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Priest Macro'sFollow

#1 Aug 30 2009 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
Here's a macro I just put together.

#showtooltip Prayer of Healing
/cast [target=player] Power Infusion
/cast Inner Focus
/cast Prayer of Healing

Because the spells don't share a common cooldown, they all fire with one keypress. Since one spell being on cooldown doesn't stop the other from activating, you can press the key repeatedly to do your multiple PoH.

Why would I want to tie these together?
As disc, if I'm casting PoH, the group is probably taking some significant group wide damage. By utilizing PI, IF, and PoH on the single keypress, I get:

- Reduced casting time on multiple PoH by .5 sec each for 15 seconds.
- Reduced mana cost of multiple PoH by 20% for 15 seconds.
- The first PoH mana free with a crit rate increased by 25% (putting the chance to crit and proc bubbles above 50%).
- Even if PI or IF is on cooldown, PoH still activates normally, meaning this is "keybind it and forget it".

What about you? Have you found a priest macro that you like?

Edit (my evolving ui):
I like to try different things and ended up giving Vuhdo a try (link in sig) instead of grid with the macro above. It actually has configuration options to cast spells or activate trinkets as they cool down, in addition to the heal you are throwing.

I'm liking it as a grid replacement so far. I'm trying to get used to click casting with it, as I believe ultimately it will decrease my reaction time. It's fun to experiment. Vuhdo seems to be very full featured. I'm going to try switching to it exclusively and see how it goes.

Edited, Sep 3rd 2009 5:06pm by dadanox

Edit #2, I gave healbot a try and have started using it. Bottom line is that Grid, Vuhdo, and Healbot all work. How they are configured and display some things varies a bit.

Edited, Sep 23rd 2009 10:32pm by dadanox
#2 Aug 30 2009 at 12:49 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Even though you are Alliance scum, I think you are the coolest.

I've actually found my macros getting simpler rather than more complex. I used to have all kinds of panic button macros (PW:S, Desperate Prayer, Pain Suppression) and burst healing macros and whatnot, and macros that would do more than one thing depending on the target's level of friendliness or foe-iness. Now they all just do one thing (to the mouseover target if there is one, otherwise to the regular target if appropriate, otherwise self-cast). I just find I like to vary the whats and whens too much.

I like these ones of yours though, that only require one press and work even if something's on cooldown. You're getting me reconsidering again.

#3 Aug 30 2009 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
The idea is good, but I tend to save my Inner Focus for worse situations - I save Power Infusion for the mages. Inner Focus on Divine Hymn is still obscenely sick. Funnily enough, it single-handedly prevented a wipe in a Hodir fight 10 minutes ago (I was typing this up during trash, yes *whistles innocently*). I failed at a Flash Freeze and used the soulstone to come back with about 1K mana and 20% of my hit points... Inner Focus+Divine Hymn was literaly the last trick I had up my sleeve, and it worked!

To get back to the macros though;
#showtooltip [noharm] Hymn of Hope;[harm,exists]Shadowfiend 
/cast [noharm] Hymn of Hope;[harm,exists] Shadowfiend 

This one is one of my own creations and I love it - what it does is basically use Hymn of Hope when no target is selected or the target is friendly, and use Shadowfiend when an enemy is selected - that's 2 mana restoration cooldowns in one button. On a similar note, I use macros like these;
#showtooltip [noharm] Flash Heal;[harm,exists]Smite 
/cast [noharm] Flash Heal;[harm,exists] Smite

They basically do the same thing and make my life a bit easier by allowing me to keybind SW:P to the same key as Penance, Smite to the same key as Flash Heal, Devouring Plague to the same key as Holy Nova, etc.
#4 Aug 30 2009 at 2:06 PM Rating: Good
Mozared wrote:
Inner Focus on Divine Hymn is still obscenely sick.

I like it. I think I'll do the same thing I did for PoH, to Divine Hymn also. That way which ever one I use, I'll be good to go. Thanks.

I know Power Infusion is good for mages. In practice I just don't apply it enough. By automating it on myself, I'm hoping to utilize it more.

I know Inner Focus Is a lifesaver when you are low on mana. For now, at my guild's current level of progression, and my passing 23k mana, that hasn't really been an issue lately. I can always change things if I feel the need for it. My thinking is that if I use it during normal fighting, I'll save mana as I go and won't hit the critical need for it. Hopefully if I get rezzed it will be off cooldown.

As usual Mozared, all great advice.

teacake wrote:
Even though you are Alliance scum, I think you are the coolest.

Alliance, where? It's my Orb of Deception, honest.


Edited, Aug 30th 2009 6:36pm by dadanox
#5 Aug 30 2009 at 6:02 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
#showtooltip [noharm] Flash Heal;[harm,exists]Smite

If you just use #showtooltip with no arguments, it'll automatically put the appropriate tooltip based on your target. In case that saves you typing anywhere.

I used to do these double duty macros all the time before my macros got too long, and agree it's awesome for saving keyboard/toolbar space. With the priest I may end up needing to go back to it somehow; we just have way too many buttons to press. Which is a good thing!
#6 Aug 30 2009 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
You're right Teacake - I wrote these macros at level 78, which is... something like a year ago now? There's some parts that could probably be updated - it's just that they work the way I've got them and that's all I need. I even have the buttons hidden so I never get to see the tooltip anyway.
#7 Aug 31 2009 at 3:34 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Mozared wrote:
it's just that they work the way I've got them and that's all I need.

You'd be amazed, and not a little bit disgusted, by how many unnecessary arguments I've got floating around. It's a mess, but if it works, I don't bother with it. :)

Mozared wrote:
I even have the buttons hidden so I never get to see the tooltip anyway.

You people who can do this amaze me. Maybe I need some more ginseng or whatever it is. I never click my buttons, but I have to have them there. Cheat sheet. And even with that, when I switch too frequently between priest and paladin (one must kill the gankers, after all), I'm forever trying to cast spells I don't have.
#8 Aug 31 2009 at 4:43 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
I have most of my spells hidden too (all except for longer cooldowns actually).
It's something you need to get used to, and although it might be a bit awkward at the start the extra bits of screen not cluttered by the UI is definitely worth it to me.

That said, I do still have the urge to send in my pet when I'm not playing my hunter and I also caught myself desperately trying to shield myself while playing my hunter in a raid :P
#9 Aug 31 2009 at 7:55 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
I have most of my spells hidden too (all except for longer cooldowns actually).
It's something you need to get used to, and although it might be a bit awkward at the start the extra bits of screen not cluttered by the UI is definitely worth it to me.

That said, I do still have the urge to send in my pet when I'm not playing my hunter and I also caught myself desperately trying to shield myself while playing my hunter in a raid :P

Just wait until you jump off a cliff with your hunter and try to hit Levitate. Your pet will look longingly at you from the top while you plummet down, thinking, "Silly Master, thought he could fly."

Most of my action keys are set to be hidden in combat. Thirty-six keys take up way too much real estate on the screen.

My favorite macros involve a script that also adds a message to the raid or the target when I use Guardian Spirit/Pain Suppresion or Power Infusion, respectively.

/script local u,ps,c="mouseover","Pain Suppression",GetNumRaidMembers()>0 and "RAID" or "PARTY";if IsSpellInRange(ps,u)==1 and GetSpellCooldown(ps)==0 then SendChatMessage(ps.." on "..UnitName(u),c) end
/cast [target=mouseover] Pain Suppression

/script local u,gs,c="mouseover","Guardian Spirit",GetNumRaidMembers()>0 and "RAID" or "PARTY";if IsSpellInRange(gs,u)==1 and GetSpellCooldown(gs)==0 then SendChatMessage(gs.." on "..UnitName(u),c) end
/cast [target=mouseover] Guardian Spirit

These two send a raid message when you blow your cd on someone. It checks the target for range and the spell for cooldown before it announces, so you don't send false messages when you try to cast and fail due to this. It doesn't check LOS, though, so it can send the message and fail to cast if the target is out of sight, but in range.

/script local u,pi="mouseover","Power Infusion";if IsSpellInRange(pi,u)==1 and GetSpellCooldown(pi)==0 then SendChatMessage("You just got "..GetSpellLink(pi).."!","WHISPER",nil,UnitName(u)) end
/cast [target=mouseover,exists][] Power Infusion
/use 14

This one whispers the target (and gives a link!) when you cast PI on them. It uses the same variable checking as the GS/PS ones and suffers from the same error if you cast it out of LOS.

*edit Must attribute the origin of these macros. They were stolen without shame from Paolo.

Edited, Aug 31st 2009 11:17am by Trylofer
#10 Aug 31 2009 at 9:20 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Trylofer wrote:
Just wait until you jump off a cliff with your hunter and try to hit Levitate.

My first 70 was a druid. Many a subsequent death was caused by taking my flight form key for granted.
#11 Aug 31 2009 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
You people who can do this amaze me. Maybe I need some more ginseng or whatever it is. I never click my buttons, but I have to have them there. Cheat sheet. And even with that, when I switch too frequently between priest and paladin (one must kill the gankers, after all), I'm forever trying to cast spells I don't have.

Oh, but I won't deny I've cast the ocassional Levitate while trying to dispel an important effect on the tank =P. It just takes some getting used to, but by now my hotkeys are simply second nature. I simply know what fingermovement will result in what amount of healing over what amount of time.

That said, it is a huge pain if you're eating bossche bollen (a picture for the non-Dutchies) and try to grind with one hand. On the brighter side, I leave the grinding to other characters than my priest.

As for switching characters - Horn of Winter pre-pull is a pretty good idea. Hymn of Hope, I can tell you, is not.
#12 Aug 31 2009 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
teacake wrote:
Trylofer wrote:
Just wait until you jump off a cliff with your hunter and try to hit Levitate.

My first 70 was a druid. Many a subsequent death was caused by taking my flight form key for granted.
I haven't done that yet.

I have however, killed my priest with fall damage because I accidentaly placed my light feathers in the bank. (no way I'm paying 50+g for that glyph)

Mozared wrote:
Oh, but I won't deny I've cast the ocassional Levitate while trying to dispel an important effect on the tank =P. It just takes some getting used to, but by now my hotkeys are simply second nature. I simply know what fingermovement will result in what amount of healing over what amount of time.
Not to mention muscle memory...
It amazing how easily a shotrotation/cooldowns get stuck in your muscles.

And praise the unhealthy creamy goodness of a Bossche Bol <3
#13 Sep 08 2009 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
You folks make me giggle, thank you for making my cube a little less dull! ^_^

Dadanox wrote:
I like to try different things and ended up giving Vuhdo a try (link in sig) instead of grid with the macro above. It actually has configuration options to cast spells or activate trinkets as they cool down, in addition to the heal you are throwing.

I use Vuhdo as well and love it. Easier for my simple mind to handle.

I've actually created dps macros for vuhdo's mouse casts for my shadow spec and DK. I had a theory that the less time you spent tabbing through mobs to change and find a target the better your dps would be soooo...
When I click someone on my grid (tank, another dps) I will cast on the mob/boss they are targeting (ex: Left click mind flay).

Makes dotting up multiple targets, switching targets, moving around, and changing my camera angles much easier... As for my dps, well if they ever allow me to go sexy purple in a raid I'll let you know... But I'm not holding my breath.

I believe the macros go along the lines of /assist vuhdo /cast mind flay. But I'm at work and cannot double check.
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