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#27 Sep 03 2009 at 6:40 PM Rating: Good
496 posts
protein wrote:
In general for a druid Haste > Crit until you are soft-capped,

A quick google search told me that soft cap is 8% with Gift of the Earthmother. (could well be wrong, I've spent the last little while reading EJ's and someone seemed to think 16% was...)

I'm sitting on 278 haste rating unbuffed, and that's 8.48% haste.

Technically any more haste for me isn't as valuable as crit, but I'm going after regen anyway at the moment. Moar spirit plz
#28 Sep 04 2009 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
One thing I will pitch in on lifebloom rolling is it can be very usefull in 10 man raiding (which I do a lot of as we dont have a 25 man team).
I find generally in 10 man your job roll as a healer is very flexible especially if you only have two healers running the instance. You probably are going to have to heal the tank dead with raid damage and probably make the tea as well :).
Having Rejuve and lifebloom x3 rolling on the tank allows you to do more with the raid and during fights in Ulduar requiring a lot of movement such as Mimeron and Hodir you dont have to stop a lot of the time to cast nourish spam and can more eaily avoid debuffs or aoe damage.
I can still roll lifebloom x3 for situations on a target and still do well on mana especially as there are some great mana cost reducing trinkets floating about.

#29 Sep 04 2009 at 2:09 AM Rating: Decent
461 posts
soft cap is 8% with Gift of the Earthmother. (could well be wrong, I've spent the last little while reading EJ's and someone seemed to think 16% was...

Oh. My haste is currently 399 unbuffed (15.82%) so does that mean when my egg of mortal essence procs with +505 haste it procs into the big soft cap!!? Darn better replace it although that said when it does proc it appears to speed up my RG casting time - am I misunderstanding haste?

continuing to stack haste, and moving some of the talent points from Gift of the Earthmother to other places

Still I guess it means I can move these talents points then? I think I assumed becuase GotEM is base global CD that haste would stack on top :(

EDIT: someproteinguys' link is pretty informative. Scrolling down a bit there is a fair amount of discussion of RG versus RJ healing.

EDIT2 (answering my own questions but thought you might like to read)

If you have GotE and Celestial Focus, 395 haste will bring the GCD of your hots down to 1 seconds.

Continuing to stack haste will not affect your hots anymore, but it will continue to make your cast times and the GCD of all your other abilities (ie remove curse, abolish poison, etc, etc) shorter. So if you find yourself stacking haste past 395, you can begin removing points from GotE. To take the first point out of GotE you'll need to have 177 haste to compensate - to take the second point out you'll need to have 196 haste to compensate - and it continues to increase at an exponential rate the more points you take out.

Edited, Sep 4th 2009 10:25am by dashwoe
#30 Sep 04 2009 at 5:58 AM Rating: Good
496 posts
As it said dash, the soft cap is only in relation to hots, since they are instant, and it is reducing the CD on those.

I love haste proc trinkets for fun though, I have the egg in the bank and the spider trinket, both of which add ~500 haste. And stack.

From 300 haste rating to 1300. Nourish spam becomes a lot of fun :)

But spark of hope me somebody please. I never seem to get it :(
#31 Sep 04 2009 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
61 posts
Spark of hope is basically god like,couple it with the mana return intellect trinket from TOC normal and mana useage seems to be a problem that happens to other people.

#32 Sep 04 2009 at 11:48 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
Ya, I'm dying to get that spark myself, but Je'Tze's bell and Energy Siphon are holding me fine ATM thankfully.

Never was too good with the haste procs myself. I swear the timer was half-over before I adjusted my rhythm to the faster cast time.
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#33 Sep 08 2009 at 12:55 PM Rating: Good
189 posts
This is a great thread. I was wondering about some of the numbers myself, so thanks for asking Mazra! :)
Our group is only barely starting to run through the Northrend instances, but I have been curious what stats were adequate for doing heroics for when we all reach level 80. I think I'm at 900 SP now in tree form. Still have a ways to go, but we still have lots of quests and instances to run, too.

Thanks for the great info, everybody!
#34 Sep 08 2009 at 7:15 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Mazra wrote:
Galenmoon wrote:
Feral deeps in heroics....


Assist off the tank for first target, FFF on the way in, Rake for clearcasting procs if you have 2pcT8, if not, Mangle, SR, Swipe, wait a sec and Swipe, Tiger's Fury (kitty spec'd that is for the 60 energy), Swipe, Swipe, Mangle, SR, Swipe, Swipe.

If things aren't dead at this point, group is fail. Make sure you are positioning yourself to hit all the mobs when you use swipe for maximum dps.


FFF on the way in, Mangle, Rake, SR, Berserk, Shred(mangle if in bearcat without the talent to reduce shred cost) to 5cp, Rip, Refresh Rake, Mangle and Rip as you go.

None of the rotation really changes for bearcat except for the loss of Tiger's Fury and the lesser damage from hitting Mangle instead of Shred. You won't get as much dps in that spec, they've really made it so you have to spec as a kitty to get true feral dps as a kitty.

Thanks for all the advice!

At one point I was like "Rip? Mangle? No, Trauma is up. Wait, forgot Faerie Fire, oh, Warrior is applying one Sunder on targets, never mind. Shred, Shr- oh, to hell with this!" and went Tiger's Fury/Berserk Swipe happy. Increased my DPS from 1300 to around 1600, putting me slightly behind the tank. Still, I was trying to keep track of so many timers, including cooldowns, boss mods and DoTs, while still reciting the priority list from here, I was going nuts.

My Bearcat build includes Tiger's Fury improvement, because I tended to PvP with the spec. Odd mix, I know.

Anyway, I noticed I had a healing piece with 33 hit rating on, so I decided to switch to Boomkin and test it out. I have around 1500 spell power in Moonkin form, with 17% crit and less than awesome haste. Still, I managed to quest just fine, dumping some points in Balance of Power for the +6% hit thing. I figure I'll respec once I get more DPS gear, but right now it's enough to get me through quests and I can still use my Resto spec for healing pretty much anything up to heroics. Life's sweet now.

My Balance build should be updated on my Armory profile. Hints and suggestions are appreciated if anyone cares. I know I don't have Eclipse maxed and I'm not sure if Intensity is a necessary talent. I also have Owlkin Frenzy which isn't really needed for a pure DPS build, but it's very handy while soloing.

It was a sad moment when I sold all my Feral gear to buy respec and glyphs for the Boomkin build, though, but hell, I got that gear in a day of running ToC and the next time I respec to Feral, hopefully I'll have better gear. Now I just need to check my mailbox for those Goldclover auctions so I can buy Insect Swarm.

Other than Insect Swarm and Moonfire, what major glyph do you guys recommend for Boomkin? I currently have the Starfire glyph (increases Moonfire duration on hit), mostly because it seemed valuable and only cost me 9g.

Edit: I just derailed my own thread. Epic fail.. or is it win?

Edited, Aug 31st 2009 11:16pm by Mazra

Skipped this post entirely before, my bad. My talent build is the usual cookie cutter moonkin build, though I should have the moonfire talent now that I got the new Idol instead of moonglow. Other than that, you can change a thing here and there for more mana regen if you need, but the basic is that.

Please, max out Eclipse. It is a must if you want to dps. Not so much for PvP but I dont really see the point in not getting it. Frenzy is pretty useless for pve, situational at most. But its your build, so...

Glyphs are the ones I have on too: IS, SF and MF. You can PM me if you want about Moonkin, I'll try to help you out.
#35 Sep 09 2009 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts
I’m a week late but I wanted to chime in… I started healing heroics immediately when I hit 80. My SP was around 1200. I also started doing OS. First time I ran OS it was me at 1200 +heals unbuffed and a priest at 2200, we two healed it and did fine. I may have got the gloves there on that run or another shortly after. Heroics wise, I started with the starter Northrend dungeons and worked my way up.

I also utilized some crafters in my guild to get me the titansteel guardian 1H mace, earthgiving boots and legs from a leatherworker trying to skill up with my mats, some cloth items from a tailor friend and basic level enchants until I could get better. I leveled my DK first to 80 as I had hit 70 about a month before WOTLK and had leveled resto from about 63 up, I wanted a break. I had skinning and mining on the DK so I was able to obtain most of my mats, and besides gold comes cheap if you need to AH it.

I am now at 2100 sp unbuffed, like 2250ish in TOL form, I JUST replaced the guardian mace with the dagger off IC in Uld 10, so it was well worth it to get it. Just the same the dagger out of H TOC on the Black Knight is a very nice dagger to have.

I honestly didn’t find myself replacing most of the crafted gear I got until I hit Naxx and got tier stuff. Being a healer it should be easy to find groups. Do some heroic runs and get emblems - Nexus, Gun’Drak, timed COS (though that can be a tougher heal with silences form patchwork guys), Utgarde Pinnacle (again can be a tough heal on the gauntlet if ranged isn’t picked up immediately), and I am missing one - are all 5 emblem runs. UK is easy, VH is easy (one personal accomplishment I remember was the first time I was able to heal through the void walker part – it felt good to me) so those are some quick ones to get. Then you can get major upgrades on helm, chest, neck, legs, gloves. H TOC also has some decent stuff, a necklace, some boots and gloves that could be argued to be boomkin, but if you don’t have better, why not.

There are some basic tips to get some better gear, you probably know them, but I wanted to mention them anyway. If you can get the crafted items, go for it, if not heroics it is. Right now is a great time to get into Naxx runs as well because so many people are just in it for quick badge runs, so you can go face roll the place, pick up any gear you can use and get badges too. Ride the coat tails if they are willing to let you aboard. :)

As for boomkin, my second spec is balance, I trade out my relic and a trinket and push 4-5k dps (probably more since I got my SP up another 150-200 since I last went laser chicken.) Hit is great and will certainly help, but if you are focusing on heals, you can do respectable dps along the way with mostly the same gear.

Regarding the RG glyph, don’t waste your time. Yes it is nice to have a quick pop, but the nerf you take on the heals aren’t worth it. Get RJ and SM for the quick pop or better yet macro NS with HT as your ohh s#!t button. You’ll be surprised how quickly some RJs with LB and WG will bring a party up. Also for raiding I find the brez with full hp is invaluable. Being able to brez a tank and have them jump right in can be a raid saver.

Good luck to you!
#36 Sep 10 2009 at 6:59 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Update since a lot of people have replied with useful stuff.

Immediately after starting this thread, I actually took the plunge and applied as a healer for some heroics. I went with your advice and was looking for a Nexus/Utgarde run when someone whispered me about healing Violet Hold. At first I was about to reject, but then I thought "what the hell" and went with it. Actually went very well, mainly because the tank was geared in tier 8. The group was looking to farm some heroics, so I tagged along and we did everything except Oculus, Ulduar: HoS/HoL, TotC and that last one, whatever its name is.

Got a load of emblems, bought some more gear, repeated the success the next day, bought some more gear and I'm now at 1600ish spell power, barely 300 haste rating and 245 mp5. I have tried all heroics except the above mentioned ones (I hate Oculus even on normal) and I just joined a nice social guild with focus on "relaxed raiding and PvP" which suits me perfectly.

I'm now 29 emblems from my first tier 8 piece, which will also be my first tier item ever. I'm already beginning to feel like a PvE freak.

Thanks for the advice on Boomkin, I'll definitely look into respeccing. I took Owlkin Frenzy mainly for soloing since I hate spamming Entangling Roots, personally, and the mana regen was pretty decent. Not that it matters now that I have the Endless Mana Potion (the Endless potions and the Flask of the North was the best investment I ever made), so I might have to look into reallocating those points.

Once I hit exalted with Wyrmrest and get that dragon, I'll start working on my Hodir reputation for the shoulder enchant.

Now, I need some help with the Boomkin rotation, because I think I'm doing it wrong. I have the relic which increases my spell power on Moonfire casts, so I cast Moonfire first, then Insect Swarm, then spam Starfire until Eclipse procs, then Wrath spam until Eclipse runs out. I try to refresh Insect Swarm and Moonfire inbetween that, but if Eclipse procs just as Insect Swarm and Moonfire are about to run out, I'm not sure if I should prioritize Wrath or the DoTs more.

Also, since I spam Starfire until Eclipse procs, I tend to only get the Wrath buff of that talent. I read somewhere that there's an internal cooldown, so I'm guessing I should spam Starfire until Eclipse procs, then Wrath until Eclipse procs again, then Starfire and so on? I mainly spam Starfire because it also refreshes my Moonfire DoT (glyph), but is it better to spam Wrath once Eclipse procs and keep spamming it to get the Starfire buff?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#37 Sep 10 2009 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Now, I need some help with the Boomkin rotation, because I think I'm doing it wrong. I have the relic which increases my spell power on Moonfire casts, so I cast Moonfire first, then Insect Swarm, then spam Starfire until Eclipse procs, then Wrath spam until Eclipse runs out. I try to refresh Insect Swarm and Moonfire inbetween that, but if Eclipse procs just as Insect Swarm and Moonfire are about to run out, I'm not sure if I should prioritize Wrath or the DoTs more.

Also, since I spam Starfire until Eclipse procs, I tend to only get the Wrath buff of that talent. I read somewhere that there's an internal cooldown, so I'm guessing I should spam Starfire until Eclipse procs, then Wrath until Eclipse procs again, then Starfire and so on? I mainly spam Starfire because it also refreshes my Moonfire DoT (glyph), but is it better to spam Wrath once Eclipse procs and keep spamming it to get the Starfire buff?

I will try to help, Arex feel free to come in and correct me if I'm wrong.

1 - First off, Eclipse changed. There's still a CD but only for the same spell. Like this: if you keep casting SF, Solar Eclipse will proc eventually and you will change to cast Wrath. When Solar eclipse ends, it will enter in a CD, but only the Solar will. The Lunar is off CD. So, if you keep casting wrath, the Lunar one will eventually proc and you will start casting SF, and so on and so forth. When none is on CD you can cast whatever you like, but I tend to cast wrath-sf-wrath-sf so I can have the correct spell being casted as soon as eclipse procs and not lose a spell due to wrath late hit on mob.

2 - Try to always cast IS before MF. MF can crit and can proc NG. If you cast MF then IS you can lose the proc due to gcd + lag.

3 - Try to keep both dots up all the time. Of course, that would be the perfect world where you can always have the RNG working for you and eclipse always proccing whenever you need. As we know this doesnt happen, what I try to do is this:
- Keep FF up, keep IS up, keep MF up, wrath-sf-wrath-sf untill one of the eclipse procs;
- When eclipse procs I check if I have enough time on dots for at least 2 casts. If I do, I cast the spell. Otherwise I redot and resume.
- If one of the dots is going down and I have more than 5 seconds on eclipse, I recast it and resume casting the eclipse spell. Otherwise, I just keep spamming. This 5 seconds here is what I seen to generally be able to recast dots and cast 1 SF in time.
- If T8 thing procs, I cast SF. Generally. It actually depend on the fight and if I think I can wait a bit to see if I get a SF eclipse. If I think I dont have enough time due to boss mechanic or anything I just cast it and move on.
- When Eclipse is on CD, redot if you need and cast the correspondent spell.

4 - Remember to use Starfall whenever its off CD and you think its a buff to dps. No use on casting it just before you know you will get stunned or out of range.

5 - Try to know when your raid is going to use heroism/bloodlust and cast Treants just before the shaman use it so the Treants can have full benefit of it.

ps. This is what I do since I have both T8 proc and MF idol. It might be not so great idea to keep both dots up all the time wasting GCDs, even less if you dont have T8, but casting only the one that have greater impact on the correlated spell might be a good idea. I dont really have numbers for it or maths to show you what is better or worst. This is just the way I better adapted myself and do the better dps with.

edit. I said I would respec and I did yesterday. Even so I find myself always having almost full mana. Im still thinking of changing stuff, I just dont know where to put cause the other talents are such a minor benefit to dps its kinda of a shame they are there...

Edited, Sep 10th 2009 10:16pm by Brisin
#38 Sep 12 2009 at 2:43 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Thanks for the advice, Brisin.

It seems my DPS is a solid 2,000 or so. I can't seem to get past 2,100 on average and spike at 2,400 with Starfall and Treants.

As for healing, well, I've now healed Heroic TotC and survived to tell the tale. I have to say, it was one of the more frightening runs I've made in a long time, but not so much more difficult than Old Kingdom or Pinnacle. Just need a tank geared for the job and some decent DPS.

Hopefully I'll be able to give it a shot again soon, because the grind for emblems is getting boring. I'm now in ilevel 200 or better and only two items of my healing set aren't epics (Alchemy trinket and idol). Unfortunately, everything you can get from TotC (regular) and heroics is ilevel 200 and you can't get into a Naxx10 raid these days without the epic achievement (or at least some of it).

Got my first T8 item, though. Upgraded a blue BOE chest piece to the Conqueror's chest piece. Not a bad trade, in my opinion. Now I just need a better idol, some cash for the Bell trinket and a cloak that doesn't have resilience on it.
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#39 Sep 18 2009 at 5:16 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Okay, so I now find myself in a different position than when I originally started this thread. It's been barely a month and so much has happened. In the first post I'm wondering if I'm ready for heroics soon, having some 1300 spell power self-buffed in Tree of Life form, 159 haste and 204 crit rating.

Now I find myself wondering if I'm ready for raids...

I now have 1944 spell power unbuffed and in NE form, 406 haste rating, 367 crit rating and 246 mp5 (through Intensity). I can heal pretty much every heroic out there, but with a fail group, TotC and HoS/HoL are teh suck. Oh, and I'm still not doing Oculus. Seriously hate that place.

I'm still far from getting the epic achievement which is the key to Naxx10/VOA PUGs and I'm getting there slowly. According to, I've got the best gear available pre-raid. I've looked through instance drops and rep rewards, but nothing seems to be better than what I have now. Of course, I can always farm some 500 emblems and get the Tier 7-8 items, but PUG'ing heroics is getting boring and stuff.

When did you start raiding and where did you start?
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#40 Sep 18 2009 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
496 posts
I still don't have the epic achievement and I've downed everything up to Yogg and General.

Bad luck, strange resto itemization and the fact that the amount of spirit on the Earthgiving Legguards means that I'm only just now about to replace them with T8 badge vendor gear because I'm sick of waiting for the leg token to drop for me.

You have more spellpower than me in caster form than I do in tree and since all anybody seems to want nowadays is craptons* of spellpower you should be fine. Get into a few guild raids and when they ask for the epic achievement link them the raid one instead and hope they invite you along anyway.

*the technical term

I started naxx with far less gear than you and did perfectly fine.

Short story: You are easily naxx ready and I'd be more than happy to bring you to most of Uld as well. Be Imba thinks so too.

By the way, your new avatar scares me.
#41 Sep 18 2009 at 7:38 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
I got the epic achievement only after raiding naxx 25 several times. You are more than ready. I was healing naxx 10 with blue equipment. You are fine.
You have more than enough SP and enough haste. Crit pretty much doesnt matter. You might have a problem with mana on some encounters (maybe Sarth and/or KT) if you dont have a pally or shammy on your raid, but thats unlikely. I would more than likely give it a try.
#42 Sep 19 2009 at 2:15 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Thanks for the help. Good to know I don't need to hold back when they're asking for healers in the guild.

Is it right, though, that TotC HC still gives me trouble when I'm geared for Naxx10? I imagine a raid being a bit more hectic than a heroic.

Also, my mp5 is lacking, but I'm an alchemist so I have the endless mana potion (2-3k mana every minute/fight), plus Innervate (3 mins), plus Darkmoon Card: Illusion (1500 every 5 mins). Yeah, yeah, I know, get Je'Tze's Bell, but the Darkmoon card cost me 500g and Je'Tze's Bell goes for an average of 4k on my server now (they're nuts).

Update: First Naxx10 run today. Failed miserably. Tanks didn't know the Instructor Razuvious encounter so we wiped twice. Seriously, why do raids always have to be so fancy and stuff? What happened to plain and simple tank & spank with a gear check once in a while? Meh.

Anyway, I didn't get the feeling I was particularly well geared, but the other healer, also a Druid, was decked in better epics, so that might've been why.

Edited, Sep 19th 2009 5:40pm by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#43 Sep 19 2009 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
1,888 posts
Heroic Toc, if I'm not mistaken, has the same "difficult" as naxx 25/ulduar 10.
#44 Sep 19 2009 at 6:04 PM Rating: Good
4,512 posts
Mazra wrote:
Is it right, though, that TotC HC still gives me trouble when I'm geared for Naxx10? I imagine a raid being a bit more hectic than a heroic.

Yes. I'd argue HToC is harder because you don't have any back up help with the plummeting health bars.

With your current numbers, you're more than capable of pulling your own weight in Ulduar10 and probably TotC10.
#45 Sep 19 2009 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
496 posts
Personally I hate H ToC, because unless you have a decently geared tank and some clever dps a few of the fights (confessor in particular) are seriously hard.

Are you in a raiding guild?

I think this would be the time to try and find a mediocre raiding guild and just run naxx/Uld a few times, even if you're just going on the alt/non-core-raiding-team clear just to get badges/gear.

You'd be surprised how much easier everything becomes when everyone knows their job well. I basically /afk for the spider boss now, just keeping my regrowth, rejuv and abolish poison going and that's it.
#46 Sep 20 2009 at 2:46 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
CBD wrote:
I'd argue HToC is harder because you don't have any back up help with the plummeting health bars.

All the TotC Heroics I've healed have been the Shaman, Mage, Rogue combo and usually it's the Confessor during second encounter. Really, really hate that fight, because so much depends on luck. Will she focus fire on you or spread out the damage? Will she decide to hit you three times during a fear? It's complete crap when you get feared and triple-hit by that Holy Smite crap or whatever she throws around. My health pool isn't larger than 16k, so I can't take a beating like that. And because of the fear, people tend to scatter completely, meaning I get little out of Wild Growth. Nourish spam, bleah.

Also, she has a tendency to fear just as I'm about to finish loading up Regrowth on someone.

slightlysober wrote:
Are you in a raiding guild?

I think this would be the time to try and find a mediocre raiding guild and just run naxx/Uld a few times, even if you're just going on the alt/non-core-raiding-team clear just to get badges/gear.

The guild I'm in now, which is a very awesome social/raiding guild, has Naxx10 on farm, so I'm planning on tagging along the next time there's a guild run there. In the meantime I just farm heroics (except Oculus) now that I've done a Halls of Lightning which was very awesome. Compared to Halls of Stone, it's pretty easy, actually. Perhaps the tank was overgeared for it, I don't know.

By the way, during the fail Naxx10 run I mentioned earlier, I checked Recount to see Healing Done. The other Druid was way ahead of me with about 3200 HPS while I was at 2400 HPS or so. Was I slacking? I was a bit unsure how to proceed with raid healing, mainly because I've never done it before, but I basically just tossed around Regrowth/Rejuvenation and Nourish, with a Wild Growth now and then on the melee group. I found people's health bars dropped so fast I had to use Regrowth and Nourish for the direct healing as Rejuvenation probably wouldn't have been enough.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#47 Sep 20 2009 at 3:17 AM Rating: Decent
496 posts
Mazra wrote:
By the way, during the fail Naxx10 run I mentioned earlier, I checked Recount to see Healing Done. The other Druid was way ahead of me with about 3200 HPS while I was at 2400 HPS or so. Was I slacking? I was a bit unsure how to proceed with raid healing, mainly because I've never done it before, but I basically just tossed around Regrowth/Rejuvenation and Nourish, with a Wild Growth now and then on the melee group. I found people's health bars dropped so fast I had to use Regrowth and Nourish for the direct healing as Rejuvenation probably wouldn't have been enough.

HPS is a really tricky thing.

My hps is really dependent on the other healers I am running with. If I'm in a raid with 2 pallies and myself odds are my hps numbers aren't going to look so good, because every time I throw a hot onto someone they'll heal over the top of my hot, wasting it, lowering my hps.

Try checking the actual healing done next time. He may have higher HPS than you, but perhaps he was on tank heals where he needed to be putting out bigger numbers. When I'm on raid heals I tend to have a lower hps, but much higher healing done because I have hots ticking away on half the raid

Basic rule is ff no-one is dead at the end, then you did well.

My strategy for raid healing is: Know your assignments. Odds are you will be raid heals, so hit Wild Growth on every cooldown. See if you can aim it so it hits the maximum number of people (I sometimes stand halfway between the melee and ranged and cast it on myself, so it hits both groups).

If damage is coming too fast (which it often is) see if you can predict when that damage is going to come (eg. HoL Loken's lightning nova) and before it comes put a rejuv on everyone, then WG just as it arrives then spam nourish. That way, if you are talented and glyphed for nourish, you're getting a heap of healing done on your nourish and getting those off in less than 2 seconds each. I can get the raid back up and running on my own within 5-10 seconds that way.

Mazra wrote:
Compared to Halls of Stone, it's pretty easy, actually. Perhaps the tank was overgeared for it, I don't know.
I personally find HoL much easier than HoS. That event in HoS is much harder than anything in HoL and Loken is not that bad, since your WG basically counteracts the constant damage and the nova is very predictable, you can tranq through one and just do the prehot system for the others.

Edit to add: The confessor is a *****. I swear I have more trouble healing through her than any other encounter in the game.

Edited, Sep 20th 2009 12:19pm by slightlysober
#48 Sep 21 2009 at 1:54 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Okay, I'll stop watching Recount so religiously.

Halls of Stone is a pita, really. Especially if you're going there with a group who has the IQ of a sack of bricks, the reaction time of a dead possum and an ego to match their shoulder armor. Really, really hate that place. If people stand too close together during Krystallus, they'll get Petrified and Shatter, killing everyone within range of their Shatter, which is, usually, me and some other ranged DPS. If people don't know the first wave event, they'll stand still and get hit by the sphere, immediately dying to that beam they also ignored. And if they don't know the final event, they'll completely ignore the adds, who will then come charging at me because I'm pumping out healing threat, causing me, and subsequently the entire group, to fold.

Lots of encounters where players need to know the strategy to not fail horribly and when they do, the healer's the one they blame.

Edited, Sep 21st 2009 11:54am by Mazra
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#49 Sep 21 2009 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
496 posts
Mazra wrote:
And if they don't know the final event, they'll completely ignore the adds, who will then come charging at me because I'm pumping out healing threat, causing me, and subsequently the entire group, to fold.

Just something that works really well for me and requires almost no thought is in encounters where you know there will be adds (Old Kingdom or even just for the annoying little zombies in CoS) sit on the tank, behind the boss.

Heals have no minimum range and this means that you have the adds taken off you easily by whatever AoE component most tanks build into their rotation (consecrate, DnD etc) while continuing to heal and actually getting a better return out of your WG spam.

Do make sure you are behind the boss though, where the other dps are so you avoid any frontal cone of effect damage (ie. dragon's flame breath kind of stuff etc)

Mara wrote:
Lots of encounters where players need to know the strategy to not fail horribly and when they do, the healer's the one they blame.

Unfortunately I think this is half laziness and half ignorance.

Laziness because a lot of healers are overgeared enough that they can just heal straight through the AoE damage that used to define encounters (such as HoL Loken's nova).

Ignorance because, having only ever run with overgeared healers, they may not even know about the damage.

For example I ran H UK the other day and not a single person attacked the Ice Blocked person. I simply healed through it and everything was fine until I was the one who got Ice Blocked and died.

I asked them why they hadn't swapped to the ice person and all of them said they didn't know that's what they did.

Even the dps in Uld/ToC gear didn't know, simply because he'd leveled to 80 just a little bit later and had never had to bother before.
#50 Sep 21 2009 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
3,157 posts
I came to the forums for help, but have advice to GIVE as well ^_^

As for the moonkin stuff. With a proper spec and rotation, 3K+ DPS on a -boss- isn't too tough.
You have to be VERY good at watching eclipse procs.
The thing about Moonkin, is, it's night and day. Literally. Here's how a boss fight goes for me.

Cast treants to start the fight. Roll on Faery Fire. Throw down Starfall, and, if usable (some bosses still get knocked back) typhoon. Moonfire to proc my old level 70 idol, then insect swarm. Wrath until Eclipse of the Moon procs, then spam starfire. Starfire will refresh moonfire, you just have to make sure Insect Swarm is always fresh (more than five seconds left). Insect Swarm increases your wrath damage, so when you proc Eclipse of the Sun you switch immediately to wrath, benefitting both from IS bonus and Eclipse bonus damage. Keep using wrath until Eclipse wears off, then refresh IS and MF, use typhoon, and continue spamming wrath until Eclipse of the Moon procs. Repeat the process, resummoning Starfall and Treants when necessary (starfall refreshes are second only to Faery fire refreshes in priority, it does WAY too much damage).

Use trinkets as often as possible, obviously. I tend to use mine right after I cast the first FF, so the SP benefits all my spells.

Using that method, I tend to average 3500 DPS on a boss, and my gear REALLY isn't that good (it's mostly healer crap).

As for my question, it's regarding the resto side of Druidism. Whenever I try to heal, I go OOM less than halfway through the battle, even after using Innervate. I tend to keep Rejuve up, and Wild Growth. If I feel like I'll have the mana I roll a Regrowth in, or use some Nourishes to top people off.
Is this the correct method for lower levels of gear? In heroics I bottom out healing 5 people, and it usually results in a wipe.

Here's my armory:

It's showing a missing trinket for some form, but it's some old trinket of sorts.
#51 Sep 21 2009 at 3:43 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Fix your resto spec. Check the Druid 202 sticky. I updated the resto part and forget what is in there but its good stuff. Also fix resto glyphs. Starfire is DPS and Nourish is less than optimal.

You seem to be logged in Balance gear or are at least sharing and prioritizing balance stuff.

Your Mp5 is 47 while casting, that is not good for a healer. Again balance looking gear.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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