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Another Disc / Shadow questionFollow

#1 Aug 26 2009 at 5:08 AM Rating: Good
As I've been lurking on the priest forums trying to learn more about the class now that I picked up my 55 priest again, reading some of the threads got me thinking.

I understand that shadow has been the most viable spec out of the three for leveling, but is Disc up there now as a "holy-spell" type dps? I've read people going that route to level, but I guess I'm just not understanding what exactly they're doing (such as, only leveling Disc to a certain level, then switching to shadow, etc.)

I'm currently shadow, and my dps isn't really that great (as I thought it would be)... Around 200 at the max. Anywho, from reading everything, I've found rotation wise, I should be doing something along the sort of VT > MB > SW:P > MF > MB . Soloing hasn't been terrible. I have been able to take on the 58-59 mobs (one at a time) in Hellfire without taking a hit, but I figured I'd at least do a bit more dps than I have been.

Am I just expecting "too much" out of a shadow priest at my level? I'm sure there are some points I could move around in my spec, and my rotation isn't as tight as I'd like it to be. Currently still reading the Shadow FAQ to pick up more info.

If Disc is another way to go nowadays, are there any specific type of specs currently out there for it (or is it just the "typical" Disc healing spec, and just using holy spells such as Smite and HF)? Hopefully, I'll be able to find a Disc rotation out there for fighting as I continue my search.

Thanks for any help!
#2 Aug 26 2009 at 5:49 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
I'm not one of the resident shadow experts, but I don't see anything wrong with what you're doing. While soloing it helps a lot to use VE for efficiency (not having to get out of Shadowform to Renew, etc.). I'd also start with the Mind Blast, then make sure you're backing up as you cast your instants, and you should be able to get 2 full Mind Flays in. When fighting multiple mobs make sure you dot everyone up. I don't know what your DPS number should look like specifically, but three mobs your own level or one or two red ones should be about it, I would think. Outland gear gives you a significant boost in spellpower so you'll probably notice a big step up soon from that as well.

As far as Disc goes, it's a viable way to level, less efficient for single targets but also more survivable. At level 55 I'd be doing something like this for mostly solo leveling, then just keep going straight up the Disc tree. It's messy but leveling builds tend to be, and as much as it hurts to wait that long for Penance, you really need that Searing Light. If you glyph for Holy Nova you can do very well against mutliple mobs between that and Reflective Shield. Holy Nova is a mana hog but with both Meditation and Spirit Tap you can afford it.

You should be fine healing Outland instances in any spec, especially since you're an experienced healer. The mana efficiency and increased healing power of Disc leveling is also nice if you're doing BG's for experience now. :)

Edited, Aug 26th 2009 9:51am by teacake
#3 Aug 26 2009 at 6:24 AM Rating: Good
Yeah, I currently have the BoA shoulders and staff, so that helps as well with the SP (working on eventually getting the chestpiece).

So, from what I'm understanding from your post is that Disc is more viable in an AoE aspect (due to things like holy nova) rather than single target?

I'm not so much wanting to heal with this toon, since I have my shaman to do that, and I understand that the Holy and Disc trees are usually looked at as healing trees, so I guess I'm just seeing whether or not Disc could be a viable dps leveling spec (probably not great like shadow... but I like to think highly of a class).

I know it's more about survivability with its' shields, but I wonder if just sticking with shadow and hoping I can get my rotation down and packed that my dps would get much better (I know gear has quite a bit to deal with it as well the higher I get).

I think I just feel embarassed, if anything, since multiple toons lower in level than I am (druids, mages, etc) are doing higher dps than I am. Then again, I know that they're more burst damage rather than DoT damage, and that very well could be the reason.
#4 Aug 26 2009 at 6:29 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
This would be the way to go as leveling Disc/holy build.

And personally, I played it until level 63, then switched to shadow until 66 and I'm considering going back to holy/disc because I had more fun with that.
And shadow still feels like it's going OoM too fast as DoT's don't run their full length and are high on mana cost.
#5 Aug 26 2009 at 6:32 AM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
I'm not one of the resident shadow experts, but I don't see anything wrong with what you're doing. While soloing it helps a lot to use VE for efficiency (not having to get out of Shadowform to Renew, etc.). I'd also start with the Mind Blast, then make sure you're backing up as you cast your instants, and you should be able to get 2 full Mind Flays in. When fighting multiple mobs make sure you dot everyone up. I don't know what your DPS number should look like specifically, but three mobs your own level or one or two red ones should be about it, I would think. Outland gear gives you a significant boost in spellpower so you'll probably notice a big step up soon from that as well.

As far as Disc goes, it's a viable way to level, less efficient for single targets but also more survivable. At level 55 I'd be doing something like this for mostly solo leveling, then just keep going straight up the Disc tree. It's messy but leveling builds tend to be, and as much as it hurts to wait that long for Penance, you really need that Searing Light. If you glyph for Holy Nova you can do very well against mutliple mobs between that and Reflective Shield. Holy Nova is a mana hog but with both Meditation and Spirit Tap you can afford it.

You should be fine healing Outland instances in any spec, especially since you're an experienced healer. The mana efficiency and increased healing power of Disc leveling is also nice if you're doing BG's for experience now. :)

Edited, Aug 26th 2009 9:51am by teacake

First off, huge rate up for you. You are 100% right on Shadow rotation, always pull with Mind Blast because of it's casting time and cool down. Then you pop out instants while backing up, then the Mind Flay.

As for your Disc spec, funny enough that is EXACTLY how I have been leveling(ding'd 39 this morning, gonna hit 40 but I am burning out fast... I hate STV but terrain-wise it's so easy to navigate).

Your first points definitely need to be getting to searing light. As 37-39 targeting 41-42 mobs(1 level before red) I've been putting about 300dps. Holy Fire -> Smite -> Smite -> Smite pretty much does it. My Holy Fire crits are doing 700dmg, makes me giggle lol.

There are two big advantages to Shadow.

1: Shadowform is not only incredibly sexy looking, but reduces damage you take.
2: Generally higher DPS and more crowd control(especially if you talent into Psychic Scream)

Problems with Shadow.

1: No real healing, need VE to hold you off.
2: PW:S and Renew = need to recast Shadowform = MP sink.

Advantages to Disc/Holy

1: Easy access to heals/shields.
2: Bonus to Inner Fire/Prayer of Fort
3: Meditation. 50% mana while casting ftw.

Disadvantages to Disc/Holy

1: Squishy. PW:S is nice, especially when you improve it but you still have to fear small groups or mobs with pets. Once shield is down, bad news.
2: Lack of "CC" that Shadow offers between Psychic Scream talents and the slowing effect from Mind Flay. Not to mention the later Shadow stuff.

Both rock, in 75% of a level I'll be going Dual Spec. I admit I REALLY miss the old Spirit Tap but oh well lol.

Whatever you do, enjoy it cause Priest owns.


Crud I forgot those talents in Holy, I was focused on 40 and didn't look beyond that. Yes, some of the Holy ones giving you SP for Spirit are NICE!

As for BoA, I currently am using Chest/Shoulders/Hammer and the Haste/HP Trinkets... wish I could get the SP/Mana ones but 100 Conquest/150 Seals is too much boring work lol. That staff is real nice, well done

Edited, Aug 26th 2009 10:36am by SarionBelmont
#6 Aug 26 2009 at 6:38 AM Rating: Good
His Excellency Aethien wrote:
This would be the way to go as leveling Disc/holy build.

And personally, I played it until level 63, then switched to shadow until 66 and I'm considering going back to holy/disc because I had more fun with that.
And shadow still feels like it's going OoM too fast as DoT's don't run their full length and are high on mana cost.

And then after that, I'm assuming, fill in the rest of the Disc tree as needed (weird looking with points all over, and am unsure if I'm restricting myself to something more beneficial)? I've felt the same thus far with shadow as well (running out of mana after 2 or 3 mobs). Haven't had much of an issue with losing health.

I'm also assuming you're pretty much spamming Smite, Holy Fire and Holy Nova?

#7 Aug 26 2009 at 6:45 AM Rating: Good
SarionBelmont wrote:

First off, huge rate up for you. You are 100% right on Shadow rotation, always pull with Mind Blast because of it's casting time and cool down. Then you pop out instants while backing up, then the Mind Flay.

As for your Disc spec, funny enough that is EXACTLY how I have been leveling(ding'd 39 this morning, gonna hit 40 but I am burning out fast... I hate STV but terrain-wise it's so easy to navigate).

Your first points definitely need to be getting to searing light. As 37-39 targeting 41-42 mobs(1 level before red) I've been putting about 300dps. Holy Fire -> Smite -> Smite -> Smite pretty much does it. My Holy Fire crits are doing 700dmg, makes me giggle lol.

There are two big advantages to Shadow.

1: Shadowform is not only incredibly sexy looking, but reduces damage you take.
2: Generally higher DPS and more crowd control(especially if you talent into Psychic Scream)

Problems with Shadow.

1: No real healing, need VE to hold you off.
2: PW:S and Renew = need to recast Shadowform = MP sink.

Advantages to Disc/Holy

1: Easy access to heals/shields.
2: Bonus to Inner Fire/Prayer of Fort
3: Meditation. 50% mana while casting ftw.

Disadvantages to Disc/Holy

1: Squishy. PW:S is nice, especially when you improve it but you still have to fear small groups or mobs with pets. Once shield is down, bad news.
2: Lack of "CC" that Shadow offers between Psychic Scream talents and the slowing effect from Mind Flay. Not to mention the later Shadow stuff.

Both rock, in 75% of a level I'll be going Dual Spec. I admit I REALLY miss the old Spirit Tap but oh well lol.

I have to agree that shadowform is quite sexy Smiley: lol, it's what attracted me to the priest class in the first place.

As I said, I haven't really had to cast renew on myself, so staying and shadowform and just casting PW:S on myself has done it's job thus far. Which is why I had gone the whole VT > MB route (since both have a cast time), since I haven't had to use VE so far.

If I can ever get into the groove of doing dailies and whatnot, I may have the gold for dual spec... but my altitist is holding me back Smiley: lol
#8 Aug 26 2009 at 6:48 AM Rating: Good
I can't blame you at all. I have 2 80's, 1 JC, both Fishers/Cooks. I should be making insane gold from Tourney/JC/Cooking/Fishing dailies. The problem? BORING! Spending that time leveling an alt = way more fun :D

As for Disc/Holy I personally find Holy Nova to be worthless aside finishing off an enraged mob. Generally if your Nova can kill it, use it because it's our only instant.
#9 Aug 26 2009 at 7:08 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
I think you are right on track gear-wise and spec. I bet that you've been waiting to fill out Imp MB until you get the juicier shadow talents and will fill it in as you level. Since one of the most important rules of a shadow spec is to keep MB on cd, those 2.5 seconds will come into play as far as damage. It probably would have more impact on extended fights rather than soloing single mobs, though.

As soon as you are eligible for the OL quests (I'm not sure when you can get them, I always waited until 58 to hit OL), the gear rewards will give you some much needed boosts. I have taken a few toons (warrior, mage, shaman) through that range recently, and I found that the mage was the most difficult during the transition to OL mobs. Instead of routinely burning them down from range, I would have to resort to some sort of extra spell, cc, whatever, to take them down. Since it usually required the mage to move away from the mob, aggroing other mobs in the tightly populated areas resulted in some unplanned adds.

If you want to do a little test, take a screenie of your present gear, do the initial dozen or so HF quests for the upgrades and then compare the two sets against a few boars. You should notice quite a difference as far as damage and survivability goes. Your results will be skewed a little though with the BOA gear that you have and the levels you have gained.

Also, if you can, find another "hybrid" healing class to pair up with for instance runs in OL. Otherwise, you will probably be relegated to healing duty and not be able to truly test your dps in the instances. With another healer in the group, you can alternate healing and dps so each of you can have fun with dps while the other handles healing.

*edit- had to go back for seconds, yum yum

Edited, Aug 26th 2009 10:17am by Trylofer
#10 Aug 26 2009 at 7:24 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Duchess xNocturnalSunx wrote:
So, from what I'm understanding from your post is that Disc is more viable in an AoE aspect (due to things like holy nova) rather than single target?

Disc is by no means an AOE grinding spec or anything like that, but personally I think it shines more versus mutliple targets - your survivability is high, you've got reflective shield, holy nova (I still only like this if you glyph for it) plus your dots. Shadow has some nice tricks for soloing multiple mobs too though.

Honestly, if this is to be a pure DPS character and you have no interest in healing, I would personally recommend putting some time into Shadow before turning to Disc. Disc DPS is great - for a healing spec's DPS. It's not what I"d look to first for real DPS though. I'm sure others here can give better advice on specs and rotations than I can, and like anything else it'll get better as you level, but when Shadow rocks, it rocks hard. :)

Edit: When I say I feel like Disc shines more against multiple targets, I mean versus Disc against a single target, not versus Shadow.

Edited, Aug 26th 2009 11:28am by teacake
#11 Aug 26 2009 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
Trylofer wrote:
I think you are right on track gear-wise and spec. I bet that you've been waiting to fill out Imp MB until you get the juicier shadow talents and will fill it in as you level. Since one of the most important rules of a shadow spec is to keep MB on cd, those 2.5 seconds will come into play as far as damage. It probably would have more impact on extended fights rather than soloing single mobs, though.

Pretty much. I'm hoping dispersion will help with continuous pulling. I've been lucky to get through some random raids that some friends were running for fun on their 80s (BWL, etc), and have some gear waiting for me as I level to 60, so those should definitely help as well. I've also been trying to keep my tailoring up so I can just craft myself items if needed as well.

I believe the quests themselves don't start to show up until 58 in OL anyway, but a friend owes me some run-throughs (since I ran his shaman through a few instances so far), so getting some runs in with BF and whatnot will get me some gear to use when I get of level, and some really nice xp.
#12 Aug 26 2009 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
I completely understand, Teacake. With the talk of some people going Disc to level, it got me interested into looking at what the other trees truly offered to us.

I appreciate everyone's replies and help! I'll continue to stick with Shadow for a bit longer (perhaps even just switch to Disc for a few days just to see how I like it), and then spriest all the way! Smiley: grin
#13 Aug 26 2009 at 8:33 AM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
Link your priest.
#14 Aug 26 2009 at 9:18 AM Rating: Good
Silly Mental... it's in my OP. But since I enjoy your company (and the useful posts you do actually post), here you go, sir. Smiley: wink

Thanks for any criticism you can (or want to) give lol
#15 Aug 26 2009 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
Oh I fail. Apparently you can still Shield while Shadow o.O nice.
#16 Aug 26 2009 at 6:19 PM Rating: Good
1,609 posts
Funny how everyone is leveling priests. A few people in my guild are too. Here's my little healing side-project:


I'm definately grabbing dual-spec at 40 so i can try disc in BGs, here's how i roll as shadow though.

Keep PW: Shield up all the time, preferably just before attacking something. Open with Holy Fire (just because it's incredibly mana efficient and still does more damage than my MB), Mind Blast and then Mind Flay times two finishes off any same level mob. The shield stops any knockback which badly damages mind flay's damage per mana.

Once i get shadow form, i'll change my build to improve SW: Pain instead of mind blast and grab the glyph that improves mind flay. DoTs critting should be sick damage.
#17 Aug 31 2009 at 5:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Well I've gotten my priest to 62 this weekend, I'm seeing an improvement when killing mobs and in dps (close to 500 now. Though I'm sure I could do more, but seems to be on par to other classes around my level). Getting my rotation down as well, able to throw MB and dots on a mob and then move onto another mob, while that one withers away.

Had a few more questions in regards to the shadow spec others tend to follow:

Is Imp Shadowform really worth it? I understand that being able to fade and remove impairing effects is great, but really, how often do you come across that? And if you're running in a group, you "shouldn't" be getting hit and taking damage.

As I'm not there yet, for Veiled Shadows, is the cd for the shadowfiend noticeable? The cd on fade isn't a big thing for me, as I've only used it in a group setting, and it was occasional to where it'd already be off cd by the time I'd attempt to use it again.

I'll be tweaking my spec a bit to pick up Imp MB and removing Imp VE now that I'm not having to really heal myself due to killing mobs quickly. Had started moving onto the Disc tree, but if the two above talents are an "absolute must have." Then I'll fix that as well.

Thanks again for everyone's help. I'm starting to enjoy shadow once again now that I had stuck with it and getting it down. Smiley: smile

Edited, Aug 31st 2009 9:58am by xNocturnalSunx
#18 Aug 31 2009 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
Duchess xNocturnalSunx wrote:
Well I've gotten my priest to 62 this weekend, I'm seeing an improvement when killing mobs and in dps (close to 500 now. Though I'm sure I could do more, but seems to be on par to other classes around my level). Getting my rotation down as well, able to throw MB and dots on a mob and then move onto another mob, while that one withers away.

Had a few more questions in regards to the shadow spec others tend to follow:

Is Imp Shadowform really worth it? I understand that being able to fade and remove impairing effects is great, but really, how often do you come across that? And if you're running in a group, you "shouldn't" be getting hit and taking damage.

As I'm not there yet, for Veiled Shadows, is the cd for the shadowfiend noticeable? The cd on fade isn't a big thing for me, as I've only used it in a group setting, and it was occasional to where it'd already be off cd by the time I'd attempt to use it again.

I'll be tweaking my spec a bit to pick up Imp MB and removing Imp VE now that I'm not having to really heal myself due to killing mobs quickly. Had started moving onto the Disc tree, but if the two above talents are an "absolute must have." Then I'll fix that as well.

Thanks again for everyone's help. I'm starting to enjoy shadow once again now that I had stuck with it and getting it down. Smiley: smile

Edited, Aug 31st 2009 9:58am by xNocturnalSunx

Same dillema here on Imp Shadowform. It is amazing for solo and pvp but how good in PvP?

Well I thought about it, as a Paladin 100% of my spells are instant so I am unsure of how DoT effects casting.
Does Hodir, for example, hurt casting by the constant damage?

If not, I honestly find it worthless. :) But hopefully someone experienced can reply as well.
#19 Aug 31 2009 at 9:25 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Duchess xNocturnalSunx wrote:
Had started moving onto the Disc tree, but if the two above talents are an "absolute must have." Then I'll fix that as well.

My personal opinion, once you get Shadowform everything else can wait until you get Meditation. Even VT.
#20 Aug 31 2009 at 9:50 AM Rating: Excellent
teacake wrote:
Duchess xNocturnalSunx wrote:
Had started moving onto the Disc tree, but if the two above talents are an "absolute must have." Then I'll fix that as well.

My personal opinion, once you get Shadowform everything else can wait until you get Meditation. Even VT.

I can usually pull about 5 or 6 mobs non stop before I'd have to get mana, and ever since I got Dispersion, I've been able to just continue going (I love Dispersion, btw Smiley: tongue), and because of it, I wasn't in a hurry to go down my secondary tree.
#21 Sep 01 2009 at 6:04 AM Rating: Good
536 posts
I don't know if anyone has mentioned it, but I didn't see it. Glyph of PW:S is sexy. If you don't have it, get it! I leveled my priest as Discipline from around level 20 to level 70, when I finally decided to take advantage of my dual spec and play with shadow. I love Discipline, and if I level another priest, I'll probably end up doing it the same way.
#22 Sep 01 2009 at 6:35 AM Rating: Good
The question though is Imp Shadowform and Veiled Shadows really necessary, or are they just filler talents? I'm not sure if I'm just missing the point or seeing the big benefit on picking them up.

PW:S, in general, is sexy, btw Smiley: tongue
#23 Sep 01 2009 at 6:55 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Duchess xNocturnalSunx wrote:
The question though is Imp Shadowform and Veiled Shadows really necessary, or are they just filler talents?

Look, stop muddying the waters by trying to redirect focus onto your question, okay? The way it works is, we ignore your question and respond to imaginary ones that we know the answers to. Geesh. Noob.

I don't have enough Shadow experience to answer that one.

Edited, Sep 1st 2009 10:56am by teacake
#24 Sep 01 2009 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
teacake wrote:
Duchess xNocturnalSunx wrote:
The question though is Imp Shadowform and Veiled Shadows really necessary, or are they just filler talents?

Look, stop muddying the waters by trying to redirect focus onto your question, okay? The way it works is, we ignore your question and respond to imaginary ones that we know the answers to. Geesh. Noob.
I like your style Smiley: sly
#25 Sep 01 2009 at 7:54 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
teacake wrote:
Duchess xNocturnalSunx wrote:
The question though is Imp Shadowform and Veiled Shadows really necessary, or are they just filler talents?

Look, stop muddying the waters by trying to redirect focus onto your question, okay? The way it works is, we ignore your question and respond to imaginary ones that we know the answers to. Geesh. Noob.

Yes, many consider Reflective Shield a pvp talent, but it is great for levelling as well...
Smiley: clown

Imp Shadowform gives you pushback protection and a pvp trinket on a fast cd. You can get limited pushback protection thru PW:S. Veiled Shadows allows you to Fade and Fiend more often.

Want to fiend more often? You might need Veiled Shadows. If you find your regular pvp trinket on cd when you need to use it, you might need Imp Shadowform. If you still find your pvp trinket (Fade) is on cd when you need it, you might need Veiled Shadows. If you still find that your Fade is on cd too often, you might need Glyph of Fade. If, by some miracle of miracles, you still are in need of fading more often, you might be a redneck. Smiley: tongue
#26 Sep 01 2009 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
Duchess xNocturnalSunx wrote:
The question though is Imp Shadowform and Veiled Shadows really necessary, or are they just filler talents?

Look, stop muddying the waters by trying to redirect focus onto your question, okay? The way it works is, we ignore your question and respond to imaginary ones that we know the answers to. Geesh. Noob.

Why are you being so mean to MEEEEEE!!!!???!?!?!?! Smiley: cry

I don't really PVP, btw. So from what I gathered from your statement Tryl is that a lot of the time, those two talents are used in PVP. As I'm not able to get my shadowfiend yet, I'll wait to pick up Veiled Shadows to see if I'd actually need it. Otherwise, I guess I have some free points to place randomly somewhere...

like up Teacake's butt Smiley: tongue
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