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Troll DruidsFollow

#1 Aug 27 2009 at 10:03 AM Rating: Excellent
608 posts

Personally it sounds very tempting and seems plausible lore wise (Shamans can probably easily be stretched to include druids) and since they are adding a new druid class Alliance side they needed to balance it out Horde side and it "fits".

I really hope the lore is good behind them and I'm really hoping custom forms for both Worgens and Trolls and not the reuse of Tauren and Night Elves as that would be super lame.
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#2 Aug 27 2009 at 10:33 AM Rating: Good
Troll druids definitely need their own forms...complete with tusks. Smiley: laugh

That said I'm not gonna reroll mine or anything like I've heard a lot of my friends talk about doing...though I expect the race additions will get more people into the class, because I also know a good number of people who won't play a druid simply because they don't like Tauren/NE.

Edited, Aug 27th 2009 2:34pm by Norellicus
#3 Aug 27 2009 at 11:32 AM Rating: Excellent
3,272 posts
Last thing I need to see is more druids.
#4 Aug 27 2009 at 12:16 PM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
I really hope the lore is good

I'm really hoping for this with a lot of the new class/race combos. Some of them, like the Troll Druid and the NE Mage, have the potential for interesting storylines. Hopefully some of the remaking of Azeroth includes weaving in some of the new combos in quests, NPCs, etc.

For some reason, when I read Troll Druid in the title, the first thing I thought about was forum trolls... but I can't remember the last time we had one in the druid forums...
That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#5 Aug 27 2009 at 1:57 PM Rating: Excellent
676 posts
That's because they fear Drunk Horse and Arex's flippy floppies.... :P

EDIT: 500th post ftw..... O.o

Edited, Aug 27th 2009 5:58pm by Galenmoon
#6 Aug 27 2009 at 2:30 PM Rating: Excellent
1,270 posts
I must admit I fear the flippy flops as for the drunken Horse, well I think he does more damage his karma then to trolls. (Good Elune man! I've never seen a poster jump from guru to sage and back again as often as you. :p)

It's really about the pack mentalities here; druids of feather tend to stick together and all that jazz. ^^

(Congrats on 500 posts Galen!)

FL Admin wrote:
I really hope the lore is good behind them and I'm really hoping custom forms for both Worgens and Trolls and not the reuse of Tauren and Night Elves as that would be super lame.

I really do hope they add these new class combos with style, tell a good story and not just in the comic/manga/novel/TCG/etc... Like for the Alliance when suddenly we have a king back in game. :<

As for Custom models for each race, here is what we learned form the Class Q&A's at Blizzcon -

While I don't actively play Horde I'm eager for tusked feral forms. How cute would that be? XD
..but the Worgen..? Night Elves have the floppy ears already, are they going make them look wolfish in each form or...what? ::ponders::

Edited, Aug 27th 2009 6:40pm by GryphonStalker
#7 Aug 27 2009 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
actually, we dont get any trolls because im italian and fairly computer savvy, so if they come in here i pay em a visit and ask them to bite the curb.

...kidding. or am i?

ahem. more on topic, i think the idea of a troll druid works just fine. they already worship, as a race, a variety of different animal gods, and the zandalar tribe is known for their efforts to restore balance and preserve natural powers in all aspects of the world. those two goals are pretty much what druids stand for, so it seems a natural fit for trolls to progress towards druidism.

as for worgen, the best explanation i can come up with is as an outlet for their more feral nature. perhaps in subsuming their bodies and their minds into that of a beast, they can better find an outlet for their more primal urges, thus allowing them to better preserve their humanity. plus the way the world looks to be heading, we could always use more shock troops, and druids are no exception.

Edited, Aug 27th 2009 3:40pm by Quor
#8 Aug 27 2009 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
As far as I know, Druids don't worship animal gods. They worship Elune, don't they?

I'll buy Troll Druid, but don't tell me Worgen Druid makes any sense lore-wise whatsoever. Seriously, werewolves turned treehuggers? One moment they're killing anything that walks, the next they're hugging trees in balance with nature? Seriously? How about giving them a dimensional spaceship as well? Did Metzen participate in this thought process by chance?

Also, Tauren Paladins? Why not give them Rogues as well? I mean, if the Tauren, a shamanistic slash warrior culture, can dump their traditions for the Light, why not just admit flat out that normalizing everything in the game is more important than keeping the lore somewhat decent?

Then again, I might just be nuts, because I still miss the old days where Horde had Shaman and Alliance had Paladins. And no squidfaces.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#9 Aug 27 2009 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
Also, Tauren Paladins? Why not give them Rogues as well?

I hope they do this, purely for comedy value.

Can you imagine the 'sneak' animation of them running around on tip-toe? :)
#10 Aug 27 2009 at 6:08 PM Rating: Good
I really don't understand why Tauren Paladin is so difficult to grasp. It's a way of life, not some naturally imbued force. The Argent Crusade exists and thrives, is it really so farfetched that some of the Tauren might find the Light way of life more in-line with their thinking than the standard Earthmother spiel? Same goes for Gnome Priest.

Troll Druid is a little harder to take in, but we've already established that the Night Elves and Tauren Druids both likely follow the same deities, but refer to/interpret them differently. The Trolls could just as easily reach a similar conclusion. Troll Shaman don't necessarily channel their power through animal gods, so it's not a universal thing that they all follow animals anyway...but even if they did, there are already animal forces at work within the Druidic reason.

Worgen are a little harder to pull off but it's conceivable that in their strain to overcome their feral tendencies, they find a certain attunement to nature.

Edited, Aug 27th 2009 10:10pm by Norellicus
#11 Aug 28 2009 at 12:38 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
I really don't understand why Tauren Paladin is so difficult to grasp. It's a way of life, not some naturally imbued force. The Argent Crusade exists and thrives, is it really so farfetched that some of the Tauren might find the Light way of life more in-line with their thinking than the standard Earthmother spiel? Same goes for Gnome Priest.

It's a culture conflict, in my opinion. Tauren are supposed to be a shamanistic race. If you enable them to suddenly follow the Light, you change their culture completely. It's why I've always been opposed to Troll Priests, because it's a culture clash. Their priests should be more witch doctors than followers of the Light. Something which was emphasized with the Troll Priest racial Hex of Weakness - only other class that can now hex is the Shaman.

The Light is a modern religion as there are no named gods, but rather a divine existence, or power, which is worshipped. I'm sure a theologian could analyse this game in the same way Tolkien's trilogy about the rings could be, but I'm not quite at that level yet. I just don't feel that the Light is a Tauren religion, just like Gnomes shouldn't worship any entities at all (Gnome Priest abominations, shoo!). They worship technology.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#12 Aug 28 2009 at 1:19 AM Rating: Decent
80 posts
I'll buy Troll Druid, but don't tell me Worgen Druid makes any sense lore-wise whatsoever. Seriously, werewolves turned treehuggers? One moment they're killing anything that walks, the next they're hugging trees in balance with nature? Seriously? How about giving them a dimensional spaceship as well? Did Metzen participate in this thought process by chance?

Well, worgen always had a special relationship with the moon whatsoever. Maybe some of them finally embraced their curse and started liking the moon. In the trailer you saw night elves rushing to help. If some worgen (who like the moon) were interested in learning more, they could have asked their NE buddies, who teached them druidism!

although you have a damn good point too

Edited, Aug 28th 2009 5:20am by Thorpedro
#13 Aug 28 2009 at 4:21 AM Rating: Good
Mazra wrote:
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
I really don't understand why Tauren Paladin is so difficult to grasp. It's a way of life, not some naturally imbued force. The Argent Crusade exists and thrives, is it really so farfetched that some of the Tauren might find the Light way of life more in-line with their thinking than the standard Earthmother spiel? Same goes for Gnome Priest.

It's a culture conflict, in my opinion. Tauren are supposed to be a shamanistic race. If you enable them to suddenly follow the Light, you change their culture completely. It's why I've always been opposed to Troll Priests, because it's a culture clash. Their priests should be more witch doctors than followers of the Light. Something which was emphasized with the Troll Priest racial Hex of Weakness - only other class that can now hex is the Shaman.

The Light is a modern religion as there are no named gods, but rather a divine existence, or power, which is worshipped. I'm sure a theologian could analyse this game in the same way Tolkien's trilogy about the rings could be, but I'm not quite at that level yet. I just don't feel that the Light is a Tauren religion, just like Gnomes shouldn't worship any entities at all (Gnome Priest abominations, shoo!). They worship technology.

/shrug, cultures change. The Spaniards once thought Catholicism was the only real religion and would kill to prove it. Pretty sure that's not really the case now. Smiley: wink

And I've never thought of Gnomes as worshiping technology. They have an affinity for it, sure, and as a culture would probably turn to science before religion, but one doesn't preclude the other.

Edited, Aug 28th 2009 8:21am by Norellicus
#14 Aug 28 2009 at 4:43 AM Rating: Good
533 posts
I am torn on this issue.

While I can see how the Trolls will be able to access druidism as others have mentioned(natural affinity with nature), it is expected.

I was kinda stuck on the worgen issue.

I know in the Cataclysm video it is mentioned/implied (and shows) that the druids help the survivors of Gilneas. This may turn out to be the Druids 'training' the Worgen to help control their feral side and get in touch with nature(<Insert Cenarius training Malfurion in 'War of the Ancients' flashback here>). Or it may be a way of freeing them from their home dimension (what no space ship???).

Cursed beings from another dimension, worgen only appear in Azeroth as the result of magical mishaps. True aberrations, they are accidentally drawn through temporary rift tunnels and deposited in this world with no apparent way of returning. Nothing is known about the worgen’s home realm, or even precisely how to spawn the rift tunnels through which they come.

There is lots of room to fill the back story with lore (both on the troll and worgen side).

The real question is will they be the new Huntard/DKtards? With no new Hero class being never know.

The world (Azeroth) may not need more druids, but it is definitely getting some.

Edited, Aug 28th 2009 8:44am by RaideroftheBlade
#15 Aug 28 2009 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
I'm okay with just about any change Blizzard makes so long as they can tell me a good story why they are doing it. I'm a huge fan of living breathing worlds and to that extent change is a very important.

Kisirani one of the World Designer said they would be called "Sunwalkers" much like Blood Elves are "Blood Knights" not Paladins (of course mechanically speaking they *are*). Taurens have always had a strong sense of balance else there would not be Shaman and Druids among them. I don't see it as a great change in their culture to worship An'she (sun) as much as they do Mu'sha (moon; Druids) just an evolution.

The Worgen.. all we know so far is that some how the Night Elves are instrumental to their joining the Alliance. As previously mentioned perhaps it's due to their already present shapeshifting nature, or a way to deal with the ever present curse they suffer.
#16 Aug 28 2009 at 8:02 AM Rating: Excellent
Meat Popsicle
13,666 posts
The real question is will they be the new Huntard/DKtards?

Running off to reserve the name Worgentard on my server.

I promise to spend all my time in Wolf-form, use my racial dash whenever it is off of cooldown, and misplay my character in various ways you haven't even thought up yet! I will also live under the impression the +1% damage modifier over-compensates for my lack of skill. If I ever out DPS you I'll call you a noob and tell you to re-roll a class with better racials!

That monster in the mirror, he just might be you. -Grover
#17 Aug 28 2009 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Overlord Norellicus wrote:
And I've never thought of Gnomes as worshiping technology. They have an affinity for it, sure, and as a culture would probably turn to science before religion, but one doesn't preclude the other.

I wasn't being literal when I said they worshipped technology. They don't have a religion built up around it, though you might say that technology and inventing is their religion. They're far too practical, technological and scientific to follow a divine entity, at least from where I see it. That's why Gnome Priests are aberrations.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#18 Aug 28 2009 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
gryphon has a good point; it would be very like the tauren to consider paladins and druids the "sun and moon" so to speak, so in that regard it fits quite well.
#19 Aug 29 2009 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
3,272 posts
Can you imagine the 'sneak' animation of them running around on tip-toe? :)

Wouldn't it be running around on their tippy-hooves?
#20 Aug 31 2009 at 2:00 AM Rating: Good
3,114 posts
There's a "leak" that is rumoured to be one of Troll's Cat forms.


Looks too much like a kitty than a cat for me.

Edited, Aug 31st 2009 10:02am by Micros
#21 Aug 31 2009 at 8:32 AM Rating: Good
1,270 posts
Nice find Micros,

I can see "they" are going for a Lynx / Bobcat look, but you're right the head is a little over sized; giving it a kitten-ish appearance.

Edited, Aug 31st 2009 12:36pm by GryphonStalker
#22 Aug 31 2009 at 8:38 AM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
That face is gonna give me nightmares, seriously.
#23 Aug 31 2009 at 8:40 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Looks like the Troll Cat form will need to consume its food in blended form via a straw.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#24 Aug 31 2009 at 7:47 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Mazra wrote:
Looks like the Troll Cat form will need to consume its food in blended form via a straw.

They blend them with the tusks Maz. Then drink them from a bowl.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
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