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Starting my first characterFollow

#1 Aug 06 2009 at 5:02 PM Rating: Good
I read up on all of the classes and races and I think I want to be a Dwarf Priest. I am only a bit worried because from what I am reading priests are physically weak and can not take much damage. I have no friends that play so I am worried because I will be alone a lot. Will this hinder my experience?

I know its a bit early to ask but I like to be prepared. What spec is good? I hear that spirit tap is good to pick up. And as for professions, I was thinking of tailoring/enchanting because they compliment each other well, that or alchemy/herbalism. I was thinking of role playing my character, so a priest with bandages, potions, and healing spells might go well together. With tailoring I thought instead of a limited time potion, permanent armor may be a better fit, though I hear the class is popular so I may get a lot of dungeon items.

Sorry for going on so long. Any advice you can give to some new to online game will really help, thank you and have a good night.
#2 Aug 06 2009 at 6:44 PM Rating: Excellent
It sounds like you're pretty prepared already.

A few pointers: I would recommend leveling with putting your talent points in the Shadow tree (The damage tree). This is generally regarded as the most efficient leveling spec. However, the other two (both healing trees) are still viable, simply not as fast. Give those a shot if you want to.

Also, no matter what spec you decide to go with, Spirit Tap is a MUST. Also, pick up a good wand every few levels, it will help tremendously.

Professions are entirely up to you, and it sounds like you probably already have a good combination in mind.

You most likely won't be running many dungeons while leveling up. Sure, the occasional one, but nowadays most people level so quickly they bypass the dungeon before they get a chance to go in. On that note, don't think that you'll be missing out on some good gear if you don't go tailoring. Quest rewards alone will be more than adequate to carry you to the level cap.

You'll find that at the beginning few levels, priests are not easy. We don't stay alive long, and we're not very mana efficient. I'm not going to lie, it's tough. But if you enjoy the class, then sticking in there is more than worth it. There's a point that once you get past, leveling is easymode. The only real advice I can give you is when you're feeling discouraged, make another character of a different class/race and try them out. Sometimes, despite how awesome priests are, the first class someone picks just doesn't suit them. If you feel discouraged, try something else out for a few levels. If you really like it, stick with that class for a little longer. If not, go back to your priest.

Hope you have fun, and welcome to WoW!
#3 Aug 07 2009 at 4:45 AM Rating: Excellent
You can switch professions at any time, and it is pretty easy to start a profession once you are a higher level. As a new player, what you may want to accomplish with your first professions is simply the ability to make gold. You can always change to another profession later, once you feel confident in your gold making ability. Players also tend to make alts who can cover other professions for them.

If you do want to focus on making some gold, take up skinning and either herbalism or mining. Sell everything on the auction house. Then you will have the money for that good wand and talents. You can make money in other ways like disenchanting, but gathering professions are easy for beginners and fun. Even though I have several high level characters, I still do gathering when leveling an alt.

Also, don't go wild buying items off the AH. Most of your items while leveling should simply come as quest rewards or drops.

Priests are an awesome class. If you choose to level as shadow, you will not have any trouble questing and leveling up. If you want to level as a healing spec, I would put 3 points in spirit tap and go disc. It's preventative focus works for leveling, and it is one of our 2 very good healing specs.

Good luck to you, and have fun with your priest.

#4 Aug 07 2009 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
RE-think going dwarf..


Priest is kind of hard for a while, but once you get some skills and abilites you are pretty much unstoppable in PVE
#5 Aug 07 2009 at 7:15 AM Rating: Good
Being a dwarf is awesome, but we need more woman.
#6 Aug 07 2009 at 2:00 PM Rating: Good
Even your women need more woman.
#7 Aug 08 2009 at 12:04 PM Rating: Excellent
4,684 posts
Most interesting stuff for you has been mentioned, but I've got 2 additions:

1) No, your frailty won't ruin your experience, especially not while leveling. Look at it like this: every class has a playstyle that allows it to make up for its weaknesses by excelling in other areas of play. Most cloth wearers (I'm thinking of warlocks and mages here) are very frail because of their cloth armor, but are in return A) very powerful damage dealers and B) very powerful kiters (it is really hard to get close to one because they have so many ways to stop you from reaching them). In the priests case, it depends completely on the spec; discipline and holy basically counter the weakness of cloth with obscenely strong heals, allowing the priest to healing himself back to full in the blink of an eye. Shadow counters cloth the mage way, by dishing out obscene amounts of damage and taking their enemies down before they even reach them. While the priests' strengths and weaknesses aren't as obvious as say the mages' or warriors', they definitely work the same way.

2) As a little sidenote; alchemy/herbalism will work fine, also for roleplaying, but you might want to keep in mind that not picking up tailoring makes you miss out a lot of roleplaying gear - tailors can make obscene amounts of cloth armor that works very well as roleplaying gear, and while some of their items are accessible to non-tailors as well, you will be missing out on some.
#8 Aug 08 2009 at 1:12 PM Rating: Decent
Would the cloth armor be better, since you can not take many potions one after the other, and whats wrong with choosing a dwarf?
#9 Aug 08 2009 at 7:06 PM Rating: Excellent
4,074 posts
PriestlyNoob wrote:
Would the cloth armor be better

Honestly, I'd say this is a matter of preference and what you think you'll use more. Leveling tailoring as you level, you'll often find you're outleveling the gear you can make and you aren't using much on the way up, although it's useful to make all your bags. Leveling alchemy as you level, you may not find you're using potions all that much, although of course it's useful to have healing/mana pots on hand.

At the level cap, they seem to be trying to make the professions equally useful (in this case, cloak embroidery versus flask of the north as constant boosts, plus situationally useful items on either side). There really isn't much useful tailored gear that's bind on pickup, meaning you can buy it from a tailor or on the AH anyway. Same with alch items. Both may be moderately good money-makers if you know how to work the AH.

Looking at the secondary professions, herbalism can be a decent money maker, but with tailoring not having a gathering profession, you can take another crafting profession such as enchanting.

In other words, it's hard to make a mistake here. Pick what you like best. :)
#10 Aug 08 2009 at 9:49 PM Rating: Excellent
There isn't a compelling reason to play any particular race. Differences are small, a matter of preference, and not game changing. Play what you will enjoy. There is nothing wrong with choosing a Dwarf, or any other race for that matter.

I find Tayloring fun. I make bags for my main and my alts. My main has all 22 slot bags I made and have lots of room. I can make specialty bags for alts with other professions. I made cloth armor for myself, and even now keep my frost resist gear for some encounters. I have my flying carpet, and who knows what recipes may come in the future.

So, it's your choice. As stated, do what you will enjoy. You can always switch professions whenever you want, or spread different professions across several characters.
#11 Aug 09 2009 at 8:34 AM Rating: Excellent
717 posts
I rolled a Night Elf priest simply for the reason of the racial, Shadowmeld. I would find times during levelling that I needed to go afk for a few minutes and did not want to have to find a place to safely park my character. It was pure laziness on my part, but I could just walk off to the side of wherever I was at and Shadowmeld. As long as you don't do it directly in a mob's patrol path, you come back to a still healthy toon.

There really is not a use for it at high levels, although it does come in handy during pvp (situational, at best).

As far as professions, I feel that the crafting professions are a bit behind the levelling curve. That is, by the time you are able to farm the mats to make a particular item, you may find that the item has been made obsolete by your levelling. There are exceptions, of course. I just found that my first toon should have stuck with levelling and gathering x2 to accumulate the mats for a second, crafty toon.

Creating some sort of symbiotic relationship between your toons helps a bunch. i.e. Roll a dwarf priest(ess!) with Tailoring and Skinning, and a Gnome Rogue with Leatherworking and Herbalism. The tailor can supply bags for your toons (bags are quite important to starting players, I had the luxury of a friend who gave me a bunch of 12-slotters, you may not have this luxury) and supply the raw materials for the rogue's leatherworking. The herbalism will give you both a sellable mat to accumulate some gold as well as a small heal (once it is levelled enough) that can be beneficial to a class that has no ability to heal itself beyond the conventional means.

You sound as if you have given it some thought- that is good. Remember that the choice of profession, unlike race or class, is not set in stone. If you do go the route of tailor/enchanter and find later that you would rather have gone with something else, change it! The worst scenario is that your enjoyment of the game is hindered by frustration that can arise from the crafting professions.
#12 Aug 09 2009 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
4,684 posts
There is nothing wrong with choosing a Dwarf, or any other race for that matter.

Oh yes there is, and you know it! You're only saying that because you play a Dwarf yourself! ;P

*Ponders if now is the right moment to reveal that his first priest is a now 64 Dwarf as well*
#13 Aug 09 2009 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
Would I be able to make an income if I took up tailoring and herbalism, or is enchanting/tailoring better for an income? And why? Also, I can't decide between a dwarf or a draenei. They both look cool in shadowform, any thoughts? Is the Draenei area easier than the dwarf one?

Edited, Aug 9th 2009 6:49pm by PriestlyNoob
#14 Aug 09 2009 at 8:22 PM Rating: Excellent
PriestlyNoob wrote:
Would I be able to make an income if I took up tailoring and herbalism, or is enchanting/tailoring better for an income? And why? Also, I can't decide between a dwarf or a draenei. They both look cool in shadowform, any thoughts? Is the Draenei area easier than the dwarf one?

Edited, Aug 9th 2009 6:49pm by PriestlyNoob

Selling excess herbs on the AH can make you cash. It's easy, and only requires you to find herbs, pick them, and sell them at the AH.

Enchanting can make you money if you use it for its disenchant ability. You can make the most cash by buying greens cheap on the AH, disenchanting them, and selling the mats produced. If you use the Auctioneer addon to help you search the AH for greens and sell the mats, their is a huge potential.

Tailoring bags is a very common way to make cash, but you could just sell the cloth. If you have disenchanting, you can de greens you make while leveling your tailoring.

In short, all these things can make a profit. How much you make from each will depend somewhat on your server's economy. Pick the ones that sound fun to you, and give it a try.

All the starting areas are easy. You could make a dwarf and a draenei. Then decide after you have played both a little bit. Dwarfs have Stoneform, which comes in handy to remove poison or certain debuffs from yourself. Draenei have Gift of the Naaru, which is a nice heal over time spell you can put on yourself or another person.

Edited, Aug 10th 2009 7:14am by dadanox
#15 Aug 10 2009 at 9:04 AM Rating: Good
4,684 posts
Dada's right again; you really shouldn't worry about your class and go for what you like most first and foremost. Especially if you have an idea on how to RP a Dwarf priest, switching to Draenei at the last moment to get a different racial can really make the game less fun for you.
#16 Aug 10 2009 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
Im not really worried about racial ability, I am debating looks, hmmmmmmmmm maybe a troll, trolls are cool.
#17 Aug 10 2009 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
PriestlyNoob wrote:
Im not really worried about racial ability, I am debating looks, hmmmmmmmmm maybe a troll, trolls are cool.

Well, we give up. Let us know when you finally decide. You know, you could have been level 15 by now.
#18 Aug 14 2009 at 6:00 AM Rating: Good
93 posts
I don't know how it is on your servers, guys...but on mine low level herbs still sell for a pretty penny because of all the leveling scribes out there. In general I'd recommend 2 gathering professions (as was mentioned) until about level 40. Then dump the one you don't want and start leveling a crafting profession to compliment the gathering profession you saved.

i.e. - you could Herb/Skin until 40...then dump skin for Herb/Alch or Herb/Inscription
or - you could go Herb/Tailor or Mine/Tailor or Skin/Tailor (b/c gathering cloth doesn't require a gathering profession) and switch to Tailor/Enchant at 40
or - Skin/Mine until 40 - then dump skinning for jewelcrafting.

This way, you'll have plenty of mount money and by the time you hit 80 you'll have a decent amount of cash.

Learn to love the Auction House :)

#19 Aug 14 2009 at 7:44 AM Rating: Excellent
129 posts
I LOVE my Dwarf Priest (stone form and treasure seeking in towns to get early mana potions).

Go shadow until 60. Leveling a shadow is awesome (pally might be slightly easier).

Get a wand early Lesser Magic Wand at level 5 they are always cheap at the auction house.

herb and mining (skinning doesn't pay well anymore). Switch back and forth for looking for items, and both pay well. Tailoring later after you are rich.
#20 Aug 14 2009 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
19,369 posts
If you're role-playing then pick a race based on looks, background and one you feel you can really get into.

If you're playing to be the best then again it's not a huge deal between the racials. For alliance I usually prefer draenei for casters, including priests. But all races get decent racials, even dwarfs.

For a very first character I usually recommend 2 gathering professions to help you get started with a decent amount of money making. Money will be more useful at the first levels and for a first character than crafting professions. Like was mentioned you'll usually outgrow the crafted items fairly quickly, even more so now that lower xp has been increased. On my first toon I took up a gathering profession that synced with my crafting profession. Some of the items I could make were useful but I later learned that gathering to make money was more useful.

For leveling you want to pick talents that help you do damage and to solo better. Keep soloing abilities as a priority over grouping and damage (or dps) over defense, like healing etc. Keep that as your focus until at least level 60-70. The reason is because you'll still be able to group and heal when needed in the lower levels but you'll be able to solo faster. In the lower areas you probably won't get a lot of groups. Later on you'll be getting groups almost constantly. That's when you can switch your focus to healing or group abilities. And by then you might have enough money to get dual spec, two sets of talents to switch between, ie; healing set and damage set.

It doesn't matter what class you pick the first few levels you'll probably be dying a bit. It's a part of learning each class. Once you get over the learning curve on all classes it's pretty amazing what you can do. My priest could solo things my warrior couldn't and vice versa. If you keep dying on an encounter then try to look at it from a different angle and strategy. You might even have to come back to it a level or two later when you're a bit stronger or even come back to it with a group.

Really the best is to pick what sounds fun. If you enjoy it then keep playing it. If you think something else sounds funner then try it out. Who knows what sounds like the least fun to you may actually find yourself enjoying the most. That has happened to me, the class that sounded the most boring and least active was one I finally ended up enjoying the very most. In this game it's not hard to level up another character. The first one is almost always the longest because you're new to the game. You'll find that your second character will level a lot faster as you've already learned some of the smaller details.

Don't worry too much about things like race and class and just jump in and start playing.
#21 Aug 17 2009 at 1:25 PM Rating: Excellent
32 posts
I recomend 2 gathering professions. My lvl 40 priest is mining/skinning. I can heal myself so I did mining and skinning which gives you a HP/crit bonus. Since you are new, I do not reccomend mining/herbalism because of the mini-map tracking. Mats from skinning sell well once you get past the first level of leather (Light) and sometimes they sell well also.

I started out tailoring/enchanting but cannot seem to make money selling mats. Mining has been making better cash for me than the mats I can disenchant at level 40. 2 gathering professions is better for your first toon and sell everything you gather. Get an addon like Auctioneer to help you figure out the AH.

As you are collecting cloth/wool/etc., you can get tailors to make anything you want for a small tip or free. Watch the AH for bags. You can pick up cheap bags in the AH by watching the market for Runecloth bags and Mageweave bags. A lot of tailors will put them up cheap just get get rid of inventory as they level. Watch the BID prices. It is amazing how cheap you can get stuff if you have patience.

I have really enjoyed my priest. As for as leveling, I have played both Holy and Shadow specs. I like both. Glad I just reached level 40 and can dual spec becasue some days I quest holy and some days I quest in Shadowform.
#22 Aug 17 2009 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
979 posts
Well i see your question has been answered completely by various posters.

so i will say what i found with the trades.

Tailoring and Enchanting work rather well as you get some nice gear as you level including wands which for a priest are needed at least through the lower levels and the enchanting of your own gear will help keep you alive . What you will find is that you make little gold from enchanting while levelling but the disenchanting will provide a steady income as you sell the materials you no longer need and of course all green quest rewards can be disenchanted for extra materials or they can be sold for far more than a trader will give you for the item . I find some tailoring items sell for decent gold depending on your server of course and if you level it by making the cheapest green items and disenchanting them your enchanting will be easy to level . Tip here is enchant your own gear multiple times to get skill ups.

One of my alts made over 7000g by level 39 so it is a good combo but i did know what i was doing.

Alchemy/herbs is pretty good as well and the potions are worth having but not a lot of profit at lower levels and the real profit is in the herbs plus a nice free extra heal.

Best profits at lower level are the gathering trades and depending on which you pick will give reasonable stat boosts or free heals .

Shadow is fun and the easier of the three trees to level but be prepared to die quite a few times at lower levels , i found it is a slow class to level as you have to think about how to attack and be careful not to aggro more than one or two mobs at a time as i found three mobs or more beating on me i was unable to heal with all the interrupts , when you get shadow form you start to wonder why it was so hard in the lower levels though.

Edited to add always log out either in an inn or a main town as you get more rested experience that way for faster levelling and if you do create another character as a bank alt you could always play that one for a while as it will level pretty fast , you go by the colour of the experience bar and blue is faster/more exp than the purple.

As i have many alts i have found to make gold you will need to get a full set of bags and the biggest you can afford or you will be constantly be running to a vendor , they may seem expensive to you and i know if you pick tailoring you can make your own bags but believe me they are just not big enough for the level you can make them , another tip is create another character to stay in a town near the bank/auction house so you can mail all sellable items to them it will save hours of travel as you need to keep those bags as empty as possible.

I can say even with a full set of 16 slot bags my bags are easily filled to overflowing in about an hours play or less and that is at low level and of course if you only had 6 slot bags you would be constantly be having to find vendors.

As for the race pick one that you will still like looking at the rear of after 80 levels it is as simple as that , i tend to go for female alts for that reason and for the fact the females tend to be smaller so easier to see around them.

Edited, Aug 18th 2009 4:08am by sandralover
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