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Are you dead? Then don't tell me how to heal.Follow

#1 Aug 10 2009 at 7:00 AM Rating: Excellent
Pug DK dps: Why are you shielding me?
Me: Disc is shield spec.
Pug DK dps: Shield the tank, not me.

Well, I didn't have the best attitude after that. He got an occasional renew. If he happened to benefit from a PoH, so be it. I think my words to my son were "I heal pets too. He's just been relegated to pet status". Funny thing, he seemed to be lower in health than everyone else during the run.
#2 Aug 10 2009 at 7:37 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
The Honorable dadanox wrote:
Pug DK dps: Why are you shielding me?
Me: Disc is shield spec.
Pug DK dps: Shield the tank, not me.

Well, I didn't have the best attitude after that. He got an occasional renew. If he happened to benefit from a PoH, so be it. I think my words to my son were "I heal pets too. He's just been relegated to pet status". Funny thing, he seemed to be lower in health than everyone else during the run.

Things certainly do change in this game. Less than a year ago, shielding the tank would have earned you a remark that you are starving them.

Poor, poor PW:S- So strong and so misunderstood. The Silver Surfer of WOW.

I would have said "What's a tank?"
#3 Aug 10 2009 at 8:25 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
Trylofer wrote:
I would have said "What's a tank?"

That would've been a good one. Or else just keep asking him to put down a mage table. When he says "WTF I'm a DK" be all, "Dude, don't be a d&ck. Just put down a table." Keep this up til he leaves. People who treat you like an idiot should get what they ask for.

I also dislike being told how to heal unless it's coming from a healer who's better than me. I especially hate it when it comes from dumbass DPS who've never played a healer and blame you when they're dead for dumbass reasons. Some of those people live in my house. I'm not mentioning names. They know.

I certainly wouldn't put up with it from a stranger. You did the right thing. :D
#4 Aug 11 2009 at 8:19 AM Rating: Good
93 posts
Isn't it amazing that EVERY player in WoW knows how to heal better than you do?

Have a hunter friend misdirect to him and claim that you thought he was the tank. Good times.
#5 Aug 11 2009 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
129 posts
lmao. Priceless...
I thought Deathknights were healers?! Tell the DK to go blood and you wont waste your mana on him anymore, he can then take care of himself if he knows so much about healing... LoL

Annoying as hell at the time I am sure, but in hindsight? A very good laugh :)
#6 Aug 11 2009 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
The funny thing there is though, that a careful blood DK DPS should be able to get through the average heroic without anybody but himself healing him.
#7 Aug 11 2009 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
Thread title is misleading! But yes I agree that DPS should never complain about any kind of healing or benefit if they do not die.

As a tank however, I find myself constantly yelling at Priests and Holy Paladins to heal me when I dip under full, not when I hit 20% HP.
Yes, your huge slow crits are nifty, however they do not help the fact bad luck will end the group or that I keep struggling on Mana because I'm not getting the heals I need to chain pull faster.

You seem good though so :D

<3 Disc
#8 Aug 11 2009 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
329 posts
Sarion, I caution the use of the word "yell" in reference to your post about yelling at healers when you dip below full health. Yes you are right that in Heroics and Raids, you have to be careful when you start seeing drastic hits, but at the same time, that is the name of the game... you get hit for a 15k crit, and we are supposed to know that it was going to happen before it did? Yet your own statement says you would then begin to yell.

In most Heroics, that would get you a free repair bill courtesy of oops, meant to cast that on you but selected the other person who can tank when you die.

To be honest though, I do agree that you have to get a sense of fights and so forth, and that you should have certain spells cast on you to help mitigate huge damage spikes, but again, it is all about mitigation.

As for dps wanting heals, I agree Dadanox, if you are not dead, the group did not suffer a complete wipe, then things are okay. Not every run is perfect, and how many times do you see a dps'er pulling the same dps as the tank. Happens often enough, and yet unless you are raiding, does anyone call them out on a CONSISTENT basis... I think not.
#9 Aug 12 2009 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
WhiskeyDuck wrote:
Sarion, I caution the use of the word "yell" in reference to your post about yelling at healers when you dip below full health. Yes you are right that in Heroics and Raids, you have to be careful when you start seeing drastic hits, but at the same time, that is the name of the game... you get hit for a 15k crit, and we are supposed to know that it was going to happen before it did? Yet your own statement says you would then begin to yell.

In most Heroics, that would get you a free repair bill courtesy of oops, meant to cast that on you but selected the other person who can tank when you die.

To be honest though, I do agree that you have to get a sense of fights and so forth, and that you should have certain spells cast on you to help mitigate huge damage spikes, but again, it is all about mitigation.

As for dps wanting heals, I agree Dadanox, if you are not dead, the group did not suffer a complete wipe, then things are okay. Not every run is perfect, and how many times do you see a dps'er pulling the same dps as the tank. Happens often enough, and yet unless you are raiding, does anyone call them out on a CONSISTENT basis... I think not.

I more meant when my health hits red over, and over, and over again. I then sit and explain that to maintain threat I need Mana, and I need heals for said Mana. If not I can always "forget" to taunt just as easily, and unlike a healer I'll live without them long enough to finish/escape!

Overall I love good healers and find very few bad ones. Most just don't know better and assume all tanks are the same.
#10 Aug 12 2009 at 4:34 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
SarionBelmont wrote:
I then sit and explain that to maintain threat I need Mana, and I need heals for said Mana.

You specifically mentioned priests and holy pallies in your first post; priests I get but I'm surprised you're finding pallies who don't know their own class well enough to just be aware that you get mana back from heals. Out of curiousity (I've never tanked), isn't your perma-DP pretty good for keeping your mana up though? Or does it just not return fast enough?

But you also have to understand your healers' class mechanics as well. With all the recent changes to regen, sometimes it's just not negotiable for certain classes/situations to cast fewer big heals rather than more small ones (although I don't know any situation where you'd intentionally let the tank get down to the 20% you mention). Priests also traditionally had a huge need to get out of the 5SR during combat, it was really the only way to maintain mana for long periods, although they've now mitigated that by making it so there is no way to maintain mana for long periods. ;)
#11 Aug 13 2009 at 7:53 AM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
margeux wrote:
Isn't it amazing that EVERY player in WoW knows how to heal better than you do?

Have a hunter friend misdirect to him and claim that you thought he was the tank. Good times.
Misdirecting onto DK's isn't very funny though, DK's aren't squishy.
Warlocks however, are brilliant or shamans.

I did that once, we had an ele shaman in our naxx10 who bragged about how he could tank.
He got each and every single pack misdirected to him, sadly we had good tanks and he only died twice :(

To pull it off it's most efficient to MD a ranged mob and do it quick so it's not disspelled by the receiver.

Anyways, on topic: It really depends on how said person says it to you.
I mean, if they obviously don't know **** about healing they can expect harsh words in return.
And if it was me, I'd just spam shield him whenever I could. :P
#12 Aug 13 2009 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
DKs aren't as squishy as warlocks, true...but if he's not blood and no one heals him...he'll die. I promise.
#13 Aug 13 2009 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
513 posts
I finally quit healing my unholy dk buddy who thinks he can tank anything, even when he's supposed to be dpsing. He dies. But he still hasn't learned.../sigh
#14 Aug 13 2009 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
27,272 posts
margeux wrote:
DKs aren't as squishy as warlocks, true...but if he's not blood and no one heals him...he'll die. I promise.
IF, AMS and they'll survive until a tank gets the mob.
DK's have so many cooldowns that it takes a retarded tank to get them to die before the tank gets it.

Unless the DK sucks of course, which with the comments he made, might just be true.
#15 Aug 14 2009 at 5:44 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
I'm assuming you get the real tank in on the prank
#16 Sep 30 2009 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Disclaimer: I am not the best geared priest, dont have the best enchants or gems, (i will once i get all top notch gear) and dont claim to know all.

Just transferred to this server maybe a week ago.

So basically a few days ago I get in a pug for H-Toc. I turn on my dps meter (standard operational procedure for me) to kind of see if this is going to be a waste of time. One out of the 4 had over 2.5k dps and the tank was tops (never a good sign, btw) with 1 warrior at 1.5k. But the tank seemed like a nice enough fella so I stayed.

We wipe 3 times on the BK. After every wipe guess who was QQ,ing bout crappy healz? Correct, the 1.5k fella. It went like this...

Him - Why are you disc spec?
Me- Disc is the shizzle.

Him - Holy is better i know for a fact!!
Me- Oh, so you have a healer? (thinking i am going to get pointers, still being positive)

Him - No, my dad plays one!!!
Me- Disc = better shields/ mitigation and I never have issues healing anything I've done. (slightly annoyed now)

Him - Whatever your healz sux!!
Me- Look Mr. 1.5k dps, got no business in H-Toc, but your gonna ride somebody elses dps, roody poo, 3 sub 200 level blue pieces having candy @$$, My daddy for President, (rant)

Him - 'silence'
Me- Exactly

I stayed only cause tank was cool cat, and I hate to quit something once i've started.

The 4th BK fight commences - we finish, lo and behold, as i peered thru the smoke and ashes, there was a corpse lying there. Anybody care to guess who that corpse was? Because I'm a stand up guy, I rezz'd him. He was the first one to leave the instance without so much as a peep.

#17 Sep 30 2009 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
roody poo,My daddy for President


dont have the best enchants or gems

but did you have to have the worst ones? even uncommon spellpower would be better than 8 mp5 spend 300g and at least buy some rare gems, you're gear isn't that bad

Edited, Sep 30th 2009 5:25pm by Smoopie
#18 Sep 30 2009 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
37 posts

Sorry I lost you. The "My daddy for Pres" thing was an offhand remark based on the young fella stating his daddy was a healer, and implying his daddy was a "better" healer.

Maybe his dad is..."oh darn"....wait....phht..dont care. It will take his daddy to heal him next time cause it wont be "moi". Roody poo - just means "chump" per say.

I believe I initially stated I don't have the best gear/chants or gems. I just pasted my armory to substantiate that fact. So your remark about them, even thou you are correct is superfluous. This is the priest forum not rogue correct? =)

But thanks nonetheless.

#19 Oct 04 2009 at 11:09 PM Rating: Decent
The last time I offered a healer any direct criticism was during TBC when I was tanking a BM run with my pally after 3.0 went live. I did what I had always done (which was what I had always seen done in all of the competent groups I'd run that dungeon with before I became a tank). I got on my horse, put up Crusader Aura and pulled all of the trash in the entire dungeon back to the waiting party. Any tank class could pull this off, but pally tanks...pfffft...beautiful. Couldn't ask for a more entertaining way to start a dugneon, imo.

Unfortunately, I wasn't aware that nobody else in the group had seen it done that way so when I arrived back at the group and the ret pally we had with us saw the gigantic pack of mobs trailing along behind me, he panicked. I guess he went into noble protector zomfg we're going to wipe I'll offtank hnrry hurry ahhhhh! mode...and promptly pulled threat on half the trash pack before they even reached my consecrate. He wouldn't let up on the dps and the only thing that would have held that many mobs on me was my own consecrate + reflective damage from shield + retribution aura, so the healer wound up spam healing him and forgetting about me. When the tank dies because you're spam healing a dps, you've blown it. I didn't ***** him out with any amount of venom, I just sent him a /w to the effect of, "Next time, if you have to choose between the tank and the dps, let the dps die."

The ret pally, on the other hand, was grossly unimpressed with me. I believe his exact words were, "Don't ever pull that stunt again." I pointed out to him that I had cleared the dungeon dozens of times on three different characters and what I did was how it was done unless you're too ignorant/unskilled to handle it and need to go through and spend 15 minutes clearing the trash one mob at a time. That was during my "zero tolerance for whiny novices" phase so when he ******* back, I just booted him and we ended up calling the run.
#20 Oct 05 2009 at 3:44 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
I believe his exact words were, "Don't ever pull that stunt again." I pointed out to him that I had cleared the dungeon dozens of times on three different characters and what I did was how it was done unless you're too ignorant/unskilled

If you ask me, the "stunt" you shouldn't be pulling again is not bothering to communicate what you were about to do, assuming every member of a PUG has always done everything the exact way you do it, and then calling them "ignorant/unskilled" when they fail to read your mind. Just saying.

Not that you asked me.
#21 Oct 05 2009 at 4:44 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
I'm glad this thread got pulled back up. I haven't had the opportunity to use the "dude, drop a mage table" line yet and forgot about it. Gives me chuckles thinking about it.

The smartass in me is now primed and ready again.
#22 Oct 05 2009 at 9:41 AM Rating: Good
teacake wrote:
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
I believe his exact words were, "Don't ever pull that stunt again." I pointed out to him that I had cleared the dungeon dozens of times on three different characters and what I did was how it was done unless you're too ignorant/unskilled

If you ask me, the "stunt" you shouldn't be pulling again is not bothering to communicate what you were about to do, assuming every member of a PUG has always done everything the exact way you do it, and then calling them "ignorant/unskilled" when they fail to read your mind. Just saying.

Not that you asked me.

This was a post-3.0 reg BM run. The content had been available for well over a year. Tragically, on that particular realm BM (much less heroic BM) was still considered a hard dungeon by many people. Reg BM. Not even heroic BM. For someone coming into dated content not knowing what they were doing and then assuming I had done something wrong when they botched the most basic aspect of play as a dps class in a 5-man group was pretty dumb. I had managed that pull exactly that same way numerous times as a paladin. I had seen warriors do it quite well, too. The only class tank class that wasn't easily capable of managing the trash that way at the time was a bear, which was offset by the fact that bears were rare anyways.

The bottom line was this: you never heal the dps at the expense of the tank. Period. The dps isn't going to be able to tank anything if the tank dies, but the group can often still manage if one dps goes down. In that case, it was a boneheaded move by a novice player that led to them ******** at me. They drop the ball...I get blamed. Cute.

I watched as my health was slowly whittled to nothing...I'm not kidding you when I say that I held out for a good 15 seconds with no heals whatsoever. Ardent Defender + overgeared + non-elite trash pack meant that if the ret pally had just kept their cool and not dropped a consecrate between me and the trash, everything would have been just fine. Somehow, their lapse of judgment became my mistake. The group wiped to their inexperience, not because I pulled a large pack of non-elite trash.

I did, in fact, announce that a large trash pull was incoming. I didn't think it was necessary to do a head count on crocodiles, spiders, and cats and provide them with a step-by-step description of how not to be braindead in a 5-man and drop AoE on a pack of mobs that hadn't even reached the tank yet. That's the whole point of doing the pull with Crusader move fast enough that you rarely get hit while gathering the trash and once you have proximity aggro, you pull away so that there's a window of time between when you arrive back at the party and when the trash gets there. I dismounted, took up position, and was set to engage when the pally ran out and dropped his holy AoE goodness. Did he see me panicking? Nope. Was I running for the door? Nope. Did he see anything in chat to suggest an oops moment was imminent? Nope. He assumed that because I had died before him that I had created an unmanageable situation by pulling that many mobs. What he didn't realize was that I died because the healer was too focused on him. I wasn't about to shame the healer in /p with a comment like, "If the healer had been doing their job and healing the tank instead of you we would have been fine." I kept my feedback to the healer in /w, but that doesn't mean I was going to tolerate sniveling from a bonehead, hence their removal from the group when they kept arguing and whining.

Fundamentals are fundamentals. They don't change because you're seeing something you've never seen before.

I grew tired of dumbing down the way I play the game to suit players who will spend hundreds of hours leveling and gearing a character and still remain absolutely clueless about the basics of 5-man dungeon play. Normally if I'm with a group where players are stinking up the joint with zero-skill badism, I just leave and let them find some other poor unwary ******* to take my place. In this case, it was a double-shot of panicked ineptitude compounded by an excessive amount of QQ that left me happy to click the Uninvite option.
#23 Oct 05 2009 at 10:58 AM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
This was a post-3.0 reg BM run. The content had been available for well over a year.

I really don't see the relevance of this apart from a little eye-rolling that these freaking losers had the gall not to have freaking done this freaking easy thing before, I mean, gawd, what have they been doing?

AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:

Fundamentals are fundamentals. They don't change because you're seeing something you've never seen before.

True. One fundamental is, the tank marks mobs, explains pulls, etc. Another fundamental is, lots of people are idiots. If I knew nothing about BM I'd have no way of knowing whether this was a neat trick I hadn't heard of before, or you were just an idiot. I'm not saying tell them how to play, all I'm suggesting is a simple "Hey, for anyone who hasn't been here before, the trash is non-elite, I'm about to go pull it all and when I've got it rounded up, I'll tank it all at once."

AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
I did, in fact, announce that a large trash pull was incoming.

Well there you go. You are excused. Smiley: nod

My point is simply that, as with most communications, if the entire audience is misunderstanding, it may be that they are just idiots, but it also may be that the communication needed improvement.

AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
The bottom line was this: you never heal the dps at the expense of the tank. Period. The dps isn't going to be able to tank anything if the tank dies, but the group can often still manage if one dps goes down.

Obviously this is one of those fundamentals you speak of. But like most rules it has exceptions. If I was under the impression that the tank was an idiot and this other guy was going to step up and save the group from a wipe? In this case, doing that would have been misguided. But sometimes as a healer you make a judgment call about which person is going to do the group the most good by living. Is that person always, in 100% of circumstances the one who's currently tanking the mobs? Mmmm. Usually, yes. Almost always, even. But always always? In this case the healer may have made a bad call, but to go back to the original topic of this poor necro'd thread, the fact that he didn't operate directly from the Healing 101 manual on his desk doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't know how to heal.
#24 Oct 06 2009 at 8:29 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Making blanket rules is always wrong.

Now, if I could only find a shovel to bury this thread again. ;)
#25 Oct 06 2009 at 10:43 AM Rating: Good
Trylofer wrote:
Making blanket rules is always wrong.

Sir, That is a blanket rule.

#26 Oct 06 2009 at 10:50 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
Smoopie wrote:
Trylofer wrote:
Making blanket rules is always wrong.

Sir, That is a blanket rule.

Doh! >.<
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