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It's More Than 2%Follow

#1 Aug 08 2009 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
So, many weeks prior to 3.2 being released, ElitistJerks calculated that the change to feral dps abilities would roughly reduce our dps output by 2%.

So far, a few days into 3.2 and a couple of raids later, I can safely say that it's far more than 2%. I haven't finished a raid under 5000 dps on the overall in a long time, yet tonight I ended an Ulduar 25 man with 4400 dps. It honestly feels more like a 10% nerf.

Can any other ferals back me up on this? Am I just on a suck streak? Or is there merit to my worries that they've taken away the most fun thing about feral?
#2 Aug 08 2009 at 9:11 PM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Assuming they didn't sneak in an AP scaling change, they reduced the damage from each mangle by about 80, Rake by 200 (over the whole dot), Shred by about 70, and Rip by about 30 / tick. All together, it should be a loss of around 200 DPS or less.
#3 Aug 08 2009 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
I think they did sneak an AP nerf in because typically, fully buffed in a 25 man raid I used to have a little over 10k AP. Today, I had around 9k.

Edited, Aug 9th 2009 1:17am by Tavarde
#4 Aug 09 2009 at 1:59 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
no gear changes of any kind? you wernt missing any buffs? the paladin/warrior that was putting on the ap buff was fully talented?

i ask these because there was nothing in the patch notes that would account for a loss of 1k ap for a druid, and your experiences dont jive with the experiences of several druids i know, which is another reason why i think it might be on your end so to speak.
#5 Aug 09 2009 at 2:34 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
Not a direct AP nerf, an AP scaling nerf. Meaning, you get less bleed damage per point of AP on Rip and Rake. My buffed AP hasn't changed, that I've noticed.

Also, do you usually raid with a Marks hunter? Did you replace him with a Blood DK / Enhance Shaman? Trueshot Aura (10% AP buff) is up 100% of the time, Abomination's Might and Unleashed Rage are only up in Combat, and have slightly less than 100% up-time.

My talent points were screwy when I logged in after the patch, I was missing Mangle from my spell book but it was on my talent tree. I also had an extra 60 talent points. I switched to my second spec and back and everything was working. It's possible your Heart of the Wild talent isn't working and you need to switch to your second spec and back, or pay for a respec if you don't have dual spec.
#6 Aug 09 2009 at 11:50 AM Rating: Default
1,970 posts
Far as I can tell, all the usual people who are in our 25 man raid team were there. Every relevant buff that we could want is always there. I'm not really sure why my AP was lower.

Could just be a suck streak, it's happened before. And if other druids aren't feeling the nerf then it has to be on my end. Still, any change to a perfect class that needed no balancing is, IMO, a big flaming pile of fail on Blizzard's part.

I mean come on. Top notch melee AND caster DPS depending on spec that could easily rival and surpass pure DPS classes. Superb, unmatchable healing in another spec. Excellent PvP capabilities, instant cast flight form. The ability to fulfill any role the game needs, and fulfill it as well or better than another class designed for that role. Sounds perfectly balanced to me :)

#7 Aug 09 2009 at 1:08 PM Rating: Good
My rake and rip dots are ticking for exactly the same as before (don't have any meters, you'll need to take my word on it). I can tell because they're constant, so I'm used to seeing the same numbers flying in a fight. I dunno about the other attacks, with armor they end up a lot more variable.
#8 Aug 09 2009 at 1:48 PM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
They lowered the damage on rank 5 Mangle and Rake, right? If I'm not mistaking, that's the rank I'm using now, at level 76. Why on earth they'd bother nerfing leveling damage, I have no idea. At level 76, with a leveling build (tank/DPS hybrid), I'm putting out a solid 1k DPS, which is what my DK put out at level 70 with his leveling build (tank/DPS hybrid).

On another note, they really need to redo the Savage Roar thing. Yes, it's awesome, but the way you apply it and maintain it turns me 10 years older for every instance I do.

"Gotta get Savage Roar up! Okay, done, now Rake and Shred spam, go! Oh, Savage Roar 1pt is about to expire. Blow CP on a refresh. Okay, Rake and Shred spam, go! Crap, mob is dead with four points on it. Have to refresh Savage Roar on next mob. Okay, Rake and Shre- crap, it died again!"

Seriously, I just did Azjol-Nerub and I never once got to actually use Rip. If I ever used anything but Savage Roar, it was a 1pt or 2pt Ferocious Bite. Keeping Savage Roar up is a *****, honestly. Would much prefer if they made it a 3-minute buff like Horn of Winter or Battle Shout.

Or maybe I'm just spoiled from having played a class where you'd apply DoTs first, then spam massive damage strikes, then reapply DoTs and repeat. Really, my fingers were sore after a regular run and I never pushed past 1k DPS.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#9 Aug 09 2009 at 2:49 PM Rating: Excellent
355 posts
Mazra wrote:
They lowered the damage on rank 5 Mangle and Rake, right? If I'm not mistaking, that's the rank I'm using now, at level 76. Why on earth they'd bother nerfing leveling damage, I have no idea. At level 76, with a leveling build (tank/DPS hybrid), I'm putting out a solid 1k DPS, which is what my DK put out at level 70 with his leveling build (tank/DPS hybrid).

On another note, they really need to redo the Savage Roar thing. Yes, it's awesome, but the way you apply it and maintain it turns me 10 years older for every instance I do.

"Gotta get Savage Roar up! Okay, done, now Rake and Shred spam, go! Oh, Savage Roar 1pt is about to expire. Blow CP on a refresh. Okay, Rake and Shred spam, go! Crap, mob is dead with four points on it. Have to refresh Savage Roar on next mob. Okay, Rake and Shre- crap, it died again!"

Seriously, I just did Azjol-Nerub and I never once got to actually use Rip. If I ever used anything but Savage Roar, it was a 1pt or 2pt Ferocious Bite. Keeping Savage Roar up is a *****, honestly. Would much prefer if they made it a 3-minute buff like Horn of Winter or Battle Shout.

Or maybe I'm just spoiled from having played a class where you'd apply DoTs first, then spam massive damage strikes, then reapply DoTs and repeat. Really, my fingers were sore after a regular run and I never pushed past 1k DPS.

The thing about the feral rotation is that it promotes self-mutilation. And the self-mutilation gives you the inspiration you need to be able to do it right. So, after you do it for a while, you end up indirectly learning how to do it. The only problem at that point is that you have chopped off your fingers with an axe made out of toothbrushes and glue. So, all you need to do is learn to play with your feet.

It doesn't make sense right now. But, if you stick with feral dps, it will.

Trust me.
#10 Aug 09 2009 at 3:04 PM Rating: Good
My buffed AP has stayed the same (I check before each boss fight to make sure i'm in the right gear and have all my buffs). I haven't noticed any significant drop in real DPS now that I have my FeralByNight working again - I was pleasantly surprised with how little I lost not using it, but I had to work and concentrate so much harder than with the addon.

#11 Aug 09 2009 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,970 posts
Yea, ratedowns FTL. I guess my tongue-in-cheek "perfectly balanced" speech hit some pure DPS classes who read this forum below the belt. Sorry to crap on your hearts.
#12 Aug 09 2009 at 6:30 PM Rating: Default
5,159 posts
Tavarde wrote:
Yea, ratedowns FTL. I guess my tongue-in-cheek "perfectly balanced" speech hit some pure DPS classes who read this forum below the belt. Sorry to crap on your hearts.

Rating this down, along with all your other posts in this thread, has brought me much joy. I thank you.
#13 Aug 09 2009 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
They lowered the damage on rank 5 Mangle and Rake, right? If I'm not mistaking, that's the rank I'm using now, at level 76. Why on earth they'd bother nerfing leveling damage, I have no idea. At level 76, with a leveling build (tank/DPS hybrid), I'm putting out a solid 1k DPS, which is what my DK put out at level 70 with his leveling build (tank/DPS hybrid).

On another note, they really need to redo the Savage Roar thing. Yes, it's awesome, but the way you apply it and maintain it turns me 10 years older for every instance I do.

"Gotta get Savage Roar up! Okay, done, now Rake and Shred spam, go! Oh, Savage Roar 1pt is about to expire. Blow CP on a refresh. Okay, Rake and Shred spam, go! Crap, mob is dead with four points on it. Have to refresh Savage Roar on next mob. Okay, Rake and Shre- crap, it died again!"

Seriously, I just did Azjol-Nerub and I never once got to actually use Rip. If I ever used anything but Savage Roar, it was a 1pt or 2pt Ferocious Bite. Keeping Savage Roar up is a *****, honestly. Would much prefer if they made it a 3-minute buff like Horn of Winter or Battle Shout.

Or maybe I'm just spoiled from having played a class where you'd apply DoTs first, then spam massive damage strikes, then reapply DoTs and repeat. Really, my fingers were sore after a regular run and I never pushed past 1k DPS.

Oh good, so I'm not the only one. :)

The thing that I've noticed though, is that some days I can knock out 2k dps and sometimes I'm struggling to hit 1400 and it's all down to how mentally awake I am at the time. I made the mistake of trying to play when I had a bad cold last week and I was so woolly-headed my rotation was awful and so was my dps...


The thing about the feral rotation is that it promotes self-mutilation. And the self-mutilation gives you the inspiration you need to be able to do it right. So, after you do it for a while, you end up indirectly learning how to do it. The only problem at that point is that you have chopped off your fingers with an axe made out of toothbrushes and glue. So, all you need to do is learn to play with your feet.

Now I know where I'm going wrong...

Edited, Aug 9th 2009 10:59pm by apothik
#14 Aug 09 2009 at 9:14 PM Rating: Good
Mazra wrote:
They lowered the damage on rank 5 Mangle and Rake, right? If I'm not mistaking, that's the rank I'm using now, at level 76. Why on earth they'd bother nerfing leveling damage, I have no idea. At level 76, with a leveling build (tank/DPS hybrid), I'm putting out a solid 1k DPS, which is what my DK put out at level 70 with his leveling build (tank/DPS hybrid).

On another note, they really need to redo the Savage Roar thing. Yes, it's awesome, but the way you apply it and maintain it turns me 10 years older for every instance I do.

"Gotta get Savage Roar up! Okay, done, now Rake and Shred spam, go! Oh, Savage Roar 1pt is about to expire. Blow CP on a refresh. Okay, Rake and Shred spam, go! Crap, mob is dead with four points on it. Have to refresh Savage Roar on next mob. Okay, Rake and Shre- crap, it died again!"

Seriously, I just did Azjol-Nerub and I never once got to actually use Rip. If I ever used anything but Savage Roar, it was a 1pt or 2pt Ferocious Bite. Keeping Savage Roar up is a *****, honestly. Would much prefer if they made it a 3-minute buff like Horn of Winter or Battle Shout.

Or maybe I'm just spoiled from having played a class where you'd apply DoTs first, then spam massive damage strikes, then reapply DoTs and repeat. Really, my fingers were sore after a regular run and I never pushed past 1k DPS.

Ghostcrawler wasn't joking wen he said that cat dps is probably the hardest rotation in the game right now. The main thing that gives it that distinction is that small errors can result in large damage losses as you rebuild combo points or the like, since everything is so closely linked to each other.

As for 5-mans, you can expect to only pull half dps on trash because they don't live long enough to bother with rip. Bosses will probably die to quickly too to get a real feel, with how overgeared people are. I'm not surprised you're having trouble getting dots up. The rotation is something you get used to.
#15 Aug 09 2009 at 9:20 PM Rating: Good
So true. I hate it when my finger stutters reaching for my 5 key (rip) and hits the 4 key (SR) by mistake. Suddenly I have refreshed a SR that already had 20-30 secs left and I have to build up another 5 combo points without rip on my target. Makes me want to hit something but I don't have time because I have to focus on DPS!!

#16 Aug 11 2009 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
1,778 posts
As for 5-mans, you can expect to only pull half dps on trash because they don't live long enough to bother with rip. Bosses will probably die to quickly too to get a real feel, with how overgeared people are. I'm not surprised you're having trouble getting dots up. The rotation is something you get used to.

I don't really understand how this can be the case.

Looking at trash in two ways:

1) 3 to 4 Target Pulls:
If you have 2pc T8 then Rake (for a free Swipe due to clearcast) >> SR >> Swipe >> Tiger's Fury >> Swipe >> OoC >> Swipe >> Swipe... Trash dies and you've done 3 to 5k DPS depending gear.

2) 1 Single Target Pull:
Mangle >> SR >> Rake >> Shred >> Tiger's Fury >> Shred >> Shred >> FB = less than 10secs with potential of closing at 4CP if energy is low and the target will die before you could get the 42 energy to shred again. It's also possible to FB sooner than that depending on crits on the Rake and next two Shreds. The way FB works slamming all that dmg into an instant, can actually make FB perform better in a short fight than Rip could in a long fight.

5mans in general are easy for feral cat to do well on in part because of Tiger's Fury. The CD spends a lot of time ticking down during non-combat moments, which can translate to walking into a lot of pulls with it available. You also walk into each fight with a high burst of damage due to the way our energy works, always pooling up between fights. The exception to this is when you have Ulduar+ geared tanks that only allow the previous pull to be half dead before gathering up the next pull. In which case, my dps still tends to be about the same even though I never get a break for energy to pool up just because I go from swiping 2 to 4 targets to swiping 6 or 7 targets.

I just don't get how a feral cat dps could be halved by fighting trash. In most cases, it should be about equal, and without bringing berserk into it, on 4+ pulls it should actually be higher.
Torzak of Carbuncle(Moved To Asura)
#17 Aug 11 2009 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Torzak wrote:
I just don't get how a feral cat dps could be halved by fighting trash. In most cases, it should be about equal, and without bringing berserk into it, on 4+ pulls it should actually be higher.

My DPS roughly doubles on 4+ pulls. Swipe spam, TF, OOC and Berserk equals I die some times.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#18 Aug 11 2009 at 1:12 PM Rating: Good
513 posts
This might be a dumb question but...

On trash mobs, do you use shred or the multi swipe thingy (name escapes me at the moment)
I've never gotten the chance to dps as kitty in an instance as I'm always healing.

And I've never used Savage Roar. For solo dps to level I get 5 CP up rip and target dies shortly thereafter. So in order not to suck (if I ever get the chance to dps as kitty) what are the absolute must use skills?

I'm level 78 right now, amory if it helps.
#19 Aug 11 2009 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
Xenexia wrote:
This might be a dumb question but...

On trash mobs, do you use shred or the multi swipe thingy (name escapes me at the moment)
I've never gotten the chance to dps as kitty in an instance as I'm always healing.

And I've never used Savage Roar. For solo dps to level I get 5 CP up rip and target dies shortly thereafter. So in order not to suck (if I ever get the chance to dps as kitty) what are the absolute must use skills?

I'm level 78 right now, armory if it helps.

That's bad. SR is a huge part of the feral rotation. Use it and keep it up at all times.

For soloing keeping up SR will result in faster killing if the mobs are close together. Just Mangle spam while keeping Rake up and use combo points to keep SR up.

For trash I just Swipe spam and TF for energy, Berserk if it is a lot of mobs.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#20 Aug 11 2009 at 4:36 PM Rating: Decent
216 posts
I just don't get how a feral cat dps could be halved by fighting trash. In most cases, it should be about equal, and without bringing berserk into it, on 4+ pulls it should actually be higher.

My rips and rakes barely get a chance to tick more than once or twice before a mob goes down in heroic 5mans, so I can believe we are losing out on DPS. Heroic Violet Hold is the worst for this.

p.s I try to avoid using FB because then it leaves me energy-starved for the next mob (and usually waiting for Tiger's Fury to come off cooldown). I usually FB on the last mob in a trash pull or when the boss is near death though.

Also, a question on Berserk - I try to combine it with Swipe for trash pulls but if I don't plan ahead properly (bad me) it leaves me with Beserk on cooldown for the next boss. But trying to Swipe without Berserk means I'm energy starved after only 2 or 3 swipes. Any advice on this?

Edited, Aug 11th 2009 8:49pm by apothik
#21 Aug 11 2009 at 4:50 PM Rating: Excellent
7,732 posts
Use TF and OOC procs FTW.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#22 Aug 11 2009 at 7:36 PM Rating: Good
5,159 posts
apothik wrote:
My rips and rakes barely get a chance to tick more than once or twice before a mob goes down in heroic 5mans, so I can believe we are losing out on DPS. Heroic Violet Hold is the worst for this.

p.s I try to avoid using FB because then it leaves me energy-starved for the next mob (and usually waiting for Tiger's Fury to come off cooldown). I usually FB on the last mob in a trash pull or when the boss is near death though.

Also, a question on Berserk - I try to combine it with Swipe for trash pulls but if I don't plan ahead properly (bad me) it leaves me with Beserk on cooldown for the next boss. But trying to Swipe without Berserk means I'm energy starved after only 2 or 3 swipes. Any advice on this?

Edited, Aug 11th 2009 8:49pm by apothik

The first problem is that you're bothering to use rip and rake. If they don't have time to tick, they don't have time to do damage. Replace them with shred or FB. Speaking of which, if you use FB at 35 energy, it won't really leave you energy-starved - no more than using Shred at 42 would've, anyway, and no one complains about using Shred because it'll starve them of energy.
#23 Aug 11 2009 at 10:28 PM Rating: Good
355 posts
Majivo wrote:
apothik wrote:
My rips and rakes barely get a chance to tick more than once or twice before a mob goes down in heroic 5mans, so I can believe we are losing out on DPS. Heroic Violet Hold is the worst for this.

p.s I try to avoid using FB because then it leaves me energy-starved for the next mob (and usually waiting for Tiger's Fury to come off cooldown). I usually FB on the last mob in a trash pull or when the boss is near death though.

Also, a question on Berserk - I try to combine it with Swipe for trash pulls but if I don't plan ahead properly (bad me) it leaves me with Beserk on cooldown for the next boss. But trying to Swipe without Berserk means I'm energy starved after only 2 or 3 swipes. Any advice on this?

Edited, Aug 11th 2009 8:49pm by apothik

The first problem is that you're bothering to use rip and rake. If they don't have time to tick, they don't have time to do damage. Replace them with shred or FB. Speaking of which, if you use FB at 35 energy, it won't really leave you energy-starved - no more than using Shred at 42 would've, anyway, and no one complains about using Shred because it'll starve them of energy.

Yes, in theory. But, if you watch your energy bar, it will usually subtract the 35 energy from FB, and then subtract the 8-10 energy you have regained in the time it took the server to receive and process the command.
#24 Aug 11 2009 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
5,159 posts
anonymosity wrote:
Yes, in theory. But, if you watch your energy bar, it will usually subtract the 35 energy from FB, and then subtract the 8-10 energy you have regained in the time it took the server to receive and process the command.

This is true. However, even if it takes up to 45 energy - a full second's latency to process - it's still worthwhile, provided it does more damage than a Shred would have. (If it doesn't, one would have to question why you were using it over Shred in the first place, given its role is solely as a damage tool.) I also spam my FB before I reach 35 energy in hopes that it'll cut down a bit on energy consumption.
#25 Aug 15 2009 at 6:45 PM Rating: Default
i've noticed my dps fluctuate a little lower than usual but after refining my rotation again its back to where it was with hardly any loss, putting out between 3500 and 4000 dps with several pieces < ilvl 200 and mark of the war prisoner (caster trinket with hit).

and imo savage roar isnt hard to keep up at entire rotation is planned out for several cycles ahead of time and it keeps roar up about 95% of the time
#26 Aug 16 2009 at 1:23 AM Rating: Excellent
1,764 posts
If you're going to use Shred, it's almost always worth it to at least put up Rake. Then you have the 20% damage bonus to Shred from 5/5 Rend and Tear.
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