009 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
229 posts
OK I'm still new(ish) to the warrior game as well however myself and a friend have been PvP lvling warriors. He Chose to go prot and I chose Arms. I will link my Armory at the end so you can take a look at what my spec /gear look like at 63 (at time of post).

In PvP you have about even odds at most classes. The class thatIhave problems with are mages. it gets easier when you get the CC trink (Insignia of the Horde). On 1v1 fights you should (with good game play) win.

Warlock or preist fears you? Bezerker Rage and end them.

Pally bubbles and heals? run away till bubble wears off and charge back in smacking them with Mortal strike (not sure if you have it yet).

Druid? just Hamstring and own (keep Hamstring up or he will reset).

Rouge? /equip shield and sword /lol or charge, Hamstring, own. ether way.

Shaman? see druid.

Hunter? IGNORE PET!! you kill the hunter, you kill the pet. (it works for me)

Warrior? even fight.

Mage? Sheild reflect? idk I have issues with mages.

As for tactics in BGs what I do:

WSG: I will start by running thru the GY (mount up if you have it) go PAST the first big stump thing and watch the ally run by on the opposet side click on the last 2-3 or so. find the lowbie and run in. Charge, Hamstring, Own, hope that you didn't bite off more than you can chew. For the rest of the BG ether try to get the flag or practice owning different classes ether way if they are in the GY then they cannot get the flag :)

AB: Find a base (black smith works well generaly) hold it. I know Defence is dry and boring but if you are there then you will make MOST people think twice about attacking unless they are Zerging you. CALL INCOMING ATTACKS, /bg inc (insert base here) will do wonders for your chance to win. If your base of choice has 3-5 ppl there already then join the attack elsewhere just beware priests at the LM. If you don't kill then quickly then they will Mind Control you off the cliff and if you don't have the Sta for it you will die there.

Btw: this wall of txt critted you for over 9000! and here is my Warrior Critmypants

Edited, Sep 22nd 2009 2:36pm by Sloniah
#13 Sep 30 2009 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
Sloniah wrote:
just beware priests at the LM. If you don't kill then quickly then they will Mind Control you off the cliff and if you don't have the Sta for it you will die there.

You can have 50, 500, or 5000 stamina and you will STILL die when falling from LM if they run you off in the right spot. Falling damage is percentage based on fall distance, always. If you didn't die, then you didn't fall far enough, no matter your health.
#14 Sep 30 2009 at 10:31 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
As a newly restarted Warrior, this thread helped me lots, despite being about Arms leveling/tanking rather than Protection, which I am.

For PvP, tanking and general leveling, I really, REALLY, recommend the Protection tree. You might think it's weak because you run around with a one-hander and a shield, but I've surprised many a person in Battlegrounds, trust me. I'm currently level 60 and just got Shockwave. Really nice ability, but not the WOW! talent I had hoped it would be. 20 second cooldown or something like that is a bit meh, especially for AOE tanking, but it's still nice and definitely worth the one point.

Since I'm Protection, I have a lot of abilities to increase my tanking in instances. For one I have a talented Shield Slam and Revenge causing them to do massive damage (1000-1500 on crits) and my Thunder Clap is improved, adding a little extra threat per second there.

Questing is easy with all this survivability, plus you do an insane amount of damage as well. Thanks to talents, I have +25% crit chance on my Shield Slam (which crits for up to 1500) and +15% crit chance on my Devastate (which is an awesome attack, if it wasn't for that horrible animation - seriously, I have to look at that all the time, at least make it less.. flashy). I can take on 5-6 mobs and come out with 90% health in a matter of seconds.

PvP is also fun. A lot of fun, actually. I have zero block rating right now, so I guess I'm running with the base Shield Slam damage, but it should increase once you get more block rating. Still, I've been in a lot of situations in Battlegrounds where a Hunter starts to unload on me, so I charge him. He uses that attack which I forgot the name of, causing him to fly backwards. I switch to Berserker Stance (fast fingers are recommended), use Intercept, Recklesness and pop back into Defensive Stance, hit Shield Block, Shield Slam (he'll try to attack, causing my Shield Block to proc Revenge) and a Revenge. Thanks to Recklesness both Shield Slam and Revenge will crit, dealing more than 2500 damage in a flash. Considering non-Death Knights at level 59 have around 3-4k health, that's a fair chunk from a guy with a tank talent build. Just beware that Recklesness increases damage taken by 20% and using Shield Slam and Revenge will only use two of the three charges, so quickly hit Devastate or Shockwave, or whatever you have (Thunder Clap is nice in groups as well) to remove Recklesness and get that last crit.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Revenge has a short cooldown (with talents), but can only be used after a block, dodge or parry. Devastate can be used all the time and will apply a Sunder Armor effect on your target (making Sunder Armor obsolete). It also increases in damage with the number of Sunder Armor effects on your target (700 crit at level 59 with five effects). With the glyph it will apply two Sunder Armors for every hit and with the Sunder Armor glyph, a nearby target will also receive one Sunder Armor each time.

Furthermore, one of the last talents in the Protection tree enables Revenge and Devastate to refresh the cooldown on Shield Slam and make it cost zero rage. It's not uncommon to Shield Slam, Devastate, Shield Slam, Revenge, Devastate and Shield Slam someone in a row. At least that's my experience so far.

I've been top Killing Blows, Damage Done and Honorable Kills as a Protection Warrior, so don't think you're sacrificing PvP viability by going that route.

Now, sorry for the wall of crap, but I just felt like sharing. Gotta go level up some more. Need to test Shockwave on some group pulls. Smiley: grin
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#15 Oct 01 2009 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
229 posts
Nice post Maz. I'm not gunna say that Prot is BAD for PvP but between me and my buddy (my bud being an overall better player) I have come out on top of the BG scoreboards more than he has. we both stay in the top 10-20% of the BG ether way but that is mostly Play skill. I end the matched with more because I simply do more damage where he can Zerg break oncoming allies I have to pick off the weak ones to make my kills.

It really comes down to play style at this point. If you want/like to stop a mass of BBEGs (big bad evil guys) go prot, if you want to own 1 lolnewb at a time and sometimes let loose a hail of devistation on everything around you, go arms, if you just want the cool factor of I got two big *** two-handers whatcha gunna doo! go Fury.
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