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Ret T7.5, how long?!Follow

#1 Aug 28 2009 at 10:44 PM Rating: Default
So while Prot is my main, my new guild needs me Ret.
On ToC25 I pulled 5400 on 1st boss and in 10man I did ~4500 so I'm not too worthless right now.

I currently am sporting 4 T7.5 pieces (body, shoulders, hands, legs) with T8.5 head. The rest of my gear is pretty mediocre but not terribad.

Head: Conqueror's Aegis Helm
Neck: Might of the Leviathan
Shoulder: Valorous Redemption Shoulderplates
Chest: Valorous Redemption Chestpiece
Belt: Girdle of the Ascended Phantom
Pants: Valorous Redemption Legplates
Boots: Death-Inured Sabatons
Bracers: Vambraces of Unholy Command
Gloves: Valorous Redemption Gauntlets
Ring: Titan-Forged Band of Victory
Ring: Deadly Gladiator's Band of Victory
Trinket: Mirror of Truth
Trinket: Darkmoon Card: Greatness
Cloak: Drape of the Undefeated
Weapon: Edge of Ruin
Libram: Libram of Valiance

Got all typical enchants(though Precision on Gloves for the 20hit)

With this I have 1542 Str, 29.23% melee crit, 28.09% spell crit, and 205 hit rating.

So is there anything that is going to replace this? Luckily the other gear puts me over 2300 which is very vital to getting PuG's on my server.

Anything else that could be an improvement would be appreciated as well.

My guild now runs Uld25 hard modes(all) and ToC25 weekly. I'm eligible for a lot of loot(I'm the ONLY Ret Pally, but there are some DK/Wars) due to most being done with it all and I'd like to know what to look for.

Also if anything else drops in a nonraid that I should aim for, that would be nice too. Tired of using PvP rings but they are pretty amazing. One has huge AP, the other AP and Hit.

Edited, Sep 1st 2009 11:19am by SarionBelmont
#2 Sep 01 2009 at 7:08 AM Rating: Decent
Slightly off topic, but what's your rotation or FCFS priority list? I use both (I know, right?) being CS > Judgement > DS > CS > Consecrate > Exorcism > CS... basically what EJ has on their Retribution 3.2 thread. I'm doing poorly, though.

Also, 205 hit isn't capped. 263 hit, or 8%, is the melee cap.
#3REDACTED, Posted: Sep 01 2009 at 7:19 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Judgement is always first for me as it is hands down our top DPS in every fight.
#4 Sep 01 2009 at 11:28 AM Rating: Excellent
1,609 posts
Judgement damage on a single target will be 3rd or 4th. Seal of corruption will provide most damage, likely around 20% of total, closely followed by white damage. The rotation on a single target should be

(Hammer of Wrath) -> Crusader Strike -> Judgement -> etc

Basically use crusader strike every time it's available as top priority (since the attached seal of corruption damage is huge) and you'll be able to fit in two abilities before CSing again. CS, Judgement, Divine Storm, CS, Exorcism, Conscecrate, CS.... and so on.

I think you are maybe misreading your dps meter, because 9.4k dps sustained on xt-002 is completely unprecedented in all the wws reports i can find, from much much better geared rets.

#5 Sep 02 2009 at 1:39 AM Rating: Default
ArtemisEnteri wrote:
Judgement damage on a single target will be 3rd or 4th. Seal of corruption will provide most damage, likely around 20% of total, closely followed by white damage. The rotation on a single target should be

(Hammer of Wrath) -> Crusader Strike -> Judgement -> etc

Basically use crusader strike every time it's available as top priority (since the attached seal of corruption damage is huge) and you'll be able to fit in two abilities before CSing again. CS, Judgement, Divine Storm, CS, Exorcism, Conscecrate, CS.... and so on.

I think you are maybe misreading your dps meter, because 9.4k dps sustained on xt-002 is completely unprecedented in all the wws reports i can find, from much much better geared rets.

We chained heart. Got it to 1% every time(a War died right at start.. nub) and as you know heart takes like, 2x dmg lol.

As for other info, thanks. I'll have to check into more detailed recount reports after raids from now on.
#6 Sep 02 2009 at 4:13 AM Rating: Good
3,229 posts
To be honest I think your kit is pretty good and 5k DPS is not to be sniffed at.

Not sure I agree about the hit cap situation, have you checked to see how many of your swings are missed/glanced/parried or blocked?

Also with the rotation in mind, I sometimes hit judgement, purely for the range as I'm heading in.
#7 Sep 02 2009 at 5:24 PM Rating: Default
I've not sat down and looked into my full recount data, but I will tonight after ToC10 and 25 heroic. Not sure what to do about hit as we should never gem it, but if below cap.. not much choice.
#8 Sep 03 2009 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
Okay did a ToC10 clear and took screenshots of recount breakdowns.

4124.7 DPS overall, which isn't bad considering how terrible Champions are (no Divine Storm or Consecrate, lots of CC and running which makes SoV tick solo) and Anub being a new boss.

Here are the stats:

Total: 9923091
DPS: 4124.7
Time: 1778.76s


Damage: 2161449
Blocked: 866
Absorbed: 14927
Glancing: 150 / 22.8%
Hit: 243 / 36.9%
Crit: 214 / 32.5%
Miss: 6 / 0.9%
Dodge: 14 / 2.1%
Parry: 25 / 3.8%


Damage: 1590104
Blocked: 585
Absorbed: 9419
Hit: 292 / 68.9%
Crit: 132 / 31.1%


Damage: 6171538
Resisted: 297906
Absorbed: 56376
Hit: 843 / 59.5%
Crit: 574 / 40.5%



Melee: 658 / 2161449
Seal of Vengeance : 958 / 1606712
Judgement of Vengeance: 218 / 1353970
Holy Vengeance: 726 / 993208
Crusader Strike: 301 / 905238
Divine Storm: 157 / 684866
Exorcism: 107 / 684007
Righteous Vengeance: 644 / 656378


Now that was in the gear listed above. My favorite moment was the Valkyr fight though, did 6102 DPS, only 1 miss.

Melee: 49 / 226260
Seal of Vengeance: 71 / 162736
Judgement of Vengeance: 16 / 140141
Holy Vengeance: 55 / 105649
Righteous Vengeance: 52 / 104042
Crusader Strike: 24 / 95279
Exorcism: 9 / 89354
Divine Storm: 13 / 64367

Overall was good experience. Best part is I'm wearing some upgrades now.

Got Conqueror's Aegis Battleplate, Armguards of the Nether Lord, Stylish Power Cape, and Turalyon's Gauntlets of Conquest.

Got a ton of Str, AP, and hit so now I am over cap(9.61% lol) and very set. :D Looking forward to doing more, but I would like to say that the above recount proves that as long as you are near hit cap, it is NOT the highest DPS increase everyone makes it out to be. I missed a total of 6 times in the newest dungeon while shy 60 hit rating or so.

So honestly, just aim for the gear that best gives you DPS and the hit will come along.
#9 Sep 03 2009 at 9:58 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Green is the new pink!

Gratz on your new purplies :D
#10 Sep 04 2009 at 6:44 AM Rating: Good
Yah I do 5-6k depending on the fight these days. Once we ramp up 5 stacks on a boss Ret is just nuckin futs I love it. I'm holding onto the 4 Piece t8-8.5 bonus right now. I have enough emblems to go two peice t9 but only for gloves which would cost me expertise and give me way to much hit. So I think I am going to save up for two peices of t9 legs and gloves at least before I swap out 4 peice. I am curious though if anyone has played with 2 peice t9 bonus much and looked at how much Righteous Veng is criting?

* Edit found the answer to my own question:

2 peice is still broken in the not good way for t9. It's not using our crit and is basing like looooww 2-4% instead of 34% like it should if you have 30% crit. It's fixed on the PTR apparently. So Ima stick with my 4 peice T8 for now until its patched.

Edited, Sep 4th 2009 10:50am by Shojindo
#11 Sep 04 2009 at 11:15 AM Rating: Decent
Bah they need to patch it! According to EJ(visited them for my first time this morning!) It's a good boost.

Here is the post I read.

T9 is of course better than all previous gear, because of a great 2pc and a huge itemlevel jump (from 226 to 258?!). Time will tell if the 4pc is better or worse than offset gear, but equipping 2pc T9 is a must.

RV damage average: 7% of our total dps
Average critrate in a raid: 45%
(45*7)% = 3.15
2pc: Allowing RV ticks to crit results in a ~3% dps boost, which is by far the best 2pc we have had so far. As is the case with most wrath sets, this scales with your gear (as more STR increases the dot strength, and more crit means it will crit more often). Expect to see this used everywhere, in both pve and pvp.

4pc: 5% more crit to our judgements is paltry and probably our worst set bonus in wotlk. It works out to a ~0.5% dps increase.

I personally think 5% crit on our second best DPS is nice but I guess they would know better lol. Maybe 3/2?
#12 Sep 25 2009 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
The 2 peice T9 proc is fixed now btw. I have officially decided it rocks and I love it. Really adds to our dots on movement fights where your off target for a bit etc.

It did get me in trouble on Icehowl 25 I think once. One of my guildies who don't f'ing pay attention got hit by charge, tank got gibbed and I was 2nd threat again... I lived through this oen though thank god for bubble.

I am seeing as high as 40-50% crit on Right Veng ticks now. :D
#13 Sep 25 2009 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, T9 is AMAZING.

Last night was my night to get a Trophy from ToC25 but we had to PuG 7 people(yay lazy folks) so I lost out. Tired of waiting, I bought T9 leggings to match my T9 gloves. All I can say is wow. I was #3 in dps with, mind you, T7.5 shoulders, Ebon Hold Rep boots, 2 PvP rings and STILL using Edge of Ruin(guild lead ganked the ToC Axe... was NOT happy but whatever). I was one of two Rets, the other Ret was #1 on chart with a Hunter between us.

It is soooooooooo nice. I can't wait to run Uld25 for new DPS rings and get my last gold together and go broke for Battle Lord's Plate Boots.
#14 Sep 25 2009 at 12:12 PM Rating: Good
Nice, yeah I am am hitting between #1-3 damagedone/DPS in 25 mans these days even with my i219 weapon. Whining from "pure" DPS classes is sure to follow lol. We used to have a really good rogue that crushed me but he retired. One of our mages beats me on certain fights and we have a sick enhance shammy who has both i232 axes from ToC 10 that usually is neck and neck with me.

As soon as I get the Ax from Champs or Ony's new/old i245 sword it's going to be disgusting the DPS I do. I still kinda want Aesirs Edge but no one wants to run Uld much anymore as we are all kind of sick of it. I might try and get a crack high DPS team in there for XT 10 hard mode this weekend though if I can manage to stop playing my new rogue alt long enough.

I got my Blords plate boots really cheap becuase we used to save up 6 orbs in Uld before 3.2 and then roll on them and I won. And then a buddy of mine donated like 6 of the 10 titansteel bars.
#15 Nov 19 2009 at 7:45 AM Rating: Default
Judgement is always first for me as it is hands down our top DPS in every fight.

Also with the rotation in mind, I sometimes hit judgement, purely for the range as I'm heading in.

Usually i hit CS/DS before Judgement at the beginning of a fight just to ramp up more stacks of vengeance, seeing as damage boosts with number of stacks.
#16 Nov 19 2009 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Only melee auto attack swings and Hammer of the Righteous stack Vengeance so in that respect the order you use other abilities has no effect.

(and plz, don't necro post >.>)

EDIT: to make my post more clear/accurate.

Edited, Nov 19th 2009 10:23pm by Maulgak
#17 Nov 19 2009 at 8:35 PM Rating: Default
CS and DS are considered melee swings, and they both stack it(Ret only of course)
#18 Nov 20 2009 at 12:12 AM Rating: Excellent
2,183 posts
I tested this on the dummy before posting, and neither CS nor DS were stacking the Vengeance DOT. They both trigger Vengeance when it is at a full stack, but neither were contributing to the stack itself.

Same thing happened later during VOA25: only my auto attack was stacking the DOT.

From the 3.2 patch notes:

Seal of Vengeance and Seal of Corruption: These seals have been redesigned. Only auto-attacks and Hammer of the Righteous can place the debuff on the paladin's current target(s). However, while the seal is active, each melee swing or ability (excluding judgements) that lands on the target will deal a percentage of weapon damage as Holy damage to the target. This damage maxes out at 33% weapon damage with 5 applications of the debuff and scales upward evenly based on how many applications of the debuff are active. This Holy damage deals double-damage critical strikes. In addition, the damage-over-time debuff is now considered a melee attack for the purposes of determining its chance to hit, miss, be dodged or parried.

Edited, Nov 19th 2009 10:19pm by Maulgak
#19 Nov 21 2009 at 9:46 AM Rating: Excellent
808 posts
Macefire wrote:

Usually i hit CS/DS before Judgement at the beginning of a fight just to ramp up more stacks of vengeance, seeing as damage boosts with number of stacks.

Um, when referring to "stacks of vengeance" here, Macefire may have possibly meant 1) "Vengeance" a buff that stacks up to three times causing extra damage, or 2) "Righteous Vengeance" a debuff that causes the target to take extra damage for 8 seconds, and not necessarily 3) the DoTs from "Seal of Vengeance" that stack up to five times causing extra damage.

Damn those lazy devs and their lack of imagination in naming Ret mechanics!
#20 Nov 21 2009 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
HoyadinFTW wrote:

Damn those lazy devs and their lack of imagination in naming Ret mechanics!


and, no i was under the impression that CS and DS stacked Seal of Vengeance, =/ my bad... (thanks though Hoyadin)
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