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My last PUGFollow

#1 Aug 05 2009 at 12:15 PM Rating: Good
189 posts
My general rule of thumb is "just say no to pugs." I have broken this rule from time to time, and about half of those times I have such a bad experience that I swear off pugs again for a while. This is my latest story.

My 72 feral/resto dual-spec druid was running around doing a cooking daily and kept hearing someone shout for a healer for regular UK. I've been in UK 3 times before, as exploratory episodes, but have witnessed the first boss fight (and not much beyond it). I have fairly lousy gear for a level 72, but since the person kept asking for a healer I figured I would offer up my services and see if they were interested.

I sent the person a whisper and told them I don't have much spell power (a little over 600 in tree form) but that I was resto specced and I would be willing to try to heal them. I also told them I don't know the instance very well. They were eager to run and so they accepted me into the group.

The group consisted of a 75 hunter, a 74 death knight (tank), a 71 death knight, a 72 death knight, and me (72 druid). I check the map and they are scattered to the four corners, so I begin running to the keep. The tank dies while roaming the wilds of Grizzly Hills and is gone afk for some 10 minutes. The hunter is bored and so begins dueling the lower level DK's and myself (in resto spec and gear). He is quite pleased with his successes, and lets us know it.

I am just about to drop the group because of the dead tank's absence when he finally returns and we summon him to the keep. More dueling ensues. /sigh

I have to ask the DK tank if he intends to tank in unholy presence or if he will switch to frost. He switches to frost. Yay! I buff us up and in we go.

After every pull, they check damage meters. I mean every...single...pull. Granted, the tank was taking a very long time between pulls despite me being full on mana. The others urge him to pull faster, and when he doesn't, the 72 death knight starts pulling (in blood presence).

Prior to us getting to the first boss I died twice. With all of the dps fighting for damage meter supremacy, aggro was flying all over the place. I should have let them die, but I wanted to try and keep us all going so I'd throw down healing and then get aggro and get killed. My bad, I know. When we got to the first boss, nobody seemed interested in breaking the ice blocks so lots of folks were taking heavy damage. I battle rezzed the tank once when he died (I swear he took a massive burst of damage, not sure where it came from), but two of the dps died in the battle. I barely managed to escape without dying. We beat the boss, and I rezzed the two fallen toons. Lucky for me, the boss dropped a nice caster item and I got the need roll.

After that, the group quickly broke up. I wonder if it wasn't in part because two of them died in the fight (okay three if you count the tank, but he was standing at the end of the fight). Not that I'm complaining. It was not going to be a successful group I don't think. I can't wait for our small guild to get 5 folks on at the same time and give it a shot. We have had some fun instance runs leading up to northrend.

So, now I've sworn off pugs for a while. What's your latest pug story?
#2 Aug 05 2009 at 1:14 PM Rating: Good
7,732 posts
I don't join a full PuG group on my main anymore. I only go if at least 1 guildie is going, preferably more, this can be waived it is people I have played with before.

I do PuGs on alts. My warrior had been doing Gnomer with out any OMGWTF moments. Just minor scrubitude.

My priest has been healing Cyrpts and stuff lately and has had issues with death knights that want to tank but aren't the tank. I just let them die and don't really worry about it to be honest.

I did join a fail VoA10 though. First the OT was just bad. Then we tried to solo tank it, which was cool except the shammy healer was way under geared. So it was basically just my healer healing. I mean the guy is great and all but he can only do so much. The run ended in fail. Then we did some arena matches. Much more successful there.

idiggory wrote:
Drinking at home. But I could probably stand to get laid.
#3 Aug 05 2009 at 2:24 PM Rating: Good
I pug all the time. I figure I can stick with a small group of skilled people, or go out there and find more skilled people. Sure some are horrible, but I've met a lot of good folks too who I'd have never known if I stayed guild-exclusive.
#4 Aug 06 2009 at 12:10 AM Rating: Excellent
140 posts
I usually steer clear of PUGs myself but from time to time when I am bored and noone else is willing to come to a heroic (I am sure with the emblem change this won't be the least for a little while anyway) I will join one. The last one that I was in the DPS (fresh 80s learning a new class) was a little low at times but the healer and tank were good and all knew what they were doing so we got through it pretty easily.
#5 Aug 06 2009 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
533 posts
I was thinking of this whole "to PuG or not to PuG" debate over the weekend.

Against my better judgment I hopped into a HoL PuG on Saturday night as healer.

I am not sure if subconciously I wanted to punish myself, but in the end (the point at which I threw up my hands and smashed my face on the keyboard) I had received a sizable repair bill and a fresh loathing for DKs (why are pressences so HARD to figure out?!).

TLDR: I ran with a PUG and all I got was this lame t-shirt repair bill.
#6 Aug 06 2009 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
513 posts
I must be one of the few ppl who really enjoys pugging, even the crap ones. If nothing else watching failure can be hilarious and finding great tanks is always a plus. Nith rarely gets to tank even though I advertise I'm a tank. They always take me as resto.

Stupid dps always get left for dead. The trend I'm noticing now is not that people are necessarily bad, but if there is one wipe, no matter the reason, people just bail. WTF is up with that?
#7 Aug 06 2009 at 11:20 AM Rating: Good
189 posts
Xenexia, I think that may have been what happened in this instance, too. I'm not entirely sure. When it hit home that it wasn't going to be a walk in the park to get through the instance, people bailed on the group.

I've had some fun pugs in TBC, but this was my first try at a pug in Wrath, and it was not a pleasant one. My preference is to run with guildmates, and since I have a bunch of questing ahead of me that normally keeps me busy if they're not around, so I rarely pug these days.

Who knows, maybe I'll give it a shot again soon. We'll see. /salute!
#8 Aug 06 2009 at 11:43 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Dosgamer wrote:
a 74 death knight (tank)
The tank dies while roaming the wilds of Grizzly Hills

How? My Death Knight died twice from Borean Tundra to Zul'Drak and both times to another player. Seriously, if you die while questing as a Death Knight, you should be ashamed of yourself.

My latest PUG story involves a level 71 DK tank who died in three hits (he had decent gear so I was confused as hell and started doubting my healing abilities) due to red armor. A Warrior who kept pulling aggro. Two Mages who would polymorph the same target and then remove polymorph by using Blizzard/Flamestrike on the pack.

Death Knight ported to repair, Mage ported to repair. Second Mage left because he didn't understand a word English or because he had the mental capacity of a three-year-old and thus believed the group split up.

I spent an hour and 40 minutes getting to the final boss in Utgarde before the DK tank bailed and I decided to bring my own DK and be done with it.

For comparison, the BE guy you have to kill after taking out the double-pull of trash, right? We did him in one minute and 59 seconds. My record is 39 seconds.

Fail tank + fail DPS = fail PUG.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#9 Aug 07 2009 at 8:30 AM Rating: Good
513 posts
My latest PUG story involves a level 71 DK tank who died in three hits (he had decent gear so I was confused as hell and started doubting my healing abilities) due to red armor. A Warrior who kept pulling aggro. Two Mages who would polymorph the same target and then remove polymorph by using Blizzard/Flamestrike on the pack.

I would have been rolling on the floor in tears over this. I really need to play on your server. You have some of the best horror pug stories.
#10 Aug 07 2009 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Xenexia wrote:
My latest PUG story involves a level 71 DK tank who died in three hits (he had decent gear so I was confused as hell and started doubting my healing abilities) due to red armor. A Warrior who kept pulling aggro. Two Mages who would polymorph the same target and then remove polymorph by using Blizzard/Flamestrike on the pack.

I would have been rolling on the floor in tears over this. I really need to play on your server. You have some of the best horror pug stories.

I'd be laughing if it wasn't so consistent, too.

I'm going to Fraps a PUG one of these nights and show the world just what I'm dealing with. Seriously. And who the hell invites me to a group, asks me to tank, then invites a Prot Warrior, a Hunter and a Death Knight? You'd assume the answer would be 'a healer', but noooo.. it's a ROGUE!

Behold, stupidity in excess.

And upon being confronted with the awkward dilemma of having two tanks and no healer, he told us that we could easily do Nexus without a healer, because having an off-tank would spread out the damage enough for me to heal and tank at the same time.

Apply wall to face in a swift motion.

Smiley: banghead
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#11 Aug 07 2009 at 12:47 PM Rating: Good
189 posts
Honestly, Mazra, I don't know how the DK died in Grizzly. He was dead when I joined the group. I wondered how he died as well, since I took my DK through there and did not have any issues. Cest la vie.

When a pug goes well, it's greatness. Five random individuals coming together and working like a well-oiled machine is a lot of fun. People do their jobs not because they are told to, but because they know how to. One pug in Shadow Labs was like that, and it was a great run to be sure.

Bad pugs turn me into a cursing, sweating monster. I look back and laugh, but when in the middle of a bad pug run I'm ashamed to be me.

But I love to tell stories, so they are good in that department. /salute!
#12 Aug 07 2009 at 1:29 PM Rating: Excellent
2,590 posts
Mazra wrote:
Xenexia wrote:
My latest PUG story involves a level 71 DK tank who died in three hits (he had decent gear so I was confused as hell and started doubting my healing abilities) due to red armor. A Warrior who kept pulling aggro. Two Mages who would polymorph the same target and then remove polymorph by using Blizzard/Flamestrike on the pack.

I would have been rolling on the floor in tears over this. I really need to play on your server. You have some of the best horror pug stories.

I'd be laughing if it wasn't so consistent, too.

I'm going to Fraps a PUG one of these nights and show the world just what I'm dealing with. Seriously. And who the hell invites me to a group, asks me to tank, then invites a Prot Warrior, a Hunter and a Death Knight? You'd assume the answer would be 'a healer', but noooo.. it's a ROGUE!

Behold, stupidity in excess.

And upon being confronted with the awkward dilemma of having two tanks and no healer, he told us that we could easily do Nexus without a healer, because having an off-tank would spread out the damage enough for me to heal and tank at the same time.

Apply wall to face in a swift motion.

Smiley: banghead

I think Nexus just brings out the bad in everyone. I'm refusing to run it on my Hunter now, after my Hyena tanked pretty much everything up to Ormorok. We had two ret pallies, one of whom reeeeeally enjoyed pulling (and was constantly begging for Kings but never blessed anyone himself), and one who was trying to tank but just didn't understand how to survive a boss's enrage. The discipline priest was at least casting shields up on everyone, but never even got to half mana--I don't know that class well enough to know if that's a bad thing or not. <.< It felt kind of like me and the Boomkin duoed most of the pulls. So...many...wipes...

I <3 chickendruids now, though. That knockback saved my butt a surprisingly high number of times.
#13 Aug 08 2009 at 1:12 AM Rating: Good
496 posts
Most of the time when I PuG it's simply because guildies are busy, and that usually ends up with one or two members of the group being very well geared (especially in the last few days) and the rest medium to crap.

But I had an excellent experience yesterday. What started out as me healing a quick daily H run turned into almost 6 hours of chain H's on both my healer char's with the mains and alts of one of the best guilds horde-side on my server. 2 runs through most of the more commonly done H's and even a run through Occ and HoS.

6k shammy dps no gimmicks or AoE as I'm sitting there waiting for my first HoT to run out and the pull is already over.

And then an ego-trip, 2 of the people in the run are the class leaders for their guild (druid and pally) and both of them complimented me in /w separately when I was on the class that they lead.

No doubt not that big of an accolade, but everyone should take note: Thank your healers, it's really nice to get a compiment now and then.
#14 Aug 13 2009 at 12:36 PM Rating: Good
513 posts
I always thank my healers when it't not me. Also the tanks. I've gotten more invites to groups from those people than i would have normally. But that might reduce the "bad pug" stories...hmmmmmm
#15 Aug 13 2009 at 3:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
Mazra's Guide to Bad Puggin':

Step 1: Open the Looking For Group tool and queue for a random instance. Click the Looking For More tab and browse through other LFG players until someone asks you to join a) the instance you queued up for, b) an instance not available to you, c) Gundrak.

Step 2: Accept all invites, unless the following is true: you are already in an instance group.

Step 3: Browse your group members.
- If there are more Death Knights present than the rest of the group members together (ie. three or more), stay in the group.
- If the healer is a Paladin in Outland gear, stay in the group.
- If the healer is a Resto Druid/Holy Priest, leave.

Step 4: Tell the group that you're close to the summoning stone and that you require the aid of one additional group member to summon the rest.
- If no one replies, stay in the group.
- If the group leader replies in any way, leave.
- If anyone else replies with anything relevant to your comment, leave.

Step 5: Do not remind anyone to repair or sell junk until after you've pulled the first group of mobs.

Step 6a: Ignore the whispers of guild invitations from the group leader.
Step 6b: Accept the invitation to the guild master's guild, but only if the name of the guild makes you cringe.

Step 7: Tell the Mage to stop auto-following and wait for him to post Recount data from another instance.

Step 8: Ask the Paladin, for the sixth time, to buff the party.

Step 9: Ask the Warlock to write in English. Ask him again. Tell him. Ignore him.

Step 10: Leave the group, but make sure you time it so you do it only just before your head explodes. Maximum profit.

Step 11 (optional): Add everyone to ignore, then realize your ignore list is full. Queue for a random instance and find the group leader of your previous PUG with the Looking For More option. Whisper him for an invite.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#16 Aug 16 2009 at 2:25 PM Rating: Default
the only thing that really bugs me in pugs anymore is when dps refuses to watch their threat, wrath has given tanks alot of threat generation but at the same time people pushing the limits on dps atm are starting to creep up to us (melee aoe especially), i usually mention 3 times to watch threat, and after that if they keep doing it i just let them tank it and pick it up when/if they die, i know enough about my 2 tank classes to survive through boss fights with limited heals so it doesnt effect me either way

gone are the days of beeing a dps requiring intelligence it seems /sigh, with wrath any threat issue is blamed on the tank, which usually gives me a hefty lol along with any guildies i might have with me, but no one watches threat anymore, they pull threat, they die, they qq about the tank once they realize their dead and finish their button mashing sequence, or qq about the healer, one or the other
#17 Aug 17 2009 at 11:38 AM Rating: Good
Ghost in the Machine
36,443 posts
The worst part about AOE tanking is when you fail to keep aggro from that Bladestorm Warrior (no threat reduction, massive AOE burst) so he dies and then everyone blames you for not doing a proper job of tanking.

You try to explain to him that rushing into mobs and using an ability that generates upwards of 110% of my threat on every mob nearby is bad. You tell him to relax a little and maybe count to five before rushing in. He /lols at you, tells you to l2p, agrees to wait 5 seconds before rushing in (usually only because the healer sides with me), rushes in after 2 seconds, dies, tells you in not-so-nice words how incompetent he finds you, leaves the group and pulls his sub-par tag-along friend with him.

Story of my life, seriously.
Please "talk up" if your comprehension white-shifts. I will use simple-happy language-words to help you understand.
#18 Aug 17 2009 at 1:32 PM Rating: Good
189 posts
The one thing that bugged me the most when I was tanking on my warrior was dps that would aoe before I had a chance to pick up aggro on multiple mobs. Some folks just don't have the patience to count to 5, or they're worried that they won't be at the tip-top of the dps meter or something if they hold off those precious few seconds before they unload their aoe's. I always figured you're more likely to top the dps meter if you're alive to do damage, but that's just me.

And my latest pug story...

Last night I joined a For The Alliance! pug raid on my 80 death knight. I haven't ever been a part of a city leader raid, and wanted to see what it was like. I immediately got invited to the raid group (there were all of 2 groups formed up at this point, i.e. 10 people) while recruiting continued. I sat in Dalaran for the next 75 minutes while they continued to recruit. My bad for not leaving earlier, but I wanted to see Thrall bite the dust. Finally, we get a full 8 groups and we meet up outside of Orgrimmar to buff up. Two of the five people in my group are in Wintergrasp. I don't know how many others were not with us, but we did have a good sized crowd.

We ride into Orgrimmar and don't stop until we get to Thrall's chamber, dragging a ton of guards with us. Lorjin knows some powerful frog mojo, I tell you what! I spent most of my time as a frog looking for flies. After more than a minute of fighting Thrall I think the main tanks had fallen, as I wound up with aggro. I switched stances and managed to take a few blows, but since I wasn't a designated tank (I was dps) the heals didn't come fast enough to save me and I died. During the run back they downed Thrall (no credit for the kill, dangit) but when I got to the throne room it was a madhouse of Horde players demolishing the remnants of the raid. I stupidly rezzed (didn't want to run back to a spirit healer) and got creamed again. So I took the 25% item penalty and rezzed at the spirit healer. It was late for me at that point, and many of the raiders were disbanding, so I took my leave. I was 15 gold the poorer for my repairs and no achievement, but at least I got to see Thrall in action.

Hopefully I'm a little wiser in the future. Live and learn!
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