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EXPANSION (possible spoiler? =P)Follow

#1 Aug 14 2009 at 7:32 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts Cataclysm post with comments front page if you prefer :P

Yes, I know this is a ways away, but I figured someone would be posting this eventually anyway. On MMO-Champion is a new post about possible expansion (Cataclysm) content. It suggests that instead of getting a new class, like Blizzard has stated they wanted to do (1 Hero class per X-pak), that certain race/class combos will be made available that currently are not permitted.

The expansion doesn't have any new class. Instead, Blizzard will offer more race and classes combinations to players, some of them have been datamined on the 3.2.2 Test Realms.

Still reading? Ok, I won't feel bad if you decide you didn't' want to see this, but for Paladins a new option appears to be on the horizon: TAUREN.

Again, I don't want to claim this is 100% confirmed or accurate or anything, but I think it would be fun to read people's comments on whether they love this idea, think it's totally retarded, or someplace in between.

So, with the fact in mind that this is NOT confirmed yet ... discuss :D

EDIT: IF this is true (and let state that in no certain terms am I coming to a conclusion until I hear from Blizzard themselves), it would definitely give new meaning to the phrase, "HOLY COW!!!" I can see that becoming the "next big thing" =P

Edited, Aug 15th 2009 12:26am by Maulgak
#2 Aug 14 2009 at 8:30 PM Rating: Default
This would utterly destroy the paladin class as I see it.

#3 Aug 15 2009 at 4:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,594 posts
Blood Elf Druids makes far more sense than Tauren Paladins.

Undead Paladins makes more sense than Tauren Paladins.

Blood Elf Warriors makes just as little sense as Tauren Paladins.

I hate data miners..
#4 Aug 15 2009 at 4:09 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts

This is a SS from MMO-Champion's post about the 3.2.2 patch. It contains musings over "Mu'sha's Light" which according to WoWwiki is the Tauren's name for Elune. There's also been some posts talking about how the Tauren might be experimenting with putting balance aside and looking more to the light of their "Sun-God".

There's some good topics started on MMO's new Cataclysm forum. All backbiting, name calling, and vulgar language aside, I find people's ideas of how this could or could not work to be interesting. Was hoping to have a bit more discussion here myself :(

Maybe I'm the only one who finds lore (or the lack/change thereof) exciting, hehe ;)
#5 Aug 16 2009 at 8:27 AM Rating: Good
713 posts

Tauren Paladins...

Give it to the Undead but not the Tauren. At least there is lore in undead paladins (Re: Sir Zeliak in Naxx).

Blizzard. Say it isn't so?
#6 Aug 16 2009 at 3:50 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
Sir Zeliek is an odd case yes, but he is not a "current" Paladin, so therein lies a great difference in what you are proposing. Sir Zeliek is a Death Knight and former Paladin who retained some of his sanity, but is still bound to the Lich King's will. His lore states that he was so strong in his faith in life that he still commands the Light in his undeath. This fact though does not make him a Paladin still.

Honestly, making the Forsaken able to be paladins may be one of the only things to make me quit this game over from a "lawlLore" standpoint. The Paladin is a tireless adversary of the undead, so giving any faction of undead the Paladin class would be a total perversion of everything that a Paladin is.

I agree, it seems like a stretch to be giving Paladins to the Tauren, but I am very interested to see how they can make it play out. BEs getting Paladins angered me greatly, not because they are Horde, but because of the whole "stealing" the Light (later they were accepted 'normally', but the original lore). But Tauren, if they could have been Paladins from the start, I would have a Horde main =P Tauren are my favorite race, but Paladin was (and is) my favorite class.

EDIT: link failure

Edited, Aug 16th 2009 4:50pm by Maulgak
#7 Aug 16 2009 at 6:35 PM Rating: Good
713 posts

If I had it my way there would be only humans paladins but hey, I suppose if Tauren Paladins do come into being they will be wielding the Light of Elune or something along those lines. Taurens are so shamanistic in their beliefs it doesnt seem right that they would suddenly start using holy power (Re: they are also getting priests too).

Some of the other race classes have the same problem too. Night Elf Mages? I thought the Night Elves did away with wielding arcane power after that whole debacle with the High Elves back in the war of the ancients? I dont mind the idea of human hunters but I'll probably roll a Worgen one if its possible.

What do you guys think of Blizzard supposedly redoing old content? The idea of a level 85 BRD scares the hell outta me!
#8 Aug 17 2009 at 12:44 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
arthoriuss wrote:
What do you guys think of Blizzard supposedly redoing old content? The idea of a level 85 BRD scares the hell outta me!

lol, yes this scares me as well. It was a b!@#$ in the low/mid 50s, and I never even finished the whole thing until I was able to solo most of it. The quote I'm assuming you are referring to makes it sound like classic dungeons will cease to be what they are and only be for higher level players, but I find it hard to believe there would be no more dungeons for players 10-58 to run at all. My guess is more like with the Heroic dungeon system, you'll have for instance Razorfen Downs 37-42 (or whatever it is) and Razorfen Downs 80-85.

As far as only race/class combos, I agree, there are some I think make sense (Dwarf Shaman) and others seem like a big stretch (Gnome Priest). Makes me that much more interested though in it seeing how Blizzard will make the lore so that these work. Note: unlike others say, I don't think that these new combos added will necessarily "break" old lore, just add new lore. A big appeal, for me at least, is the fact that Azeroth is treated as if it were a real place, and real life changes. So seeing how "the world" evolves is part of the fun :D

I gotta comment on BE Warriors though. When they first were brought in I thought, "WTF?? They can be Rogues? Rogues don't use mana ..." because they were supposed to be this mana addicted race and everything revolved around that addiction. How does Rogue fit into that? Made sense they didn't have Warriors, but now they will. I'm still not quite sure how non-mana users fall in line with BEs, but ok :P

Got off topic, lol, as this is a Paladin forum, but that's ok. I'm happy to have a place to discuss this regardless ;)

EDIT: I just reread the MMO post and came across this:

The Blackrock Spire will erupt and a new version of Blackrock Mountains will be available, apparently Ragnaros will be back too.

Maybe we won't have to worry about BRD after all? lol

Edited, Aug 17th 2009 2:33am by Maulgak
#9 Aug 17 2009 at 6:37 AM Rating: Good
3,909 posts
Maulgak wrote:
Honestly, making the Forsaken able to be paladins may be one of the only things to make me quit this game over from a "lawlLore" standpoint. The Paladin is a tireless adversary of the undead, so giving any faction of undead the Paladin class would be a total perversion of everything that a Paladin is.

There are a few of them working for the Argent Dawn. There's one at Light's Hope Chapel. Undead priests make use of the Light just fine. What are you waiting for?

In all seriousness, undead paladins are more likely (and cooler) than tauren paladins. Tauren paladins are just thematically inconsistent.
#10 Aug 17 2009 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
1,340 posts
I'd be more impressed with racial Paladins (and Priests, come to that) if they had a "holy warrior" or priest who actually bore some ties to a particular in-game religion, with a greater diversity of spells and specializations than there currently is.

There could be quests specifically to enhance the character's standing in a particular in-game religion, tithes to pay to your temple/church to increase reputation and gain small enhancements - that kind of thing. As it is, Paladins and Priests are great characters to play, but they seem to exist in a religious vacuum and actually have no ties or duties to a cult or temple whatsoever.
#11 Aug 17 2009 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,183 posts
There are a few of them working for the Argent Dawn. There's one at Light's Hope Chapel. Undead priests make use of the Light just fine. What are you waiting for?

Leonid Barthalomew, the quest giver in Light's Hope? Yea, he's not actually a Paladin. I can't think of any Forsaken, whether part of the Argent or not, that is actually a Paladin. If someone has proof to the contrary, please provide a link.

That is a good point about Priests though. Both the Paladin and the Priest wield the powers of the Holy Light. Here's what it says regarding Forsaken Priests:

Forsaken who once followed the tenets of the Holy Light often alter their philosophy upon their transformation. Forsaken have abandoned religion, just as they believe it abandoned them. Lost and hurt, these priests founded a new religion based on a self-centered version of their former faith. Dubbed the forgotten Shadow, this philosophy centers around self-empowerment and a desire to balance life with death. While they can no longer use the Holy Light, and have since learned how to use the Shadow; the priests teach that there must be a balance between Light and Shadow, and members must learn the Light as well, but never forget they were born from the Shadow.

I guess I feel it's kind of like saying that because Jews and Catholics both believe in God that they are the same. Obviously this isn't true, their beliefs are very different. So to are Priests and Paladins: they may both believe in and use the Holy Light, but how they go about that (the use and worship of) is very different. I guess Paladins to me are more like zealots, taking their beliefs to more of an extreme than a Priest does, and I for one can't ever fathom an undead becoming a "tireless enemy of the undead", even if that simply meant "tireless enemy of the Scourge." That's what the Argent Dawn/Crusade is for ^^

Krago, I'd suggest that you read about the Holy Light on WoWwiki. You are right that these classes do not worship a god so to speak, but a philosophy. There are organizations though dedicated to the Light's worship, namely the Church of the Holy Light. Link here to some good reading :)
#12 Aug 18 2009 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
3,909 posts
Maulgak wrote:
Leonid Barthalomew, the quest giver in Light's Hope? Yea, he's not actually a Paladin. I can't think of any Forsaken, whether part of the Argent or not, that is actually a Paladin. If someone has proof to the contrary, please provide a link.

Can you find something that says he isn't a paladin?

This is what I mean. Blizzard could say, right now, that that dude is and always has been an undead paladin, and we would retroactively have had undead paladins since ever. Nowhere have they said that undead guys can be paladins. Nowhere have they said that they can't. They've left the whole field open, presumably so they can shove tauren in there someday.
#13 Aug 18 2009 at 1:34 AM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
You may have me there :P I was going off of what I remembered from in-game, and if I remember correctly, Leonid has no mana bar. Is that correct? I know that can be a shaky argument, but I've been looking around, and nothing I can find lists what exactly he is. Can't find any SSs that show his health/whatever bars and I haven't reactivated my account just yet, so I can't go check myself :(

I found this good article about other races being Paladins on's "ask a lore nerd". I think this sums up the article quite well, "It's absolutely possible that these races [Trolls, Night Elves, Forsaken] can have Paladins. However, you wouldn't see one every day, and that's why they aren't playable. The playable classes are the aspects of the races that you would encounter every single day walking through town." *italics added

So, I guess I soften my stance on such things from a lore perspective, but my personal feelings still stand. I would absolutely hate Forsaken Paladins as playable. The Paladin has always been my favorite in any fantasy game I've played with a Paladin option and has always been that slayer of the undead. To see the undead then become Paladins would totally destroy my own image of what they are/have always been.

/admits that it could happen, but /prays it never will :)

EDIT: I'm no pro 'loreist' so I appreciate the differing viewpoints (why I started this mainly, hehe). I probably would not have found some of these links (also participating in a thread on the Druid board) without the discussion.

Edited, Aug 18th 2009 2:50am by Maulgak
#14 Aug 18 2009 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
46 posts
I was, for lack of a better word, a little biased against the horde when I started playing. It actually began when a few friends of mine told me to play wow. They played horde, and I wanted to be a paladin. I thought the horde were even, especially because I liked paladins. I was very wrong.

My first horde character was a tauren warrior. After the initial obvious quests I did, I never quite got over the idea of balance and adherence to nature and goodness that the tauren exuded. It wasn't like the blood elves, who I absolutely love to play as now, who are way more amoral than the orcs or the rest of the horde races. They actually stole the light from a naaru, or thought they were anyway. But the tauren are, from every viewpoint, actually good. They are less rigid and more free-spirited than the dwarves or humans, and aren't as ethereal and un-approachably alien as the Dreanai - pun intended.

And of course, it is easy to see how they would be able to follow the code and tenets of the Light.

Tauren were and always will be my favorite of the races, and now that they can be one of my favorite classes, I can't wait to roll one again. Perhaps we will see more use out of thunder bluff than we currently do, especially if most or any of the rumors floating around are true.
#15 Aug 20 2009 at 8:39 AM Rating: Good
713 posts

I think the way that Blizzard initially gave Blood Elves paladins (the whole stealing the light or bending it to their will lore) they could easily do it for the Forsaken if they really wanted to. There are the mobs near Crusader's Pinnacle that use undead versions of paladin spells (Unholy Light and an undead Avenger's Shield) so it wouldnt surprise me if they based a Forsaken version of the paladin on something similar to this. Seal of Corruption or Blood Knight/Blood Charger could easily be used by an undead/forsaken paladin.

To me it seems more believeable than wielding the light/power of elune or whatever Blizzard is planning with Taurens.
#16 Aug 24 2009 at 1:12 PM Rating: Excellent
46 posts
I can't be the only one who wants to watch a new undead paladin cast consecration, then scream in agony as the holy fires cleanse his undead flesh. (And yes, I realize that undead are humanoid, but come on, this would be a great animation).
#17 Aug 24 2009 at 5:03 PM Rating: Good
2,183 posts
I know back in the day (way, way back) Forsaken were considered Undead so Undead specific spells worked on them.

subsounder wrote:
I can't be the only one who wants to watch a new undead paladin cast consecration, then scream in agony as the holy fires cleanse his undead flesh. (And yes, I realize that undead are humanoid, but come on, this would be a great animation).

As much as I hate the idea of Undead (of any kind) Paladins, I agree, that would be hilarious!
#18 Aug 25 2009 at 2:11 PM Rating: Good
Oh, the irony, and perhaps the hypocracy, of an undead paladin casting exorcism...
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