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#1 Aug 20 2009 at 3:02 PM Rating: Good
255 posts
Post your Rogue questions here in an educated manner and Morgorg will try to get answers for you!

Don't expect instant responses. I do have... a life outside of Alla. And that's WoW.
#2 Aug 20 2009 at 4:24 PM Rating: Good
255 posts
---DPS and gear decisions---

---DPS at 80---
Link to Aldriana's 3.1 Mut and 3.2 Combat spreadsheets

Plug in your current gear (only blues/epics from 80ish supported) and your rotation, spec and raid buffs and get a realistic DPS quote. Note that even over a five minute DPS parse, a few out-of-place crits can offset your DPS by a few hundred, so if you just can't seem to pull as much dps as the spreadsheet says you should, try parsing for a longer time.

MAEP stands for Maximum Agility Equivalence Points. It's a term used for maximizing your raid DPS, and this is a good way short of ShadowPanther's website and a spreadsheet to determine if gear is an upgrade or not. It's a good thing to memorize loosely. This is stolen from ShadowPanther, who is cited in my links bibliography.

Note: I have a slight beef with this list, because Strength is rated as .55 because of Blessing of Kings, but Agility benefits from kings as well, which should offset the entire list a little bit. I'm unsure whether ShadowPanther made a mistake on Strength, or if he made a mistake on Agility, so I readjusted the strength because the rest of the list is harder to balance.

1 Agility = 1 MAEP
1 Strength = .50 MAEP (rated .55 originally, read above)
1 Stamina = .01 MAEP
1 Hit Rating = .83 MAEP
1 Crit Rating = .81 MAEP
1 Attack Power = .45 MAEP (thanks!)
1 Expertise Rating = .87 MAEP
1 Haste Rating = .64 MAEP
1 Armor Penetration Rating = .65 MAEP
1 Resilience = .001 MAEP
1 Blue Socket = 16 MAEP (with no socket bonus)
1 Red Socket = 16 MAEP (plus socket bonus)
1 Yellow Socket = 15 MAEP (plus socket bonus)
1 Meta Socket = 80 MAEP
.1 MH Speed = -9 MAEP per .1 faster than 1.8
.1 OH Speed = -8 MAEP per .1 slower than 1.4
1 OH DPS = 1.4 MAEP

Mut 51/13/7
Note- Some rogues find that their eviscerate does more damage than Rupture, and may switch out two points to imp Evis. As a general rule, especially with the 4/5 t7, 4/5 t8 and 2/5 t9 set bonuses (Respectively: 10% bonus rupture damage, Rupture can crit, your Rupture ticks have a 2% chance to make your next ability cost 40 less energy), rupture is far superior to eviscerate. Some people have proposed that since a 4/5 conquerors rogue with ~40% crit buffed gains ~40% damage on rupture, it would be beneficial to talent Serrated Blades and go 51/7/13. However, this is regarded on EJ as a dps loss, so don't do it. The only intelligent talent switch you might make from that spec is to drop Murder or 2 points in Turn the Tables to pick up Fleet Footed, because the movement impairing reduce and speed buff is useful not only on fights like Grobb but good to have all around.

Combat 15/51/5
Obviously, switch out Close Quarters Combat for the appropriate weapon spec. Fist/Dagger > Fist/Fist > Sword/Sword > everything else. Never, ever, ever go combat daggers. The DPS is horrid.

These are the two main pve dps specs. I'm not going to go into HaT here.

Pre-Raid gearing at 80:
Do ToC. A lot. Really, trust me. The leather gear from there is good. At this amount of time into WotLK, it's really easy to pug 10 man raids other than Uld/Trial of the Crusader. So do it. For questions about gear, use the spreadsheet and ShadowPanther and the MAEP list.

--- Rogue Levelling ---

Just remember to have a slow (2.4, 2.5, 2.6) speed mainhand and a fast (1.4-1.8) speed offhand to maximize your DPS. put on double instant poison, and the rest is pretty easy. At level 50, you probably want to respec Mutilate, and get two slow (1.6-1.8) speed daggers.

Here's a spec for level 49, with combat swords or axes: (If you are using fists, change to Close Quarters Combat. Never use Combat spec with Daggers, and only uses maces if you have to- the mace specialization talent is kinda mediocre.)
Combat Swords - l49

Once you ding 50, start using those daggers! If you don't have any good ones from quests, you might consider picking up some from the AH if they're cheap, but remember you get to Outland at 58 (8 levels later) and the upgrades there are incredible compared to old world gear. (what you're using right now most likely.)
Mutilate - l50

By the time you're 80 your spec should look something like this:
Mutilate Levelling - l80
Of course, a lot of this isn't set in stone. You might want to swap Camoflage and Master of Deception out for the crit bonus from Master Poisoner, but personally when you kill things in 3-4 seconds as mutilate, having a 6 second cooldown (instead of 10) on stealth can add up to save you a lot of time. I don't know if you have any gathering professions, but Master of Deception is useful for sneaking past mobs, sapping and gathering, as well as some quests where you don't want to kill loads of mobs just to get to 1 quest mob. That's personal preference- you can switch that out for Focused Attacks, or keep Camoflage and switch that into Master Poisoner. (For levelling, Master Poisoner>Focused Attacks, because you have a chance to let your energy regen to 100% in between each mob fight, and Overkill basically increases your energy regen by 30% all the time, because you should be stealthing more than once every 20 seconds.

Edited, Sep 10th 2009 1:06am by morgorg

Edited, Sep 14th 2009 9:48pm by morgorg

Edited, Sep 14th 2009 9:49pm by morgorg

Edited, Sep 15th 2009 9:43pm by morgorg
#3 Aug 20 2009 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
Saved for future content
#4 Aug 20 2009 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
Saved for future content too
#5 Aug 20 2009 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
#6 Aug 22 2009 at 1:56 PM Rating: Excellent
2,550 posts
1 Agility = 1 MAEP
1 Strength = .50 MAEP (rated .55 originally, read above)
1 Stamina = .01 MAEP
1 Hit Rating = .83 MAEP
1 Crit Rating = .81 MAEP
1 Attack Power = .50 MAEP
1 Expertise Rating = .87 MAEP
1 Haste Rating = .64 MAEP
1 Armor Penetration Rating = .65 MAEP
1 Resilience = .001 MAEP
1 Blue Socket = 16 MAEP (with no socket bonus)
1 Red Socket = 16 MAEP (plus socket bonus)
1 Yellow Socket = 15 MAEP (plus socket bonus)
1 Meta Socket = 80 MAEP
.1 MH Speed = -9 MAEP per .1 faster than 1.8
.1 OH Speed = -8 MAEP per .1 slower than 1.4
1 OH DPS = 1.4 MAEP

This is okay to go by, but realize that the way the stats you currently have work together will make different stats worth more to you at different points. This is why gemming ArPen is viable(last I checked) in late Ulduar, but is not in Naxx.
#7 Aug 23 2009 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
255 posts
This is okay to go by, but realize that the way the stats you currently have work together will make different stats worth more to you at different points. This is why gemming ArPen is viable(last I checked) in late Ulduar, but is not in Naxx.

Thanks for the clarification. At this point I don't plan on turning this thread into a super in-depth guide to the coefficients of the rogue class- I think that that's a fine list to go by until you're 80 and can start using the spreadsheet.
#8 Aug 23 2009 at 5:41 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
Yes, its a great list to use.
#9 Sep 07 2009 at 11:25 PM Rating: Good
546 posts
morgorg wrote:

1 Agility = 1 MAEP
1 Strength = .50 MAEP (rated .55 originally, read above)
1 Attack Power = .50 MAEP

Just like to point out that you would either need to raise str or lower the value of AP. Since with kings 1 point of str. gives 1.1 AP so either you should make str worth .55, hence I'm guessing the original value, or you could instead lower the value of AP to .5/1.1 or .45.
#10 Sep 09 2009 at 9:04 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
Just like to point out that you would either need to raise str or lower the value of AP. Since with kings 1 point of str. gives 1.1 AP so either you should make str worth .55, hence I'm guessing the original value, or you could instead lower the value of AP to .5/1.1 or .45.

Excellent point! Thanks for pointing out my mistake- i'll fix it.
#11 Sep 10 2009 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
I recently came back to my Rogue. At lvl 56, I'm currently set for Combat swords. I have a First of Reckoning in my bank that I can use when I hit 61 (dropped for my main). But I'm starting to question if it's worth it given that I would have to respec maces.

From what I've read here and other places, using daggers and switching to a mut build is a better build for lvling.

Would I be better off throwing the mace to AH and just going mut once I hit outlands?
#12 Sep 10 2009 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
Go mut. AH the mace.
#13 Sep 10 2009 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
924 posts
Sup haha. A buddy and I are playing frost DK/Mut rogue.. it's a lot of fun, and we're roflstomping pretty much every team up to 2200 mmr but mage/rogue and hunter/healer, which are comps we trade games with. Any advice? >.<
#14 Sep 10 2009 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
That's a hard comp to play as comps go. Why are you losing to mage rogue? Your dk should freeze the mage and assist you on rogue- If he trinkets, blind and hope he IBs so you can chains rogue and reset. You need to play around the pillars a lot and save cloak for a safe vanish. If that doesn't work, I don't know what to tell you- just keep a bleed on the rogue at all times.

Your issue may be that you can't get rogue at start, and the mage can solo your dk- i'm not sure whether your dk can solo mage or not, but if he can't then he needs to kite mage while you camp a shadowsight. That will get their team to split up- i don't know if you're night elf but you can either just take ss and wait for restealth, or shadowmeld, or vanish (not suggested). The idea is not to let your dk get opened on, forcing you to attack the rogue just to keep your dk alive.

As for hunter/healer... whenever I play double dps comps, hunters are the antichrist. Some people claim they can oom a healer by controlling the hunter, but if he gets even a few seconds of time to kite you and jump backwards, he can take out a big portion of your hp. The best way to beat these teams is to get a clean sap on hunter and open on the healer- if it's a paladin it's going to be tough to get a reset when he bubbles, but it's your best bet as far as i know.
#15 Sep 11 2009 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
924 posts
Yeah, good call on the pillars vs. mage rogue. Hunter healer makes me cry =( I'll take this under advisement, should be playing games tonight.

Ps. I love warrior/anything =D
#16 Sep 11 2009 at 3:28 PM Rating: Decent
ok my question is about stacking armor pen, and if its worth doin now since its getting nerfed from 125% to 110%. I have the 4-pc t-8 and i have 2 pc t-9, and im not sure if i wanna give up rupture crits yet, and i do good dps but this druid i know gems all armPen and out does me almost all the time .. damage is close.. but dps he wins lol.. so yeah not sure if i wanna try to get ahold of 7 or more cardinal rubys and regem if its not gonna be worth it
#17 Sep 11 2009 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
Druids gem differently than rogues. I don't know what you're gemming right now, but your best bet is to live by the spreadsheet.
I don't know about this, but you might be able to mess with the spreadsheet to simulate the arpen nerf... I wouldn't trust it though because there are other rogue changes as well (envenom buff) and you might just want to keep going with what you're doing until a new spreadsheet is released.

If you want to do the math, you can find boss armor values on wowwiki. Just calculate your arpen with or without gemming pre and post 3.2.2, then plug in the dps/crit gain and the armor reduce and see which comes out as a more % damage increase.

Banatu, tell me how things go!
#18 Sep 14 2009 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
1,433 posts
I'm guessing that the lines that read "Combat Swords level 49", "Mutilate Spec level 50", and "Levelling Mut spec at 80" in the OP are supposed to be links to specs? They're just plain text at the moment.

And the Combat raiding spec link is missing the link= in the first tag.

Edit: Oh yeah, actual questions...

I've seen assorted bits of commentary on the heirloom stuff here and there, but without the ability to search I've not come across anything that's every really answered all the questions I've had about them...

I'm currently leveling (level 40 at the moment) my rogue as Combat spec, using Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge MH and Sharpened Scarlet Kris OH.

The advice of switching to a Mutilate spec (or at least trying it out) at 50 seems to be pretty common. It seems like the Balanced Heartseeker should be the best option for a MH dagger to go along with that, especially if the Azeroth dagger selection is as poor as most people suggest. Am I correct in that assumption?

Secondly, whilst the Sharpened Scarlet Kris has identical dps to the Balanced Heartseeker, it has the lower base damage. If I'm interpretting what I've read correctly, the damage of a Mutilate spec is mostly from Mutilate itself, and that is based purely on the damage of both weapons. With the heirloom weapon damage values being as high as they are relative to most of the stuff available, is the Kris a passable OH option despite its lower damage? I'd guess a second Heartseeker would be a better option if I have the badges free, but I'm not sure how long it's going to take me to hit 50. :P

Next, obviously one of the big attractions to the Heirloom weapons is their stats continue to improve as I level. Am I likely to see many comparable/better daggers leveling through Outland and Northrend, especially if I don't set foot in dungeons much/at all?

Finally, if I decide I don't like Mutilate much, and switch back to combat, am I likely to see many comparable/better weapons than the Sacred Charge while leveling through Outland and Northrend, especially with that same lack-of-dungeon stipulation?

Edited, Sep 14th 2009 1:42pm by Jibini
#19 Sep 14 2009 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
Thanks for your editing- I didn't notice any of that.

Combat spec is fine until 50. The spec I linked includes some points in combat potency but tbh that's just mostly useless filler in the last few levels before 50 and should probably be swapped out for relentless strikes, so what i would have done is bought the heartseeker offhand and sword mainhand, and then replaced mainhand with outland stuff at 58.

40-50 is pretty fast... and yeah, daggers suck in pre-bc content but you will have to survive for the turbo speed 8 levels. So don't buy more heirloom stuff unless you really have nothing to do with badges (and there's always epic gems).

The heirloom items are itemized to be equal-ish to blues of the same level, so even if you found some upgrade it would likely be unnoticeable.

And don't hesitate at all to switch back to combat if you don't like mutilate- with your heirloom weapon the leveling time difference would only be a few hours.

If I'm interpretting what I've read correctly, the damage of a Mutilate spec is mostly from Mutilate itself, and that is based purely on the damage of both weapons.

Yes, that is correct while leveling. Past level 58 or so you will be doing CS>mut>wait>ks>mut>mut dead mob, and your white damage will be less than 30% of your damage.

At 80 you also want slow weapons, but your white damage and poison damage still increases.
#20 Sep 15 2009 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
78 posts
morgorg wrote:
---DPS at 80---
Combat 3.2 spreadsheet
Mutilate 3.2 spreadsheet

Your spreadsheets still don't work.
So if you do a fist/dagger combat build, do you want a slow fist weapon and a fast dagger?
#21 Sep 15 2009 at 1:45 PM Rating: Decent
811 posts
highest avg dmg mainhand, oh generally you want faster but don't leak damage for speed
#22 Sep 15 2009 at 6:50 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
oh generally you want faster but don't leak damage for speed

Just wanted to comment on this.

Last I saw .1 speed on a combat OH was equal to roughly 10 dps on the weapon.


1.4 speed 158 DPS OH is = 1.3 speed 148 DPS OH

1.6 speed 171 DPS OH = 1.4 speed 151 DPS OH

This is just a rough guide, spreadsheet>guesstimate.

In a fist/dagger build you generally want to pick an OH based on Speed/DPS>Type of weapon.


You're running Ulduar and Kinetic Ripper drops. This is a 163 DPS, 1.5 speed FIST WEAPON. You are using Librarians Paper Cutter which is a 130 DPS 1.3 speed DAGGER.

Which do you use?

In theory you would use the Kinetic Ripper because the DPS is high enough compared to the DPS/speed of the LPC that its better.

It being a fist weapon versus a dagger doesn't matter that much.

Now, realize that this is comparing a Trash BoE blue from a Heroic to a drop from Flame Leviathan 10 man. iLvls are different. In GENERAL a fist weapon and a dagger of equal ilvl's, the dagger will come out on top due to a daggers GENERALLY faster speed and equivalent DPS.

I hope I didn't butcher that info too much, and if I'm wrong let me know and I'll edit this post into nothingness.
#23 Sep 16 2009 at 5:20 AM Rating: Default
Why not simply post a link to this? Seems much clearer and better.
#24 Sep 16 2009 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
2,550 posts
How dare you make sense!?!?!

That would be perfectly logical!


I keed I keed
#25 Sep 18 2009 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
Why not simply post a link to this? Seems much clearer and better.

Because you're a douchenne muscular dystrophy
#26 Sep 28 2009 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
Jibini wrote:

Next, obviously one of the big attractions to the Heirloom weapons is their stats continue to improve as I level. Am I likely to see many comparable/better daggers leveling through Outland and Northrend, especially if I don't set foot in dungeons much/at all?
Edited, Sep 14th 2009 1:42pm by Jibini

I leveled with both the pve and the pvp heirloom daggers. The damage and stats were always better than anything in old world. By the time I got to Outlands I didn't see much in the way of upgrades weapon wise, those levels flew by so quick with the 2 +10%xp items that I didn't have time to look for upgrades. I only stopped to do a Blood Furnace and Ramparts run to test my group dps. At 68 I went to Northrend and finally swapped out the pvp dagger for the quest reward from [Last Rites] in Borean Tundra. The dps is slightly lower, but it makes up for it with the other stats.
If you choose a slower pace you could probably find a better combination. But the levels go by so fast(except those damned 50s) that you're almost farther ahead to just keep leveling.
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