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Block Capped...Last of my kind?Follow

#1 Aug 25 2009 at 6:06 PM Rating: Decent
Brief summary, i was MT for my guild in BC, have geared through WoTLK keeping block cap in mind. I know bosses can't crush anymore but i know that having 0 chance to be hit with a white attack eliminates alot of damage taken.

Now to my question (this includes warrior and pally tanks only), all i see anymore are people stacking Stam, 35k-45k unbuffed health, im slightly over 30k unbuffed but imo im extremely easy to heal, said tanks that i see that are only stacking stam have trouble tanking alot of bosses and usually require alot of healer cd's and alot of "o sh*t" moments from the healers, i was able to take hatefulls from 25 patch with only 26k health unbuffed, and took pride in beeing able to single tank him for 3 minutes (almost solo tanked him the whole fight, but died with him at 12%), other epeen moments included single tanking 25 razorscale (after the other 2 tanks getting 1 shot), and solo'ing numerous other raid bosses from 7% or lower to dead after everyone dies because other tanks cant stay alive.

Am i the last of my kind? i visually see the difference that beeing block capped makes, and with the upcoming changes i understand how amazing the change will be, but all i see are tanks stroking their epeens with stam, beeing designated OT because x tank has more stam than me (usually with terrible gear) not that i care because i get the easy job, people telling me that i need better gear, which makes me lol, and people arguing that i cant possibly be block capped untill i put a screenshot or video of it up. It seems like im the last of my kind, slowly becoming extinct with the new expansion

Am i wrong to appreciate beeing block capped? or are other tanks just turning a blind eye to it because they dont understand how it works? With my current tally, since WoTLK ive seen a total of 3 tanks that strive to be block capped (1 of them beeing another guild tank that i've taught everything i know about tanking) and upwards of 150 that just ***** stam (and tbh all 150 of them are sub par tanks that people think are amazing because of their health).

My toon is Shokaku and server is Khadgar for anyone wanting to critique me, i dropped some avoidance but am still block capped with the raid group we guild run with

Edited, Aug 25th 2009 10:08pm by OMGEverythingIsTaken
#2 Aug 25 2009 at 7:17 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
*cliche moment*

It all depends on the fight.

Ok, now that the inevitable is out in the open, I personally strive to remain block-capped in whatever gear I am in. I agree with you that any damage not taken is a good thing: ie blocked hit is still better than a full on white swing, even if only by a small amount. I know the type you are referring to though, with the !@#$ ton of health, but very little avoidance. I have a habit of inspecting any Warrior/Paladin with a shield (unless obviously Holy) and looking at their gear/talents. I often cringe when I see nothing but stamina everywhere.

Maybe it's just me (and you ;) ), but I don't believe "ZOMG, STAM STAM STAM!!!" is the best way to go.
#3 Aug 25 2009 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
Any decent pally tank in full naxx25+gear will be block capped with raid buffs, it doesn't really take any extra effort. Raid buffs usually give you another 2-3% dodge depending how much DR is effecting you, so anywhere in the 99% total avoidance with holy shield up will get you block capped. So 99%-30%HS-10%hit=59% avoidance from parry+dodge+block, that's nothing special gearing wise. In fact you could drop your dodge trinket, swap your shield chant to def and put a stam gem in sword and chant chest for 275hp and easily pickup another 1.5k-2k hp(depending how good a stam trinket you have) and still be block capped. Also str+stam gem isn't your best option for red gems, try dodge+stam or agi+stam. Also drop the glove enchant for your engineering chant, the 885 armor is best option for physical damage fights.

The reason all good tanks are stacking stam and more stam is for hardmodes because i don't care how much block you have it will make no difference when you have to take hits that are unmitigated by block/block value. Of course if you aren't attempting hardmodes in 10/25man Uld then it really doesn't matter. Sure there are situations where having extremely high block and block value are warranted but 90% of the time the highest hp+pure avoidance is going to be far superior.

Basically block capping is a perk of pally tanking as we will be block capped without any effort other than keeping HS up. Not sure about warr, just know there are a ton of bad ones out there and i try to never pug with a warr tank when i ret or rogue it up.

#4 Aug 25 2009 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
your assuming the 150+ im talking about are wearing naxx gear over mass stam gear like BS made gear...which they are'nt, staying hit capped and high health is fine, im talking about people that neglect every stat other than stam, opting to wear anything that is tank related that has the most stam, reguardless of item level (and yes i've seen guilds go into ulduar with people waring all the craftable bs pieces for the stam). I've actually armoryed a couple of the higher health people that ive seen (both warriors and pallies) that i've seen with < 50% avoidance, and i've watched both pallies and warriors alike with over 35k unbuffed get destroyed by bosses that shouldnt pose any real threat because its taking multiple healers to keep them up then when the group takes an aoe they switch off to heal them and the tank dies

with my current gear i've tanked a handfull of 10 ulduar hard modes with no trouble

the most noteable of the kind of people im talking about was a warrior with 49k buffed in 25 naxx that i had to take over as mt because he kept dying with healers that never let me die once
#5 Aug 25 2009 at 10:48 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Yea, I think you guys are referring to different groups of players here. Hard Mode content is not everything there is to WoW, and for a large portion of the community, Hard Modes are not a part of their game at all. I don't want to insult anyone, but to "dumb" everything down to "this is how it is in Hard Modes /thread" alienates a large number of players who either are not good enough, don't have the guild stability, or just flat out don't care about that content.

I would agree that Hard Modes present another level of challenge, and often (at least from what I've read) a large health pool will get you a lot more than block capping, which as pointed out shouldn't be that hard at that level anyway. But for those more casual, Hard Modes may be an unreachable goal.
#6 Aug 26 2009 at 12:16 AM Rating: Good
591 posts
Yeah i guess i haven't seen that lvl of retardation when it comes to stam stacking. Sounds like that warr with 49k was getting crit alot which goes beyond the argument of stam stacking vs staying blocked capped. But the reason the nubs are stacking stam is because they see the elitists doing it and think that is what they should be doing even at their gear lvl.

Just to kind of sum up my opinion, I don't think you need to strive to be block capped, but you should strive for +50% pure avoidance(miss+dodge+parry), once you hit that as a pally you'll be in good shape and most likely block capped anyway. Basically there's no substitute for understanding the mechanics of your spec/class. People always say pally tanking doesn't require alot of 'skill', and i'd have to agree that 969 is pretty much facerollable, but the 'skill' comes in the preparation for specific encounters.

Knowing when to use block gear, or threat gear, or resist gear, or soak/stam gear is important, especially in a casual or pug raid where the leader might not really know all the tank requirements for a specific encounter. For instance on KT being block capped while MT'ing KT is pretty worthless. He hits like a girl when not casting, but when he gets a cast off it hits for 18-24k, stacking a bit of stam or even a resist belt can be very beneficial. Or on Thorim it makes sense to stack an extra 8% block(if you don't have a tanking druid with pvp gear)so you can solo tank him thru the -200defense debuff by keeping HS up to stay uncritable.
#7 Aug 26 2009 at 1:08 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Oh you're absolutely right. I personally do in fact carry pieces of gear to swap out depending on the fight: higher avoidance, or for stam/soak, block set for trash. Each kit I have though is block capped, which I assume we are all using the same definition of that lol: avoidance+block with Holy Shield >= 102.4%. Just one kit does this wit ha lot of block, one does it with heavy dodge/parry, etc..

Yea, as you mentioned, there's fights that this really doesn't matter much (KT does hit like a girl =P), but the way I've built my gear at least has been maximizing what I need it to do, while keeping that "cap" as well. But, I don't have near BiS gear (Naxx 25 mostly).
#8 Aug 26 2009 at 6:20 AM Rating: Excellent
It really depends on play style.
A lot of bad players will ONLY stack Stam because they don't have a clue.
Smart players gem Stam, but gear avoidance.

As for Block, that is the LOWEST priority of all stats a tank looks for post 540 Defense.

Dodge > Parry = Stam > Block > Block Value of Shield

Now obviously this is based on the value of the stat (you'd obviously take 120stam over basically any dodge/parry less than 200).

Dodge is the absolute best stat once you are Def capped. This means YOU CAN'T HIT ME!

Parry is nice, but is very subpar for Paladin in comparison to Dodge. With the SUPPOSED changes to Blade Ward it's nicer but these are unconfirmed. Don't AIM for Parry but definitely don't turn down a good piece with it.

Stam is HP. Some fights, your avoidance means nothing. Fights with constant, unmitigatable damage(Hodir, Mimiron, Algalon) as well as fights with massive magic damage (Sarth 3D, others I am sure but slip my mind) Stam is king. I can't tell you the number of times I've had to take over tanking because I beat our mitigation king Pally due to my having 6k more HP.

Block is nice, since the higher your Block chance, the higher to stop a chunk of damage. The problem is unlike Dodge/Parry, the damage stopped is a small amount (1k-2k or so) based on your...

Block Value of Shield which determines how much you absorb in a block before taking damage. Generally you only find this stat with Block so no need to aim for or avoid it.

Basically you have a few important things to look for as a tank.

1: 540 Defense. Without this you cannot tank(for long)

2: Acceptable HP (40k+ for Uld, buffed of course)

3: 50% Avoidance

4: ~24% Block.

Block again, is least important for a few reasons.

1: Mitigation < Avoidance.
2: Holy Shield = 30%. Redoubt = 30% ~10% of the time you get hit it activates for 10sec

So basically you can assume an average of +45% Block at all times. Not an exact number(I'm sure EJ has one) but a decent guesstimate for gearing.

All how you want to play, it seems a lot of Uld gear has more Dodge/Parry, but some still pulls out the Block/Shield Block Value.
#9 Aug 27 2009 at 2:55 AM Rating: Good
1,882 posts
Personally, I prefer avoidance over high stamina. But really it depends on gear levels. There is a point where you get a crapton of avoidance from gear. In which case stacking stamina isn't a bad idea. I mean when you're getting hit by a "truck full of trucks driven by bears" (kudos if you get that obscure reference) then it doesn't matter how much avoidance you have if you're getting pounded so hard with so little health the healers can't keep up.

Then again you see these tanks just in heroic pre-naxx gear standing on 30k hp...that are a NIGHTMARE to heal because they lose health faster than a moth hitting a bug zapper.
#10 Aug 27 2009 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
4,993 posts
Then again you see these tanks just in heroic pre-naxx gear standing on 30k hp...that are a NIGHTMARE to heal because they lose health faster than a moth hitting a bug zapper.


If you are running heroics or Naxx10, and you want to see huge health meters, reroll druid tank plz.

The way I see it, once you get up to around 26-28k, you should start getting some avoidances when you can. I don't turn down stam when I see it, of course... but yet I don't go out of my way to get it either. When offered a good choice, I'll go for avoid over Stam, assuming I'm 28k+, which I am.

Of course, there are gem slots and enchants, where Stam is the only good option. By all means, take it.
#11 Aug 28 2009 at 7:42 AM Rating: Good
713 posts
mahlerite wrote:

Basically block capping is a perk of pally tanking as we will be block capped without any effort other than keeping HS up.

Pretty much this.

As you pick up more and more tier 8/9 avoidance will be oozing out of your gear. Warrior tanks no longer have the option to get to 102.4% anymore so most go the stam stacking path over the avoidance path. They are cooldown/proactive tanks that will usually manage cooldowns to get them through hairy moments whereas a Prot Pally in there place would absorb alot of the spike through our superior damage mitigation.

Stacking stamina as a Paladin has its uses if you want to take adavantage of Ardent Defender. As your health pool increases so does the effective health that Ardent Defender gives you (as damage reduction when dropping below 35% and upon saving you and returning a portion of your healthpool back every 2mins).

Edit: Grats mahlerite on your shield. /jealous

Edited, Aug 28th 2009 3:43pm by arthoriuss
#12 Aug 31 2009 at 8:00 AM Rating: Good
I think a big part of the trend towards stamina is that there are just so many fights where block is either insignificant or entirely useless for a lot of the damage coming your way. Being block capped creates the biggest benefit when you're tanking large groups of mobs that don't hit all that hard. When the size of the hits starts to scale upwards, the benefit of blocking attacks starts to scale down. When the damage isn't coming from a physical source, the benefit of block is negated.

I remember when I was starting to gear my pally and I'd come across a warrior that was BS/JC toting bracer and glove sockets stuffed with JC-only stam gems with stamina everywhere else they could stuff it and being aghast at their health pools (and simultaneously shocked that they'd forgo any kind of avoidance to get it). Then I look at some of the boss fights (not even counting Ulduar) and it started to make sense. Not complete sense, but it made sense nonetheless.

Right now the biggest challenge I'm seeing with tanks is that only a small handful truly have enough of an understanding to at least explain why they gear/augment the way that they do. The rest are just following the crowd. Our guild has two players in it right now (one warrior, one DK) who are frothing at the mouth to go to Ulduar, but our last couple of runs have been either delayed or canceled due to a shortage of tanks. This got them to thinking that they should gear to tank so then they'd have to be brought along because it's better to have a nub tank than no run (at least, in their eyes it is). The resulting calamity has been both amusing and a little irritating as they struggle to grasp the basics of just gearing a tank...I've managed to successfully refrain from openly declaring that I won't be there on their first few heroic runs as shiny new tanks :P

The difficulty I see with gearing/augmenting a tank these days others have said...that everything depends on the encounter and it can take quite a while to accumulate two sets of tank gear. Ideally, every tank would have a stam set and an avoidance set, but depending on how active (and successful) you are in the game, that's not always a viable option. So do you gear for magic damage (stack stam), physical damage (avoidance), or try to find an appropriate balance?

And let's face it...dps have Recount as their e-peen meter. Healers do to some extent as well. Tanks If you're big on impressing people in your PUGs, massive health pool is one way to do that.

I set aside my pally in March with mostly BiS tier 7.5 gear and at the time, I was in the top 5 Alliance prot pallies for gear (based on one of those questionable rating sites). Now I'm working on gearing my warrior and there's a substantial difference. For starters, warriors can't ever hope to be block capped 100% of the time. They are, by default, block capped for 10 seconds out of every 40 if they're using Shield Block every time it comes off cooldown, but the other 30 seconds is a completely different story. As a result, there's no real objective target to shoot for when it comes to combined avoidance and the easiest thing to do is just go for crit immunity and then stack stam. What that means is that Joe Pally comes along and is tanking next to the stam-stacking warrior and feels his e-peen shrink because his health pool can't match up if he's been working towards (or maintaining) block capped status. Tanks tend to be a competitive lot and when you're playing as a tank in a game that no longer favors one class over another as the go-to guy for the majority of encounters, there's a little bit of nervous anxiety that sets in if you've got a not-so-informed raid leader making decisions on who gets to tank what if the RL sees the health pools and so many other players...that more health universally translates to higher survivability.

In the end I would say that maintaining block capped stats as a pally tank is not so difficult that a pally tank should forgo it for the sake of stamina. There's no one raid instance in WotLK where it would serve no benefit.
#13 Aug 31 2009 at 4:43 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I'd just like to point out (again =P) that block capping isn't done solely by stacking block, but you get block capped by adding in dodge/parry/miss as well. I agree totally that blocking on anything but trash is pretty weak (although still better than a straight hit ...), but hitting the cap by stacking dodge and parry rating I think anyone would agree is still important: ie taking no damage instead of a straight hit, yes?

I just noticed that people seem to keep going back to the "block sucks" aspect of block capping when they post here and forget that it takes more than block to hit cap.
#14 Sep 01 2009 at 3:34 AM Rating: Good
218 posts
Maulgak wrote:
I'd just like to point out (again =P) that block capping isn't done solely by stacking block, but you get block capped by adding in dodge/parry/miss as well. I agree totally that blocking on anything but trash is pretty weak (although still better than a straight hit ...), but hitting the cap by stacking dodge and parry rating I think anyone would agree is still important: ie taking no damage instead of a straight hit, yes?

I just noticed that people seem to keep going back to the "block sucks" aspect of block capping when they post here and forget that it takes more than block to hit cap.

Agreed, which is why people have started to refer to it as being "unhittable" rather than "block capped" It's the same thing but people seem to get stuck on the Block part.

As others have said, hitting 102.4 isn't really too difficult, you shouldn't really gem for it I'd say, if you're in the 95+ avoidance range I think you're more than fine. Now obviously the better your gear gets the closer you'll be to it without trying but that's not a bad thing. I usually just let my gear handle it and I go for a stam/threat balance, but really if you wanted to you could go for just stam(I don't personally like this, but it has it's uses), but at lower gear levels it's a bad idea.
#15 Sep 05 2009 at 12:07 AM Rating: Excellent
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
Tanks tend to be a competitive lot and when you're playing as a tank in a game that no longer favors one class over another as the go-to guy for the majority of encounters, there's a little bit of nervous anxiety that sets in if you've got a not-so-informed raid leader making decisions on who gets to tank what if the RL sees the health pools and so many other players...that more health universally translates to higher survivability.
Having been stuck pugging raids for a while now, I find that my low health pool (took a break from the game, so I'm still catching up) gets me immediately relegated to "off tank" almost any time I join a raid. Several times now I've been handed MT duties because the suckbat main with 43k health keeps falling over like a rag doll or fails to display any kind of practical knowledge about tanking (in general, and often particularly to an encounter).

I don't mean to get off on a rant or anything, but I'm a little bit shocked coming back to the game this late in wrath and finding so many tanks who seem only capable of either following fight strats blindly (no situational awareness at all) or assuming anything can be zerged if you have enough combined DPS in the raid, who can spout off the stats they're supposed to prioritize but can't articulate why... They have no concept of effective health, or why in many cases avoidance boosts your EH to levels pure stam can't even remotely approach.
#16 Sep 05 2009 at 4:07 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Mindel wrote:
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
Tanks tend to be a competitive lot and when you're playing as a tank in a game that no longer favors one class over another as the go-to guy for the majority of encounters, there's a little bit of nervous anxiety that sets in if you've got a not-so-informed raid leader making decisions on who gets to tank what if the RL sees the health pools and so many other players...that more health universally translates to higher survivability.

Having been stuck pugging raids for a while now, I find that my low health pool (took a break from the game, so I'm still catching up) gets me immediately relegated to "off tank" almost any time I join a raid. Several times now I've been handed MT duties because the suckbat main with 43k health keeps falling over like a rag doll or fails to display any kind of practical knowledge about tanking (in general, and often particularly to an encounter).

I don't mean to get off on a rant or anything, but I'm a little bit shocked coming back to the game this late in wrath and finding so many tanks who seem only capable of either following fight strats blindly (no situational awareness at all) or assuming anything can be zerged if you have enough combined DPS in the raid, who can spout off the stats they're supposed to prioritize but can't articulate why... They have no concept of effective health, or why in many cases avoidance boosts your EH to levels pure stam can't even remotely approach.

I miss WoW related Mindel posts.

Your pseudo-rant is extremely valid as many tanks just go all gaga over EH. While often that is the way to go the people that do it well are itemizing their gear properly in other ways.

Game mechanics aren't hard to learn.

Awareness is.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#17 Sep 05 2009 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
1,622 posts
Mindel wrote:
They have no concept of effective health, or why in many cases avoidance boosts your EH to levels pure stam can't even remotely approach.

Sorry for nit-picking, but while avoidance can usually increase your "time to live" by a ton, it doesn't do anything at all for Effective Health. Effective Health is based on a combination of Armor (Mitigation) and Stamina. It's a measure of how many hits you can soak in a worst-case scenario when you get an unlucky string of non-avoided hits.

Regarding the OP, I'd assume that the Cataclysm changes with Block (making Block mitigate a % of incoming damage) will make Warriors and Paladins both value block quite a bit more than they do right now. Right now, I'd disagree that (for bosses) it's worth it to gear for 102+% block/avoidance specifically, just because you'd often end up sacrificing Avoidance for the additional Block. If you can get there without gimping other stats, I think it's fantastic. :-)
#18REDACTED, Posted: Sep 15 2009 at 6:02 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Sadly...yes. I'm steadily geting ulduar gear/10m TotC gear,no block rating just Block value,whats the use of block value if you dont block? i know holy sheild increases 30% block,but that will reduce agro becuase every 8% instead of getting agro you hit that,costs decent mana.but i did get the trinket from the lava dog in H Vh which keeps me at 18%...
#19 Sep 15 2009 at 8:03 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
TolarofLothar wrote:
Sadly...yes. I'm steadily geting ulduar gear/10m TotC gear,no block rating just Block value,whats the use of block value if you dont block? i know holy sheild increases 30% block,but that will reduce agro becuase every 8% instead of getting agro you hit that,costs decent mana.but i did get the trinket from the lava dog in H Vh which keeps me at 18%...

Edited, Sep 15th 2009 9:02pm by TolarofLothar

Just ... no ...

1) Shield of Righteousness deals damage based on your BV, so never will it be 100% useless.

2) The Prot's 969 rotation includes Holy Shield quite nicely, so no you are not losing aggro. Quite the opposite, Holy Shield makes you GAIN aggro, while it's up and you take a blocked hit.

3) I know feeding trolls is bad, but I was bored, so please don't flame me :D I apologize >.>
#20 Sep 16 2009 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
591 posts
I'm steadily geting ulduar gear/10m TotC gear,no block rating just Block value,whats the use of block value if you dont block?

This is the gear warr/pallys have wanted since the start of Uld. As nearly every piece prior with bv contained a bunch of worthless block rating and no other avoidance stat. Now we have gear that boosts threat and mitigation(bv) paired with dodge/parry or hit rating/expertise. Basically a lot less wasted itemization imo.

i know holy shield increases 30% block,but that will reduce agro because every 8% instead of getting agro you hit that

Basically there's no other threat generating ability you can use if you're using 969 correctly. Every 3 cycles you can sub HS for AS or against demons/undead you can sub in holy wrath as well(although i would advise subbing these for judgement against faster hitting mobs). But in general HS will always generate some threat. Unless of course the mob never stops casting, in which case HS is a complete waste.


1) Shield of Righteousness deals damage based on your BV, so never will it be 100% useless.

It does have DR now, at ~3400 or something it is actually useless as a threat stat.

#21 Sep 16 2009 at 6:50 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
mahlerite wrote:


1) Shield of Righteousness deals damage based on your BV, so never will it be 100% useless.

It does have DR now, at ~3400 or something it is actually useless as a threat stat.

Only after that point (34.5 times the Paladin's level last I heard, which turns out to be 2760 at level 80). I don't know about you, but I'm not at at that point yet. And still, BV as a mitigation stat is not capped. I'm not advocating stacking it at all, just saying that the poster was incorrect saying it is useless.

Edited, Sep 16th 2009 9:11pm by Maulgak
#22 Sep 21 2009 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,566 posts
I maintain high stamina and high avoidance, the best of both worlds imo.

Fully raid buffed(25) I roll with 30% dodge.

Unbuffed(no kings, sanct, nothing) I'm at 38k health.

I gem entirely for stamina except to meet my meta requirements.

The reason that most people gem for stamina is because it is the only tanking stat that is not subject to diminishing returns.
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